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File: IMG_5165.jpg (2.32 MB, 4032x3024)
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Made these in the ward (over 180 days in total now) after tracing and recanting some sand monkey looking scrawlings like three times. after tracing and recanting some sand monkey looking scrawlings like three times.
less makey threads more takey meds
well at least you're drawing
Anons of /ic/. You are drawing more than this actual schizo, aren't you.

These are quite good anon, and I think I get what you're going for with these, but I think you should still take your meds.
You are not crazy, everyone else is. I experienced this myself and know how society is.
i don't know why /ic/ has the most schizos per capita on this site
the arts (""""""""""arts"""""""""") attract the unwell. either that or people get so mindbroken over realizing how hard it is to draw so they do shit like this, or turn out like howie, or 6-month-schizo

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