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The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work. That said, everyone is welcome here.

Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.
Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).
Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.

Previous thread: >>7426058

Some resources:
/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asg

Understanding Comics
Making Comics
Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga
Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting
Even a Monkey Can Draw Manga
The Shonen Jump Guide to Making Manga

Habanero Scans: https://www.dailymotion.com/HabaneroScans/videos
Full MANBEN Series link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0GiIM_rGEGPjTGQ4HadH4eizLu5E49Tz&si=gpRcOXt_H1l3shNF [Note: Videos appear to be taken down at the moment - check Habanero]
Urasawa Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkIFOAoFm47XOAlJwTa6Ieg/videos

Source of OP image is The Heroic Legend of Arslan Chapter 50 Page 24.
Some western / indie publishers of Manga:

Saturday AM ( https://www.saturday-am.com/ )
> Digital indie magazine, seems to be on the up-and-up
> Open submissions for long-form series; also distributes series currently being published elsewhere.
> Regularly publishes one-shots, making it a good potential outlet for already-finished work.

Oni Press ( https://onipress.com/ )
> Technically indie, but at this point large enough by comic standards to be mentioned in the same breath as other publishers.

Antarctic Press ( https://antarctic-press.myshopify.com/ )
> Longtime large-indie publisher of OEL / manga-esque books.
> Seemingly taking submissions at present if http://www.antarctic-press.com/html/submissions.php is anything to go on.

Yen Press ( https://yenpress.com/ )
> Started out as a small indie publisher of original / Korean material, and has grown reasonably popular since.
> As of 2016, it is also one of the western arms of the Kadokawa Corporation, with Kadokawa owning a 51% stake.
> Editorial inquiries can apparently be sent to yenpress@yenpress.com, however, they apparently are not open to new submissions at this time.

Viz Media / Viz Originals ( https://www.viz.com/originals )
> *The* western manga publisher.
> Currently in the exploratory stages of setting up an English label.
> Submissions are open and several books have been announced. However, progress on the label seems to be moving very slowly.
> Still might be worth a shot anyway.

Shrine Comics ( https://shrinecomics.com/ )
> Small indie manga publisher
> Seemingly attempting to make the transition to physical volumes
> Allows crossposting to other sites

Iconic Comics (https://www.iconiccomics.com/)
>A bit like Oni Press and Antarctic Press
>A small publisher with a focus on indie works with manga inspiration
Other open comic publishers:

Dark Horse ( https://www.darkhorse.com )
>Dark Horse still welcomes your submissions, and all submissions will still be reviewed, just as they always have been.
>All unsolicited story/series proposals must have a full creative team on board. Writer-only proposals will not be reviewed.

Image comics ( https://imagecomics.com/ )
>Image Comics only publishes creator-owned material. They do not contract creators; they’re only interested in publishing original content for which you would retain all rights.
>Image Comics publishes creator-owned/creator-generated properties and THEY DON’T PAY PAGE RATES. Image takes a small flat fee off the books published, and it will be the responsibility of the creators to determine the division of the remaining pay between their creative team members.

Drawn and quarterly ( https://drawnandquarterly.com/ )
>Please email a low resolution PDF with at least 20 pages of comics and cover letter to submissions. Do not send dropbox links, scripts, or proposals. Please read our submissions FAQ.

Fantagraphics ( https://www.fantagraphics.com/ )
>submission page: https://www.fantagraphics.com/pages/faq

Top Shelf Productions ( https://www.topshelfcomix.com/ )
>Regarding submissions, we're easy. Just email us a download link of what you'd like us to review. NOTE: We cannot accept cover letters, plot synopses, or scripts unless they are accompanied by a minimum of 10-20 completed pages (i.e., fully inked and lettered comic book pages).

Additional publisher lists:
> https://jasonthibault.com/definitive-list-comic-publisher-submission-guidelines/
> https://writingtipsoasis.com/best-independent-comic-book-publishers/
Current Contests:

Silent Manga Audition 22 "Seized With Rage":

Worldless World Manga Contest:

Global Comics Awards 2024:

Webtoons 2025 Contest:


/mmg/'s very own anon-led anthology: /ic/onography
(Anthology project is defunct but the discord is alive)

Additional community added Resources:
Mangafonts: https://mangafonts.carrd.co/
Hiro Mashima YT: https://www.youtube.com/@mashimaCh/videos
Ganmo, a job listing board for manga assistant work: https://ganmo.j-comi.co.jp/posts

How (You) can help /mmg/:

> Know about a contest or a publishing opportunity? TAG THE OP and post a link.
> Have a new resource? TAG THE OP and link / mention it for inclusion.
> Have a link / DL for a mentioned resource? TAG THE OP and mention what you're supplying a link for.
> SCREENSHOT / PASTEBIN effortposts that help you for posterity.
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>Saturday AM
avoid if possible
by the way, can i post in this general if i dont take inspiration from manga exclusively?
>manga-style illustration and related comic work. That said, everyone is welcome here.
>drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.
How dare you chud. Everyone knows the best stories are proud POC stories
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Happy new years /mmg. I got about 50 pages of my scifi romcom cosmic crush pencilled out now, but only 8 total finished. I'm going to start publishing new pages by the end of the month. I wanted to do the whole thing in color but after update #3 I'm gonna go to straight black and white.
Color makes each page I make take 2-3 times as long, and I'm not that good with color so my black and white pages look better anyway. I also redesigned the male MC alien prince so he's cooler and has more edge and isn't just a wojakfaced floppy doof like in the original concept. My goal is to make him the Edward Cullen of aliens+ give him slight gundam pilot MC vibes. In the meantime, here's a panel of Penny from the next update. Stay tuned.
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>Ganmo, a job listing board for manga assistant work: https://ganmo.j-comi.co.jp/posts
I am building a portfolio to apply for this.
But one thing just came across my mind.
Do Japanese manga artist think using 3D ruler count as cheating?
I am aware that having ability to draw very quickly is an essential requirement for a manga assistant, hence why I try to utilize this tool to speed up my drawing process.
However, I am a bit paranoid that they might get upset and disqualify me for not possesing any mastery in basic perspective drawing.
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I had not been able to continue with my oneshot because of work in December but I hope to be able to draw more regularly now.
I drew the stairs poorly, I will focus on learning prespective.
why does every manga community consistently have people who endlessly ask retarded questions
>manga making general
I'm making my manga right now
This movie was an awesome account of the last samurai Saigō Takamori and his rebellion. It gets a bad rep but it's actually quite good.
It depends on the author, anon. You're just going to have to apply to stuff and see what they say.

Why do you post something along these lines every thread?

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