Take this with a grain of salt as I came up with this sort of plan today while showering.basically, steps:> Draw a picture from imagination> Isolate the worst areas> Do studies of such areas> Do the picture again> Repeat until the picture looks decentHow can it be improved?
>inb4 pywI did this from imagination an hour ago to start testing my planThe only problem is that since there are so many "worst areas" i dont know wich to isolate lel
>>7442217Drawing from imagination is actually pretty easy if you decided to construct rather than to just freehand it.
>Do studies of such areasHow? It's from imagination, not all of the areas might exist irl
>>7442231Depends on the subject i supposeYou can construct a wheel easily with a cylinderbut people are more complicated>>7442276Using something thats close enough maybe?
>>7442303Yeah its not that simpleI couldnt even draw a torchic from imagination up above :I
I'm afraid only aphantasiacs can learn to draw from imagination, as oxymoronic as it might sound...
>>7442321You will see instant improvement when you copy a Torchic from reference, then draw another one from imagination. You can definitely recognize a Torchic, but your memory of Torchics is more wishy washy than you thought. I'd mess up a Torchic from imagination, too, would get that fuzz around its neck mixed up and not remember whether it had tiny wings in addition to the fuzz, or not.
>>7442219start with the placement of features on the face. I can see you've tried to construct under it, but your construction was rushed and useless. find a better method. slow down.
>>7442429Yep, I completely failed the feather crest. Which means I will copy a Torchic next, but not in the sense of copying it line by line, but moreso identifying the pieces that make a Torchic a Torchic. Memory requires attention, so I will memorize things such as the number of toes or how the feather crest is attached, then there's no more guessing it wrong.
My own creativity grind:https://youtu.be/1OSWR7xiQLk?si=kP0q41X8Y-14YwlI
>>7442463So here's some lousy copies and..
>>7442506... then I covered the copies and drew one from fresh memory, now more sure about e.g. the number of toes. Yes, I should have moved the legs further back. Turns out, I don't yet know what shape the crest is supposed to have in 3D, so the next logical step would be to look at 3D models of Torchic to find the official answer. I'd suspect it's the shape of three sunflower seeds, neither flat nor a cone. But I'm just some /beg/ way past my bedtime, and I suppose I've helped OP feel more certain about the approach as-is.