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How walkable is your city?
Is it really the only supermarket in the city?
Come on fatty. You can't even walk 2.5 miles or navigate
>hanky panky street
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He's moderately retarded
2.5 miles should take 30 minutes max. You can easily walk a mile in 12 minutes
3 miles in 70 minutes is insane maybe 6
For a supposedly capitalist country you don’t seem to understand how to open up grocery stores everywhere to compete with eachother
I didn't notice. kek
It's still too far. It shouldn't take more than 15 minutes to get to a super.
They probably have some anti-legislation tangent to collecting rainwater or something
Lmao, in my city, you're basically never farther than a 10-minute walk from a store. Me, I have like 10 in a 10-minute radius, but I live in the center of the city. But to be fair, Austria has very high density of stores in general.
we have way more supermarkets
Every country does, there’s no reason why there isn’t atleast 3-4 grocery stores in that picture
yanks are so abused they think buying food once a fortnight or once a month is completely normal behavior.
>3 miles
Just cycle, it'll take you 20 minutes tops (probably less, due to low traffic).
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My city is pretty much designed around walking.
We have wide pedestrian paths everywhere with good lighting and you are never further than 10 minutes from a grocery store.
and then you get arrested halfway for the crime of walking
yes goyim you NEED the 15 minutes cities
Is it illegal to build grocery stores inside suburbs in the US? It isn't uncommon for suburbs here to have a few grocery stores were they sell cooked food, and bars.
The thing is that you probably can't use that path because you'll be passing through private property.
Google maps doesn't make dumb mistakes like that, they clearly avoided that path for a reason
That's just asking to get killed with a McTruck™
Linköping suger och är ett arab ghetto nu, och ni låter helt efterblivna när ni pratar
Hela landet är ett skithål.
Just ja ursäkta jag glömde bort att det inte går att regional flamea längre när hela landet är ett ghetto
>2.5 hr workout
That’s good doe
Capitalists are the most anti-capitalist people ironically. They’ll always look for ways/laws to prevent others from interfering in their hold
I don't live in a city so walkability to actual places? 0
>walk 30m in the desert
It’s literally 110 degrees Fahrenheit every day for 8-9 months of the year. Walkability is a moot point. I have shopped at that Smith’s by the way.
I don't know for sure but probably. US has something called "zoning laws" which means certain areas of the city can only be used for certain types of buildings. If a large area is zoned for residential homes, I think it's prohibited to build a grocery store in that area. Another side is the fact that housing development companies build houses in huge quantities. They'll buy massive swathes of land on the outskirts of a city then build identical homes in the typical suburbia layout. And of course, they aren't in the business of building grocery stores so they won't build one or god forbit leave space for another company to build on it.
This is a pretty extreme example. It's literally the last house on the northwest corner of Las Vegas which isn't a place to live if you want to walk anywhere.
I guess. But why go outside when I can just order everything with home delivery?
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Openstreetmap says 13 minutes. Feels more like 8
>hanky panky street
American zoning is retarded. All cities have a strip mall area where everything is clustered together in one large blob along a center main-way. Then its surrounded by endless suburbs where there is nothing, not even small convenience stores. They are only found along the main roads.
Explain the reasoning behind the zoning laws that prevents there from being grocery stores in Suburbia? Wouldn't proximity to essential shops increase the real estate value? I don't understand hoa's
>walk through private land and people's backyards
Prepare to get shot retard
Google shows the shortest legal path through public land
My city is walkable in the sense that I get basic commodities in a 15 minute radius from my house, but my workplace and the places where I hang out with my friends aren't in that radius so I have to take pretty lousy public transit or have a longer walk without a car.
Traffic is high speed though (de jure, 45 mph on these roads; de facto, 60+ mph) so biking is a death sentence when every shartmartican buys a barge of a truck that they can barely turn even if they bother seeing you
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>no pizzeria every 100 meters
>no arab tobacco kiosk every 40 meters
>and nowadays a barbershop every 20 meters
Is this what society without the goverment showering gibbs and ignores their blatant tax fraund and money laundering looks like? Sign me up i’m moving in
>business buys massive amount of land
>gets it zoned for homes
>builds homes over every square inch of land
>leaving space for groceries means you sell fewer houses (less profit)

