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File: GQs6hocawAA4lZq.jpg (508 KB, 1465x2048)
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What is your favorite artist from your country?
What was the original I forgot to save it
what the fuck is this even supposed to be referencing
The original is about a naked brown woman walking doing chores around her house and being raped to death by a spike demon
Why would someone draw that and why would art snobs praise it
Because it's interesting
Also because it abstractly happens in real life
As In women are indeed raped to death in real life
So you must be reminded that such things exist and happen
So you may protect your local women
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I think it symbolizes rape or abuse. I like it since it's kinda unsettling but I can see why people would just assume it's pretentious since art nowadays is all about messaging.
The morning visitor by Dino Buzzati
The phrasing of the comment me laugh
Francisco Oller.
>art nowadays is all about messaging.
Nigga it's been like that for ages
see? chuds really do wanna fuck trans folx
is this loss
People die constantly, mostly men.
Pretending like woman dying to some violent man is anything significant is funny
lterally Weimar tier shit art
chuds here will hate it because it's abstract and vaguely feminist but this is good art
Me. I'm spain's greatest artist.
The guy who drew Wojak
You are not relatable and you never will. Ktd
I like the art and I like abstract art, it's just the message that is retarded
Theodor Kittelsen
>just the message that is retarded
How so? I don't think it has much of a message. It expresses extreme suffering and loss of composure. There isn't much specific message to it
You just don't like it cause it's a woman
aren't you rich enough already, erzah?
he's not from my country but I really like Eduard von Grützner. he makes a lot of paintings with merry men drinking beer and wine. they are really comfy and all have phenotypes of trustworthy innkeepers.
>rape is le bad
>this is so deep
>omg i started crying from seeing this painting alone
>even doe men are willing to go out of their way to give surprise sex to me
>all while incels svffer
>i'm le traumatized
this is why i can't take women seriously

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