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"raiding the liquor cabinet" edition

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the camera looking down was shocking
he looks like hes making the best of it though
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I bought a big ol bottle of shitty wine for friday night

who will join me on this booze cruise
Russians really love their anal porn
I'm just getting high but I'm here
i dont drink but i can hang out still right
hi germany apu
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>I'm just getting high
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>i dont drink
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good night
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Good morning!
Or good night, in your case.
i can't ever sit comfortably i need one of those lisa simpson chairs
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yea maybe a little
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git gud
my bedtime is in 2 hours or so
it makes me sick and i can't drink on my medicine anyway im not trying to be a wet blanket i promise
>lisa simpson chair
A university buddy of mine had one of them at his desk at home. I tried it once and it was interesting. However I have a bad back, and this kind of chair has no back support at all.
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one of these?
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this "meme" isn't true, but if it were, the european would be living better.
>gets shot by some fucking lunatic somehow allowed to carry
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this is peak snack
you can post another snack but youd be wrong
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my favorite russian/slavic trap video of some blonde haired cd'er sucking dick and getting fucked in the ass is gone and im devastated
im glad someone else here gets it, i love uncrustables. i prefer the strawberry jelly ones though
Should always back up your favorite goons desu
love em
but homemade PB&J's are cheaper
that would probably fuck me up i hate barstools for that reason. chairs need a paradigm shift i think the old right angle design is outmoded or maybe sitting itself is just unnatural
there has to be a mirror somewhere, it was so good
think he was in a skirt and had blonde/pale hair
Hey man fuck you alright pal just fuck off already
The words "smell" and "sniff" are ruined for me
>the old right angle design is outmoded
I can't sit on a chair or bench where the back rest is at a right angle. They're supposed to recline, i.e. tilt backward a bit.

I actually drive the car in the picture, and I bought it because I'm 6'6" tall and I needed a car where my long legs could fit under the steering wheel. The Volkswagen Up is surprisingly roomy inside. Also Europe is full of narrow roads and small parking lots, and this car can be parked almost anywhere. The only downside are the car's shock absorbers, it's a hard ride on bumpy roads.
This is a true meme
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Look at this prime Germanic specimen
i dont know many 25 year olds getting married or lives in a house like that. maybe in their 30s, but they're still partying right now
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>devour some chips ahoy
>still dont have any milk
that's a tragedy im sorry anon
but do you look like that are you really a sad cowboy
>devour some palm oil and dough made out of people with chocolate flavoring maltodextrin
>still dont have any fake milk
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I'll enjoy my fucking cookies when I want, you shithead
Women literally release pheromones that make them seem like they smell nice and are attractive
Fucking beguiling devils, we should burn them for their witchcraft
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men do that too
What's wrong with maltodextrin
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I release farts and musk
Femboys are gay
Probably bad if it's only chocolate flavored chocolate substitute which is what I guess he's joking about
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goodnight and sweet dreams
musk has pheromones in it
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>musk has pheromones in it
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its corn
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starting today i am doing 23 full days of nofap
>has a dick
I'm sorry. It's fact
i dont look like that, and i am actually very stupid thanks
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It comes from a lot of things. It's just a starch, which every plant ever has
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When a penis exists on something more feminine than woman it makes them more feminine for not being a woman
Therefor they are a woman
It's straight, chud.
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>When a penis exists {...} it makes them more feminine
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Well i'm steeped in androsterone rn if you know what I'm sayin'
its okay to be bi dude you don't need to pretend feminine boys are women like seriously it's not that big a deal it's okay
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>When a penis exists {...} it makes them more feminine
What even is the devil's corn wtf
i don't really know what you're saying but i assume that means you stink right
You're choking on his cob!
Y-ya. It's pretty warm out and I was left with like 300 inches of weld to do tonight so I'm feeling the heat
do you get to wear one of those flippy welding hats so when you do it sparks don't fly in your face
but stay cool anon drink plenty of water
if i packed you guys a lunch, would you eat it?
