Why aren't you working on your dream of working at Studio Trigger, anon?
I don't want to work in animation but if I did I rather a studio that primarily does CGDCT shows
anime is cool. But I'd rather not work for absolute dogshit pay and insane hours
I would never dream of work, but very impressive to get a job at Studo Trigger
>>7442402yup. I'm passionate, but not 1 dollar per drawing passionate.
>>7442375Isn't it a requirement to know Japanese? I will never learn Japanese
>>7442433The needing to know japanese requirement has always been a joke
>>7442442How come? I always thought they were autistic about that, can't imagine they'd shell out for a translator considering how low the pay is for natives in the first place
>>7442447AI translation is ok
>>7442433>Isn't it a requirement to know Japanese?Plenty of western animators working in anime said on interviews that they use DeepL, they only know basic anime terms like genga and douga.The anime industry is growing exponentially and there's not enough animators in Japan to keep up with the demand, most Japanese animators quit in the first years to boot so they're outsourcing to foreign animators.Sometimes the Production Assistant know some English but most foreign animators only speak Mandarim, Korean, Hindi, Spanish...P.As don't even care if the foreigners can animate at all, only if they can draw in an anime style.>Picrel is relevant and an eye opener
>>7442375>Studio TriggerI'd rather work at Studio Orange
>>7442492So where's this skill test?
>>7442576JAniCA aka Japanese Animation Creators Association's website.
>>7442375>BacunDoes he have an art-related job now? I wouldn't be surprised, this kid is pretty talented and I'm mystified as to why he chose Newgrounds (which is a little past its heyday) as his home
>>7442492I saw in one anon's post a year or two back where he'd get offered for like 4000 yen for a few in-between animation cuts. Seems like a bit too low kek considering animation is a massive time sink.