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The Call edition
Prev >>198888915
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Reasons why Jason hates and is jelly of Nick
>Nick is handsome
>Women love Nick
>Nick is the leader of the most influential and successful White Nationalist movement
>Nick is Catholic(Jason HATES Christianity)
>Nick wants to ban LGBT
>Nick wants to ban trannies
>Nick is anti pederasty(Jason has defended it)
We can go gyatt for gyatt
doing my own eyebrows, finna look dark triad asf when I'm done
how do you motivate yourself to write papers for stupid humanities class? i literally can NOT stop doomscrolling or just doing anything else besides writing a single word. its so fucking boring and stupid. who fucking cares about this shit? what does computer science have to do with writing essay about musical history? honestly wondering how risky it'd be to straight up feed the assignment into GPT and turn that in. ughhhhhhhhhhhh
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dis nigga finna be reading the 48 laws of power and "how to win friends and influence people" this nigga Machiavellian asf
I need to leave this site
Break it down into smaller, less intimidating, easily defeatable steps.
Which one is the top and which one is the bottom?
>honestly wondering how risky it'd be to straight up feed the assignment into GPT

Do it and then keep prompting chat gpt to come up with an essay that's not so computer-y and then edit it yourself using your own vernacular
ok. ill write One (1) paragraph tonight
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my cable cant charge my ipod but if I barely leave it in to the point the pins arent even fucking connecting it works just fine

fuck you apple
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They're both bottoms.
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Jason, Spinster, Goshcel, and Footkraut.
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>calls me reprehensible
>doesn't reply to me
Whatever, bitch........I'm a lone wolf anyway, I'm used to it...........
Bad idea to use ChatGPT. There’s significant risk of getting caught now, and even if you’re not, you may get caught at some point in the future as detection tech improves.
Just say you sent it to the wrong person.
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>There’s significant risk of getting caught now
I'm NEET so I have no experience but how do you get caught now? Other than if you hand in a paper that's clearly machine written.
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>.I'm a lone wolf anyway
its too late. im gonna just keep feeding it in over and over until it looks pretty human. ill rewrite a lot of it but i will use it for at least the basic scaffolding. honestly i dont understand stupid assignments like this anyways its so fucking dumb. if i wanted to learn about the history of german mediaeval music i would study that, not a STEM subject. ffs its such a grift that they require these credits
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I wanted to get drunk, but then I had too much food and now I just feel bloated.
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my balls are bloated with cum
Anytime you submit something, they run it through software that’s designed to detect plagiarism, use of AI, etc, and then your submission is stored in some database forever
Nothin like a hot cuppa am I right lads?
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blow a load, brother
Yup, time to hop on the porn throne and blow second a load for today
Enjoy getting caught and not getting your degree due to academic integrity issues
>get a chatgpt essay
>read it over while changing a few sentences and words
boom, undetectable
should i buy these when i visit the uk?
i wont get caught. like i said i'm still gonna write it all in my own words. im just gonna use gpt for the base to work off of
I thought you were the person defending lolicon shit
im back
Welcome back
Any plans tonight?
I'm about to go out with my friends
check'd. where did you go?
at this point what is even the point of professors if they're nothing but data entry/hr workers rendered useless by ai, software, and online resources
that's an every day thing for a nigga from the hood like me
was watching mimic. good movie. no plans for tonight tho. shall spend the rest of the night with my /cum/mies.
Currently stroking
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Lately the homeless people I've been seeing have looked younger, less fuckin zombie like and honestly just more normal. This is fucked.
I've had a discord server for 4 years and it's only occurring to me now that the regulars of it don't care for me or each other, it's just a place they hang out at occasionally without investing much thought in it at all. I was under the impression that after spending years together that we had become friends.
ermmmmmmmm your mandatory diversity and inclusion class credits (bachelors requirement) for a well-rounded education?????
sometimes I side eye my armpit and laugh because it looks like a vagina loll
>I'm about to go out with my friends
nice to hear. enjoy yourself.
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>shall spend the rest of the night with my /cum/mies.
Family is here visiting and I'm dreading that they're going to call me out of my room and ask if I'm working (I'm neet)
okay...wanna fuck?
Man holds a gun to your head and gives you a choice, for the rest of your life whenever you eat fruit you can only have strawberries or blueberries.

