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I visited Zarqa once. It was basically Somalia-tier shithole. Ajloun, Jaras and Ramtha were much better. Explain, jords.
صباح العير
I moved there and made it shittier
No wonder it's a terrorist town. All terrorist towns are shitholes.
>وَمِمَّا يستملح من النَّوَادِر المقولة فِي نسب البربر قَول خلف بن فرج السميسير من شعراء الأندلس يهجو البربر

>(رَأَيْت آدم فِي نومي فَقلت لَهُ ... أَبَا الْبَريَّة إِن النَّاس قد حكمُوا)

>(إِن البرابر نسل مِنْك قَالَ إِذا ... حَوَّاء طَالِق إِن كَانَ الَّذِي زَعَمُوا)

*DING DING DONG* edition

old >>196476719
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If you think there are "goddesses" among women you probably still believe in santa claus.
Germany is a hellhole, because women hold important positions here and shill for their own kind, while men play games.
maybe the upcoming EU parliament election will fix it
this world only becomes more degenerate. i can fix this shithole planet, but i need loyal servants
not posting in pedo thread

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Which company's car do you have?
Of course, I have a Toyota.
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You're acting as 4L/100km is good, modern petrol cars can do 5 or even lower and an old diesel could do even a bit lower than 4.
>For that kind of money I can run a 20yo shitbox for half a decade.
unless you do work on cars yourself there's no way a 20 year old shitbox can be maintained for 400 euros over 5 years

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>AI comes out
>Jeets: This will help with my scams
>AI: https://vocaroo.com/1o9Usv9wY6aU
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Now THIS is what I call music not the pop garbage goyslop normies listen to with nonsense lyrics
Damn son that shit fire fr
The accent should be stronger

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>buying a bazooka at Walmart? okay
>paying a girl for sex? that's illegal! you're going to jail!

Why are American laws like this?
religious revival pushed for a lot of bullshit laws, which were not repelled because they became an income source for local police force, creating entrampments.
Here they tried to ban prostitution 30-40 years ago, the prime minister answered by saying if we ban it the masses will fuck us instead
A very perverse form of christcuckery, puritanism, that deseminated into secular cultural norms in large parts of the US

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It sucks that i haven’t been able to vacation in years because of college and work. most people spend their early 20s traveling and partying while i am stuck studying/working
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those people are likely rich and ride their parents money, I lacked that, and so do you, it sucks, but you have to suck it up. Even if you have money in your 30s-40s it will never come close to having fun in your 20s, even if you become a millionaire and save for a big vacation it will be too late, people will see you as some middle aged weirdo trying to act like he is 24
Some people are lucky some are not, I suggest you find a hobby or something and try to cope with that
last vacation outside of America was to japan and that was because my uncle is a marine(3years ago) and last vacation i went on was with my dad to vegas. I just see people spend their early 20s just being able to party and travel while i spend days on homework
maybe i am a exception
yeah your right sadly but it will still be fun and you will be able do more
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If you haven't figured how to travel on other people's money, you deserve to not travel at our age. I'm going to Chicago in June for a conference on a scholarship, Boston in July off some of my summer fellowship money, and SFO in October to another conference on a scholarship. I'm stingy and broke as shit eating off scholarship stipend money for most of the year otherwise.
When I travel, I fly budget unless I have the cash to splurge on a carryon and regular flight and stay in hostel dorms.
damn your lucky because i still take care of my dad because he got done with battling lung cancer

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Have you encountered the DoorJeet. For some reason, Saars crowd the doorway, making it difficult to pass through. I've experienced this multiple times at the airport. It's as if their pathfinding is malfunctioning. What causes this?
I dislike having to yell at them to clear the way. Don't they realize doorways are meant to be walked through?
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We have quite a bit of Chinese tourists and my work sometimes takes me to touristy places and believe me when I say they don't give two shits if they're in somebody's way

You seem like an absolute dick btw.
A lot the Punjabi students are skinny 6 frets
are you the buddhistjeet?

