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I have literally never heard of this country before.
I will never cease to mistake both of your countries. Someone should change their name.
Affordable tourist spots and thieves
I wanted to say that you are pussies, that you should've either completely accepted your Russian population, or kicked them all out instead of giving them that weird semi-citizen status.
But then I realized that Lithuania doesn't have "alien passports", it's Latvia who does.
poor 2nd world shithole
My cousins :) (I'm Jotvingian)
Christ of Europe. Mistreated and brutalized by Poland and Russia.
Ruled the Slavs
>giving them that weird semi-citizen status.
It was a temporary fix to deal with 900k first generation immigrants that belonged to an actively hostile ethnic group that was backed by a much larger and more powerful country. They were given a temporary passport, permanent residency and a fast track to either Latvian or Russian citizenship. It worked. Most of them either fucked off or naturalized eventually. Their kids born after some year in this vicinity just get normal citizenship. We managed to get into EU and NATO without an actively hostile voting block potentially sabotaging the whole thing.

It's easy to judge when your country doesn't have to walk the tightrope between getting invaded by Russia for reason A and getting invaded by Russia for reason B
baltoids steal cars and export them to Kyrgyzstan and other CIS shitholes
I had a fun campaign playing as them in EU4

Other then that, I don't have any
Poland's BVLL.
Better than I expected which makes me regret skipping Klapedia, but at least I visited Kaunas instead of only doing just Vilnius and Trakai.
The English voice in the Iki self checkout uses the same kiwi girl voice as we have in Australian self checkouts.
I really like how you have a lot of public water dispensers there.
Also Lithuanian girls are qts.
No idea. The flag looks African.
Baltinx pipo are elves in general, love them all
Stop making threads about us and drawing attention to us you mentally ill foreigner dipshit
Less people know about the better
We're ogres, and non-white. Also poor shitholes full of criminals.
baltic subhumans + finngolians are really unable to play football.
you do not belong in europe.
Thank you for your valuable insight, everyone should follow this man example and not think about us. Thank you.
>poor shitholes
So, no diversity?
Cool, what's the average house price there?
icelanders with 300k population made it in euro few yrs back, with an amazing performance, hence ur population isnt an exuse.
ur not europeans.
simple as.
cute country. I wish to visit it.
Is there any point visiting as a tourist
t. In Stockholm picking next stop
Tsundere af
Oh but I agree. I personally identify as Black.
>No diversity
1 in 10 people here are foreigners with permanent residence vizas. We have quotas to import workers of 50k/every year. In 10 years 1/3 rd of our population will be foreigners.
Also, we're poor as fuck and property prices start at 500k. Don't come here.
Nothing to do or see here. Go to Poland.
We're just low IQ ogres.
>1 in 10 people here are foreigners
So, no diversity, got it.
Stop making threads about Lithuania
Interesting place, I'd like to learn more about it
Yeah thinking of flying to Danzig then to Lithuania via rail but not sure maybe I just get fk out of Roth Europe and go to Albania where there's actual sun and beaches
That only includes third worlders from Africa and Asia, since EU expats don't need vizas
you piece of shit, stop posting about our country
Yeah, go anywhere but here
What are they trying to hide? qt girls?
Nothing to hide. Only poverty and misery here. Pls send gibs and never visit.
Also our girls don't shave, they bathe once every two weeks (10% of Lithuanians don't even have toilets, not to mention showers), they are materialistic as fuck, golddiggers, and will cheat on you first time she can. Also, bad at bed.
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Not many thoughts desu, you're usually bunched together with the other two as if you were one entity.
The only think I'm wondering is that you used to be big and now you're smol. Was that just an empire, or were you guys genocided by the Russians?
>Was that just an empire, or were you guys genocided by the Russians?
That's all you need to know about us.
There's a lot of robotic lawnmowers in Lithuania too
We don't have electricity, stop spreading lies.
we don't have lawns, retard
it's all swamps here
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I should've taken a video of the robot lawnmower when I was there but sadly I didn't.
I woudn't mind finding love there, blonde, blue eyed women are my weakness
fuck off kangaroo nigger
I stayed in this country for 2months to visit my friend during summer vacation 10 years ago.
It was quite a nice country.
Cepelinai with Svyturys beer was awsome
you've seen too much, refrain from posting in these types of threads ever again
Gaijin cock worshipping OP needs to kill himself
he is a Zainichi polack Saar
The balt I know the most about after I found Lithuania Explained
>map painting with city states
the first foothold for a reborn german imperialism
it's actually russia, germany breaking molotov ribbentrop pact destroyed it forever
So, what threads are we making about Lithuania lads?
*sharts in the above poster's mouth*
what will you do with MEMEland?
Stop misleading people
We don't have lawns or electricity
Average Lithuanian is a literally a Shrek
Affordable tourist thieves?
As myliu Lietuvą :)
lenkas pydaras cha cha
please be in suwalki
Can someone make an angry Lithuanianjak screaming "STOP TALKING ABOUT US" meme
If you come here u will get robbed, raped, killed and eaten, not necessarily in this order
> requests a *jak
You're a subhuman.
will you be there too?
im not in Suwałki but still in Palenke
Don't tell fintroon
Todžės need for new meat is unceasing.
Poor useless shithole
Fuck slavs though, kill or shame your local slavshit.
Their current policy of lithuanianization towards their polish minority is cultural genocide
Lithuania doesn't have a large russian population so they direct their hatred towards poles
you should be proud, Lithuania's economic growth is pretty impressive for the past 20 years
no good thoughts
There's no growth, don't believe Brussels lie.
Average Lithuanian poos in the loo and lives off 70 euros/month
There was a large abandoned factory there where the globohomo blocks stand called Skaiteks, brings me back.
I've been there in passing. It's pretty cool
All sources lie. Trust me, I'm a Lithuanian.
Don't come here, don't ask about us, don't talk about us.
>anon literally lives in the country
>"ummm, sweetie, do you have a peer reviewed source to back up your claim???"
what a fucking drooling retard
I mean no disrespect but I feel like all three should be one big country. They're all very nice and could have some sort of shared parliament with three presidents sharing power.
We literally have Baltic council which shares foreign policy.