Your response?
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You made me a lolicon by spurning me like that. I'm downloading idolm@as right now.
You bring us anything?
just made some chicken alfredo fettuccine with broccoli
any girls in it?
The tools that check for plagiarism aren’t grading the papers, just checking if they should be discarded before grading. Also these tools obviously aren’t teaching. Can you imagine how utterly dogshit a course taught by ChatGPT would be lmao. At least you get good profs *sometimes*
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I don't have the meme "now I am become brown boots, destroyer of fits" but I hope you get the idea
Are you Italian (not Latinx)?
that thing where the girl cuts her tongue in half and wiggles each half separately is one of the most viscerally revolting things i have seen
how do people find that hot?!
I used to be more of a blueberry person, but I’ve become more of a strawberry person as of late.
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Is it true that white people don't use wash cloths? That sounds too gross I don't want to believe it. Please tell me that you do.
I'll kill a furry before a lolicon. At least lolicons don't have the delusion that they're acceptable.
That's the blackpill. What made you realize this tonight?
Only 1 but she's mentally ill and in a failing marriage and I dislike her
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you were saying?
What is cool footwear for 2024? I feel like I lost touch with fashion during the covid lockdowns and never got it back
I have these exact boots
i do. i am 25% armenian, 50% slavic and 25% anglo-irish; whether or not that's white
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ban her
yikes, not interested in your gay sausage fest
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but those are burgundy and i don't wear a lot of black.
I asked about white people
why are you asking a bunch of neet incel freaks
I asked what they would do if the server got deleted and they were like "eh I don't care". Also I banned someone for introducing underage people to meth irl and they were all like "this is discord who cares"
Use a wash cloth for what?
Showering. Like, rubbing soap on the cloth and rubbing the soapy cloth on your body.
That would cause drama and make me look like an incel
But I'd like to
i use loofahs
cray cray
i read a porn manga with it and it looked hot. i think pochi did it.
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I picked up one of these things from IKEA and have found it to be pretty good
stop replying to mousenonce
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idk. work has determined what my wardrobe usually is and i had a couple sneakers for the gym and casual wear.
Con anni, sagezza
I use it when I get out of the shower
>and they were like "eh I don't care"
Might just be putting on a brave face in front of the boys.
>Also I banned someone for introducing underage people to meth irl and they were all like "this is discord who cares"
Lmao, this sounds about like what I would expect from discorders.
im not cheap and i top only :)
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why are people in the midwest so fat and stupid
I need to go back west
All fags should die, gtfo my thread
>posting gay porn
And you mfers told me this wasn't mihai
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All women should kill all men except me and then I am the only man and they all have to have sex with me to repopulate the earth
No... I just lather my hands with a soap bar and rub myself sensually...
True Canada butchers Christians
>Lmao, this sounds about like what I would expect from discorders.
I knew those people for years.
true dumbass schizos post on cum
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>All fags should die
Hey man, you're Mexican (duh)

I'm watching Narcos mexico and I understand a certain amount of high school Spanish, how do you spell "no te weetes"?
I'm not into it but I saw a webm of real pretty ladies do that once and didn't mind it
This is what I do but not sensually lmao, it's all you need to do mostly, once a week or once every two weeks though it is ok to scrub with a wash cloth or rough bath towel to get the dead skin cells off, but too often leaves you dry, and prone to losing elasticity and wrinkling early
you dont "know" anyone over the internet dumbass
I don't know who that is but you should kys
This junkie riding her bike on the sidewalk almost hit me today. I would have lightly pushed her to throw her off balance if she had.
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to keep from hidin'
And I've got ONE MOOOOOOOOORE silver dollar
But I'm not gonna let 'em catch me, no
Not gonna let 'em catch the midnight riiiiideeeeer
My surname is DiStefano and I am Italian
However, Italian salad dressing is unpleasant.

I guess that's true but over a period of years I thought there'd be some kinship. We've shared personal shit with each other
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Rate out of ten
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get out of my thread guinea faggots
It is difficult to be let down by friends. I have taken breaks from the server I like because I felt betrayed by (the people who I thought were) my friends there.
You ever question why we do it? Come here every day and post some stronzate for hours on end?

