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Welcome to /3/ - 3DCG, 4chan's board dedicated to 3D imagery and modeling.

If you're reading this, you probably got this linked to you because you posted a question that has already been asked many many times. Read ahead, and find your answer.

Scroll down for a useful FAQ and resource links
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How do I find ambitious people that sculpt or model? Preferably even a friend group
The best would be one with connections
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I'm talking about the /3/kings one
did you get banned lmao
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ah, i think that might be the one the old /wip/ server moved to. i was never in that one, just the old /wip/ server. how bad is /3/kings?

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I've reached PS2 levels of SOVL.
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Good projection, chud. Repeat the words mentally ill over and over again until you become mentally ill from my godly presence which sends out an aura higher than your pleb existence.

/3/ chose me. I'm the front page of the board with my unique retro artstyle I worked towards.

You? You are nothing.

that's nice cris but i prefer the no talent schizo /3/ poster, apologies
ur a schizo attentionwhore, and ur 3d is extremely trash, to top it off
If it would be trash it wouldn't be praised everywhere on here. You are projecting, chud. And suffer from envy and jealousy

>If it would be trash it wouldn't be praised everywhere on here
kekmao, thanks for the laugh, it's praised due to it being mega trash
last (You), sorry, not sorry

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New Bimbo Muse just dropped.

Gooning to my Bimbo Muse wife while downloading CC.
>buy an ad
Sorry, already donated my savings to Bimbo Muse. God I love Bimbo Muse.
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ok bimbo muse. i might check you out later
If you have problems with importing animation then you mess up the process. This is why no one sells animations or animated models, the game engines works in different modes of operation. You should never assume you only need to animate, coding is also part of the job.

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yup, i've got a 3080 here and got a nice performance bump from it. if you've got projects running xpu, it's worth testing immediately.
re: stability, the beta i have is decent. COPs has crashed a few times, esp if i've tabbed away from the window and come back to it, but it's very usable overall.
i haven't spent too much time with the mpm stuff - honestly this version of houdini feels like the beginning of a shift towards gpu compute and i makes me want to go out and buy something with more vram and learn opencl.
vulkan viewport (both sops and lops) is on by default and has been rock solid.
recipes as well, just immediately useful - more useful than hda's arguably (they save as .hda files weirdly enough).
really exciting release t bh, just so much stuff that everyone's going to start using from day one.
also all nodes now have a completely new preset and example manager/option.
Great to hear, I appreciate the qrd. It feels like a bigger release than 20. I need to watch the Recipes and APEX HIVE videos, because I only have the vaguest idea how that stuff works.

I'm personally excited for the Solaris and Karma improvements since we've recently moved our pipeline over to that. I'm liking Karma quite a bit, and I think SideFX have done a good job advancing it in a relatively short period of time, considering how long renderers usually take to mature. XPU is really shaping up, and we've used it on a couple of simpler mograph type jobs so far. I think the plan is for it to eventually become the go-to primary renderer, with little reason to use Karma CPU. As always with the GPU stuff, VRAM is the biggest limiting factor. I'm hoping that nVidia will significantly boost the amount of memory on the next top end consumer cards.
oh yes yes yes yes, gotta eat, right?

are Houdini Bros getting jobs then or what?
>Recipes and APEX HIVE video
the recipes video is very funny because it's mostly an excuse for attila to talk about the, admittedly fantastic, data model they built to enable the recipe system.
recipes are basically just presets on steroids (node presets or full node-trees saved as presets) and most users will just interact with them by right clicking what they want and clicking one of the save recipe options and that's about it.
it's a big-brain talk for a feature meant for small-brain users (like me)
Yeah it's definitely a "what is bro yapping about?" type of video lool

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/wip/ - Works In Progress - High Level Edition

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>982476
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A real doll.
Where has all your Donuts gone?
Sorry I eated all he's donuts ;^w^
I brush zlove

Ok here's the score. i keep seeing users wish there was some board wide project to contribute to and ive figured it out. Pic related is Gauntlet legends(the expanded version ark legscy to be precise). if youre a zoomzoom and never saw it in an arcade ill explain:
it is a mechanically very simple game with characters that run around and beat up big hoards of spawning mobs. use special abilities collect treasure, use special items, fight bosses. its also a major collectathon. the mobs are mostly reskins of each other. the levels are very simple walk throughs with minor switch based back track puzzles.
the point is its a very acheivable game to remake mechanically.
my proposal to /3/ is that i will work on making the game work. /3/ can brainstorm new themes, characters, items, everything. anyone can drop in contribute what they want and drop out at their leisure. ill go into more detail on the structure and figure out a reliable file sharing method too.
its not 2004 anymore so were going to go bigger than midway did but also we can keep poly counts and intricate details very low. animations are also going to be super simple and very easy for a beginner to pull off. im in the midst of making charts to keep track of ideas and assets.
if no one else participates then im alreadybplanning to do it all myself. full disclosure: im a degenerate weirdo so if im left alone thats the direction im likely to go, but if people contribute and we want to make it more wholesome thats great. if theres a conflict we can fork the project and ill share my code and stuff with anyone who can prove they know what theyre doing woth it. eventually id like to make it so you can just drop in models into the right place and it will just work.
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What actual qualifications do you even have when it comes to programming?
If it's fucking nothing, you're just a shitty idea guy. People aren't going to rally behind some faggot with no competency. At that point it'd be just some anon making his lame ass "dream game" with free labor while he sits back and lets everyone else do the work.
Same goes with if you're just a shitty dabbler and never actually completed any game projects.
>"I'm still learning, but I imagine I'll get more skilled as time goes on!"
Cris here. I'll gladly join the team. The artstyle perfectly fits mine :)
my qualifications are that ive been learning to code for about 10 years and have already made several functional games. and of you paid 1% attention then youd see im putting myself as the opposite of the idea guy here. im willing and able to do that part no one wants to do which is the programming. i am inviting, not asking, anyone whod like to to contribute ideas or models to do so. strictly for fun. im also offering to share the code so if you wanted to take it and make your own thing you could.