Also, if we three united, there would be more Russians than Estonians inside the country.
I'm quite interested in Lithuania because they had good music in the 1990s that nobody knows about. It's the ultimate hipster /mu/core.

There are probably 1000 songs that sound exactly like that, and that's a good thing. So I love Lithuania. And that's before I even get into bands like Sekmadienis, Foje, EX-EM and Elektra.

So I often try to learn more about Lithuania, but I always get the weird top-secret reactions that this thread has. It's not just a meme; they're like that in real life too. They're the weirdest fuckers on the planet. I used to work with a Lithuanian who would say she's "not Polish" and when you asked her where she was actually from, she'd say, "It doesn't matter." The entire country seems to be ashamed that it exists. They're fucking freaks. Based on most charts and shit I've seen, it's not even a bad place. I'd like to go, but I'm afraid the pilot would fly us all to Latvia instead and claim Lithuania doesn't exist.
I would like to fuck some of their women.
> I mean no disrespect but I feel like all three should be one big country
This is a thread about Lithuania, not about Kalmarunionen.
they're not polish, they're belarus/poland mutts, more dominantly belarussian that cannot speak both languages properly. They speak a disgusting mixture of it and vote pro-russian everytime. They're a very obvious, very non-subtle fifth column. Lithuanization is the LEAST we should do to them.
Nah, we're perfectly normal. Just look at quotes from some of our most influential writers talking about Lithuanian mentality
>We are unhappy alone and unhappy as a community, married and unmarried, we are like hedgehogs huddling together to stay warm – uncomfortable when crowded, and even unhappier when separated; optimism is a bitter mockery of human suffering; life is evil, because life is war; the more perfect the organism, the more perfect the suffering [etc.]

