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I hate that being european nowadays means taking pride in having walkable cities and grocery shopping every day. Look at the comments, they genuinely take pride in it and hate americans for not doing the same.

Plus its all a fucking lie, if you're an adult in Europe without a car 9/10 you're just broke, its not some virtue.

Isn't Portugal practically a third world country by European standards?
> if you're an adult in Europe without a car 9/10 you're just broke, its not some virtue.
I have literally no use for a car. When I want to participate in traffic instead of taking a train I ride my motorcycle.
Do they fucking really? I honestly had no idea this was a thing how fucking odd, do you guys just have nothing in the fridge all the time or what?
In what way? We are safer and have better weather than most countries in the world including europe.
Who are you trying to fool? We've all owned a motorcycle at some point and eventually you realise the car is just better in almost every way. Also, the netherlands are very pro bike and are definitely not representative of the average european. You guys are basically honorary asians with that bug mentality.
Ironically there are more Africans in your country than mine. Why do you take pride in grocery shopping every day? What's the chad part about it?
Thats the thing, its not true. Its just euros getting baited by anti american memes so they admit to the weirdest shit. Europe is car centric but if america is more then we need to be anti car (thats basically their mentality).
> car is just better in almost every way
Yeah, better at getting stuck in traffic, better at wasting time looking for a parking spot, better at being isolated from the world.
It isn't even better for a grocery run, as it is faster to walk to the closest supermarket than to drive there.
That's the UK outside of London.
Those premade salads are extremely expensive why do normies buy them? Nigga salad like that is the easiest thing to do you pay 10x amount than making it yourself
Friendly reminder that twitter people are not normal people.
When I buy produce I often end up using only a third/half of it before it goes bad.
Better at not getting weat when in rains, better at having AC,better at carrying other passengers, better at transporting cargo, better at not dying.
>Muh traffic
>Muh 3min walk to the store
Way to self report as a terminal urbanite, kinda like the person in the twitter thread, larping as a normal european but its actually a leftist vegan, so like less than 1% of the general population
It literally says in the pic that it's snacks for night shift. Not normal grocery shopping. How stupid are you?
Are you one of those guys saying everything is so expensive and then buy premade dinners and stuff like that like every single time some one shows what theyve bought
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Lol i literally do this everyday
> Better at not getting weat when in rains
Get a rain gear, duh! You don't ride in your everyday clothes anyway, could dress appropriately for the weather and enjoy the ride.
Fairweather riders are so tiresome.
> better at having AC
That I need for like, 3 weeks per year?
> better at carrying other passengers
Fuck passengers.
In fact, passengers that want to get fucked are into being a passenger on a motorcycle.
> better at transporting cargo
Moving companies and delivery services are cheaper.
> better at not dying
Most of europe is third world
You're Brazilian
>AI, tech, anything and everything
>soyrupeon ““““innovation””””
>red tape, taxation, covering up immigrant crime
is it normal for labels in denmark to not have a single word of danish on them
Yeah they're getting surpassed by eastern shitholes lmao.
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Who gives a shit? What matters is the thousands of people agreeing that it not only okay, but a source of pride to go every day (because we're not like those damn Americans)
most people in Europe have cars, they just don't drive it every moment of their lives, because they can actually walk and bike to things
Literally me. I go to the supermarket every day, sometimes twice. It's a 2 minute walk from my house. Around 5pm I ask my wife what she wants for dinner, or she asks me, and one of us goes to the supermarket.
If we lived farther away I'd probably go once a week or so and buy tons of shit, but the way we do things now suits me fine
And what's wrong with getting fresh food?
Going on walks is much more healthy than driving a car so good for them even though they have amerimutt living in their head rent free.
God you're dumb, driving in the rain sucks and is dangerous, with or without rain gear, AC means air conditioning, meaning hot or cold you dumbass. Hauling cargo is actually pretty important, im not talking about moving furniture, im talking about every day mundane shit like groceries
how is it a lie? the aldi and rewe are 2 mins away from me
i go there shopping every 2 days
Modern Euro culture is centered around Americans. It's probably because we decided to use English as our common language.
> advocates for driving a car to haul 1 bag of groceries
> calls anyone dumb
america lives in their head rent free but that's how it manages to be relevant
Nigga what fresh food? Be specific
Also, do you need to go every day for fresh food? You can't go once a week?
When you go to lidl yes
I have stuff but you always need more, it's much easier/more efficient to just buy the stuff you know you need. there are approximately 6 grocery stores between work and me, and the closest is like 500 meters. if i buy a lot of stuff at once stuff just ends up perishing
Believe it or not but when you have a car you don't need to limit yourself to just one bag, you can transport as many as you want. No more rationing, dutch bro! Ww2 is over
i can go once a week if i want to buy frozen shit
i like my grapes fresh, same with strawberries and my chicken
>Americans don't know what fresh food is
Lmao. They really do.
this, americans think because we walk we don't have cars
i use my car to travel to villages for example (for farmers market)
Because most people in germany own and use a car, germany is not some car free paradise. And im gonna guess you're just lucky to live so close to a supermarket. If its a 10min walk instead of a 3 min walk it becomes better to use a car very fast.
if you take the car for a 10 minute walk i'm sorry to say but you're obese
Bro i live on a farm with chickens, fruit trees and fuck ton of potatoes. Im just asking you specifically what fresh foods you buy. And im Portuguese in Portugal, not american
You talk and think like an American so I'm 100% sure you're an American pretending to be European.
There's zero protein in that basket. Just carbs and fat. What a retarded soiboy.
You mean some europeans take the train and bus to work? Cool, the same is true in america.
EU increasingly makes itself hostile environment for cars. End game is to force peasants and wagies to use public transportation so that rich can roam barren streets in their V8 Mercedes and have no issues with traffic & parking.
the point is that not only do we have less cars in the cities on average compared to america, but our cities are not designed around cars only but people walking and public transport
something americans cant have and they want it so bad
So basically you're a faggot? Eating grapes and strawberries? Fresh chicken? You do know you have to cook the chicken first right?
Paranuts and Hummus have some protein
I go to the store once a week (ride my bicycle 700 meters) I cook food once a week. Filled my fridge with tortillas made with 1.5kg meat last Tuesday.
Thinking that you need a car to transport 3kg of food from the store (that will last you the whole week) is pure amerikkkan retardation.
if you live in a European city I can think of literally no practical reason to own a car instead of walking/public transport, or in the rare case you actually need a car, simply using one of the rental car services that are everywhere now. I guess I can see there being non-practical but still appealing reasons like flexing on people, since owning or renting a parking space and a car is objectively more expensive. Or perhaps if you have Howard Huges level OCD and need the car you use to be an exclusive sterile space.
Shitty amount with a bad kcal/protein ratio
Maybe you're just getting a culture shock? We're not ikea europeans over here, more like bullfighting Europeans.
what's wrong with walking and buying grocery everyday?
here, every japanese do that
Nope. You're an American.
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i do this every day, is normal thing. I can walk to supermarket in 3 minutes and get food.
1-i seriously doubt they want it so bad
2-anti car policies in europe are quite unpopular, look at ULEZ in london, or Anne Hidalgo in Paris.
3-Our cities were built and developed before cars existed, its not like we did it on purpose. If you look at newer areas in europe they are definitely less walkable than downtown Venezia or Rome
Well, i grew up in Lisbon (3 million people) and you do need a car, and free choice shows that, since most people use and own a car.
Assuming he's 70Kg and not bodybuilding he only needs about 23g of protein per 800 calorie meal. Pasta is probably 5g, hummus another 5g, 3g from the oat drink, and 10g from the nuts. The strawberries and hummus consitute two fruit/vegetable portions and the nuts are good for minerals too. It could be better sure but it's not so bad nutritionally and aside from the pasta it's very minimally processed.
Lmao you literally can't fandom a european thinking like me? Maybe the southern/northern divide in Europe is bigger than the euro/american divide.