Yes. Also so you don't go blind. I put racing stripes on mine (also to identify the owner ME)
Will you cut the crusts off
is there
>seed oils
>high carbs
if yes to any of this then no
is it really that bright that you would go blind? that makes sense though i remember some people were using welding hats to watch the eclipse a few months ago. i'm sure yours looks cooler than all the lame normal ones with your stripes though
of course anon if that's what you prefer
do you want it cut straight across or into triangles
in this case i would probably pack you some baked salmon fillets, or maybe mahi-mahi . and maybe a little side salad (with no dressing)
niggas be like
"this fiber and corn too spicy"
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ok i accept. i don't like fish but if it's good i'll try
if you make steaks thats wife tier
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>these oxalates and corn are reducing my lifespan by about 30 years babe
Yes. temporary blindness is immediate with permanent damage occuring from even short durations.
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Folding another basket of laundry.
Triangles because they're the strongest shape
i dont wanna see your boxers nigga
tf u doin ur own clothes for thats a womans job
unforunately i'm no good at grilling, i can manage okay on a gas grill but im hopeless at charcoal. i'm too afraid of it being underdone in the middle and i overcook steaks. i am trying to get better though and i did manage some pretty nice medium rare new york strips a little while ago
How can you not like fish you monster
don't need to be grilled even though it's nice just try cast iron
love me some steak kebabs
sounds good thats my preference too
well make sure it doesn't slip off while you're working cant post here if you're blind after all
The nice thing about steaks is that you don't have to worry about undercooking them too much. I like mine seared and almost raw in the middle
Shut up
fish tastes fucking terrible half the time
and a lot of seafood is just bugs but in water.
I've got to admit, for all its redditness, the 'cold open' of the very first ep of Letterkenny is one of the funniest things I've ever seen
how can you fail at steaks?

super high heat, 3m per side for a 2" thick steak bam done
fuck you beta fag
i also like rare steaks, but i just don't want to get sick . overdone steaks are way too chewy and the texture isn't pleasant. it did take me until my 20s to get over the blood that pools on your plate when you eat a well done steak, i was a vegetarian for a short time when i was a teenager cause i loved cows so much
burnt to shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not even
the temp wasn't high enough it just got cooked too long and didn't sear properly. i know it's really simple and im getting better at it but my first few attempts were rough. i haven't ordered a doordash in almost 3 weeks and im kind of proud of myself. i feel a lot better.
i also need to do laundry but i'm procrastinating
the real trick is to let the meat warm up for like 25m or so before you cook it. then let it sit 5m after it comes off the heat before you cut into it
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cute boywife making you steaks and sammiches for picnics
Quit buying filet o' fish and tilapia then
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nigger i only buy and eat real food and i still can't stand fish
rather just eat lamb at that point
Cows are pretty great. It's too bad they taste so good
cows deserve respect
not indian levels of insane shit eating worship but they are sublime, as if they were made for humans
What's not real about tilapia or pollock. What kind of fish have you had? What do you define as real or fake food?
it is pretty great, although was scary how easily I fit into the feminine role
i do let them rest after cooking cause i don't want all the juices to escape from the cooking process, it's good for them to settle for a little while, but letting the meat warm up is a good idea i'll do that next time
i had to grapple with this a long time ago and kind of just accepted that it's part of life. it does make me picky about what beef i buy though, i want the cows to have lived a happy life atleast, not cooped up in some jail where they cant even turn around
Just got in a heated argument with some other nerds in Dota 2
>as if they were made for humans
Well, theyve been domesticated after all. All animals deserve respect but especially the ones we take from imo.
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not saying those are fake just saying i still don't like fish 98% of the time
fake food tho
>packaged shit
>1000 chemicals
>tv dinner type shit
>frozen mcnuggies type shit
>hormone pumped chicken and processed milk with all the good shit removed
if its not from as clean a farm i can find and i don't cook it myself in a pan that's never seen oil i don't like it
there is nothing wrong with being a little feminine anon, do whatever makes you happy
i love feminine guys tho
like i get some people not liking lamb because of the taste but if you just cook it to around 110-115 it doesn't turn bitter
don't like grain/corn fed meat tastes worse to me than grass fed and grass finished
really like lamb in steak diane sauce.
