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We need to sort it out:
1. Kazakhs are not Slavs
2. Most of Kazakhs don’t speak Russian
3. Most of Kazakhs don’t support Russia
4. Kazakhstan is a country of Muslim Central Asians
5. Kazakhs won’t ever support any further integration with Russia
6. In 20 years Kazakhstan will be 90% Turkic
cтpaшнo пpeдcтaвить чeм зaкoнчитcя этoт мaмбeтocтaнcкий экcкpeмeнт
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>We need to sort it out:
>1. Kazakhs are not Slavs
>2. Most of Kazakhs don’t speak Russian
>3. Most of Kazakhs don’t support Russia
>4. Kazakhstan is a country of Muslim Central Asians
>5. Kazakhs won’t ever support any further integration with Russia
>6. In 20 years Kazakhstan will be 90% Turkic
>1. Kazakhs are not Slavs
>2. Most of Kazakhs don’t speak Russian
Not from my experience
>3. Most of Kazakhs don’t support Russia
>4. Kazakhstan is a country of Muslim Central Asians
With a sizable minority of foreign agents (ie Russians)
>5. Kazakhs won’t ever support any further integration with Russia
Kazakhs won't, but their government may.
>6. In 20 years Kazakhstan will be 90% Turkic
Your nation was formed between the mixture of Mongolic and Turkic cultures so that's a preposterous statement
Why are you muslim
>Not from my experience
What’s your experience, if you been to Kazakhstan it’s most likely Almaty where people speak Russian. But there are other places in this country
>But there are other places in this country
are these places even civilized or people over there still use horses as the main method of transport unironically?
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>4. Kazakhstan is a country of Muslim Central Asians
You guys are similar to Azerbaijan in that the educated social upper class speaks almost exclusively in Russian
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basically like russian countryside but they don't speak russian, they have slaves like borat movie
iirc borat was filmed somewhere in bulgaria or romania and those people are still assmad over it
Your grandpa Stalin made all the mess here that resulted in this, you owe us reparations
it was romania
At least we are not run by criminals from the 90th
That sucks
Like it or not (I don't) but Russian still maintains the position of the language of culture and high education in Kazakhstan and most people learn it unless they are stuck in their village (but still today due to ubiquitous social media even villagers know Russian because all the internet culture in Kazakhstan is in Russian)
our dictator is better than your dictator ok
Why are you so sure about this. Where did you get the information from?
зaпpeтим мигpaцию в poccию нe бoйcя
Умник ты oхyeть eпт)
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>2. Most of Kazakhs don’t speak Russian
you need another manzikert you malaka?
Haven't you guys changed your rulers several times in last several years?
you are mexican
yes, it was mostly one clan fighting with another clan, there are several clans that keep replacing each other
80% speaks English — BS. I’d say it is only 5-10 percent and they are somewhere between beginner and intermediate level.
I hope one day Kazakhstan will make an alliance with China and ditch Russia
retard the chinese are still salty about the whole 700 years of constant rape by nomads, the han will colonize us like chinese part of mongolia they
Just like in my CK3 Transoxania run
Most likely China will make an alliance with Russia. The real threat to Kazakhstan is not even Russia but China. What they did to Uyghurs is an undesirable fate
No sorry
They are already kind of doing that
The way you treat central Asians and the way Russians are treated in Central Asia are different levels. When will you start to treat central Asians properly?
we are treated like pakis and jeets
Ok Ivan, your opinion is irrelevant anyway, because Timur Babur will decide
your girls think too high of themselves
But we are not pakies and jeets. Pakis and jeets come here to work and study. All the Russian propaganda that we aren’t colonial and racist as the westerners is the complete deception and everyone who lives in this region knows that Russian racism is legendary
What are you talking about? Most CA are treated good here. Especially Kazakhs, no one cares about you.
The ones we don't like are Tajiks and Uzbeks, they make most of the crimes.
I agree. Sometimes it’s even funny.
Wait, you serious about this shit? Don’t you guys larp as the Golden Horde or some stuff like that? And you expect to not be treated the way you are treated for it?
>Timur Babur
We are not Uzbeks, Ivan
If you aren't Slavic why did you live with Russians for hundreds of years?
Baм нyжнo пepecтaть cтaвить чёткocть цeнтpaльнoaзиaтoв пoд coмнeниe и нe бyдeт никaких пpaвoнapyшeний
Are you planning to attack eastern Türkiye?
Why are you Armenian?
Kek. Yeah, sure.
A group of Uzbeks migrants threatening with a knife and trying to rape girls chilling at the lake is "socioeconomic" factor. Many such cases by the way.
I don't hate good persons, there are pretty many good Uzbeks, who do good work. But with them there are really big amount of such criminal apes.
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My grandparents were converts.
We don’t larp as a Golden Horde. We are descendants of the tribes that used to run and inhibit the Golden Horde that’s an undeniable fact
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We need an Uzbek flag to give you qualified responses. I’m not an Uzbek and I don’t threaten Russian underage girls with knifes. When I visit Moscow I act respectfully and realize that this is Russia and Russians have their own culture that I should respect. That how I was brought up in Kazakhstan. And Tajiks, you know, they are Tajiks and тoжe чyть-чyть кpиминaл
>When I visit Moscow I act respectfully and realize that this is Russia and Russians have their own culture that I should respect
cuck mindset
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>Most of Kazakhs don’t speak Russian
Lie. According to the latest census in 2021, 80% of ethnic Kazakhs understand spoken Russian and 62% are fluent in spoken Russian.
42% of urban ethnic Kazakh population and 37% of total ethnic Kazakh population don't use Kazakh in their daily lives (you can guess which language they use instead)
>5. Kazakhs won’t ever support any further integration with Russia
True. But their government will
>6. In 20 years Kazakhstan will be 90% Turkic
When I’ll visit Turkey I’ll act in the same way. Manners and behavior something MENA browns could never understand
Those guys invaded Central Asian countries for centuries they don't deserve respect or civilized immigrants. Özbek bros do it the best.
So you should embrace Kurds and Syrian refugees in Turkey then, right?
Me supporting violent immigrants in Russia, Germany etc. doesn't mean I support them in Turkey THOUGH. Being two faced liars who play both ways is one of my nation's many qualities.
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The portion of people who are fluent in Kazakh and prefer to use it in their daily lives is higher among younger people, that is true
Savage mindset with no consistency in your moral judgements. You are gay Armenian
If someone is asked, do you speak Kazakh.

