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idk edition

prev: >>198814348
Excited about the game.
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Good morning frens
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good luck
Mă cac.
A draw is sufficient.
you can do it, your team is in good form
We will get a weaker opponent in the round of 16 if we top the group, so this must be the principal goal.
gonna watch it at home or are you going out?
In the city centre.
it was the hottest night i've experienced, i need to take a shower
lucky you, here it's raining and stormy
i meant it as a bad thing
even worse, in the morning there was some minor raining and now on top of being hot, it's also humid as fuck now
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it's new to me but putting mushrooms in your morning eggs are really good
i suffer
i lost the game
what gaem?
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>wind gusts over 110 km/h
what the fukk
Add sheep cheese and tomatoes.
Excuse me?
raw tomatoes?
>i meant it as a bad thing
then you don't know what you're saying
tell me everything you know about Szeged - common stereotypes, cultural peculiarities and so on
>then you don't know what you're saying
i do, rainy days are comfy
this humid hot weather is absolute garbage
they like fish and use "ö" istead of "e"
she isn't a native Hungarian speaker? I wouldn't discern that
>i do, rainy days are comfy
way too many of them here
i wish we had dialects here
>way too many of them here
i want to be polish even more now
have you ever been there? even water looks depressing, dark and "cold" here comparing to Hungary

Balaton has this nice greenish color while Polish lakes are dark blue (and dirty af)
no but i'll go to poland in a few weeks
Doesn't this
look depressing comparing to

i don't get why water here is so dark
Don't forget to visit Nedec castle, it's the GroBHungarivm of Poland
balaton looks nasty green to me desu, i'd prefer the top one
it's p much like Fallout: Dél-Alföld
nah, it's job related so i probably won't see anything
Only a few sturdy ruszin prevail in such harsh environment.
yet somehow people from all over Europe simp for Balaton and not for our lakes
I thought only Miskolc is like this
sad, where are you going and what kind of job is that?
no, Miskolc is like Novosybirsk
a rotten cold relic from communism
>yet somehow people from all over Europe simp for Balaton and not for our lakes
no idea why, balaton is nasty, overpriced and shitty in general
>sad, where are you going and what kind of job is that?
polkowice, don't wanna talk about the job
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>a rotten cold relic from communism in Central Europe b like
>polkowice, don't wanna talk about the job
you don't need to say anything more, it's pretty obvious it's about KGHM and copper mining
it might be
at least you will see a real relic from communism comparing to which Miskolc will seem to be like Vienna
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check behind the building desülad, only the fronts are renowated
>only the fronts are renowated
here they don't do even this lmao
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have you ever seen a market square with commieblox? now you will have a chance, don't miss it
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>I thought only Miskolc is like this
First of all, it's called Miskolcz and not Miskolc.
It's the best city in Hungary. There will be anons who are clearly deranged and do not know the economical and political reality of this great city. I always told to others that money is everything and that anyone who studied at least a little could live happily, but they come up with stupid things like
>muh, GDP
I don't care czigány, no one cares about money here, only kikes and fags like half of this board.
Picreal is the visible sign of socialism building.
>First of all, it's called Miskolcz and not Miskolc.
why wikipedia gets it wrong then
i checked it on the streetview and it looks like basically every single bigger hungarian city
deranged Miskolczian hands wrote this post
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>i checked it on the streetview and it looks like basically every single bigger hungarian city

except it's not big lol
we have commieblox even in villages here
we do have commieblock everywhere too
but Hungarian cities also always have nice city centres, old towns and such. Here a lot of cities do not because they were either literal villages pumped by commies or their historical core was destroyed in WW2. So having commieblocks right in the main square of the city is a norm here
because anybody can edit that site
Wow, this such a TRANSdanubian answear. No one cares about
>muh, roman empire
>muh, oil
>muh, balaton