Next thing you'll find out that a stereotypical Cowboy originates from Iberia? Lmao
why do you keep doing that then if you are not retarded and can see the pattern?
Yeah and you can divide all those numbers by 2 due to them being shitty plant proteins.
If he wasn't a retard he could have bought 1L milk for <1€ and gotten 30g of high quality animal protein.
I looked around at Lisbon in google maps and there are grocery stores all around within a walking distance.
After wageslaving from 9-5 and then wasting 2 hours a day for commute with public transport I'm supposed to spend what little time I have left on walking to get groceries and cooking? I'm not German, I don't want life like that.
If you let the individual choose he will always take the car. Same as if you let the individual choose the tax percentage is 0%.
Why the fuck is the Portuguese retard mad at convenience store shopping? Is it about living in a third world shithole with stagnating economy despite eurogibs.
how fat are you?
okay maybe I overgeneralized by saying Europe. I've lived in London and Munich and both of those places are fine without a car. In fact while Munich is still drivable, in London you have to be either stupid and/or a multimillionaire to even consider it.
>living in a third world shithole
Polak calling Portugal shithole. Are you for real bro? It's country with sun and sea.
I'm 180cm 75kg no idea what fat %
He's a retarded gymrat who reads up on bro science.
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Life is suffering
I live next to a carrefour market (most expensive shop in shitaly) and I pay 50€ for like 3/4 days of food
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Yes, and yet most people go to big supermarkets with a car. Also, Lisbon and the suburbs are full of hills, i grew up in an inclination much like pic related.
Same for Porto, Coimbra etc.
Read you dumb normie, read, veganism is bullshit
he's right though, and you can get skimmed milk so the calorie/protein ratio isn't so bad