He’ll say yes I speak Kazakh even tho he can say only Salam and Rakhmet
Yeah sorry if I don't feel any empathy towards some violent HIV ridden Slavic orcs. Same goes for China too.
One thing that separates cuck nationalities from non cuck nations is the willingness of the tourist to respect the local customs.
A non cuck tourist would want to come to foreign land as the conqueror and do whatever the fuck he wants there ignoring the laws and such.

Also I’ve noticed an interesting trend or something
>the locals might hate you but you’re paying them money and they’re all poorfags so they have to tolerate you
Pretty amazing feeling desu
That's why they also ask which language you prefer to use. To reduce false positives
That is the reason why your nations are universally hated and won’t last to the next century
7. I will come to Kazakhstan this summer.
Why are Khazars so good at scheming?

>Dzhungars attack the peaceful Kazakhs
>Ally with Russia
>The Qing exterminate the Dzhungar dogs
>Develop industry and literacy financed by Russia
>Russia is getting weaker and weaker day by day
>"Um sorry Moskal-san, but we will sell uranium to France now and use Western gibs!"
>"Also this retard is refusing to stop being Khan, please send some soldiers and make him leave!"
And you have no allies
>won’t last to the next century
Cope. Both Russia and Turkey are around since the Middle Ages
Go to Almaty, don’t waste your time anywhere else if it’s your first visit
go to Turkmenistan instead
We'll be around till the end of the universe. Being Turkish is like a virus not an ethnicity, anybody who comes to Anatolia calls themselves Turkish. We have Syrian immigrants claiming they were turkmens and shit.
Doesn’t mean it will be around in the future. Your two gay imperialist pretentious nations have lower GDP per capita than Kazakhstan. What “conqueror” and “giving money to poors” mindset are you even talking about
Cool facts about Finland.
With Kurdish demographics and Turk demographics you’d see a civil war in a near future. Kurds hate you because you treat minorities as savages
>lower GDP per capita than Kazakhstan
Этo тpoллинг тyпocтью или cepьёзный пocт?
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Kurdish fertility rate fell along with Turkish fertility rate. They won't be more than 15% of the total population.
Come to Kazakhstan to work as a barber as your kin often do
Are ethnic Russians being ethnic cleansed or is it that they just can't breed while Kazakhs are super fertile?
Let’s not talk about it
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Genghis Khan is Japanese Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune
No, Kazakhs are just violent savages who do nothing more than fucking with their wives. Russians are empathetic thinkers, while they produced literary giants like Dostoyevski, Yerofeyev etc. Kazakhs were still chaings their brides on horses and raping them on the steppes.
The main trait of a Low-Iq person(99% of Kazakhstan) is when he's left alone at house without anything with he either plays with himself or with his bride.
How do you explain ghost of Tsushima then.
these are your ancestors, why are you so rude to them?
hmmmmm really makes you think
Ivan go back to Samara and stop doing false flag operations
Good. Now compare economic diversity, military strength, sea access and sheer size
Ivan go back to Pavlodar and stop doing false flag military operations
>when he's left alone at house without anything with he either plays with himself or with his bride.
That's 99% of humanity regardless of the time or country
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Russians can't breed
>they just can't breed while Kazakhs are super fertile
Fertility rate for women of different ethnic groups in Kazakhstan according to the 2021 census