Also, our country has nothing to offer, you will find only misery here. Don't think about us.
oh shit. dubs of truth. nevermind, then.
Good decision.
so aggressive anon, do u know the concept of joke

its hard to perceive from the inside but the numbers are good and they seem to be on track to get even better
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Don't believe him. Lithuania is actually paradise and they try to hide it so no thirdies will come and spoil it.
One time on /int/ a Lithuanian girl posted her feet, and ever since that day, I have had profound respect for the Lithuanian people.
Statistics lie. We are only getting worse. Yesterday I was robbed by a group of Somalis, they stole all of my monthly wage (100 euros)
Jewish lies
>anon wanked to tranis feet
holy shit more dubs now I might have to
annoying af to conquer in eu4
That was our local tranis
sarmatian brother, land of kings, Niemen, buckwheat white as snow
We are not Sarmatians
Only Poles are white
Real Lithuania is Belarus
We wuz and still are serfz
Samogitia is real Lithuania, everything else is just an addon
Shithole, I spit on Lithuania the whore of Europe
If that were true people wouldn't be leaving this country for better opportunities abroad and constantly ack'ing themselves just from living amongst each other
Heard that like 5 days ago their gov accepted a variant of rail baltica railway connection from Polish border to Kowno and that the whole project costs had quadrupled with Lithunania/ other balts forced to throw billions at the project themselves.
This is a lie
Belarus with grand dukes Mindaug and Vitold were kangz
Punish me daddy, you will get HIV from me ;)))
It will never happen. We are too poor. Please send money (but do not visit)
I've been told Poland is it's big brother and they want Poland to annex them because they are so alike. Trump 2024
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Other way around, and rather than a brother, Poland is the cock sleeve.
We want nothing to do with slavs at all.

If I would have a button to kill all slavs but it kills me as well, I would push it in a heartbeat
>but it kills me as well
selfish bastard
I wouldn't be so depressed if slavs stopped existing, so me killing myself while slavs die is selfless act
amazing :D
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żmudzins who think they are litwins
they also hate Poland for no reason at all
Actually its the other way, Golden Age for Poland was whn the King was lithuanian
Pls ignore us
>first polish president was samogitian
>golden age dynasty was lithuanian
>liberator from russian rule was lithuanian
>first president was samogitian(lowland lithuanian)
wtf is going on in poland? why does this keep happening?
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Let me educate /int/folkx
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Diasporapoo kill yourself
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Kill yourself
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It seems like a mini Poland and cool! They are just like Poland in every way!
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>Did someone say Poland?
>they also hate Poland for no reason at all

Didn't you guys try to fuck them over around the times of the world wars?
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They stole the heart and SOVL of Lithuania, Vilnius. A city that was built when the leader of the Lithuanian tribes saw a metal wolf howl on a hill.
I hate diasporapoos
and current PM of Lithuania is Polish, look how the tables can turn
how could we steal something that was majority Polish? it's like saying Lithuania stole Klaipeda or something
Language =/ genetics.
She's Jewish
How is she Polish?
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who cares about genetics lmao, by this logic 1/3 of Germany and 1/2 of India should belong to us
her grandma was even a teacher in a Polish school in pre-WW2 Poland and Polish was her grandfathers home language
So Africans, Indians, and Pakistanis in London are English?
>who cares about genetics
people who's countries are built by the natives for the natives, but I guess poles don't care about that, so maybe you do deserve an african invasion
So she has some Polish ancestry, but she's not Polish.
so Lithuanians in Memeland were also a mix of everything
and is a 1/3 Celt, 1/3 Roman and 1/3 Saxon person "English"?
Ask /brit/
Lithuanian grand dukez should be in charge of Pooland again
Vytautas in charge of Poland? VGH..
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>Also our girls don't shave, they bathe once every two weeks
LIETUVA.... home....
Wtf is wrong with you? Don't you know the 1st and 2nd rules of /int/?
1st rule: bully Poland
2nd rule: bully Poland while mentioning Lithuania
rule 1: never talk about Lithuania
rule 2: never talk about Lithuania
rule 3: make fun of diaspoo tranny
Victims of polonization
Based and true.
Geodrop me 10 euros and in exchange i will give you mergiukų pienas
Is it anonymouse?
Don't want any pictures tho but I'll give you 10 euros anonymously.
>rule of law index for russia not applicable
Honestly didn't know Latvia and Lithuania were different places

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