amino acid composition is generally less optimal for plant sources yes, but also not that important unless he's body building
that metric is bullshit
Gonna walk to lidl soon, what should i get?
So what you said was a lie. You don't need a car. Likely because you didn't know you don't need a car in Lisbon because you are actually an American pretending to be European.
I would gladly go grocery shopping every single day if it means jeets won't get paid.
I think that this sort of thinking is wrong.
All humans should be at least marginally active. And all men should eat enough protein to be strong.
Most people here are antisocial shutins that never leave the 500 m radius of their apartment and cant even imagine anyone ever wanting to do that
Skim milk and meat of any kind.
You don't need optimal protein composition to be strong, you retard. Those protein guidelines are for COMPETING bodybuilders who need to be extremely careful with what they eat to reduce the amount of fat and water in their body to as low as possible so they they don't go over the weight limits in the competition. That's not healthy at all and potentially dangerous for you but they do it to win competitions in looking as strong as you can, not actually being strong.
Isn't poland 2min away from a war and gets artillery strikes every few weeks? Seems way more third worldish than our stagnant economy

What are you talking about? I could walk 20km to a grocery store and technically i wouldn't NEED a car, doesn't mean im gonna do it. I can garantee you supermarkets are way more popular than mini markets (cornershops) because they're cheaper and have more options and i can garantee you most people going to supermarkets are doing it with a car, at least here in Portugal and Spain, so thats already 50 million people.
E se eu falar em português fingolio de merda, será que já acreditas?
What the hell are you talking about?
All human bodies use protein the same way. Even if you're not a bodybuilder you still need to account for the amino acid digestibility and accordingly eat more if you're eating low quality proteins.
We're still richer than poortugal despite communism. Soon richer than every medoid too.
>Isn't poland 2min away from a war and gets artillery strikes every few weeks? Seems way more third worldish than our stagnant economy
Yeah bro we're a literal warzone and still richer than you
actually those guidlines have been developed to fight malnutrition in developing countries.
Nobody actually cares to fund giant studies looking at hundreds of model animals only to optimize next wanabe-colley to win bodybuilding competitions.
Nevertheless they are not applicable for the same reason that general western population does not suffer from protein malnutrition and their bodies are not limited to 1 protein source for extended periods of time
>tfw no car-centric bf
You clearly have no idea how much money is spent on those competitions and the products surrounding them.
If someone nukes Europe, the only thing that the rest of the world will lose is overpriced cheese, everything else will be hard to notice. They don't create, don't innovate, don't explore. don't contribute to the rest of the world. A luxurious nursing home where most of the population wants to die out peacefully and quielty.
What do you mean richer, what do you guys have that we don't? The only thing i can think is you guys don't have good weather and tourism. Our food is also considered way better and our alcohol too.
if you buy only preprocessed foods and don't cook yourself you might as well be american.
It gets different when you have small kids
Is frozen broccoli processed? Because it doesn't spoil, has better nutricional value and way more practical, i buy it once a month, a few kgs at least
Richer my ass, Portugal has 3 times your wealth per adult, both mean and median, other Med countries even more so.

Even your GDP is meaningfully lower than Portugal's.
I see 3 options:
> buy produce, make meals myself to optimize produce utilization
I can make the same meal until I run out of the stuff I bought. Then I can buy the next batch of produce and make a different same meal.
This way I'll waste almost nothing, but the variety of meals will be extremely low.
> buy produce, make meals myself optimizing meal variety
I'm not always in a mood for e.g. cabbage, so if I buy a cabbage I'll have to either find creative ways to prepare it differently each time to make it taste less samey, or use that cabbage once and switch to different combinations of ingredients for next meals until I'm in a mood for some cabbage again which might happen after that cabbage has already expired.
This way I'll get the variety that I want, but I'm either wasting the produce, or spending extra time improving my cooking skills and looking for new recipes.
> buy premade meals
Relatively expensive, enough variety, but zero time & produce waste.

