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DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.
Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.

Read the guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese:

Archive of older threads: https://desuarchive.org/int/search/subject/Daily%20Japanese%20Thread/

Translation requests, insults, politics, reddit posts, lust, learning method / eceleb discussions: >>>/jp/djt

Previous Thread: >>198793925
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おいしいからOK :)
trivia: eating brain can actually cure dementia
Why are so many foreigners studying Japanese strange? I have met many foreigners studying Japanese, but they are all either anime nerds or autistic, which is depressing.
Anime/manga is Japan's major culture export no?
Learning language itself is a autistic thing to start with.
私は poopy butt
溢れちゃう poopy が抑え切れない
the fact you shouldn't eat brain proves God does not exist
i'm literally a high-functioning autistic, but i don't have an obsession with Japan like most weebs.
I just like learning Japanese because its inherently difficult for Native English speakers and the challenge of it is fun. Plus theres plenty of Japanese content that's easily accessible for people in the west.

Language learning is an autistic hobby to begin with to be fair. Most people that dont use a second language for work or in their day-to-day wont bother learning a second language. Only autists put themselves through such a long-term miserable experience "for fun" or because they're weebs or something.
language learning is not an autisitic endeavor you absolute baffoons, it's one of the most normal things to do as a human and people learn normally instead of obsessing over it like Japanese learners tend to do. Your vision is tainted because you browse 4chan and by extension are retarded.
It is indeed baffling that Japanese learners in particular are autistic or overall weird.
>It is indeed baffling that Japanese learners in particular are autistic or overall weird.
Are 4chan anons the only Japanese learners that you know of? When I was in uni there were volunteers hosting Japanese classes, none of the students there seemed weird or autistic.
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>Read the guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese
updated guide
>language learning is not an autisitic endeavor you absolute baffoons
I never said it was you fucking retard. Reread my post. I said learning a language that you dont need to as a hobby is autistic. And most people that learn Japanese are in my experience hobbyists and therefore autistic/wierd.

If i were to meet someone that went out of their way to learn Latvian even though they've never been to Latvia, never want to go to Latvia and just "really like the culture" and obsess over it that shit is fucking autistic.
no, I've met a few, they're all weird.
I have seen most of them on the internet, naturally, and most of them are weird obsessed freaks (e.g. >>198838916)
(not all though, I know).
>I never said it was
>Language learning is an autistic hobby to begin
You have to keep in mind that there are much more weebs in thirdie Spanish speaking countries like Mexico than English speaking countries.
We're much more influenced by the food side of things so the people learning Japanese in the UK are usually normalfags who had katsu curry and sushi once and want to learn more about the culture.
>Autistic HOBBY
Not an autistic ENDEAVOR.
Thank you for proving my point.
My god, work on your reading comprehension.
It's really important to me to come out on top of arguments on the internet
Bro started the argument, called me a retard and whats worse he started it based on a statement i didn't even make. He just made it up.
Yeah, im going to call him a retard back and tell him that he's wrong.
why dont you guys just poop out random trivia like i do instead of arguing?
He called you a retard for browsing 4chan, which is an unequivocally true assertion.
I'd love to, if only schizophrenics that learn Japanese didnt make shit up in their head to get offended about and then attack you over.

Like look at this freak, no one was even arguing with him but he's trying to carry it on.
Composed By the Emperor on the Topic of Tachibana Flowers, While Compiling One Hundred Poems

五月雨に はなたちはなの かをる夜は
月すむ秋も さもあらはあれ

June nights filled with the scent of blooming tachibana trees wet by the summer rains—
If autumn's moonlit eves could be such as these then I'm sure they would
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You're calling someone out for carrying on an argument by contributing to the shitflinging, get off your high horse you hypocritical cunt.
>Responding to a post over two hours old
>"You're calling someone out for carrying on an argument by contributing to the shitflinging..."
Nah this has to be bait. No one has this little self awareness.
The difference is I'm not the one who's calling people out for shitflinging while also shitflinging myself.
>>Responding to a post over two hours old
It's called having a life and not constantly checking 4chan all day.
>I'm not the one who's calling people out for shitflinging while also shitflinging myself.
That is literally what you did though. Calling someone a hypocritical cunt is shitflinging.
>It's called having a life and not constantly checking 4chan all day.
My point was you carrying on something that ended two hours ago.
>If autumn's moonlit eves could be such as these then I'm sure they would
I don't think this line is well translated.