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Why is the Washington Regime like this?
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He’d never do that because he likely knows it’s career suicide. Like aren’t half of the presidential debates just the candidates announcing that they support Israel more than their opponents?
Why was the bill shot down then but now? What changed?
The cops were called at the request of the schools. Private universities have every right to close their spaces to any speech or activity they please. It's not a federal issue. Public ones can similarly close their spaces if people are using them in ways which interfere with their mission, same way you can't blast music in the street at 3AM.
The governor was encouraging it >>196496392
This dude is coping hard because his fantasy view of mighty USA is in fact run by some sand niggers in small caps.04pr

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Do you like London?
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I don't live in a big city.
Best city in Europe if you actually like doing things

It also has the best food in the world apart from new york
>weird doors with the knob in the center
What? Do they really
are you one of those "I hate all cities!!" kinds of guys

the food in london actually really disappointed me anon
rent is the biggest problem. You pay 1000 pounds to live like Harry Potter in an attic under a staircase

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voted for modi edition
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what will you do lmao? you will always be a poojet no matter how many discord and telegram groups you organize. try will all your might and you STILL will the most ugly, smelly, subhuman, inbred "creature" that will deserve nothing but death in the eyes of everyone on this planet
newfag detected, opinion rejected
kek the projection is off the charts
begone, randia shitter
What will YOU do? Fuck outta here man.
Sure, tell me the name
look in the archives, retard
I've better things to do than spoonfeed literal lockdown chamars

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Didn't they just import a shitload of SEAS to do menial labor jobs
Very much so, however people are not generally willing to accept that and hence they default to the us vs them mentality.
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>right wing white men when you tell them trannies will never be women
>right wing white men when you tell them they will never be japanese
I already have knowledge of this fate thats why we moved here in France and life is better
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anterior >>196479305
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Eu sei que você está de olho otakucel
Mande mensagem no whats dela. Envie: "Boa noite, Fulana. Gostaria de marcar um programa a tal hora por tal hora no dia tal. Você estará disponível?"
Mandei exatamente isso na única vez que fui. Aí peguei um Uber e fui no local e perdi o cabaço.
>esse post que era direcionado pro anão que queria perder virgindade com a gp
eu provaria xixi feminino sem pensar duas vezes se fosse fofinha
mulheres batem punheta com cabo de escova de cabelo/escova de dente/frasco de shampoo e outros cosmeticos
agr vc sabe

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Why aren't you a Catholic in your country, anon? It's the most glorious and beautiful religion there is. Besides being the true religion, of course.
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>Protestant has no benefits to single male
bro you can easily find devout virgin females in protie cults here
you just have to convert
>social and communal benefits
Catholicism doesn't have that, you're looking for Protestantism
I'm not personally Catholic, I just don't agree with some of their doctrine that they consider most important
But I probably respect them the most. They've guided the Church for 2000 years and I trust them to keep guiding it better than most of my fellow Protestant churches
>You must not follow what the bible says, you must follow what some latinx paedophile says
nice religion
Doesn't surprise me, I feel bad for the young weirdo though, he seemed decent.

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>*Duchy of Poland (960-1025)
>*Kingdom of Poland (1025-1569)
>*Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1569-1795) [the First Republic]
>*Second Polish Republic (1918-1939)
>*Third Polish Republic (1989-)
Poland is ONE.
The Polish NATION-state EXISTS and THRIVES.

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Then kick out globohomo and faggotry
Stolen German land
As long as PiS is above 30%, globohomo doesn't control Poland.
Poland was only good with a Lithuanian dynasty at the helm
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No. Poland is established on core Polish territory. I am as satisfied as possible. I would be orgasmic if we could also have Lwów, Wilno, Grodno etc. ALONG our post-war borders. But a man can't have everything.
that "lithuanian" dynasty ended on one representative - Władysław Jagiełlo - who consciously chose not to be a lithuanian statesman at all, by choosing the Polish crown over Lithuanian princeship or attempting for Lithuania to ever become a kingdom
his younger son and successor, Casimir IV, already didn't speak Lithuanian, I think

The Polish Golden Age, the reigns of Sigismund the Old and Sigismund Augustus (last Jagiellons), was characterized by total sidelining of lithuanianism. Lithuanian stopped even being GDL's service language - Ruthenian took hold (the majority of GDL's population were Ruthenians, however Ruthenian also stopped being GDL's service language by 1700, when GDL got almost fully polonized, I'm saying almost because the Lithuanian card was still played by mostly traitorous petty noble GDL landowners). Sigismund Augustus, the Polish King, formalized the Polish-Lithuanian Union, as the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, with Poland taking over the majority of GDL's territory and Sigismund Augustus simultaneously becoming the Grand Duke of Lithuania, thereby practically erasing separate lithuanian statehood

I would liken the Jagiellons to the House of Stuart but I think the Jagiellons were even less Lithuanian than the House of Stuart was Scottish (I think)

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