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Welcome to /3/ - 3DCG, 4chan's board dedicated to 3D imagery and modeling.

If you're reading this, you probably got this linked to you because you posted a question that has already been asked many many times. Read ahead, and find your answer.

Scroll down for a useful FAQ and resource links
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I look at how complex this is at the high level and how much goes into it and I just get incredibly intimidated. I just feel like I'm not smart/talented enough to do this. Even though I took some intro 3d and animation classes and passed them I still feel like the high level professional stuff is just beyond my reach. Like I'm never going to be able to make something like pic related. I can't imagine myself being able to make something this good ever. I feel like I'm only good enough for retail work and anything too complex is outside my mental capacity. I don't know what the minimum IQ is for this work is but it's clearly way above me. It just looks so intimidating. I couldn't hack it with STEM which is why I went with a political science degree instead. I'm 27 now and I'm too old to learn. I still struggle with the UI of programs.
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Anon I've never made a 3d character just chairs and buildings but If you accept the challenge lets learn together what do you say?
Don't be afraid of polygons and pixels you faggot.
You sound like a pussy and your comment almost reads like it's AI generated. The jap who modeled 2B very likely had years of experience before him, he didn't get this good overnight. You gotta walk before you can run boyo. Just make some fucking models and you'll git gud eventually, chop chop, no more talking
Okay, making a couch right now.

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First attempt at rigging my first character...it's NOT looking good bros
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You did make sure to test this so that it goes into the hand when he grabs it behind right? It’s not going to look weird and stick out when pulling from shef.
you mean if i wanna animate him pulling the sword out that it looks ok when he raises his arm up there to unsheathe it? or what
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i tried to make him strike a pose, it's not great but not terrible for a first time model and rig i'd say
>no ik
lol, lmao
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Let's do this.

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Can someone tell me if the face rig control panel on the right is part of an addon I'm missing or if it's custom? This is all in Blender.
It's default, you can make bones look like anything.

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Previous: >>998835
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Did you rig the rat's pussy?
Are you animating the rat eating dickcheese?
It is wrong to make fun of your fellow thirdies, saar.
fair enough. same question for 3dcoat
there's rat porn all over this board. it's not a completely out of left field to ask if anon is gonna use the rat model for porn.

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/wip/ - Works In Progress - HO HO HO Edition

Brothers, the end of the year is nigh, may 2024 have been a productive year for you, and if not, may 2025 be the one. Amen!
Now please do go ahead and post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here, cheers friends.

Previous thread: >>998180
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There's a familiarity to his face, but I can't place it, because I hardly watch any movies or TV.
I recognize the fan art, but I won't say.
It's a nice sculpt regardless. It looks like a realistic dude.
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dammit anon
now she wont take it off
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forced myself to actually try to finish something for once and made Crona from soul either. still working on trying to do the who "anime shader" thing
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Also the introduction and guide's readme.txt link and images are broken.

I assume paid lessons have the advantages of showing the workflow, but I guess time-lapses also works?
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courses provide higher quality learning than free content from youtube. but there are places you can get a lot of courses for free (online courses club, rutracker, telegram groups). if you're gonna pay for a course, make sure it's something you actually want. specifically, is the artists style something you're really interested in? if so then it may be worth it.
also note that a lot of wingfox and coloso courses are in korean/japanese/chinese, and the subtitles are not always that great so can be difficult to follow. it's not much of an issue if you got the course for free, but if you're paying for it you'd expect actual good subtitles. it's honestly absurd how awful they can be at times.
i would not recommend courses from other sites like skillshare or udemy, those are often very basic or provided my amateur grifters, the quality of which will be no better than what you can find for free from youtube.
lastly, there are some courses that will use a base mesh or daz presets. these are definitely not worth your time. make sure they course will actually show you the process of sculpting the figure from the absolute beginning without making use of shortcuts that will teach you nothing.
>Anyone who suggests looking at unsafe social networks is probably going to scam you
one telegram group i've used is named course busters. it's absolutely not a scam.
Sounds like a scam affiliate, of course people will look at other people’s opinions and tell them which is a scam or not. Telegram is the only one that 100% scam people. Nothing can be proven, it’s like 4chan but without the mods. Discord without mods. Telegram users are leaving for a reason and that’s the problem with their scam, police that can collect data is never going to be something scammers will use. Only dumb scammers who don’t believe in technology will get arrested. So stop using Telegram it’s a wasteland with nothing to gain or lose.
>half the footage is from other channels
>low quality ai references
>even the blockout reference image is ai generated and lopsided lmao
>the "retopology" is triangulated for some reason, indicating he just ripped a game model and pretended he made the topology (also either too lazy or too dumb to de-triangulate it)
>bizarre texturing process
imagine, IMAGINE buying blender courses in 2009+16. ishygddt
there's one course I'd be interested in watching for blender, this one

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I now can do 3D anime that looks 2D, chuds.
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Kinda reminds me of a character from Fighting Vipers 2
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new enemy.
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basic combat.
Cris your Lego ass looking mess is more reason why abortions should be legalized.
Your a prime study on how giving participation trophies was a mistake
Dude chillax. Cris was aborted but somehow he survived.

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a thread to post your daily sculpts and sculpting in general
previous thread >>995861
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how bad is it bros
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I don't know what your reference looks like, but the eye region is wrong for human beings
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>hmm today i will make cute goblina waifu
>accidentally make another semite
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As we are all aware, the mainstream entertainment industry has no idea how to make attractive characters anymore.

Use this thread to discuss things like good references, workflows, or just characters you find appealing and why.