The third option looks the least annoying to me.
per capita of course
I suppose technically frozen vegetables are processed, since they're chopped up and frozen down. But ye I like getting frozen vegetables for my stir fry. Probably doesn't turn out as good, but those bags have all kinds of goodies that I wouldn't find in my local store
Money, infrastructure, culture, history, army.
>implying tourists are a good thing
Cope metrics. We're still getting richer by the way unlike medoids.
have you ever read the guidlines and what methodology and purpose is behind them?
Your little bodybuilding comps are nothing compared to investments involved in tackling aforementioned problems. Especially during the second half of 20th century when those investigations were first conducted
Isn't poland like 50 years old? Portugal is one of the oldest countries in the world, so definitely not history.
Again, what do you have that we dont? Certainly not cheap electricity.
Again, i kinda doubt that, the ppp oer capita must not be too far off.
The actual answer is their food has less preservatives and their food safety regulations are stricter, so they don't stock on bulk items like most Americans do because there's no point if it all expires right away
Also, you guys are gaining a lot of industry because germany shit the bed and you're next to it, and army because putin wants to buttfuck you (not my problem). Its not like the country itself is developing. For all purposes you guys are just another slavic shithole with snow and commieblocks
I have a one year old and so far it's fine. I guess you mean shuffling them around between kindergarten/school/sports clubs?
What a weird map.

>Isn't poland like 50 years old? Portugal is one of the oldest countries in the world, so definitely not history.
Poland founding: 10th century
Portugal founding: 12th century (previously ruled by arabs btw)
>doesn't understand electricity
As expected of a country where only the richest can afford an electric installation.
>Also, you guys are gaining a lot of industry because germany shit the bed and you're next to it
We're gaining a lot of industry because we're not lazy shits. That's why Germoney wants to work with us and not your debt ridden shitholes.
Ideologically brainwashed eutards are the kind of people that would take pride in worshipping giant wooden dicks, human sacrifice, shitting in the woods and living in caves in 47 BC when Roman Empire existed.
It’s the same exact gay shit as back then.
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Let's look at Russian car ownership rate and food quality standards.
Portugla has the same borders since 1139, it doesn't count if the country looks different
You’re Dutch, get born with a better passport and we’ll talk.
>food quality standards.
Is there something wrong with this? Spill it out to me.
Gymtards outnumber people who care about the optimal protein gain of starving africans by million to 1. There are countless studies made in the name of bodybuilding, all of which are used to sell stuff to gymtards to make billions. You're entirely clueless if you think nobody cares about that and it's nothing.
>If you get more clay you lose
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very weird stuff
and this walkable meme shit is so stupid. most people unless they live in large cities will use their cars. I don't remember the last time I used public transport, I use a car like everyone, especially here in the countryside. if you don't have a car you're probably weird or a loser. public transport is for people who are either poor, old, weird or brown
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> public transport is for people who
Sometimes it is for people who value their time.
Urban Americans do this too. New Yorkers shop every other day.
I love doing that yeah
That depends on the area. Like my brother, in theory he could take the bus to work, but it would take over an hour. With a car it's a 15 minute drive. And it's only like 15 kilometers
In almost all cases driving is faster, but yeah for long distances who knows very relative
>public transport is for people who are either poor, old, weird or brown


This nordoid pride in it is weird as fuck
They want us to own nothing and be happy
sorry, you misunderstood .
What I am talking about is the research which established amino acid requirements and methodologies for studying digest-ability and such.
And no, those requirements are not equal for all people: kids, elderly and starving may counterintuitively waste more protein than healthy adults thus it is adjusted differently
I honestly thing this weird bullshit is pushed by the EU as an attempt to make an united European image (“In Europe we are progressive, we are not car-centric like America, blah bla blah”) without using traditional European culture which is seen as chuddy and different between each country (which makes it harder to push Europeanism). I just don’t think it’s natural at all how nobody cared about this shit and then suddenly you see it pop up everywhere. Along with relegating the proles to public transport so that the elites can drive freely like some poster said above me.
>still richer
Like only wealth average polak has is commie apartment that soviets gave to their grandma.
You don't even own land under your feet since it was all bought out by Germans during 90s for pfennigs on mark.
Also this stupid beef with Russia over nothing, sucks ass going to sleep not knowing if you'll see another day or get nuked.
>if you're an adult in Europe without a car 9/10 you're just broke
bruh if you live in a city its quite pointless, also a lot of people gave up on their car because it was MAKING them broke
>also a lot of people gave up on their car because it was MAKING them broke
Gonna namedrop my brother again, he hates paying for all the car expenses but in his case it's just kind of a necessity
By city you mean paris? And btw, its expensive (not really, depens on your car i guess) because our leaders are making it expensive.
>the village of france