market square in Lubin next to Polkowice
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doesn't look that bad to me
it's literally commieblocks around the market square instead of historical buildings because retarded commies couldn't come up with an idea to leave empty space there so maybe in the future someone could rebuild nice architecture there
ja igen, ide is kibaszottul kellett a rizs spam
what spam?
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why is there no highway Miskolc-Szolnok-Szeged
it screams to be built there
no moneyz
there is literally nothing there
I call that place Bermuda-triangle, I have never in my life have set foot there
it looks like it has nice nature, lakes, rivers, hills
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I am extremely ashamed of being born in miskolc
in fact I likely would have been born in kassa if hungary never lost that city
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amúgy ezt a fonalat is én csináltam, ahogy az elmúlt 2 hét szinte összes v4-ét, én beszélgetek a lengyel ánonnal is, szóval mehetsz vissza a ká-ba a gyerektapizó barátod mellé házmesterkedni miután azt a generált is tönkretetted
did your ancestors move to Miskolc after Trianon?
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there are kino spots I admit
my condolences
i wish i could live in Kadar's goulash heaven for a week
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this place was a part of historical Hungary
actually few people even in Poland know about it
poland > hungary
akkor takarodhatsz is oda te retkes libsi
you have no idea
Hungary is just beautiful, landscapes, cities, culture, everything is so...European. Here it feels like Asia/Russia comparing to Hungary.
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my parents moved to miskolc in the 90s but thankfully we moved to budapest when I was a toddler
do Hungarian liberals worship Poland now because le based Poles toppled le chudgovernment and have a "right" pro-European party in power now?

kek if true
nah, i just said it based on /int/ poster quality
you are honorary budapesti then
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not anymore
ever since poles voted for the tusk government they aren't humans anymore
>my parents moved to miskolc in the 90s
why then? they should have already gotten used to living in Slovakia for so many years? was Kosice so dangerous for Hungarians in the 90s?
this weather is fucking garbage, maybe the climatehoax is real after all
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Am I a fren?
my family is from hungary
I said I would have been born in kassa because that is the closest big city to my parents village
then you are hungarian, why do you always claim to be otherwise
Post Jucika.
Leszarom mindkettőt. XD
How large are restoration projects in your countries? From time to time I see the threads about Poland restoring their historic sites, but that's it.
do you have funny Polish names for Hungarian cities?
but you have mountains and forests
actual fucking forests that aren't just 2 km strips between two wheat fields
my ancestors moved to borsod and abaúj counties 250-300 years ago (in multiple waves). and most of them married within the members of the Rusyn settlement for generations
that doesn't my blood
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as far as i know orbán is really into restoring older architecture to it's original state from the brutalist 80s commie garbage
but i don't really follow it
akkor lehet menni
he's more hungarian than you'll ever be
missed this post, are you cooking the tomatoes with the eggs then?
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did you just brag about being inbred?
based mountainous Rusyn, I can feel how hard it is to you to live with Hungarians who are mostly plain-minded people
i think everyone restores the ruined neglected buildings slowly and actual reconstruction happens very rarely in fact here

truth is, the best at restoring cities now is Germany, despite the meme that western countries hate historical architecture. Dresden is continuously getting rebuilt, in Berlin a lot of revival-style buildings are being erected as well
I wonder if it's even possible to fully restore something like Dresden
generally Hungarian 's' is 'sz' in Polish and the other way round

Budapest is Budapeszt, Szeged is Segedyn etc.

but it doesn't look as Central European as Hungary. Also our architecture is generally shit, we don't have local styles anymore desu.
cringe thread
Not fully obviously but even the relatively small part they are rebuilding is still quite impressive
i have to admit, shitalian threads are so better
as long as it's a different village each time
those places used to be extremely insular
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what is life there
the thread that's currently up looks pretty comfy
Really nice city. It was one of the first city of hungary and they always vote for Fidesz
I am talking about how non-hungarian I am you lardass tomi larping as an alcoholic hairy sole
it was multiple 1000s of people within the settlement (set of 10s of villages). you can maintain to keep your ethnic bloodline pure for 200-300 years without having to resort to actual inbreeding
doesn't look to great to me
it just is
i wouldnt know, i dont know italian
Did you know? Several common slang Hungarian slang words come from either Yiddish or Gypsy!
Subscribe for more cool Hungarian facts!
>i wouldnt know, i dont know italian
it's still better because it's italian, nigger
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i highly doubt that
Szeged is like a small Budapest if it was flat
Also theres or at least there was a guy that was famous for walking around in extremely small shorts
Google “szegedi picsaember”