But a simpler explanation is that american culture is simply such that grocery shopping happens about every 2 weeks. You buy more than you'd ever want to walk/bike home with so a car is necessary at that point anyway. Grocery stores right on your doorstep might actually lower real estate value because it increases the traffic/strangers in your area. American car culture is just permanent at this point, people here see no benefit in a "walkable" lifestyle other than the ability to walk to fun things. When it comes to the necessities of life everyone uses a car.
They actually ban small stores from residential areas in some cities. It's all designed so you HAVE to buy a car.
Americans need corner pubs. You can't drive home from those. It can be your third place you center your social life around. They were obviously part of your social fabric at one point. If every suburb had a pub, they would all be happier and more connected with eachother.
>2.5 miles should take 30 minutes max
most people don't walk even close to 5mph
You have to understand that our corporations have gotten very good at manipulating law to serve their own interests. We have tons of competition but we've long since grown out of simple "consumer choice" competition. Now it's corporations having shadow battles with government policy while manipulating the demands of consumers to create profit-driven feedback loops. Giving people more choice is baby shit, they see people like cattle at this point.
Someone living at OP's house is a 20 minute drive from the Las Vegas strip so it's a sacrifice that they're willing to make.
I live in a city that does have stuff like that, but don't underestimate the monotony of american suburbians. They don't want to go to the pub, they want to eat slop and watch netflix.
>you can't drive home from those
Haha watch me bitch! *gets drunk and runs over your dog* YEEEHAW
Very, but it's a small town
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>walking through elementary school
>Is this what society without the goverment showering gibbs and ignores their blatant tax fraund and money laundering looks like?
The other way around.
How is the shitting situation at smith's ? Do they also have the fat scooters ?
I think it's why there is a loneliness epidemic and why so many people just come home from work and sit at home on the couch
>Moe's tavern was depicted as a sad and depressing place
True, and the schizo in me wants to say it's a result of consumer culture we've been manipulated into by corpos. Going to a pub multiple nights a week after work means you're drinking like 1-2 beers and having a few peanuts. And you're talking with friends, sharing ideas (dangerous!). That time could be better spend watching advertisements and consuming media (also advertisements) don't you think? And don't forget, all your friends only want to talk about the HYPE NEW SHOW that we've sponsored so you need to go and watch it anyway.
As a person in healthcare, one thing I've repeatedly seen through my own research and other things in the body of medical literature is that neighborhood walkablity has a negative association with pretty much every single major condition you can think of. All the major CVDs, neurodegenerative disorders like dementia and Alzheimer's, even certain types of cancer. Amerisharticans running to poorly planned unwalkable suburbs and leaving nothing but unwalkable industrial wasteland behind for blacks has been utterly terrible for the state of public health in America. That's why obesity started skyrocketing after the civil rights movement, this all stems from racism (not a blue haired liberal, but the correlations of all of this are too high to ignore)
american cities look like they were built on cities skylines
bruh I'm not walking in a desert sun
Unfortunately, neighborhood grocery stores were out-competed by superstores (which have more variety for better prices), and then new zoning laws made it very hard for even stores like Walmart "Neighborhood Markets" to open close to residential areas.
nigga actually lives in a desert suburb

Kinda on you, people aren't meant to live there
car culture is normalized enough that you might be the only grocer in a 30 minute radius and still not get enough customers to stay open. that's how Dollar General replaced full grocery stores in many communities.
If it takes you an hour to walk 3 miles you are probably a fat fuck
It's more efficient to buy in bulk.
no its not food goes bad after a few days.

I buy food every 3 days, but I live in walking distance to a grocery store. I couldn't imagine having to buy for 2 weeks
How common is living in a place layouted like that?
but there is always demand for buying few items fast like cigarettes, forgotten milk or mountain dew because you just want to and don't want to bother with making a trip to the big market
that's why convienience stores exist despite having higher prices and less wares than supermarkets
Most of our suburbs aren't dense enough to support such a business, regardless of zoning preventing it.

