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I want to draw pretty girls and sex lke the best to ever do it. How fast can i achieve this?
i fucked your mom
hey thats not nice.
im sure you guys get this all the time but i swear im committed and im gmi
Post some of your work, and we will give you an estimated time frame.
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I dont draw. I drew picrel (with my finger) and it reminded me how much i liked the idea of drawing. I know a lot of basic terminology but never made it past that point. This time is different i sweaw..
Kim Jung Gi is a glorified doodler. You people worship him like he's the greatest artist to ever live but his art is just noise. Like, where's waldo tier shit. So whenever someone shits on me here I just remind myself that you think this is the pinnacle of artistic abilities.
>draw pretty girls and sex lke the best to ever do it.
He's a great artist but not erotic enough.
Name a better artist.
If you really drew that with your fingers for fun, then you can easily do some fine coom doodles, faster than you think. Just focus on the basic shapes and figures. Coom shit is great to get into gesture, and art drawing. It's all about curves, rounded shapes, flesh movement, expression, coom gives you all of that. Prudes who can't into coom hinder themselves sometimes irremediably.
does /ic/ have a consensus on the best gesture recourses?
I don't think so, everyone seems to have their own interpretation of gesture that works for them so you'll have to just find the one that works for you or the closest thing
I'm more impressed by his body. He looks buff
boomers always have big forearms
has anyone ever seen a bad or maybe old bad kim jung gi drawing
even shit from when he was 17 is good it pisses me off
i've only seen him make a mistake ever in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBTIG_gNlz0&pp=ygUTa2ltIGp1bmcgZ2kgbWlzdGFrZQ%3D%3D
he does?
He may be short, but I've seen other pics of him where his delts were pretty well defined. It's clear he works out
>he works out
anon, I...
so how fast could i start drawing some serious shit.
Dude speedran his own life.
>present tense
just fucking stop

goddamn idiot boomers too dumb to see a cardiologist and keeling over before they're even 50
>then you can easily do some fine coom doodles
Seriously how could someone with such profound artistic skill have so little to say? The vast majority of his work was meaningless flexing
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Murata Range, easily. He has a unique style despite being anime, especially when he is drawing adults instead of lolis (which is my only criticism of Range's work. He draws way too many lolis). He has more technical skill than Kim, he has better color theory, his style is more unique (kim is seriously just generic as fuck doodle style), Murata has a far better sense of character design and fashion. In fact, Kim's characters are either spaceman, school girl, or samurai. that's it. Murata creates entire worlds with his designs and his fashion design is actual unique fashion instead of dude in jumpsuit or guy in samurai armor. Murata is also better at drawing industrial design, his cars, bikes, airplanes, and other industrial design work is flawless technically and often are brand new designs rather than generic military hardware like Kim draws. Murata can sketch, ink, AND render like nobody else while Kim can only do rough colors at best and his color work isn't' exactly that great. Murata's colors are vibrant and used intelligently.

If it weren't for the lolis though. So many fucking lolis. Then again, Kim draws a loottttt of school girls as well but they are more 16 year old rather an 10 like in Murata's work. It's just an asian thing.
His doodles look better than commissions I've spend long hours on. This "just noise" looks really appealing and his drawing speed is amazing. Learning to draw that quickly would basically increase my hourly rate by tenfold.
You have no taste at all. Generic military equipment and samurai is as bland as you can get. Just like this anon says >>7440590 it doesn't matter how quickly you can draw when you're shit is just boring as fuck doodles. There's no appeal to it at all, Kim has the aesthetics of a highschool art student. He doesn't know how to paint and his art is extremely limited to that empty, soulless excessive detail to the point it just blends together. His characters are absolutely hideous and the anatomy is terrible, hidden behind "muh style." If you take out an individual figure from the mess that are his doodles, they are incredibly fucked up. Heads will be huge, legs too short or too long, and the perspective will be all wrong. There's no precision in his work at all and you're just meant to be impressed by how much shit is shoved on the page.
>his drawing speed is amazing
Imagine being impressed by this, literal normie take
You think if he took a long break he would have lived longer? Real tragic he died of a heart attack for being not that old.
could have. yoshifumi kondo also died of the same thing from drawing too much. even if you are having fun you gotta pace yourself.
>I'm not a normie
>i'm impressed by rendered anime instead
looks like ai slop
I'm irrationally angry at him for dying of diabetes. Why did he have to drink so much soda
He had a heart attack right around covid. He probably took the fucking vax
Everyone took the vax, I took it three times, and I haven't been sick for years. (Not the phizer neither moderna tho, those are the evil ones). KJG had a very unhealthy life, if you followed his live streams, you could tell that the way he punished his body had to have an unavoidable crash eventually. There are people who get destroyed with just one long flight, this guy jumped from plane to plane, from Paris to NY, and it wasn't for leisure, the guy couldn't stop working all the time. He had no life other than drawing and performing events all over the world, non-stop.
He was basically a performing seal. Quite sad really. I wonder if he truly enjoyed that life or if it just became all he could do - drawing as a circus trick
he is a doodler because thats enough. he calculates perspective in his head and memorizes every bone in human body as well as every part in a car. he doesnt sketch because its all in his head too.

thats why it looks like he is doodling
yes quite sad he was doing what he loved, to be admired and loved by peers and fans, rubbed shoulders with the likes of otomo and murata, organized his own team of super artists, traveled around the world and got paid loads of money while doing it too

Cringe man, I hope you're just trolling because if that's unironic, damn you're a weird sad dude
You know what I meant you absolute autist. Whether he might have just wanted to sit down and work on his own art for a while, out of the public eye instead of drawing as a performance
You're a weird sad dude
He's dead and I'm not so I win
Nah, he died because of the vax. I bet the same thing happened to Kentaro Miura. Both got that boostie heart boom boom.
I agree. Looking at him draw is more cool than seeing the finished product. Its mostly just thought vomiting.
He was literally addicted to soda, reportedly they placed a bottle of soda on his grave because he loved it so much. I wish I was joking

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