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What do you do with the boxes?
>>7445920 (OP)
brushes or dip pen storage
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>>7445920 (OP)
I don’t have the slightest clue and they’re piling up.
drugs stash
>koi fish taablecloth
nice to know the japanophiles still exists in these lands and this comes from someone who personally hates anime with passion
>>7445920 (OP)
Gouache palette. Also have a small one where there is dried black and white gouache to make thumbnails quickly with a waterbrush.
You draw them.
beat me to it
>>7445920 (OP)
Keep the pencils inside? That's what they are there for.
Staedtler or Faber castell which one do you like more?
Good idea, anon.
Quality-wise they're about the same for sets, the big difference is Staedtler lead is smooth whereas Faber Castell lead is grippy, you can feel the difference on the paper if you compare it. I prefer smooth lead but it's a matter of taste.

Staedtler's big selling point though is when you buy open stock you're getting the same German pencils as in the tins, whereas when you buy FC open stock you'll often get Indonesian ones which have noticeably worse wood and lacquer.
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>>7445920 (OP)
What boxes?
>being a diginigger in 2025
I sure hope you guys don’t do this
>>7445920 (OP)
Draw them in perspective
Literally being a digitizer is feeding AI
>>7445920 (OP)
I keep pencils that I buy loose, why do you ask?
Really wish they made 2mm leads.
>hates anime with passion
Why are you even here?
you can poison AI scrappers with Nightshade.
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Why wouldn't you just buy loose pencils and refill one tin? Castell 9000s for sure are sold loose and in card boxes as well as the tins.
Castell 9000 loose pencils tend to be the Indonesian ones, the lead is the same but the wood casing is noticeably worse.

I do buy loose Staedtlers now, but OP was asking about the tins.
Can you differentiate between the two?
i gotten mislead by Brendaniel with his ''tales from 4chan'' series and i just kinda stayed for whatever reason, as a banner skeleton once said ''don't forget you're here forever''
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Staedtlers have noticeably smoother lead, FC lead is grippy and has noticeable friction on the paper. It's a matter of what you like. The wood casing is pretty comparable. The varnish on the German FC 9000s is superior, the letters won't start going until you've worn the pencil down to a nub anyway, meanwhile the letters on the Lumograph start going really quickly.

Unless you mean between German and Indonesian FC 9000 pencils, which is easy. All else aside the German pencils always say 'Made in Germany'. The lead is definitely the same, I can't tell a difference. The varnish and casing are worse so the Indonesian pencils start looking beat up pretty quick and are a bit harder to sharpen.

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