Frankly, I'm glad people who want to live in a giant mansion just GTFO of the city and the people who live their deserve to drive 10 minutes just to get milk. The problem is all the mansions that exist inside the city and the boomers there who get pissed about every apartment building, that's what's holding America back
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30 mins walk to the nearest store
Pretty common, the metro areas that aren't laid out like that are the big cities you've heard of before. Seattle, San Fran, NYC, Boston, Chicago, etc. These all have a bit older-style development because they're older cities. But a lot of metro areas in the US were only developed as recently as the post WWII boom, so they're absolutely made in the car-culture america. I guarantee though most americans don't actually want walkable cities. They would actually hate living in europe because their houses would be smaller, streets more narrow, and parking less convenient. You guys have to understand that the "normal" amerishart WANTS to live in suburbia. Few can afford to live in the denser urban cities, and few can handle the less-convenient lifestyle of living in rural areas.

Living rural is based, and so is living in urban centers with older development. Not sure why so many people have an urban vs rural thing here. The real cancer is suburbia.
>Not sure why so many people have an urban vs rural thing here. The real cancer is suburbia.
Very true
I'm all for better urban planning in cities, but in this case how about not living in a suburb in the middle of the desert?
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Hellish vibes. It may look better if it had some veraiety in the building types
But keeping all that stuff refrigerated at home in a big ass refrigerator that needs energy and space isn't efficient. And you need to buy processed food that takes longer to expire because fresh milk, fish, fruit and veggies wouldn't last till your next trip to the store in 2 weeks.
these were everywhere in Poland, I knew one in a 50 house neighbourhood maybe, but most went out of business because their main income was newspapers
but they are well in Serbia and the niche in Poland was filled in by franchise classic convenience stores
Most people say they want walkable cities and better transit, but then bitch about every mixed use five-over-one being built, expect to live in a single family house, bitch about parking not being available directly next to their destination (even though there's a parking garage 3 blocks away), bitch about having to pay for parking, and bitch about every lane reduction.

I lot of people do not understand the relationship between density and walkability. They want their cities to magically build good transit without increasing density and without disrupting any auto-infrastructure.
I understand now. It now sounds logical. But why is it either/or? There can be a hybrid of tall residentials and private houses. And even in flat low building areas there are quite a few supermarkets and conveniance stores in 5 minute walk distance
>Few can afford to live in the denser urban cities, and few can handle the less-convenient lifestyle of living in rural areas.
But the fact that denser urban cities aren't affordable indicates there is a demand that isn't being met.

You're right that majority would never want to live anywhere other than a single family home and would never use walking as their primary transportation method, but there are many people who would want to live in a dense urban area but can't because its expensive.

Ultimately, the best thing to improve the USA would be to increase the density in urban areas so people who want to live in walkable areas can, and the people who want to live in car dependent suburbs can.
>There can be a hybrid of tall residentials and private houses
This is pretty common in urban neighborhoods. But every time a new tall building wants to be built near houses, all the boomers in the houses launch a campaign to stop it, so its a process.

These boomers are the real scourge on our society. Worse than suburbanites.

As for the suburbs, a lot of them these days are built by developers who develops a plot of land. So they usually pick one thing they want, which is usually either single family homes, duplexes, rowhouses, or they'll just build an apartment/ condo complex. Sometimes there will be a combination between SFH, duplexes and rowhouses.
>La Última Cena
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doesn't look that bad
what would Greta do if she had nukes? i think i know what she would do
I can tell none of you mfers ever lived near or worked around large markets. constant activity both clientel and delivery/services. at best you could dot small ones everywhere, but then they're never ever going to have the variety you enjoy. or maybe you don't, since you're all poor retards getting propaganda'd by developers anyways.
>They want their cities to magically build good transit without increasing density and without disrupting any auto-infrastructure.

Well this could be two different groups actually. Younger people want density but nimby boomers don't. Younger people form a vocal minority but the real power still lies with boomers so nothing changes.
It's true. Europeans don't have grocery stores. I don't know what they eat, given that they don't have restaurants either on account of no tips.
I suffer in america
things have changed, however.