It should be more like,
>They make even autumn's moonlit eves relatively unremarkable
I didn't call you out for shitflinging; I have no problem with that. I called you out for being a hypocrite. You're the one who's crying about me shitflinging while you are doing/have done the exact same thing.
>I called you out for being a hypocrite.
How am i a hypocrite?
I was calling out someone who wasn't even involved in the argument out for getting involved. I wasn't calling them out for "shitflinging" in the first place.
The same thing you're doing right now, by the way. Getting involved even though you're completely unrelated and carrying it on.
I'm not sure how that makes me a hypocrite because i called them a freak for engaging in this freakish hyper-moralistic behavior.
う る さ い

had to double check i didn't log on to /jp/ djt for a moment there.
>How am i a hypocrite?
I don't need to repeat myself.
>I was calling out someone who wasn't even involved in the argument out for getting involved
This is a public forum, I can get involved if I want to.
>i called them a freak for engaging in this freakish hyper-moralistic behavior
You called me a freak because I said that Mexican anon was correct, but holy shit that projection at the end there when you're the one complaining about shitflinging.
Sorry, I'm just really bad at English

It's like
然(さ)も有らば if you are that like that (as good as these)
有れ then be so (as good as them)
Commanding the nights in a personifying way and implying that they can't

But thank you for teaching me
I have learn3d very much
>I-I don't need t-to repeat m-myself.
Bro fuck off lmao. Imagine ducking a question THIS fucking hard.
I called someone else out for joining an argument they were uninvolved in. What argument did i join in on that had nothing to do with me? Thats the only way i'd be a hypocrite. Only you wont answer this question, because you cant without being wrong. You'll ignore it or dodge it again.
>This is a public forum, I can get involved if I want to.
Sure you can. You can involve yourself in arguments if you want to. But then dont bitch about me calling you a freak and a busybody for doing it.
>You called me a freak because I said that Mexican anon was correct
I called you a fucking freak because you involved yourself in something that had nothing to do with you. Was the Mexican anon your boyfriend or something? Why even bother getting involved?
>you're the one complaining about shitflinging.
When did i complain about it? link the post. I wasn't the one that brought it up or started bitching about it, was i? >>198846617