I mean, is this all there is?
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I am pro gun rights
sorry, not sorry
I am pro gun wrongs
I am pro guns nobody's fault
facebook mom tier post
I'm hacking your webcam right now
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never forget
Kirsten bell cannot do anything to ever make herself unattractive to me.
nothing better to do
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Isn't that a signal? A sign? A red flag? What's y gonna take for us to wake up?
Stupid a facking game
Whoa. Rude much?
Did you know the man who discovered Canada is Italian?
Justino Trudeloni?
it's obviously staged
Giovanni Caboto
Making soup for dinner. By some beautiful garlic
What if she gained 100 pounds
Well managg'alla miseria, I had no idea
I really hope none of you are obese
just coomed
i'm skinny fat
Are you TRYING to turn me on?
Kristin Bellend
Im underweight
You are gay
What if it was 100 lbs of pure muscle
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you ever feel like you'll make it in life? all feels so grim and tiring.
name? cant see shit
i feel like fucking a plastic pussy
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Vincent James: “Here is the only solution to America’s moral decline. It has to be by force and people won’t like it but it must be done.”
oh its LB
lb posts on /tttt/ in chasergen and larps as christian now and moves from short term relationship to short term relationship cus her asshole is on google

Guess the food.
the book Im reading currently makes me happy to be alive on this precious sapphire sphere floating in space, and simultaneously making me cry at the unstoppable march of time
Poopoo gay
what the fuck this guy talking about
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You win this round, you son of a bitch.
Is Veronica Mars good?
God I love fatties
Never seen it. I just like the way she looks
LBanton/LB the person in the pic he posted
dont reply to ratpedo
711 has wine, so I went in on the off chance they'd have a Sangiovese (like the one at Quattro Gatti)

No dice. Carlo Rossi Pinot greej it is
Q: How would one pronounce Gaius Julius Caesar’s name in the Latin of the time he lived? What did most people call him?

If I were to write in in a phonetic way, for the English speakers, then it would be something like this:

Gaaaius Yulius Ka’esar.
Nobody knows who these people are

Just stfu already you sound Moronic

His given name was Kaius but he was referred to as Kaizer
professionally i am making it, but i will be alone forever.
My ancestor :)
Gay ass who lios keiser
hell no if i cant ride untaxed income im fucked forever
i cant get a job cus background search
Who's down with the bdp krew?
me on the right
Shoe program nigga!
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bpd or bpd
post pics bb
Drinking cheap lambrusco wine on the giannicolo hill overlooking rome
Love that memory
A little of column a
A little of column b
>It has to be by force and people won’t like it but it must be done.”
Separation is an immensely better option.
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How do you feel about Uruguay?
better than argentina
Not saying much, but ok
thoughts on the 2004 dawn of the dead movie? it makes me remember better times
They're the one's with the hats right?
hael naw nigga
No, that's Peru. In fact, Peru has several iconic hats. Well, 2 that come immediately to mind, but you get it
cringe take
probably going to creampie our boys in the copa america
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>go to deliver an order
>see this
what do
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Power hungry psychopathic response.
deliver of course
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What's this art style called?
AI slop
Actually in most of the US like Canada you can't shoot someone for just being on your property, you have to tell them to leave first and if they don't you can use reasonable force to remove them.
gay band
okay band
Our cynicism is neither appreciated nor welcome
ai is for talmudic jews.
I mean...yah, the lead singer is literally gay
Hollywood and American culture influences the whole world
it will be good for humanity if conservatives took control of those institutions
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There I was completely wasting, out of work and down
All inside it's so frustrating as I drift from town to town
Feel as though nobody cares if I live or diiiiiiiiiiie
So I might as well begin to put some action in my life