I live in a city with no car that would have been impossible to do so 10 years ago
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Google maps probably doesn't do well with grids.
A person could walk somewhat diagonally along a road and as such save time, but for a computer with presumably one dimensional roads, then walking route A and rout B will take just as long.
Difference is people live in the desert here because they're boomers who want to live in a hot sunny climate. You guys live there because Yahweh gave you a desert shithole as your holy land.
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Picture of how a human would walk to save time (exaggerated)
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isn't it kind of outlandish to live in an artificially created area like that
only stone and desert everywhere you look outside the city periferier
ermmmmmm what the sigma????
didnt NJB say to stop bait posting and move to the netherlands while bringing your brown family with you
Maybe if you're a family of 10 lmao
Aside from a lake in middle, there really isn't much keeping me from walking from one end to the other... but I live a ten minute walk from the cesspit that is downtown, and a five minute walk from the train station when I want to leave (and my car's in the shop... or I'm heading to the airport and don't want to pay for parking). I have no reason to walk to most of this city.
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>a lot of metro areas in the US were only developed as recently as the post WWII boom
El Oh El
>walk across trafficked roads going 60 mph
>explode into red mist when Cletus rams you at 90 mph with his 3 ton truck
Dear God chud yuropoors are so retardedly blind in their worship of Amerishartica suburbia
you're retarded
your example implies that traffic literally does not exist, which is not the case
Convenience stores don't really exist on their own outside of big cities, are seen as places of poor repute (and hence restricted by zoning laws), and probably wouldn't be as profitable as you might think in many of these places.
The real problem is crime

Suburbs are perfect in that no hoodlum will stumble into your neighborhood like they would in a walkable city, that why trams extensions are offen opposed by suburbs, improving access invites people who shouldn't be there
I grew up in a "quiet" suburb and black kids would venture in to steal bikes and break into cars at least once a month. Can't even count the number of times I'd wake up at 3 in the morning to the sound of police copters hovering directly above.
Why would you even want to live in a desert? It basically makes the surrounding nature unusable to you and you're confined to staying in climatized indoor spaces all the time. Can't even go for a nice walk or jog.
>You can easily walk a mile in 12 minutes
No you can't. A mile in 16 minutes is already tough for a lot of people, especially with groceries to carry.
I know it's probably not as bad as many anons why try to make it seem but how do you get around the crime problem that many large american cities have? It's that massive elephant in the room that youtubers i follow like notjustbikes and Adamsomething never adresses. I fully understand americans hating the idea of public trancit and dense urban neighbourhoods as long as poor black areas or large homeless populations exists in their city
>why would you ever want to live in Nothern Europe? It's dark 6 months of the year, you can't grow anything and you can't even go out for runs in the winter
northern Europe is at least green. Idk how much colder you have it but in the middle of German winter unless there's particularly much snow you can go jogging without problem. In a desert you can't.
Moderately walkable. Good public transit though
> swedish math education
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>Hanky panky street
>Kyle canyon
>Google maps doesn't make dumb mistakes
I don't know if it is because the author is pulling from his experiences in Oregon and towns are different there, or if things have changed since the 80's and 90's, or if it just works better from cartoons, but Springfield often feels more like a European town than a American one.
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pretty good, we have a lot of sidewalks
>you can't even go out for runs in the winter
you can though
How should I measure it? Distance to the closest supermarket?
It's 200 metres for me.
I hate the G.I. Generation so much it's unreal
The sidewalks are shit here, except in nice places. There seems to be no ordinance so some people just have these super rised or tilted sidewalk, or they put shit on there so you can't even walk there. So you have to walk on the streets for at least parts of it.
However we don't have the American type cities, I have a convenience store in front of my house, and the closest supermarket is like a 10 minute walk. I drive everywhere though, because >mexifat
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>yes I do live in hanky panky street, how could you tell?
13 min to Linella (our Lidl analog) or 4 minutes to small "Fruits and Vegetables" shop where I can buy bread, water, etc.
>Hanky Panky street