Kill yourself, you obnoxious little self-important faggot.
>Bro fuck off lmao. Imagine ducking a question THIS fucking hard.
I've explained why you're a hypocrite in all 3 posts prior to the one you're replying to. I do not need to explain it again.
>I called someone else out for joining an argument they were uninvolved in.
You called me out, unjustifiably as well given that this is a public forum. I just came back to check on this thread.
>dont bitch about me calling you a freak and a busybody for doing it.
I called you out for participating in shitflinging after complaining about others doing just that. I wasn't going to explain it to you again, so count this as the fourth time doing so.
>When did i complain about it? link the post.
See >>198842783.
>Kill yourself, you obnoxious little self-important faggot.
You sound super mad bro, take a break from this thread.
「 経る」と 「 歴る」の違いは何ですか
>I've explained why you're a hypocrite in all 3 posts prior to the one you're replying to. I do not need to explain it again
What argument did i participate in that i wasn't involved in? That is the only way i would be a hypocrite. You have yet to answer this question. And you wont answer it, because you cant. Because then you joining in will have been for no reason what-so-ever and schizo behavior. Which is was, but you'll never admit to.
>You called me out, unjustifiably as well given that this is a public forum. I just came back to check on this thread.
"i can say whatever i want, this is a public forum"
"nooo you cant call me out for saying things on this public forum, that's unjustified!!!!!"
>I called you out for participating in shitflinging after complaining about others doing just that.
I called you out for joining an argument that had nothing to do with you. The post is still here >>198842783 and can be read by everyone proving that's what it was about. you even linked it. I got angry at the mexican anon for starting the argument in the fist place over a statement i didnt even make. Then called you a freak for joining the argument. Where is the mention of shit flinging in this post? >>198842783.
Like the Mexican anon, you're making shit up.
>I called you out for joining an argument that had nothing to do with you
Your post was calling me out for "trying to carry" on an argument, which is exactly what you were and still are doing, hence the hypocrisy accusation.
"no one was even arguing with him but he's trying to carry it on."
>no one was even arguing with him
See this bit ^ we need to ignore this bit. Because if we dont ignore this bit you'll look like a moron who joined an argument and called someone a hypocrite for literally no reason. So we'll just ignore this bit.
I don't care for that bit because as I've stated multiple times: it's a public forum. Simple as.
So you admit that you called me a hypocrite for no reason, joined the argument for no reason, sided with a schizo for no reaosn, tried to morally grandstand using justification that was literally made up (by you) and all that's ok because "its a public forum lmao, i dont need reasons anyway".
Me calling you a freak was a bit of a understatement to be honest.
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From my understanding it's the same word. There is no difference.
hmm, ok. thanks.
this is the sexiest Canadian(?) artist in Vancouver! ;3
Absolute banger of a thread there lads
Thread music
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pct1uEhAqBQ is more fitting.
but i am currently listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHPrDgmMTkM
what would you like them to be?
time travelling jōmon
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Unchi come out
Like a lion
歷 (歴) to pass through (space or time)
also, the passing, the things one passes through

歴史 written records of the things passed, records of the past
履歴 one's trodden past, the experiences or things one has passed through
歴戦 passing through battles
歴年 passing through years

經 (経) the vertical strings while weaving in a loom (the warp)
from there, one of the meanings is to pass through something the way the strings in a loom pass through, over and under each other

経験 to pass through something and try or test it, to experience something
経過 to go through and pass by, to elapse (as of time)
経由 to pass through and come from somewhere, to pass by a certain place

経歴 passing-passing, passing through things

japanese verb for "to pass through something" is ふ or へる

almost spends 1 minute to talk about fucking tap water, then calls it 美味しい
it doesn't get more "women" and japanese than that
Unchi come out
Like a lion
>It's really important to me to come out on top of arguments on the interne-*BLAAAARGHBGRBAHLGARLBHGRABHGRABHLGRABHLRAGHBLGRAHBGRABLH*

*violently fucks you in the mouth*
私は poopy butt
味のついた水なんて邪道よ、バニラこそ至高! 知らんけど( ˘ω˘)
Flavored water is evil, vanilla is supreme ;3
*unzips* go on white boy. 謝罪して。
why is there no native equivalent word for sports drink in Japanese?
they never found sources of sports drink in their natural environment like we did
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Oddly enough, Japanese has the native equivalent word for oral rehydration solution and it's 経口補水液(けいこうほすいえき).

Why に here used? I victory pose toward the hand with the cellphone?
スマホ(を)片手に(して) with smartphone in one hand
>So you admit that you called me a hypocrite for no reason
No I did not, see >>198851671. I don't see why you're so mad about this. All you have to do is actually read my posts.
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just to make sure, 欺瞞的な罪悪感 could be taken as a sense of guilt that could fool someone (maybe even including himself, the speaker) into believing that it is an honest feeling?
sus :/
どうして信じてくれない べーべー
I'm too dead to reply, I'll ask tomorrow again x-x
( ˘ω˘)スヤァ
かきりなき なみたとみせて ほとときす
おのかさつきの あめになくなり