Miskolc is the Hungarian Baltimore if you have seen the Wired
Abandoned buildings all over, shit roads, rudest people in the country
Genuinely grim

The one linked above was Déryné, behind that is the Berze kert. This one is behind the Spar on Szechenyi
It is an abandoned old hotel and cinema. Ive been inside b4, lot of people been, popular “urbex” spot. If you google “Avas szálló urbex” you can find pictures
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the more ethnic ancestry the better imo
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Yes. Lunchtime.
i gsv'ed Miskolc and seriously, if it's the worst city in Hungary then Hungary is a paradise
Also lmao at this picture. Google “Dísz tér” and check it out on Street View if you want to see how it looks like today. You can also see all the boarded up and abandoned buildings. Genuinely irredeemable city
>Google “szegedi picsaember”
nah dont do that dont give any clicks to that attentionwhoring paedo
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have a good one, i'll also get something for lunch brb
I see a lot of famous places are around Miskolc tho - Eger, Tokaj, Sarospatak...looks like a nice region to visit anyway
Was flavoursome. What are you having?
leftover chicken, i made some corn salad with mayo
Its a poor region in general with all the related problems but its decent nature wise. You can get to the Bükk forest in like 15 minutes with a car from downtown. Lillafüred area with the Palotaszálló is pretty nice. There is the Szent Imre and Aggtelek Cave. Miskolctapolca is a wealthy area that has a thermal bath, wellness, a lake and a nice park around it. But the actual city itself is awful
>But the actual city itself is awful
dude really, you're too spoiled in Austro-Hungarium cultural sphere, if a city like Miskolc was here it would be a top tourist destination
Look anon its very flattering but its unironically a Baltimore tier city with abandoned buildings and industrial decay all over. Something like Zalaegerszeg feels like a completely different country
>be me, a fish propeller operator
>get up at the crack of dawn
>everyone else is still asleep, including the fish
>grab my trusty lunchbox, head to the factory
>greet the fish with a "good morning"
>they don't respond, as usual
>start up the propellers, fish start their daily spin
>boss comes in, looks serious
>"We have a special task for you today"
>oh boy, here we go
>new shipment of exotic fish arrives
>one of them is a pufferfish
>propeller spins, pufferfish freaks out
>inflates to the size of a beach ball
>boss yells, "Do something!"
>what do you want me to do, deflate it like a balloon?
>grab a net, try to catch the pufferfish
>it bounces around like a pinball
>other fish are now watching, looks like they're laughing
>finally, catch the pufferfish
>boss says, "Great, now put it back in the tank"
>are you serious
>carefully put it back, fish still inflated
>everyone stares, awkward silence
>boss walks away, mumbling about sushi
>finish my shift, tell the fish "goodnight"
>they still don't respond
>mfw all in a day's work
>ts unironically a Baltimore tier city with abandoned buildings and industrial decay all over
you have no idea what abandoned buildings really means lol
check out Łódź and you will never say a bad word about Miskolc in your life again
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looks like Miskolc to me tbqh
thanks for sharing, but i don't get it
Dude Miskolc has a giant abandoned factory in the middle of the valley called Vasgyár
Theres Chernobyl tier decay in that city. It would need like billions of Euros to modernize it except everyone has given up on it completely. People just move out
something smells like rudis here
>People just move out
desu Hungary's settlement structure is such so you could easily build a good system of highways and rapid trains to connect every other city (maybe besides Debrecen) to Budapest so moving between these places wouldn't last more than 1,5h which makes it viable for everyday commuting hence making these towns satellite towns of Budapest and stop their depopulation while also relieving housing prices in Budapest