All food is comprised of chemicals anon
well it wasn't just a little, but it was very fun
many such cases actually
i am willing to give lamb another try, but everytime i've had it it's tasted like sweaty armpit to me and idk why
not the kind of gotcha you think it is when you COULD eat meat that doesn't have hormones antibiotics and weird shit and preservatives added to it vs something having that shit. like no thanks to yeast or a ton of additives. and basically everything prepacked, even "health food" has shit like fortification that you don't need
i STILL wouldn't eat like UK mcdonalds because of the oil but the ingredient list meme is real
hey i think i know who you are anon
how was the bachelorette party?
I've never liked lamb, even from a fancy brazilian steakhouse I couldn't stand it.
it starts to taste bad once you go past like 110 degrees, the bitter taste comes from unnecessary heat interacting with the vitamins in it or some shit. lamb has a lot of omegas and other good shit in it and grain fed lamb defeats the entire point
i like lamb for its multivitamin aspect, healthier than even grass fed beef
but beef does taste better and i have a ton so i enjoy ribeyes and tenderloins regularly, made with pan sauce and a little bit of flambe
its ok to be cute and wifey anon
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i'll give it another try next time i'm somewhere that serves it. hopefully they do it right and don't overcook it because i can't stand it like that
Actually yummy
should be pork tallow desu
i believe i could be competitive with michael phelps not saying i would beat him but i could make it close. how fast can a person really possibly swim
i can just make that my fucking self instead of having niggers touch my food in commiefornia
and cheaper cus i have a ton of tallow.
just look up how to cook it on yt, its been a while but the sweet spot is like 110 degrees or something. apparently not going over 120~ is essential to not having it be bitter

also recommend a good sauce with it but careful not to add too much extra heat to it when adding it
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If you're autistic gf offered you a crayon to eat would you eat it?
i will admit tho once you make stuff yourself and figure out what's healthy and isn't you can enjoy shit like chips and fries whenever you want if you make it yourself with proper ingredients
im not gonna do into extreme autism on what foods are truly healthy and arent but compared to the SAD and the normies understanding of healthy good (low/no fat especially saturated animal fat and tons of plants) just eating steaks and fries cooked in animal fat all the time is infinitely healthier
no why would i eat a crayon i'm not retard. i wouldn't date a girl that eats crayons either that's taking advantage of the mentally handicapped. execute yourself
that wasn't me but I know who you're talking about.
>its ok to be cute and wifey anon
yeah but you cook your steak way more fancy than I do it sounds like!
of course i would she saved it specifically for me
Lol I literally thought this same response in my head
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it says he can swim 8 miles an hour do you think you could beat that
i'll show u how to cook gourmet steaks in 10 mins anon :)
i think i could hang with that that's like the speed i back out of my driveway at
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If there's qt Asian girls in the stands yeah
ew u like bugs
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/cum/ looking like a buffet to me tonight, a couple femboys and a hag? Don't mind if I do.
calm down there casanova
his whole life is swimming though i know you said you weren't gonna beat him but hes in a totally different league than you
that is a truly repulsive pepe why is he so photorealistic i can see individual hairs on him lmfao
that does sound nice, my next steak i was going to try and marinate it perhaps
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Hi spinster hope you're having a lovely evening
steak marinades are usually pretty light
what's most important is a good sear and brining it
use iron for a good sear and pat it dry then smoosh it into the pan and use a temp gun to know when the pans above 450 and then pull it when its 120-125, use an instant thermometer too
Wish a girl would do this to my balls desu
smash your balls into a 450 degree iron pan then stick a meat thermometer down your pee hole?
And sear and brine them yeah
well he'd better take up golf or something with a couple months of training i will smash 8mph that's glacial he's gonna look like he's swimming in tar
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oh no I'm one of those ditzy boywives I guess...I just get the pan smoking hot and then pull the steak off after 2 or 3m per side
just slept for like 3 or 4 hours from 12 to 4am, its kind of poggers because this is the right time to sleep, now if i can just stay awake until like 9pm my sleep schedule is saved
lmfao i admire your confidence
is everything okay anon?
brining your balls would take liek idk salt down your pee hole bro
good enough but getting the sear is essential
hnnng steak cooking boywife
eating steak kebab :)
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jason btfo!