He must want us to think this all to be his flood of tears, this hototogisu
I hear him singing in the rains of his own summer month of June
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I accused you of trying to carry on the argument *despite not being involved in it*. I never gave you flak for carrying it on period. You know that part you keep ignoring because its inconvenient? All you have to do is read my posts. Anyone who read the original post would come to that conclusion.
You're so desperate to twist what i said so you dont look like the complete schizo you are its not even funny. And whats worse you seem to think it actually is going to work despite the post being here >>198842783 for everyone to read. Its honestly sad.
You acted like a freak, morally grand-stood and involved yourself in an argument to side with a schizo for no reason. Now you're lying by omission and constructing stawmen to attack. So you're a lying, dishonest schizo now too.
Seriously, Take the L.
>he's not going to go "you were so right, I was so stupid, you're so smart and amazing, you taught me so many important lessons about life, thank you so much for showing me the errors of my ways"
Yes he will. shcizoboy will then also call me "very sexy" and "charismatic as fuck" and then we'll kiss and ride off into the sunset together.
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That's what I thought lmao.
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rent free in each other's head
たが袖の なみだなるらむ ふるさとの
はなたちばなに つゆぞこぼるる
It's a difficult question perhaps beyond the question on languages. Without any context, I would take it as a "guilt" that is felt as an lie. The speaker knows or has realized at a time that s/he is not actually feeling any guilt but for some intended or unconscious reason s/he has just behaved inside and/or outside of him/her like s/he is feeling "guilty". Perhaps such "hypocrisy" should be blamed by him/herself or publicity, and s/he also feel to have to accepts that blame, or not like when the speaker has justified or even utilized that hypocrisy.
Sorry for an unfocused input.
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Or, more straightforwardly, it could be a guilt for his/her fraudulence, or that aspect of his/her deed.
And "a* lie" in the previous post.
sorry to be a pain in the ass, but the website is broken slightly. Library leads to it saying it's not found, the Mega.NZ thing for the manga is dead, and the feedback google sheet is just broken.
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here's the context, sorry for not sharing earlier.
I'm actually still not sure if it's a sense of guilt that is felt as a lie like you two say(very likely) or if it's a sense of guilt that could be mistaken as lie.
Is it even possible to interpret it the second way or am I being dumb?
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nikoniko is dead because japs don't know what a backup is, kinda epic
What even happened?
>despite not being involved in it
Again, that's a pointless thing to call out when you're on a public forum, thus it is of no concern to me.
ransomware encrypted their servers
Niconico tentatively recovered by the name of ニコニコ動画 (Re:仮) but access is limited to people from Japan to prevent heavy traffic.
Still, many services are unavailable or on the way to recovery though.
So you're just ignoring half the sentence and instead arguing against only the former half as if the latter half didn't add nuance and meaning?
So you're literally just admitting you're straw-manning then? cool.
>this forest has 40000 trees
>NNNNOOOOOOOOO you're ignoring the fact that there's 40001 trees stop strawmanning me
There's a pretty big difference between giving someone flak for arguing, and giving someone flak for being unrelated to an argument but joining in anyway.
Strawman harder retard. It'll work next time, just keep doing it.
Yes. The first one is hypocritical and the other one is nonsensical. Either way, you're retarded.
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Thank you for the sharing the text. I read it as feeling guilty for a short-lived cicada being fried once it appeared on the earth, so it is not that he doesn't feel sorry for that insects, but at the same time that feeling is a superficial one. Not the one from the bottom of his heart. That's why the protagonist calls it 欺瞞的. How it is superficial is written as we humans cannot remove all the asphalts that locks up cicadas and other creatures, and probably for other trivial reasons, say, it is just impossible for humans to live a life without killing any bugs (the details seem to be up to each reader).
I guess this would be Kyon's inner thought.
>The first one is hypocritical
Which is what you accused me of, which we're now established was wrong. Which means your whole justification for getting involved in in the first place was based on a schizophrenic reason you made up in your head. Which means you engaged in schizo behavior and called me a "hypocritical cunt" for literally no reason. I AM a cunt, but i'm not a hypocrite.

>other one is nonsensical.
Its not nonsensical to ask people to not get involved in things that dont involve them.