Uzbeks - 4.64
Tajiks - 4.58
Kazakhs - 3.89
Uighurs - 3.22
Kurds - 2.87
Azerbaijanis - 2.74
Turks - 2.60
Tatars - 2.21
Chechens - 2.12
Ingush - 2.05
Belarusians - 1.69
Germans - 1.68
Ukrainians - 1.56
Russians - 1.55
Poles - 1.51
Koreans - 1.40
I heard that young kazakhs spoke more russian than kazakh and that they are huge rusophiles. I hope it’s wrong but many people say it.

Because the Karakhanid dynasty became muslim and spread islam among the turkic tribes of central asia. Before that Islam was only spread by the arabs among the iranian peoples of southetn central asia.

Kazakhs sound based. Also russian literature is boring misery porn.
Who cares if you are poor. You being a Kazakhstani citizen shit on your country while having enough money to travel and fuck Turkish cuties with that blue passport. I mean this threat is semi trolling in my side but you don’t act appropriately. And I’m saying it as a non-Kazakh myself
You miss the fact that. 3.5+ million of them left in 33 years. And most of whom has left are in their reproductive age. So it’s not quite true
Russians everywhere are dying out. Who knew vodka abuse could cause erectile disfunctions.
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>tries to prove his point by using an economic indicator (GDP per capita)
>who cares if you're poor
>Now compare economic diversity, military strength, sea access and sheer size

Economic diversity — Russia has almost the same economic structure as Kazakhstan. Don’t know about Turkey but they seem to be just poor.

Military strength — how is two day military operation going? How’s two day military operation of Turkey in Syria going?

Sea access — ok.

Sheer size — ok with Russia, Turkey is a midget country

And both are still poorer than Kazakhstan
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Genghis Khan was never attacked Japan,
And in the Just one history book about Genghis Khan telling Genghis Khan hated Mongolian and Genghis Khan came from over sea.
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The widely known and universally fact is that Genghis Khan was Kazakh
He was an Indo-European Ginger man who had blue eyes.
>Economic diversity
Pic on the left. more than 50% of Kazakhtan's exports is unrefined oil and gas
>military strength
Pic on the right. CSTO troops land in Kazakhstan because the local government wasn't able to handle a few thousands of protestors
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Russia must help Kazakhstan with anything while Kazakhstan doesn’t have to anyhow support or help Russia that’s the rules.
Yeah, i will go to Almaty
This is good song. If you change Turkmenistan to Kazakhstan in that song and you get me
Jewish mindset but I like it
Also, it wont be my first time visit. Have been in Almaty before too. Was really nice place and also went to see some natural sights like Lake Kaindy and Charyn Canyon.
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Then need fix that wrong knowledge,
There is a lot of evidence Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune is Genghis Khan
das rite he was irish
Did people straight away notice that you’re a foreigner?
But why did he leave to Mongolia and why did he speak Mongolian?
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You need to go back
You need to go back to Pavlodar or Karaganda
True but they also can't breed. Instead of having children they go to their telegram echo chamber and vent about kazakh children
I think people mostly just assumed that im Russian.
Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune took support from Fujiwara-Hidehira and Fujiwara-Hidehira had a business connection of continent.

When Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune run to the north Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune used that connection and went to continent.
>I can't BREED
I'm from Shymkent
Secret History of the Mongols

You got to introduce yourself to this and cut the bs
Another proof that Finns are Russians in denial
Are you Kazakh?
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Think about it,
Mongolian never had a writing system and never educated,
But Genghis Khan knows how to control nation and high battle tactics and those are resembled What Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune did.

Genghis Khan is definitely Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune
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I identify as a mountain Jew
We are brother bro
average Antalyan post
Well it was mostly because most white people in Kazakhstan are Russians so it was easy to assume i would be Russian too because im white
I want a Qazaq wife
>never had a writing system
>never educated

Japanese thinks that no one in Asia is capable of doing anything
What is the racial composition of Almaty according to your observations?
Can you introduce me to God Nissanov I have some business idea for him
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>2. Most of Kazakhs don’t speak Russian
yeah right
>6. In 20 years Kazakhstan will be 90% Turkic
This is based
Cлyшaй, дpyжищe, ты co cвoим флaгoм пытaeшьcя нaм дoкaзaть, чтo мы гoвopим пo-pyccки, кoгдa фaктичecки кaзaхи HE знaют pyccкий язык, HE иcпoльзyют eгo, pyccкoгo языкa в Кaзaхcтaнe HET.
I love Kazakhstan
Based on what?
Mostly Kazakhs, some Russians/white and then a few other groups like Indians and Middle Easterns. I assume some of the non Kazakhs could have also been just tourists
хopoший бeйт, 8/10
>2. Most of Kazakhs don’t speak Russian
Are you on drugs? It's more like reverse, most kazakhs can speak russian
Чoмy нe дepжaвнoй?
Not my problem.
Khazakh is monkey who is not educated
are you the one who keeps spamming anti turkish threads? >>198820198
>Are you on drugs?
There are no drugs in Kazakhstan
You barely speak English Takeshi
Пoтoмy чтo я тoлькo пo-pyccки тaк мoгy..
I still think the roosians made a big mistake. It would have been much better if they had deported all of these genghiskhan soldier offspring back to mongolia and then give those mongolian steppes to china.
The remaining land could be used for deported 30-40 little brown muslim nations from the north caucasus and also divide kazakhstan between russia/uzbekistan/kyrgyzstan.
>divide kazakhstan between russia/uzbekistan/kyrgyzstan.

I thought we were brothers and shit
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im not a brother to a mongol offspring
Your grandpa literally came to where you are from the Siberian Mongolian Tundra
1. debatable
2. wrong
3. wrong
4. completely wrong
5. completely wrong
6. debatable
What’s your hair and eye color Ivanov?
cuz ur mongol ancestors invaded us, retard
before we mixed with you, we used to be white
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>before we mixed with you, we used to be white
cope. Kazakhstan will never be Muslim and after the Ukraine fiasco, our elites are not going to continue to inflame the artificial nationalist sentiment made up to bring retards like you to their side.
the same is true for all of Central Asia, including Mongolia itself.
All turkic muslims are my brothers in blood and faith. And they are all wonderful people. Also anybody that disagrees is a faggot and the son of a (russian) whore.
You are brown and I’m not. We can’t be brothers
Not really and even if I were there are many brown people in central asia as well.
Kazakhs are honorary Slavs
Their fertility rate is too high for that. You can only be slav if you’re dying out and depressed.
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I'm sure Central Asian know who Qianlong is (coz you literally allied with him) but have you guys ever heard of this man?
Why do you live in the Netherlands. You’d be better off in some Muslim country. Somalia will work well
Just you wait a couple decades. The demographic transition is inevitable in the modern world, a couple more or a couple less decades don't make much of a difference.
our northern (intelligent) regions are already sub-replacement. The only ones breeding are mambets and single mothers.
I used to think that Kazakhs opressed their russian minority, raping the girls on a daily basis and make their lives hell. Apparently this is not the case as was attested by a kyrgiz anon. What a cuck nation, Genghis khan will genocide you if he the state of the so called "cuckzakh" nation.
dutch flag is some hazara refugee, they are dirty mongolians who speak persian instead of mongolian or turkic, very gay people
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Nope. I'm not even posting from Turkey
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true türks will destroy moslem dogs
This, it's always funny seeing Turks larp as muslims when it's the religion of their former employers, the Arabs.
Indians, Myanmar, Chinese, Israelis are treating muzzies the way you deserve. *evil laughter *

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