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I make steak all the time honestly it's probably the thing I cook the most cause it's easy and good. Don't hate me though a lot of times I'll cook it on the bbq cause my apartment gets too smoky if I do it on cast iron :/
it's a little late for something that heavy but i hope you enjoy regardless
i woke up late so meh
id do it only on a grill but thats more effort its ok anon
hi ai picture anon how are you
cook boywife x cook boywife is kino
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My racing stripes
boywives usually want big muscle man tho :(
heck yeah dude that looks cool i like the yield to animals sticker too thats a nice touch
bisexual women and muscle men should sign a treaty to split the boywives equally
>but thats more effort its ok anon
yeah it's such a pain having to air out the whole place! problem with the bbq is you can't really get the garlic in there

I'm well, how are you?
women don't want a boywife
i want a boywife to be the boywife that fucks the other one in the ass
im doing okay glad you're still doing your thing buddy
i don't have a problem with the pan being smokey honestly just make sure the steak is dry and it should sear in 2/3 mins
i always make sauce in the pan too
you would be suprised anon
do you like jewelry anon
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but then we'd be boilesbians or something
word bird
hmmm yeah idk maybe my cast iron is too greasy or something, the whole place gets smoky as heck
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it's so over
im ok with that im practically boiling in this heat already
yeah i would be, point me in the right direction
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Not my problem.
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is the implication that you'd be...less sweaty and hot if you had a boilesbian around?
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poopdick motherfuckers shut the fuck up
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nah probably more.
/cum/ is a bl general i love it
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Stfu Sayuri you're fat and snipped now
looks like you got a tiny head, ayo look at this pinhead ah nigga
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that hairstyle is hard to maintain
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this board is only for straight men who smoke and eat Chinese food
well it's cool here I'm tempted to put on a jacket
ayyooo shiett
i eat chinese food and i look like that
i'm dying in a t shirt and boxers with a bunch of fans on, how tf is it cool there
How are you American and not in a/c? Are you in California or something?
>no house no car
ok her I'll feel bad for the rest of those roasties can suck a big fat can of chef boyardees famous "i don't give a fuck about you fuck you bitch" raviolis
I'm here to support you on your weight loss journey
ew no
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well it's 57F and also probably cause it's like 2am. I wish it would warm up a bit though I haven't gotten to jump in the lake yet this year
is that the kind of swimwear you wear to the lake?!
i don't think that's a real chef boyardee product lmfao
i dont actually look like that im a normal weight i was just being goofy
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This is sad.
>no house no car
bro its a negro. feel bad for the people who have to interact with it.
you gotta leave that sinking ship anon..
>i can save him, bros
yes (sometimes!) but not most of the time sadly
How it feels to meet a new guy and bring him into the friend group and groom him into our jokes and turn him into an early 2010s 4chan veteran
thats fucked up
me when i get injected with the drug that makes me say me too
yeah i hate breathing the same air as them.
the only one who interacts with her is her mom and dad and siblings sadly, she's festering in her own juices on the public busses and in the shared home on her way to her minimum wage grocery store associate job someone get that girl a house and a car and some milk lil mommas overheating
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go on..
chortled at this post
i'm thinking, it's time
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Girls really underutilize toe rings and anklets
what are you thinkin about
thanks :>
i'm looking for some toe rings and i have an anklet but i'm picky it has to be silver or gold
im a dude THOUGH
I usually hear this word in the context of magic items/gear in fantasy games
I normally don't if it's not secluded is all!

isn't it pretty self explanatory though
anklets are cute but toe rings can get caught on your socks and be uncomfortable and it can be hard to get the fit right
detail about the fits tho
nvm i don't have nice feet and i need to shave my legs they're a little stubbly
If I was neo-Hitler I'd gas everyone with an outie belly button to usher in a era for Innie supremacy
why wear the toe rings if you're going to be putting on socks, it's like wearing a ring but you're wearing gloves I don't see the rationale. In the same vein of thought that must be how people who have nipple belly button and genital piercings must feel when wearing regular clothing lolz
i wear pinkie rings
Don't clean cut razor shave you big tranagram, just trim with hair clippers and keep the hair maintained unless you're a swimmer or something and you need to lose that extra drag (pun not intended).