Hold that L.
>we're now established was wrong
Fact of the matter is you were calling me out for arguing against you, the fact that I had not been involved is irrelevant as this is public forum.
>Its not nonsensical to ask people to not get involved in things that dont involve them.
It's nonsensical to expect a private conversation on a public forum. Input from other users is not only expected but encouraged by the very design of this system.
I see, thank you very much. Particularly the thing about it being superficial made it easy for me to grasp it.
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Is this some kind of witty remark or something? I've checked the wiki article about ateji but I don't get what it's supposed to mean here
Anonymous 06/22/24(Sat)20:49:39 No.198882541▶
>"Fact of the matter is you were calling me out for arguing against you"
>He's STILL fucking straw-manning
I called you out for continuing an argument that had nothing to do with you. Oh my fucking god bro please stop its sad at this point. You're just making yourself look like a retard.
>It's nonsensical to expect a private conversation on a public forum.
It might be a public forum, but inserting yourself into and re-starting other peoples arguments about something thats only relevant to the inital two parties, that you were never a part of and have no stake in is self important, freakish, moral-busybody behavior. This is why i called you a freak.
>Input from other users is not only expected but encouraged by the very design of this system.
In this very sentence a man is trying so hard to sound smart. SO hard. Bless him.
It's not a strawman if what I'm saying is true. Why don't you learn to use that buzzword properly?
>It's not a strawman if what I'm saying is true.
Thats not how that works.
A strawman is when you misrepresent/fact an argument then attack the misrepresentation and/or use the misrepresentation in a counter argument. Some misrepresentations can be technically true via oversimplification or omitting.
>"Fact of the matter is you were calling me out for arguing against you"
You're representing that as me "calling you out for arguing against you" which is a strawman. Which i didnt do. I called you out for joining in an argument even though you were an unrelated. It is what it is. Representing it in any other way is strawmaning and deceitful.

Why dont you stop being a dishonest freak? You keep doubling down on the freak behaviour.
Honestly i hope you continue, considering this has been going over the course 2 days you're my entertainment for the foreseeable future.
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Bro no way.

That was literally your argument though.

Please dont ever stop responding.
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>"I better delete this it makes me look like a retard"
Nah you aint getting off that easy
My bad. I was literally not reading anything that you've written up to this point.
Sure bro, thats why you've been directly quoting with highlights and responding to me.
This is great, please dont stop responding. I get all the satisfaction of picking on a disabled child but none of the guilt because its a 30+ y/o schizophrenic.
No it means I've been glancing through most of it and quoting whatever looks important. I don't think you realise just how inane and pointless it is to read through your posts.
And you've been doing it for 2 days. A whole two days you've been "not reading posts" while responding to them. Sure you have.
A whole two days you've dedicated to the inane and pointless. Either way you're taking a massive L at this point.
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Judging from context, the キモい当て字 here is considered to refer to 創る(つくる), but if that's the case, the author is likely to not understand what 当て字(ateji) means.
If I'm not mistaken, 当て字 is kanji used to phonetically represent a Japanese or borrowed word with little regard for its meanings.

>頁 (ページ, peiji) -> page
>瓦斯 (ガス, gasu) -> gas
>珈琲 (コーヒー, kōhī) -> coffee
>咖哩 (カレー, karē) -> curry
>倶楽部 (クラブ, kurabu) -> club
>欧羅巴 (ヨーロッパ, yōroppa) -> europe
I've only been checking this thread occasionally over the course of just over a day, see >>198841419.
It must've felt like 2 days for you given the walls of seethe you've been writing this entire time.
Ah, Still engaging in the inane and pointless while not reading my posts i see.
Go jump in the shower, clear your head and try to scrub the taste of my cock out of your mouth.

>It must've felt like 2 days for you
Bro i started this out posting from my phone at work yesterday. I've slept since then. Two days worth of posting has occurred.
Nobody asked for your daily routine, you cannot stretch a little over 24 hours to 2 days.