I can see that Miskolc is in a similar distance from Budapest like Łódź is from Warsaw and nowadays Łódź is just part of Warsaw's metropolitan area, it will be even more pronounced when they finally build that hi-speed (250kmph) railway with underground tunnels. A lot of people live in Łódź (where houses are laughably cheap) and just go everyday to Warsaw to work.
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For me it's Alamóc. Even the smallest Czech historical town mogs any other V4 counterpart.
true but Czechia is just on another level, hardly any other country can be compared to them when it comes to historical heritage

they were never tainted by Turkey/Russia so it paid off for them
czechia > slovakia > polan > hungary
>polan > hungary
nah, Poland is obviously the last one since we have that formerly Russia-occupied 1/3 of the country that looks straight like from Siberia

Slovakia is kinda underrated I agree, they really have a lot of nice well maintained town. I know that Hungarian aristocracy built them but still, Slovaks keep them in good shape and they must be praised for that
Sincerely wishing luck to Czechia bros today
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Also Moson is underrated as fuck.
is it common for Hungarians in western part of the country, Sopron etc., to live in Hungary but work in Vienna and commute everyday to Austria?
I mean that is already kind of happening. The suburbs around Budapest has been growing for a long time while city population is getting smaller. There are good train connections from cities like Vác or Székesfehérvár, lot of trains and people. But after a certain distance it is not worth to commute

Either way im heading out to the lake now bc it is way too hot
Have a nice day everyone
yeah i think it's pretty common
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Thoughts on Temesvár?
oh forgot it's FP3
>But after a certain distance it is not worth to commute
imo 1,5h is the border value, below that it makes sense to commute (ofc also depends on reliability of transport, quality, prices and so on)
looks nice?
i was never there before
I prefer Kolozsvar
Like 80% of the bartenders in Vienna are Slovakian or Hungarian
Photos, please.
do you learn German at school? do you generally know this language well? I think you definitely need to speak it to work as a bartender

i thought it's a moral duty for all Hungarians to visit all the St Stephen Crown's main cities and regions
i don't go out too much, also travelling is not my thing
>orange warning for thunderstorms, red even
>heading out

rest in pepperoni
>I think you definitely need to speak it to work as a bartender
Not me.
desu it must be both cool and weird so you travel to another country yet this country feels totally like your country and everyone speaks your language there

our people were mostly kicked out of ex-Polish lands in the east which has both good (Poland is more populous, stronger and whatever) and bad consequences (we have no sphere of influence anymore, no one knows or cares about Polish culture outside Poland, Lithuanians or Ukrainians don't even learn Polish anymore)
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finally the highlight of the day has been dropped
actually i don't know this feel because i rarely go to other countries, this will be my first time going to a v4 country even
>this will be my first time going to a v4 country even
sorry then that your first experience will be a shithole like Polkowice
i don't mind it, it won't be aynthing like a vacation
just going from job place to the hotel for an entire week, maybe even longer
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>these niggas really named their city segedín
ah okay, it's probably something to do with Volkswagen
no, it's a different story but don't wanna share it here
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it's a funny food name and the city is called that as well therefore it's funny.
i hope you've eaten today so you're not hungary.
>i hope you've eaten today so you're not hungary
Two hours to go.
for the slo-ukr match?
you playing later right?
>Amikor még Aczél után is betartod a TTT-t
Olomouc - in my opinion best city in Czechia, beautiful historic centre full of life, a lot of students and young people, the outskirts of the city are being developed in a modern way, good highway/railway connection, still acceptable prices.

t. lived there for 4 years
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>Sincerely wishing luck to Czechia bros today
I hope you beat us. I like to spoil the joy of Czech retards.
Football (in Czechia) is (mostly) sport for brain-deads.

Btw been to Tokaj recently, very nice town and area.

