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Want to learn something new?

The /int/ Wiki is a language learning guide created by /int/ users like you.

Cultural resources:
Cross-cultural etiquette guide
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carberg edish
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based woman
i hate manoids
If Farage gets a seat then we will literally be living in a 1:1 recreation of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, the guy is literally Palpatine irl trying to disguise himself as a normal old man and eventually shows his true colours and turns the country in to a fascist state
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Grenfell Tower Irish diaspora lived alongside their Carribean Commonwealth brothers and my how they were happy
excellent bait but you overdid it

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Edição agro
Anterior: >>199252097
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É sempre interessante visitar o /bra/ de vez em quando. Quem porras é Uchida? Por que ninguém dá (You)s pra responder?
de onde você tirou isso? como assim seis vezes mais?
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Why are the Dutchies like this?
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meanwhile in the west if you're accused of blasphemy (questioning the Big Lie) you are sent to jail for 20 years to be raped to death by shitskins

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Mit der Klarer durch die /nachtschicht/

Verliererausgabe für die Ösis auch zudem
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*geht zielbewusst und leise zum letzten Pfosten im Faden und legt sich hin*
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*pfeift bei jedem Ösi-Pfosten*
bin unironisch rechtsextrem durch das spiel geworden
war vorher sozi
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Total Eastern "European" Death.
Kill Eastern "Europeans"
Behead Eastern "Europeans"
Roundhouse kick an Eastern "European" into the concrete.
Crucify filthy Eastern "Europeans"
Slam dunk a slavic baby into the trashcan.
Defecate in a baltoid's food.
Launch balkanoids into the sun.
Judo throw a Pole into a wood chipper.
Twist a Romanian's head off.
Crush Ukranians in a trash compactor.
Stomp Latvian skulls with steel-toed boots.
Lobotomize Estonians.
Mandatory abortions for Lithuanians.
Grind all slavic children in the garbage disposal.

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Based. Btw belarus is west asia
Go on
Romania is in sub-saharan africa but ok
also Bomb Moscow
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You reek of analbanian shit and buthurt.
i am central European

stop being uneducated moor

imagine having a daughters
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I have a daughter and she's kinda messed up in the head like me and I'm afraid she's going to kill my wife so she can take her place
think it's bad? now imagine several daughter
For my luck, my first child is a boy

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Shartnited Shartes of Shartmerica
Will the real slim sharty please shart up please shart up

Y'all act like you never seen a white person before (huh? in america?)
Shart all on the floor like mutts, like cops burst through the door
and started wooping black ass worse than before
the first mexican whore, wss thrown back over the wall (Ayy dios mio!)
It's the return of the- Oh wait no way he didnt just shart where I think he did, did he?
And Harambe said- Nothing you idiots Harambe's dead, he's locked my hunting shed (haha)

Colonist fat men are the créme de la créme
chika-chika-chilled-sneakers, I'm sick of em, look at em, walking around, in-doors with chilled shoes on the floors
dragging the poop from outdoors
wallmart shartshit so coarse
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great posts bros
I'll bash all your heads with a baseball bat and record it then go viral and marry Rebel Rhyder. I can fix her!

Who are you to question love? Is there a god? Do we even have free will? So what I want a wife I can make her swallow my pee them make her throw up!

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If you look to wiki pages of music genres it says a lot of modern music genres created between 1960-1990 and it started with Rock n Roll in the early 1950s. 80% of these genres came from either US or UK. Why Americans and British became culturally so creative after WW2? What caused to that? You can see the same in the cinema and literature too. There were almost no pop culture before WW2.
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Jazz is just southern wind country noises slowed down so yes
everything they stole was already part of white southern culture, its not like they just sprung up and learned shit, we all know niggers don't learn
Thank you Mr. Otis Redding!


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Niesamowicie rozpierdala mnie hipokryzja feministek, które kwiczą teraz, że Marsz Niepodległości odbędzie się w formie zmotoryzowanej.
muszę w to w końcu zagrać kurwa mać
jeszcze poiskę zrób cwelu na resory

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I’ll keep it short and sweet. Typically black guys are only capable of discussing pussy and money. I guess it’s because those are the only two things they don’t have easy access to. Additionally they’re always homophobic and generally ignorant af. The sad part is they don’t realize how boring and annoying they are. This is less true for rich African immigrants, but they mostly get sucked into it as well.
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blud u not on tha team bruh + ratio
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yeah, this is what low T does to a mfka lol
I'm sorry to hear that anon
Is it easy for a black guy in Canada to find non-black friends who don't treat him as a token or virtue sign?
Hope you find new friends
At least your average white zoomer does stuff. If you ask a black guy what he does on the weekend for fun, I guarantee he’ll tell you clubbing or some other activity where you can chase women. They’ll call any activity from laser tag, go karting to golf boring. Black dudes would rather go on «two man missions » or « run a train» with the honked than go to the beach. Even if they do go all they’ll do is ask girls for their Snapchat
>seething because people like different things
not only you're a nigger baboon you're also an autistic one at that
trying to get updoots from your white overlords nigger?

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jag har en teori om att vi lever på Saturnus och inte på jorden
jag har en teori om att du kan hålla käften nu
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>när man är tvungen knulla linnea istället för ludde
omg, Matgeek och sedan gick denna HUGE JUNGLE NEGRO KUK in i min snäva svenska fitta. kan du fan tro det?

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Murcia edition
Feetfag paradise subedition
Drank too much alcohol: >>199211428
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/med/ summer of thesis.

How well do you expect to ace it?
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georgianx are the easternmost medpipo
I repeated it once or twice walking around my room
We shall see, I think the discussion has minimal impact on the overall mark at any rate
>BLACK sea
you're people of color...
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I don't know who I am, but one thing for sure, I feel estranged.

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Aryan Ocasio Cortez edition
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I didn't quit nicotine but i did quit ciggies
I fingered my bumhole and then when I was going to smell it I noticed a wriggling worm on my finger and a few dead torn ones(?)
are smartwatches gay?
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>harm reduction standpoint

Bro lmao stop.

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Why are pro-Russia chud parties winning across Europe?
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Oh my Israel some whore saying chudic things like me It's total big deal
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Everyone is awakening to the need of absolutely obliterating Eastern "Europe", the more Eastern "Europeans" die the better the world becomes. Supporting Russia is a moral good because any war against Eastern "Europe" is morally good.
The "will of the people" is not wanting to work certain jobs
How can any anti immigrant right winger be prorussian? They literally weaponize migrants on their borders
>the line must go up
>nnnooo not like that

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