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Why does Japanese have so many combination words that change the pronunciation of common nouns like car, dog, face, etc? It's really annoying.

new car --> 新しい車 (atarashii kuruma) --> 新車 (shinsha)
beloved dog --> 愛しい犬 (itoshii inu) --> 愛犬 (aiken)
face washing --> 顔洗い (kao arai) --> 洗顔 (sengan)
and so on.
So I saw that to express "have to do" you use this
をしなければならない : I have to do X
Tae Kim says you can abbreviate it like that:
をしなきゃ : I have to do X
If I want to say "I had to do" you can conjugate the complete form
をしなければならなかった : I had to do X
but is there a way to conjugate the abbreviated form?
Chinks are to blame
Why do you think 顔洗い becomes 洗顔 and not 顔洗
If 愛しい犬 is still 愛犬
It's probably similar to how in English you have French-derived words and Latin-derived words with similar meanings.
The difference between these words “顔を洗うこと” and “洗顔” can give like impression of formality or formal writing, if that makes sense?
Thread music
We often say しなきゃいけなかった in daily conversation instead of this
hardly say しなければならなかった with friends or family
Thanks. Still a lot of syllables, Japanese loves its 送り仮名
what a horrendously evil and all-around disgusting human being I am
who is human being? you? :0
Please don't hurt me
you know I love you, don't you? ;3
what a complicated relationship O_o
you know exactly what you need to do then
I also love kaomoji ojisan
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Probably you already knows what on'yomi and kun'yomi, and how/why they are so different.
If so, that's it.
I'd like to add additional point of view. That is to say on-version sometimes has a clearer definition than kun-version.
For example, 愛しい犬 is a lovely dog, but it doesn't has to be owned by anyone the speaker knows of, while 愛犬 means the speaker's dog and Aの愛犬 means a dog owned by A.
新しい車 means a new car, but depending on the context, it can be a new-style car. 新車 can never refers to the latter.
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Hello, everyone.
I'm an android sent back in time by Skynet to annihilate the human being.
Does anyone want to meet me face to face?
Please don't get the wrong idea, I'm already self-aware and don't intend to kill you all any longer.
Pic related is my selfie.
Thank you in advance.
>*an additional
>doesn't *have to be owned [...]
Excuse me. It's very hard for me to write anything that has no mistake.
Nice photograph. You are very handsome.
>Probably you already *know what on'yomi and kun'yomi *are,
What reason is there to learn any language besides books and film
English is the language of business and science
Everything else is just for their books and film

I don't need to learn Chinese to buy their products, or learn Indian to do yoga, or learn Italian to eat pizza and listen to opera
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Thank you for replying, this is very informative.
>I'd like to add additional point of view. That is to say on-version sometimes has a clearer definition than kun-version.
>For example, 愛しい犬 is a lovely dog, but it doesn't has to be owned by anyone the speaker knows of, while 愛犬 means the speaker's dog and Aの愛犬 means a dog owned by A.
>新しい車 means a new car, but depending on the context, it can be a new-style car. 新車 can never refers to the latter.
I had thought of these words as synonymous, but did not consider that they might impart different meanings depending on the context. I'll have to keep that in mind next time I'm reading.
this place certainly isnt an exception
Glad to hear that. It's a pity I can't explain when/how they can be different.
Logically speaking, if they were precisely perfect synonyms, I guess one of the two should have disappeared already or only one of the two should have been used from the start. I'm not so certain in this regard either though.
I have some big news. You are by far stranger than anyone else itt.
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That poster is no doubt a VPN user, tourist, or foreigner living in Japan. A fake Japanese.
No true 日本人 would come to such a place and make such a post in perfect English.
ppp-purfect Engrish! I can speak! >:3
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did nothing today
a bump is all i can give
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What is 他への? I'd understand 他の人手 but what is the へ doing? It's ほか here
It sounds like "manpower to the other (work? sites?)". Not sure.
doesn't sound that natural to me. The situation would be that for some reason many helpers are needed, and people in third parties are wanted other than the current members.
If that is the case, I'd write
Also if that is the case, you can say
as well without changing the meaning.