stop talking retard
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It's absolutely based and I love it.

>Wake up
>Walk to the shop to buy stuff for breakfast and lunch
It's the objectively best way to start a day, with brief exercise and brekkie.
No wonder europoors are so weak and feminine
that shit doesn't show comments any more unless you signup... throw the screencaps here. I'm not giving my phone number to Ellon
Wtf? Who said village? Im just saying that when you say "city" you probably mean inner Paris. 2000 ppl qualifies as a city in france
Imagine the taste of fries cooked in SAE 10W-30 oil.
Gringos have zoning laws so they are not allowed to set up markets or stores due to zoning laws.
> I can think of literally no practical reason to own a car
Sometimes you just need to haul shit from A to B.
Probably for the best, i work next to mixed zoning and its always drama because companies take up parking and make noise. Also, bars and coffee shops on the ground floor of apartment buildings usually become congregation spots for drug dealing, alcoholism and violence.
I hate euro smugness its so fucking gay
europeans are the world's softest cunts
it's why we're going extinct
>hate that being european nowadays means taking pride in having walkable cities and grocery shopping every day. Look at the comments, they genuinely take pride in it and hate americans for not doing the same.
and they are right and you should take pride in this too
cope burger germany is a powerhouse of scientific research
praised be germany, fuck the shited kingdom.
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I buy fresh kale and mushroom every 2 days, I have a market right next to my apartment I walk to to buy stuff
I lived in (actual) Lisbon all my life until I moved here and don't even have a license, had 3 different supermarkets in less than a 10 minutes walk, took public transport to work and cycled or walked to stuff when it wasn't raining. you probably grew up in the suburbs
we try telling them every now and then, but they don't trust us

Your dutch bros at UEFA, in their caravans, how did they travel?
I could live in Mafra and still have 3 supermarkets in walking distance. Doesn't change what i said, most people have cars, including in lisbon. The area of "actual lisbon" where i agree its easy to own a car is very expensive and has like 200k people, or less than 10% of the actual population of Lisbon.

Basically from campo de Ourique down to the river and then all the way into penha de França/braço de prata. And its hard to have a car there because it was built when cars didn't exist, its not a virtue its a flaw, those areas are super chaotic specifically because they weren't made for cars but people still need them.
>The area of "actual lisbon" where i agree its NOT easy to own a car*
>Walkeable cities
This the only thing i like from europe
>Buying at a super market
Let me guess are you from a vecindad or a whitexican?
>snack reveal
Euthanize people who write shit like that.
No joke no meme put them in the exit pod and push the button.
It's weird how eurocentric this walkability meme is. It's probably even more true in Asia, and probably South America as well
What are you talking about bodybuilder guidelines then?
It's probably just big city cucks that do that, I do a weekly shop.
When you buy from LIDL yes obviously you tard. The products are the same in every country they operate in so they're not going to change the text.
The ingredients list on the back of every item is in Danish however because that's legally required.
>do you guys just have nothing in the fridge all the time or what?
I don't have a fridge at all, I buy food almost every day...
>Do they fucking really? I honestly had no idea this was a thing how fucking odd, do you guys just have nothing in the fridge all the time or what?

From a communist country people:

1) You don't have much space in commie blocks, in Romania, and the fridge is the main (maybe the only) satchel for storing groceries. Some have installed kitchen cabinets but those are where they store kitchen utensils, perishable goods with somewhat extended expiration dates (don't think cans, think coffee, tea, flour, semolina etc) that don't require refrigeration. Some have converted their balconies into a small stock drawer for pickled vegetables in jars but that's only if you really have balcony space & if you really want to sacrifice that space.

2) The term/word „wholesale” doesn't exist in our language.