Also you guys always cherry pick the worst suburbs that are in a middle of a desert, its like you have an agenda to push or something
You don't live in northern Europe though. Here the ground is permanently covered in slippery ice during the winter and you will slip and fall and crack your skull if you go running.
Only if you eat ultraprocessed, yes
Not really electricity is cheap.
>And you need to buy processed food that takes longer to expire
No you don't that's what fridge and freezer are for. If you want it to last just freeze and thaw when you want to use
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I'm a countryfag who live in a similar-picrelated and i just want to kill myself
They aren’t bad determining that factor. They likely just don’t account it because it is negligible to the outcome, especially because it would require hefty amount of resources to calculate that and an adjustment to the A* algorithm which works just fine. Also what you’re describing works out only on very low traffic roads making this a very niche scenario.
Seriously, what were Americans thinking? You already had beautiful cities with classy architecture and decided to raze them to the ground to... build highways and parking lots? When you look at those photos, you may think that USA experienced some terrible, nuclear war. European cities that experienced carpet bombing changed less.
Buy AC and your life will get better.
Bikeable, but not walkable.
Just do cross-country skiing. The closest ski base with good ski tracks in the woods is in 6 km to me.
I think you're talking out of your ass. Springfield is what a lot of mid sized cities in the western US are like.
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>he thinks he's safe blurring out the name of the location in 2020+4
They fought a warin preservation of our existence just for them and their boomer children to destroy America's own heritage and run away from trying to fix our oldest problems with tough solutions. What was the point of existence without purpose or heritage? The US is precisely in such deep shit because we have been severed from much of our national heritage.
They wanted to escape black people trying to better themselves due to political fear mongering, they wanted to strike out for new lands like they were new pioneers, they thought they were building the utopian future. That future never came and now it is up to us to build a different, more achievable, and sustainable future for all.
How the fuck do you even keep your sanity in that wasteland?
A healthy human being should be able to walk for a couple hours per day at the very least. My commute is around 5 km and I often do it on foot.
5 km is 3 mi, right? In which case you probably trained for that - that's like an hour each way, I don't I know anybody in my town who's capable of walking for an hour at a time without breaks. So stop being disingenuous, not everybody can be a pro athlete or whatever.
shitty bait
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I don't think you understand the Pythagoras theorem
You cannot possibly be serious. I had relatives who walked 7 or more km just to make it to the train to take them to work like 50 years ago.
Forget the Pythagorean theorem - no side of a triangle can be longer than the sum of the two other sides. Also the Swede didn't account for stoplights making every turn take longer
Do mid sized towns in western USA have a culture of going to corner pubs after work?
It takes a lot of time to walk 5 km, almost an hour I'd say. Doing it in a beautiful place is one thing, but along a highway, a busy road or a deserted commie block sounds depressing
>a nation of irish, englishmen, germans and italians has lost their culture of social drinking
We must save the american man
When was the last time you went out to drink socially?
Last week
How do you and your friends spend time?
18 years out in the sticks with nothing but a chapel and basically no other children/teenagers there felt like a form of isolation my pussy ass psyche never really recovered from. Now that I've lived almost the same time in a city, I can appreciate some aspects of country living, but it's only ever good enough for a visit. I couldn't stand to live there anymore.

