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Why are countries like vietnam and cambodia 1000x better than any african country colonized by the same european power?
Could say the same about India.

Glass houses and all.
Because Vietnam and Cambodia were more developed than most African countries before colonisation. Vietnam and Cambodia were distinct kingdoms before French colonisation, while most African countries were petty tribes fighting each other before European colonisation.”

yeah sure you street shitter
20,238.78 USD (2022)
Cayman Islands
99,624.89 USD (2022)
Turks and Caicos
24,917.60 USD (2022)

Cambodia/GDP per capita
1,759.61 USD

reminder that indian has a lower IQ than all these black country...
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problem is, highly developed black countries like barbados and botswana still have an iq of 70-90. Indian immigrants in america have an iq of 101 and indians born in the west have an even higher score. Even through the entire colonial period, indians were making scientific discoveries and filing patents despite a 10% literacy rate in the nation.

It seems like if india fixes it's enviromental factors, it's average iq will rise to be about the same as china
You're delusional
>Indian immigrants in america have an iq of 101 and indians born in the west have an even higher score.
source on these
>problem is, highly developed black countries like barbados and botswana still have an iq of 70-90. Indian immigrants in america have an iq of 101 a

>. Indian immigrants in america
You want the 1 percent even nigerians do well in schools in the uk doesn't mean the majority doesn't have low iq

Average Indian iq is 76 lower than the bermuda,barbados and most of the carribean. THAT IS A FACT

Random picture post the source..
so a selective sample across a billion is 102? the average indian is 82, its not environmental
nigerian excellence is a jewish meme

They were good beforehand, and the people already knew how to live in a civilized country.
Meanwhile half of Africa was literal stone age hunter gatherers when the Europeans showed up.

Why is Vietnam 1000x better than India despite both being colonized by Europeans?
Ramdom wesbstie...when have fucking exam grade scores from the goverment haha

cope still doesn't change the FACT Average Indian iq is 76 lower than most blacks and indian american make up like less than one percent of indians..
Can you watch the sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean and the sunset over the Pacific in the same day iyc?

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