For example, how do you design a character's face? What references would you use?
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Who the fuck approved those designs?
As an art director I can't imagine what they were thinking.
Are you talking about the final design, or the concept art with more of the yellow detailing and dark areas?
(By the left, I meant the left image shown in OP's. It's not ugly, but I prefer the bulkier design. The final model somehow loses all the appeal.)
isn't that one just fanart drawn by @art_attackx? https://x.com/art_attackx/status/1831326957398524408

The actual official earlier design was >>1005667
both, the concept art is atrocious, its incoherent from the shape design to the color palette.
The blue lipstick on the model made me chuckle a bit.

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It seems like a lot of people are trying to make buildings lately. I thought it would be fun to have a go, see what i can learn and get some criticism on how im doing things, as well as see what everyone else can come up with. plus, isnt it fun to see how badly you can fuck something up some times?

Lets see some houses!
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i looked up how to export a UV map as a texture and made this abomination in GIMP. turns out you cant scale the texture fills in gimp, i couldnt fix it in blender because it was all one object, and i couldnt be fucked to do it layer by layer, so...
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at this point i was getting tired, so i slapped a height map on it and called it a day.
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all things considered im pretty happy with it despite its ugliness. i ended on 205 verts and 384 tris, i had an internal space, i got the windows and doors in and i got away with some arches. next time i'll try the seperate parts thing and see if i can put a reasonable texture on it
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I have no comments I love it.
>Lets see some houses!
Can I make a nigloo? I've always wanted to make a Nigloo.

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Can anyone point me in a direction for learning how to model houses or generally buildings from reference/floorplans?

Every tutorial I can find falls short in all of the same ways. Either it's an outdoor scene where the inside of the house is a hollow unusable shell, a purely interior scene with no attention paid to the exterior at all, or it doesn't show you how to make a roof on anything more complicated than a perfect rectangle or L shape.. or it's a "modern" house that is just a cube with a flat roof presumably to compensate for modelling roofs being too complicated.

And then I've tried this method of extruding planes over an image of a floor plan and that doesn't compute at all because I always end up with this twisting labyrinth of walls that looks completely out of whack in scale no matter how much I scale it up in comparison to my character. And then how do you properly make a roof for such a thing? Or make stairs to a second floor or basement and/or add these things real houses have like a 2nd story where its just a room or two and not a 1:1 extrusion up from the first story?

I've tried to just not think so hard about it and just make it up as I go, using whatever janky methods I need to block something out but I always create a total mess of duplicate edges and overlapping that I'm not even sure how I ended up with, and just seem to be wasting time trying to brute force a totally incorrect way of doing things

When I play games and open a door from outside and walk into a house it feels like I'm witnessing black magic. I would do shameful things in exchange for the knowledge of how to take reference of a complex house and recreate it as a scene where you can seamlessly walk in and out of it- and not see a bunch of fucked lighting artifacts and the like
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How about this one?

Ok seems simple. I'll try to make something like this if I have the time.https://youtube.com/live/F2j-xdlSwWs?feature=share
If not I'll start with the roof.
Ok I have about 1 hour of time before I have to do house chores so lets do it. https://youtube.com/live/Papj1UhME58?feature=share
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Ok here's part 1: https://www.youtube.com/live/Papj1UhME58?feature=shared
One of the biggest challenges people face when modeling is the fear of making mistakes and the pressure to get the geometry perfect on the first try. The modeling you see in the video is not the final product—it's primarily a blockout of the house. This stage is about getting a sense of the elements I need to model and their proportions.
If the house appears well-proportioned, it's because I rely on architectural measurements I've internalized over time. For example, I started with an 8-meter-wide house, the railings are 1 meter tall, and the floors are 2.4 meters high. However, at this stage, every measurement is subject to change and likely will evolve as the design progresses.
As for the complex structure of the roof, it can be tackled effectively by first blocking out the general planes of the roof. This approach allows you to establish the slopes and overall feel before reconciling how the planes intersect and come together.
Correct link https://youtube.com/live/Papj1UhME58

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Previous: >>993129
Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

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who made the best emma?
How come when I render an animation it uses gpu for a little while and then switches to cpu? I can fix it temporarily by closing and opening daz. Does anyone know how to fix? Or is there at least a faster way to reboot it so I can get a good couple minutes of rendering?
Huh, looks like it sticks to GPU rendering so long as the screen doesn't fall asleep and I don't switch to a new window once I start the render. In that case, I wonder how many times I've rendered with CPU without realizing since I typically always swap to something else.
Seems like you run out of VRAM while rendering. I play League while I render shit and it works fine.
totocandys emma looks pretty good but i don't think you can even get it anymore.

Most of the time i find emma models looking accurate comes down to getting the right hair. Finding the more wavy hair with a bob that she had in earlier movies is fucking impossible though.

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What is the best controller for modeling/sculpting in VR?
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I use masterpiece studio pro with a free loicense

but modellin in VR is freackin exhausting, so much physical draging and rotating, walking around your model and selecting the tools while holding your arms before you gets real tireing after a while.

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When starting out in 3D, is it better to finish as many models as you can (or projects if you'd like to call them that way) and keep adding more sophisticated technologies and techniques as you learn them or is it better to just polish one model and keep adding stuff to it as you learn? I come from a 2D background and when it comes to drawing quantity is king, you should be drawing every day as much as you can. Is it the same for 3D? I would've posted this in a SQTDDTOT but there's no such thread at the moment (you can use this thread for that, if you'd like)
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Sorry i ended up working out what i was missing but ill definitely take things more slowly going forward. thank you for the suggestions
Thanks! :)
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anyone got their hands on this book? I can read Japanese but no cash to get them + shipping
if i want to make a thing that looks like a cd-rom do i have to do that with shaders or what?
It was somewhere in books thread, but untranslated.

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