The only con - very warm climate already in May.
>very warm climate
noticed, i'm dying here
also not a big fan of football bt w
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and I just remembered one more thing, I was driving with navigation, which unfortunately directed me to the ferry across the river.
Cigany accepted only cash, and only Hungarian currency, so I had to make a big detour.
we are notrious for poor tourist treatment
It's a bit sad because it's a tourist area, and I wanted to have the experience of sailing across the river :D
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I was willing to pay even a lot of money for this shit (the actual price was only 3 EUR).
sorry about that
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i just found out there's multiple ancestry family trees with my unique last name in the US. how can i find out which are my relatives and how can i profit from this?
There's no need to apologize. I'm just surprised you don't want to milk the tourists.
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For freedom. Our game is at 22:00. Anyway, a snack; stuffed with sulguni and spinach.
>how can i profit from this?
i have no idea, can you realistically profit from having US relatives?
> I'm just surprised you don't want to milk the tourists.
actually hungary is notorious for milking the tourist, some anon talked about it yesterday
looks nice, would
>actually hungary is notorious for milking the tourist
I had a pleasant experience in the wine cellar (the owner even spoke English) and did not try to scam me.
maybe it depends on the area, in budapest they would definitely try to milk you
I know, been there too, but it's common in every capital city, I don't judge the whole country by that.
>can you realistically profit from having US relatives?
easier getting citizenship maybe? maybe some old relative that's dying with property who'd leave it behind to no one so you could claim it
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drink cold beer
>easier getting citizenship maybe?
the chanches of this are really slim imo
f2 spring was shit, hopefully the f1 quali will be better
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2min ago
nice doggo, also nice garden
I love nature and gardens... but hate shit around this
>but hate shit around this
you mean dogshit?
No, mowing grass, maintaining shrubs and trees...
Solved by grass mower.
>Solved by grass mower.
no, no that's gross
Why? It's a clean solution, and there's nothing left in the grass.
in my experience it just cuts the top of the shit and spreads it everywhere
but i haven't lived in a garden house for 2 decades now, so maybe we just had a shitty lawnmower
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>i spent 24 yuros on an early-access GZDOOM engine game
i think i consooomed well today
>so maybe we just had a shitty lawnmower
I think, this... I have a mower for almost 2.000 EUR, very powerful, Japanese engine, sharp blades. Really clean job.
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nice settings desu
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new soyjak just dropped
I've spent more than two hours fucking today. Now I'm tired.
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cool game
I'll go for a walk and shout at wild animals then all it a day.
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>two hours fucking
I am too old and selfish for this shit. Qucik job, quick escape back to home.
based nafri
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what game?
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there is not a minute of rest
the fairies are literally everywhere now
approved thread
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good match tbqh
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Dinner was enjoyable as well but I couldn't capture it.
mine was unremarkable, so didn't took a picture
lazy cunt
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Bought another book.
already finished the previous one?
No, but I almost finished this one.
you read fast
>Bought another book.
Based book enjoyer. When I was 15-18 years old, I read 6 books a week.
19-26yo 1 book/week.
27-now only1 book/3 months :/
It is a short poetry book.
Too busy to read more?
>Too busy to read more?
No, but I don't read prose or poetry anymore, I read classic science literature.
rn picrel
finally it's bearable
Nonfiction tends to cost considerably more, so I read it on my laptop or phone.
is sluneczko still around or has he killed himself?
>laptop or phone
For me, it's only paper.
Better than nothing.
i haven't recognized any old v4 regulars besides the hungarians
but bring me tidings of the chocolate austrian, can he still be found on this board?
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all the regulars gone... like tears in the rain
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Too bad, at least it's cool that it happened, right
Argie and Trami, seen them in December 23
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tbx i fucked off before most of those posters showed up
Tramislav the Phat One is the only exception
femvak? let me guess, troon?
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she posted her thighs a lot
i only remember the stúrfaggot, and the polish plane autist
now i'm reminded of the Czechen-American girl with the huge tits
>polish plane autist
i only remember a Vak helicopter autist
i remember him being kind of annoying
>femvak? let me guess, troon?
we have one slovak troon in /icy/
that's a man, baby. the angle, the manly knees and feet. the lightning and blurring of the picture to hide the unshaven legs.
c'mon now.
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>the long hair Pole
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>The grey mouse long shirt with comfy socks
n-n-n-n-nice one de..de..de..desu
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yes you are correct, here is the bulge proof
idk all i remember that he was polish and he was obsessed with planes
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don't forget the pole with a jap gf
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Now we have a pole, avatarfag obsessed with chainsaw man and ntr porn. God the quality of posters has fallen like a tower
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Oh lord please give me thy strength, so that I can follow into footsteps into that anonymous and find moe and loving japanese girlfriend. Amen
what's wrong with slovaks?
based Hidamarichad, I bought a Yuno nendoroid few months back
desu I think he's just pretending
how many slovaks post there?
this entire board, and this entire website is total dogshit now
nothing wrong with CSM apart from the secondaries it attracts
idk anon
too many
we had a bone fide hormones taking, fake tits having, diagnosed-with-schizophrenia troon in kurva anyátok
apparently he ack'd but i think he just fucked off
wish austria would annex us and bring us under their heel. it's their turn now.
still makes me vomit, and that freak wasn't even the worst thing that we had
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Holy shit that's awesome! I started watching the series after seeing images of Hidamari poster S Z E R O K I in /polska/. I only have the graduation episodes left. Good show desu
>I also collected shit ton of screens and videos to make gifs out of