3) We have an abysmal – dare I say, cartelized – system of distribution from deposits to shelves, and because there are „players” who've sliced parts of the country for clientele distribution, people don't really have the means to buy other than the gorged retail prices (if you ever wondered why capitalism still fails in the 'former' communist East).

4) My mother, when I asked her why don't we buy a bit more stuff than usual instead of going every three or four days buying for small amounts, would usually respond that:
- the foodstuffs (fruits, vegetables; the quick perishable stuff) will go awry in the fridge for too long & those are meant to be eaten when they're bought fresh or as fresh (in the sense that today we eat fresh fruits, vegetables; but after a couple more days stored in the fridge, they'll lose their goodness), as opposed to eat them after days in refrigeration which will affect them (something to do with condensation?)
- that commercial storage refrigeration units in stores, in comparison with home refrigeration units (lukecool? coolish?), are better to keep fruits, vegetables
- reason to get outside, even if just for groceries.
Walkable cities are good though. I'm not sure why some reee at the idea of having services close to you
My fridge can hold maybe 2 days worth of food
Because by definition a walkable city is anti car. Anne hidalgo is making paris a walkable city and shes the most unpopular mayor in recent Paris history.
everything else has been regulated out of the country, europeans have to go through several legal procedures before starting a garden in their house, europeans have to hire an anthropologist and a paleontologist before being able to build a cellar.

5) Retail prices.
As an add-on, to points 2 and 3, it doesn't matter because every marketed good in this 'former' communist country (foodstuffs, tools, home stuffs, recreational stuff, entertainment etc.), all of them, are indexed for retail pricing. It doesn't matter if you buy a lot for the month or buy once every couple of days, the high prices remain the same; so it's not really a difference for the PPP.
Mind you – this existed before the current conflict(s), before COVID, before the lost decade, before the Economic Crisis...
>Because by definition a walkable city is anti car.
Having services close to you and having good infra for walking around isn't some attack on cars, it's just making it so that a car isn't as necessary. Sounds like a good thing to me
the most walk-able city cant be the most car-friendly city, but it doesnt mean that it will be the least car-friendly city.
If you think that's bad, just wait till you hear about New Zealand banning gardens altogether!
Sure that sounds very nuanced but look at actual pro 15 minute cities and you soon find out they unironically hate cars and all live in city centers
its probably not real, but it seems like the type of state to do that.
there are more people obsessed with 15 minute cities leading to dystopia than people supporting 15 minute cities, the real NWO wants you to be in the EV pod.
>Sure that sounds very nuanced but I like to think of everything in black and white
Really makes you think
>its probably not real
As opposed to the other things mentioned lol
>Europe is car centric

Parking fees = not encouraging cars

>twitter people are not normal people.

Says the norwegian.


You're an idiot that doesn't know/want to acknowledge (s)he's an idiot.


The only reason you use your cars like that is because you can't afford parking fees.

>so that rich can roam barren streets in their V8 Mercedes and have no issues with traffic & parking

If you're a poor person, parking fees are a literal tax on living.
If you're a rich person, parking fees are crumbs of cost for doing business.

Paying fees for „breaking [retarded arbitrary] rules” will become a status symbol. Mark my words.

I don't know why you hate Morgenthau, the dude would've turned your country into an agrarian urbanite place just the way you, „wir Deutsche”, want it...

>wageslaving from 9-5 and then wasting 2 hours a day for commute with public transport

Whose fault is that?

>people who value their time.

People who value their time don't use public transportation.

Oye primos, what's Afonso gonna do 'bout it?

Somebody needs the gravel than to repair the asphalt.
Weak signals be signallin'...
>go to store
>check the deals on nearly expired food
>save up to 60%
the only downside is having to cook it the same day but seriously I can get some real good pieces of meat cheap because I grocery shop regularly
You could get expired food for 100% off
>go to store in Finland
>everything is almost the same but also disturbingly different
>freak out and buy bread only
>the bread tastes a little bit funny

it's over...
Could also put it in the freezer. That's what I usually do
The dumpster behind the store
I think most places lock them now, they didn't like people digging around in their trash. Maybe people would leave garbage laying on the ground after their rummaging, ruining it for the polite ninjas
What bread did you get? I think the rye stuff is the nicest
Yeah that's the MVP move, buy a bunch of expiring stuff for half off, stick it in the freezer and then you have several kilograms of meat for when you need it
How can you claim that you're not American when you spout such retarded American nonsense? The definition of walkable being anti-car is an American concept.

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