What gets me the most is that it's not even much quieter than my apartment in the city center. Sure, I get more car noises and people talking in the streets here, but at my parent's place, the brids unleash a cacophony at like 5 am. For most of the year, it's then big tractors and other agricultural machines all day long, during harvest even into night. Neighbors will start mowing their lawn at 8 am on a Saturday. And in winter, the place just becomes a wasteland. So desolate. And you have less privacy than in the city in various ways.
Yes. Where I live a lot of them are full of Mexicans, Armenians and Koreans though these days.
And people wonder why Americans are going insane.
Last friday. We met, talked and drank by the lake.
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>come home drunk
>where the fuck do I live?
It already happened to me one time lol, I spawned in front of a door after blacking out and didn't understand why I can't get it open. Then I realized I'm in the wrong building
They're more likely to take taxi instead of walking home.
I've had drunks show up at my house like that a few times. Just had a good laugh about it.
Yeah, but it's a fun scenario to imagine. I remember some Finnish guy told a story about when he was in the US. He had gone to the bar from his hostel, then he ended up drinking too much and decided to walk back since he was too drunk to drive. A cop car stops next to him and they ask like why are you walking out here at this hour, it's dangerous. He says he's drunk, but they just go like good god man, and take him back to the bar. Then they escort him back to the hostel as he drunk drives his rental car. Must have been in some rural area
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>Just walk at an 8 minute mile pace bro
>>walk across trafficked roads going 60 mph
learn to read mongoloid. You would still save time just walking diagonally along the sidewalks and the crosswalks.
Google Maps seems to give a pretty long time estimate now that I checked. My local grocery store is just down the street, says it's 450 meters, but it says it's a six minute walk. Can't be that long, I'd say like three. Maybe I'll check the next time I go there
Been walking 2x 5,6 miles the past four days, would post pic but it’s sure my location
what an amazing place
I assume it's conservative because they do not want people to complain that googlemaps lied to them about their slow ass arriving late
But it's not THAT conservative
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Both of these "walks" are the same length and would take just as long if you don't account for having to turn.
Pythagoras theorem does not apply on a discrete grid, which is what google maps are basically describing the location as in this case. In real life it's non discrete and you can save time (marginally) walking diagonally along all the cross walks and side walks.
I don't think google maps accounts for that either.
>hele landet er en ghetto
Det er jo bare Malmö og Stockholm der er fucked, bogstaveligt talt alle andre steder er fine nok.
t. har været begge steder
But to be fair, in very rural Austria, people also drive home from the pub quite often still. The younger generations not so much, but Xers and boomers see no real issue with it. And if the local police happens to spot them, they let it fly, unless they're completely wasted. That is, unless the policeman hasn't also been drinking with them at the pub all evening lol.
You can set your walking speed IIRC. The default is fairly slow, like a stroll more than a walk with a clear goal and purpose.
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I walk, bike and use public transport a lot. Warsaw got a lot of that walkable neighbourhoods with shitton of services available close to you, even far away from the centre. In that sense I think it's best among the cities in Poland.
On the other hand, it got a lot of "stroads" with 4/6 lanes. There's also a lot of "hard" barriers between districts, like Vistula river or rails. In that sense it's worst city in Poland.
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>both of these walks are the same length
dude..... please...... if you're not using pythagoras, then please just count the amount of squares sides you're walking along in that grid, PLEASE
I have a corner shop 300m away and a lidl about 1km
>grid arranged by units
>paths with similar start and end points
>no backtracking
No need to count. It's x(11) down, y(11) right. There are many possible paths, but they're all the same amount of units down and right.
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Swedish bro is right, natural trace would be close to blue, which is faster
In areas where there is good public transport, like in NYC, you have to deal with drugged up homeless people running around the train and getting in people’s faces, screaming at people, talking to themselves, smelling like shit. They’re so unstable you never know when they’ll snap and what they’ll do. The first and only time I went on the NYC subway I had that experience. No way Im doing that every day until we clean up the streets by locking these people in mental hospitals
Normal average walking speed is about 6km/h or a bit less(5,8km/h). That's 1km/10min and 100m/1min so 450m should go in 4,5 minutes. My guess is that Google maps adds a bit extra time to account for whatever delays come from crossing streets etc.
Pretty ok from the summer cabin. About 0,5 to 1,5 km in the city
There's a coop on my estate a 9 minute walk away which is the nearest shop, but there's a supermarket a 30 mins walk, 15 mins bus or 5 mins drive.

Do Americans not have small shops on housing estates you can walk to? If you just need to get some milk or bread having to drive to a supermarket seems like a right pain.
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did you just dox yourself
Posting from the middle of the lake
yeah, that's really gonna hide your identity lol
Europeans seem to whine about car dependency all day long but nobody who's ever lived here has a problem with it
I'm on the island in the middle of the lake, surrounded by thick foliage
so? do you think someone is going to order a hitman from the darkweb to kill him now?
just saying, be careful because there's schizos on here who will not hesitate
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They'd have to learn to swim first
Wasn't it England?
Maybe because the Europeans who move there didn't have a problem with it in the first place? They self-select, of course you're not going to move to American suburbia if you hate having to drive everywhere.
So, anyone wants to pay him a visit?
61.61981323116565, 27.202399299850182
Seethe all you want russian. Not even your oligarchs can achieve this level of 1st worldism common to even working class Finns
Having a dacha is 1st worldism now?
I'd bring him some whiskey.
>"Sorry, I can't come in to work tomorrow. I've come down with a case of the Irish Flu in Finland, and they won't let me fly back until I have a clean bill of health... Yes... I'm in a lake, keeping my temperature down... That's Pelle. He's sick too... Look, If I die, I died doing what I love: not breathing. See you in a few days."
this is what hell looks like
Is this the new Doom?
I mean... Owning one house here puts you in the upper ends of middle class. Owning a second property for vacationing classifies you as wealthy.
Our cold-war political alliances and GDP classify us as first world.
>8*60 = 480 s
>1mile = 1500m
Just walk at 3m/s.
Are you criplled?
you don't live in the las vegas desert suburbs

so why do you start this thread every day?
this is also posted every day

it's college housing
That's a brisk pace... more of a jog really.
I don't have a car... if that answers your question XD, when I need to go further I use public transportation.

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