Didn't watch anime but manga was good until the second arc which started well and then not only the quality of panels but also story went to shit. I love fire punch tho
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total fucking mosquito death
total fucking tick death
total fucking botfly death
total fucking leech death
20 litres of Deltam solution
2024 kill-em-all
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it's such a comfy show, the first season will always hold a special place in my heart
read the manga too if you have't, it's great
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>smg later than the assault rifle
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it's that bad?
kek, how many lgbtqisnvd+- slovaks are on this board
Give 'em hell, anon!
>it's that bad?
even one slowvak is too many
You know it's gonna be Hungary in the end.
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Eating a banana
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Yes that is me
wish i was a snowbunny
Artificial nails, again...
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Btw mom visited me today and brought some fruits
Cute little fella
Bananpill is the way
those are some fat bananas
based mom
>agent orange
that shit is literal nightmare fuel
I wonder if they still sell these pickled punks somewhere, I'd totally put one of these in my gaming room
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may do, I usually prefer mangas, but sometimes I will watch anime if it's good and faithful to the source material, like Mob Psycho 100 for example, I prefer not to do both as I find it tedious
>the first season will always hold a special place in my heart
yep it was full of nice moments, saved plenty of em
Are you in hospital or smth
nah, we're good
for undisclosed reasons, I am unable to renew my state ID, however I do have a valid driver's licence, so with all that, am I able to cross the border and visit Slovakia? here, a driver's licence functions as a substitute ID, does the same apply to Slovakia?
>am I able to cross the border and visit Slovakia?
As an EU national, you have the right to travel freely in the 27 EU member countries as well as in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland (non-EU countries but members of the Schengen area) carrying either a valid passport or a national identity card (ID card).
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this game is really good
when did /v4/ get revived anyways? I saw it was merged with /balk/ few months back and I didn't even open it out of disgust
>invalid ID
no, but there are no border patrols either
i did it because i couldn't stomach posting in /ka/ anymore, i have it a try and it kind of worked out
I don't have a passport and my ID has expired. I'm not able to renew it and as far as I'm aware, I need a valid ID to travel within the Schengen zone however, I have a perfectly valid driver's licence and since I can use it to officially identify myself in Hungary, I assume the same goes for all EU countries. am I right?
some time after /kurva anyatok/ got raped by janny
>am I right?
Nope. We can use driver licence in Czechia too, but only in Czechia.
You need valid ID outside country.
someone bakes?
EU and schengen or not, you will most likely need an ID or passport if you get stopped. but you can take the risk and go without, unless there is a checkpoint control on the border, you most likely won't get stopped unless you look any shade of brown.
driver's license won't be enough since it's most likely in hungarian, and even if it wasn't i don't think it's acceptable enough in another countries.
i've crossed border into czechia, austria and germany many times and only once had to show ID cause of the coof in 2021.
so if I decide to travel to Czechia and cops pull me over, would they check my ID in addition to my driver's licence or would they only ask for the latter?
as far as I am aware, EU citizens get issued the same kind of driver's licence and they count as valid documents in every member state. I'm just assuming because there 's a tiny EU flag in my licence.
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new one
not anymore
now the ID card can work as a driver's licence, but not the other way around
>would they check my ID

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