How will we cope with this together
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do canadians really?
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This is so sad
these women look like horses
the more i look a this the worse it gets
Does that mean something or is it ai slop
forgot to pick up some proper booze so im drinking boxxed chardonnay with ice
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Now my sweat smells like gunpowder and my lips are burning softly and I have silent farts
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Erm... I'm all ears
>dead internet is just a conspiracy theory
behead all journalists
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how can i transition from skinny fat to a tight toned body
>for humanity
No, people are different and that scenario would end up in getting fucked as well, just in different ways.
Leave it to women to make me less racist against pajeets
Send it to the police.
do women think its lame if you use gpt? I think that association is starting, now I just hide how I 'invented' a recipe
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Deliver and knock aggressively and shout DELIVERY
lift weights, eat enough protein for muscle growth (~1.5g protein daily/kg bodyfat) and eat at a caloric deficit
I wonder if in 500 years this would actually be seen with idyllic nostalgia
most people in roman cities lived in shitty favela tier slums not next to the colosseum
I hate when people fake laugh to my jokes. I'd unironically rather they just sandbagged me
Are you sure about that?
moved all my chunes onto my ipod
just wish I had some good noise canceling headphones instead of the bog standard ones
i dont want the oilers to win i want my canadian to win the first stanley cup in 30 years
god DAMN bros
this stuff tastes like slightly sweet water but its packed with sugar. I could put away like 2 of these in a day if Im not careful
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what should i fap to today
Diarrhea inbound
wtf the colosseum just flew over my house!
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>getting diarrhea from juice
learning about the dark history of SSRI medication and antipsychotics
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>total sugars 26g
>added sugars 19g
yeah dont buy any 'juice' drink in a transparent container
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just recorded my new voicemail message. had to do it 10 times because i kept fucking up.

delete this.

anyone else love holding in their shit? im currently holding one in right now it feels so good
My family visits from out of state and keep my 90 year old grandma company for multiple hours past her bedtime
These arrogant entitled fucks really believe their presence is a gift.
closeted niggas be like
my aunts are trying to steal my grandmother so they can coerce her to change her will.
All commercial juice is fucked. It can be nice if you make it yourself, but at that point you might as well just eat the fruit normally
Least conniving women
kill them
drinking milk
just women things. they abandoned her and left our town 10 years ago because they didn't want to have to help her. now that dementia is setting in and she's about to die they suddenly care and want to take care of her in their towns, where she can be isolated from the rest of the family.
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yeah kill them
kill those evil greedy whores they deserve death
is she loaded or ...?
no, and both aunts are richer than my dad or the other siblings. they are nurses who are also claiming alimony from doctors they divorced but that doesn't stop them from wanting more.
lol I gotta respect the nurse hustle of divorce raping a doctor tho
Most of you are poopy
>goshpedo new
After reflecting on my recent weight gain, I've come to accept that it will only get worse unless I do something like change my diet or exercise.

But...I'm just not gonna do it. Just not gonna
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How do I become numb to all the feefees?
I assume the old has dropped down to 285 posts due to mousenonce getting jannied and all of his posts getting deleted. It was over 310 when this edition was posted
You can either get your shit together now, while it’s relatively easy, or let it get worse to the point that you’re forced to do something, and it’ll involve much more anguish and time
i will go my entire life being a sexless incel virgin loser, if at least i could be rich but alas i'm also dumb and lazy
The good earth plentiful and there's enough for everyone
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i know.... UGH i know.... im sorry!!!!
its just that... im not gonna meet the 2% spending
no refunds is a way of life bro.
I had a dream that there was a nuclear war. I didn't see any nukes but I did see those missiles that are used for nuclear defense go off.
We should increase our military spending, a lot of our equipment is shabby
we dont need military, america will defend us for free
only if youre exclusively indians jews and negroes
bros i got offered a job in minnesota
what am i in for?
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biting cold, lakes, and somalians
I like pure cranberry, wanna try this flavor
>expected costs for filing arbitration are around $1000-2000/day
The system truly is rigged lol
thinking about ULAS J1120+0641
what is that, a JAV code?
any dumb lazy virgin incel losers here?
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anyone else hate quebec
me. im also retarded
it is a quasar that is very old and its existence is puzzling.
Na, people are so fucking retarded that it astounds me
By most people's standards probably
normies OUT
in all thy hamburger buns command
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love quebec, hate quebecers
Is nice-poster back?
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Guys it's almost time for the new.
How does this make you feel?
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Started eating more fiber, now I rarely have to wipe after shitting
you could have virtue. read crates of thebes and the consolation of philosophy
make a good one
Not possible, there will always be some left.

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