I've been told I should wear a chain necklace, but I never do
meh stubble doesnt look good you either shave them clean or dont shave them at all
you should
tempted to post pics of mine but scared
it's definitely a seasonal accessory because it's gonna be sandals or some kind of open toed shoe. and that's not really possible when it's cold out but you gotta wear socks sometimes and it's not always convenient to take it off. you gotta do maintenance and keep it clean too, it can kind of restrict the movement of your toe as well. more hassle than it's worth
oh lol I have a light pink one piece bathing suit, then a white and floral patterned bikini with the side ties and also a striped white and baby blue bikini
do u have boyboobs anon or is it just for the crossdress aspect lol
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this is a sad year for us late 1993 chads
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I got scammed outta 40$ by this middle eastern scam they started doing one year I got a fake gold chain/necklace out of it I said fuck it and just started wearing it until it lost it's sheen
The moon is known to be made of cheese.
he's just got a bunch of eels living in his basement he feeds sometimes? is this a red or green flag
yeah no you can't buy precious metal jewelry from any fucker
only used gold sites with a good reputation or good jewelers and you have to watch the premium and calculate it. anything under 100% is a good deal. i have like 2 troy ounces at my desk right now
haha no I don't think it's healthy to do all that hormone stuff. so perhaps my girlfriend(male) days will come to an end one day but such is life!
I had cheese and crackers for dinner :)
The scam was they need money for gas then he takes off one of his many chains and rings as a show of desperation I'm such a retard god
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>come to an end one day
I could never visit China because I'd be scared of every building or bridge collapsing
that sucks anon yeah nothing anyones offering in a parking lot is EVER good lol
You could never visit China because they wouldn't have your begpacker ass you LIAR don't act like it's the Chinese public infrastructure holding you back.
yeah will be weird, maybe I'll get married and have kids one day and have to hope all the...silly photos of me don't surface :s
I would never stoop that low, although I love hostels
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Milking myself to the thought of milking Abby like the ornery sow she is
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You may as well share some for now.
jesus, this is ai isn't it
craziest sentence i've read here in a few weeks
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nice try anon!
Ornery sow is good
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I was in one hostel it was a good time, I didn't really talk to any of the 5 french girls who were there but they were making eyes my way! I gave them a packet of cookies I had then passed out before my flight the next day
hate kikes
I got drunk and posted lewd pics last year and now they show up on reverse image search I didn't figure anyone would care.
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uohguhgohu hdshfpdsj awoOOOOGA
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I talk of things that might beat her
In a voice that makes a post russsh
Yeah I can tell
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Obviously, she has six toes
hi russian anon do you lurk here sometimes
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god i like cute guys
kys desu
People who make traveling to trendy international hotspots their entire personality are insufferable. Paris, Ibiza, Bali—people who brag about going there have dead soulless hedonist eyes.
me too
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Ppl who think coast to coast means LA to Chicago are even worse
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in my heart, bikini anon
i know its just a meme but i did look behind me
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Girls are mean.
There is a blank wall inches behind my head
normally someone's behind...nvm
what did you see back there?
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u get plapped a lot
what happened anon
the headboard of my bed im on my laptop
why does it blow my mind that Indonesia has the FOURTH highest population in the world?
They're a lot meaner even in daily interaction than guys
I have not experienced this
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Brown girls owe white guys sex
Relative to their population, you don't hear a lot about them.
you shouldn't generalize like that anon both sexes can be jerks
no but I am a terrible tease
hmm don't look up
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what the fuck is indonesia
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Indonesian women are so pretty and hot
why is this pepe so low quality
Probably because you're tall
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the toe ring + anklet combo that was foretold in the ancient legends....
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In the future Canadian girls will look like this
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idk why but i laughed like an idiot at this
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>indian rapemen
I'd prefer chinks even though they're a lot smarter when it comes to implementing violence than browns

Coyote noises in the distance
I'm 5'7
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how can you laugh at my suffering knowing that indonesia exists and is that large now
oh my god they keep getting worse i cant take you serious when you are disintegrating in front of my eyes lmfao
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maybe ill get some friends if i join a cult
Why do incels gobble this shit up like candy. Does it make them feel valid
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