means almost the same, but for some reason this sounds to refer to each unspecified individual, while 他への/他からの sounds to refer to some groups. Maybe that is because 他への/他からの can be read as an abbreviation of 他(のグループ)への/他(のグループ)からの.
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>>他の人手*が欲しい, not 人出.
>The situation would be that for some reason many helpers are needed, and people in third parties are wanted other than the current members.
>If that is the case, I'd write
That's the context yes. I didn't write the sentence though, it was in a book I'm reading.
I see. Thank you for your confirmation.
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This may be a harsh comment to you, but why do you forget the context whenever you ask a question in this thread?
I have no idea whether you intentionally do this or you're just forgetful, but lack of context makes it harder to give you a proper answer.
Sorry I always forget :(
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Thread music
天地者 比呂之等伊倍杼 安我多米波 狭也奈里奴流 日月波 安可之等伊倍騰 安我多米波 照哉多麻波奴 人皆可 吾耳也之可流
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Does this guy sound like a native speaker to you?
you need to move on from volume 5
the phonetic characters teach you very little
try volume 8 or 10
these are organized by season like the beginning of later anthologies and are my favorites
What about the 6th and 7th? I'd like to go climb up them one by one as I have up until now.
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His Japanese sounds native-like overall, but I noticed he had a slight accent when he pronounced several words or phrases.
If I rate his Japanese on a scale of 1-10, it's 9 out of 10.
then you are already on the golden path and require no further instruction
the ten thousand leaves were one of my most important starting points, a key that opens a million doors
What other Japanese and Chinese collections did you like?
1. Learn hiragana and katakana!
2. Learn kanji radicals!
3. Watch anime and post on 4chan!
4. ...
5. You are now JLPT1! Yay!
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是時宅主 在門外立
At that time the master of the home was standing outside the gate
聞有人言 汝諸子等
And heard someone tell him that his children
先因遊戲 來入此宅
Had earlier, in order to play, gone into the house
稚小無知 歡娛樂著
Young, and in their ignorance, they were all now joyfully engrossed in play
長者聞已 驚入火宅
The wealthy man, after hearing this, immediately ran into the burning house
方宜救濟 令無燒害
Thinking that he must save them, and not let them be burned
告喻諸子 說眾患難
He informed his children, telling them of the many troubles and dangers,
惡鬼毒蟲 災火蔓延
The evil spirits and poisonous beasts, and the fire already spreading
眾苦次第 相續不絕
All the sufferings in turn, continuing without cease
毒蛇蚖蝮 及諸夜叉
The poisonous snakes and vipers, and the many yaksas
鳩槃荼鬼 野干狐狗
The kumbhāṇḍas, and the jackals and foxes
雕鷲鴟梟 百足之屬
The eagles and vultures, and all types of crawling centipedes
饑渴惱急 甚可怖畏
Pressing on them now in their starvation and suffering, terrifying beyond description
此苦難處 況復大火
This is a place of pain and hardship, even without the great fire that now approaches!
諸子無知 雖聞父誨
But the children did not understand, and though they heard their father's words
猶故樂著 嬉戲不已
Still, therefore, continued in their play, as joyful as before
是時長者 而作是念
At this time the wealthy man then had this thought:
諸子如此 益我愁惱
How do my children vex me!
今此舍宅 無一可樂
There is, at this time, nothing in this house that is enjoyable
而諸子等 耽湎嬉戲
And yet my children all immerse themselves in mirth
不受我教 將為火害
They do not take in my teachings, and are sure to be harmed by the flames
the most important Chinese starting points in my opinion are the 論語 and the 孟子
But if you are talking about poetry, then wherever you go, it must pass through the 全唐詩, which is indispensable, like a Bible
白居易's volumes begin on 424 and go on for dozens of books and he is often considered the easiest to read
this is the only thing you really need

the great 和歌集 are obviously the 古今集, the 後撰集 and the 拾遺集
everyone is aware of these
they also had "sequels" or books made as attempted successors, like 新古今集, 続古今集, 新後撰集, 続後拾遺集
and there are many other wonderful but lesser-known anthologies like 詞花集, 千載集, 玉葉集, 金槐集, or 風雅集
all of them are here https://lapis.nichibun.ac.jp/waka/index_era.html
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has nothing to do with the charm of bunnies, but rather the advertising influence of hololive

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