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Hey anons, I'll be away from my PC for quite awhile and will have just my phone with limited internet. I've been trying to learn sculpting aswell as traditional 3d. I was just wondering if there was anything I could read or educational videos I could download to study while I'm away. I know the best practice is just doing it, but I'd like to keep 3d on my mind if possible. I already plan on practicing my 2D art skills. Pic semi related, a WIP from over a year ago (not many pics saved on my phone)
There are loads of books for whatever software you're using, presumably blender by your picrel, but also traditional art tutorials; lighting, scene composition, colour theory, anatomy, traditional sculpture etc, for 3d a functional knowledge of maths, especially geometry is useful for obvious practical reasons, but also to help visualise your process mentally, find some vids on YT and use a downloader or download pdfs of said books
Only boomers not use blender. Simple as.
You might as well read the anatomy for sculptors, it can't hurt
I guess outside of >>988948 I'm having a hard time finding pdfs/free versions. It makes sense since most tutorials are in video format though.

Which VR device has the most accurate/precise controller tracking for modeling in VR?
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because he got caught asking about a pen product that didn't exist so he doubled down
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How can you achieve the effect seen in games like Honkai Star Rail where characters' hair is semi-transparent, allowing their eyes to be visible?
Example pic
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It's never a easy solution, huh?
Aside from me crying, do you think someone could do this in like maya or some other tool like that? I'm guessing you'd have to write your own custom rendering engine to achieve the same results. Either that or use some custom shading.
It can be done in Maya, your over thinking on the basic principles for lighting and shading. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_x4sHWZqvg&t=574
There's no need for an entire offline renderer. Most rendering engines allow GLSL/OSL shaders
Since eevee doesn't have depth buffer manipulation in the default distribution blender users usually do this by making the front of the hair marginally transparent and the eyes death ray emissive. Emissive materials are generally used as a way to force shadeless looking materials in PBR scenarios.
Go learn japanese then read the many japanese books on this very technique Now go kys.

Blender General - Aren't all /3/ threads *really* about Blender tho edition

Previous: >>984313
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Blender finally fixed the rigid body simulation for 4.3.
Please recommend me some intermediate tutorials
every tutorial I've found is just the most basic beginner shit and I feel stuck
donut, then use the tools learned from that to create other things. Check out speed modeling timelapses on youtube.
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weird question but is there a way to inset without getting bending on certain center edges? or would i just have to correct them manually?
pic related

lookin' good brother
disregard, i'm probably going to set this up a different way

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So I am only a day old diving into Blender after 3 years of trying 3DS Max with no progress which is more of a skill issue on my end.

I am specifically wanting to model cars. I have something started but am not too happy with the outcome of the doors. I am starting with blueprints but still getting to grips with pretty much everything else.

What tips can you give an absolute noob when it comes to modelling?
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One piece of advice off the top of my head? Don't use Subsurface Modifier. It just turns your models into blobby pieces of shit, I never understood the general praise for it, there are some situations when it's quite useful but I see many people utilizing it as a be-all-end-all and I just diagree with them entirely, the use cases I found for it weren't that many

If this is your work I don't think it's a good technique the one you're using, what I would do instead is model the whole chassis from the get-go rather than each individual piece one by one, and THEN separate individual pieces where needed. The Inset Faces function is also quite handy, for instance to model the glass parts
Learn topology and edge crease, subdiv is perfect for hard surface.
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(temporarily moved back to 3ds max)
Welcome home

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>the secret to making low poly waifus is literally just having 10 years of drawing background and tracing over your drawings with vertices and cleaning them up after
yet another win for 2d
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>Why it’s not remembered by the Mega Man fans?
lol lmao, go to another thread lowpoly isn't for you.
You’re only liking the looks not the better opportunities and practice of low poly models. Did you really think Captcom would ever allow to spend alots of money on a game that would sell less. No, they won’t and it’s why you people won’t get one.
>*a lot of money
FTFY, be sure to check your grammar before talking shit
>You only like the aesthetic, not the ease of use and clarity
You what now? Crapcom wont release a low poly thing because just like every other infested AAA they are incapable of taking any risks or making anything thats not ultra normie realism graphics tm.

I am relatively new to blender, so its not the best thing in the world
it sucks, quit and go be a plumber instead
It looks great Anon
No. Your pipes will remain unfixed
She cute. Keep working and focus on the process, not the results

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I do illustrations like pic rel with the mesh tool in illustrator but it's extremely laborious and takes far too much time to flesh out one idea. I also hate illustrator's workflow, if you make one mistake you have to retrace your steps and it just chews up more time.

My illustration style may as well be 3d at this point but would it be easier in 3d? The mesh structure is practically the same, and lighting would be way easier.

Pic rel not my art I just dont want to dox myself by posting real art.
A lot of things are probably a lot easier to do with 3D tools at that point.
Haven't touched illustrator in decades but back then doing 2D vector looking stuff in max was a lot easier past the very basics.
animation, sliding pivots having all the animation constraints ability to key and animate materials and UV's etc.

Using a 3D app for vector 2D back then gave you a lot of additional functionality and ease of use.
Can't speak to illustrator as it exist today as I haven't touched it since probably ~98.
please stop the cringe bro please

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