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julie newmar edition
First for the gynyangdem
Pretty sure I saw the poster who takes his shirt off in the club last night

Was that you at FOLD?
pooly poomar
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rorke doing racist rants on the interwebs
any more of right in that outfit specifically
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Stella Creasy's office attacked last night by rorkes


>Message to whoever attacked my office last night. You don’t intimidate me and you don’t belong in the political process. Same as those circulating malicious and false leaflets. Police already on this to find you - will press for the strongest penalties for such an anti democratic attack and I know Walthamstow won’t be cowed or influenced by your violence either.
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the future of all manoids
genuinely love seeing women covered in white substances so fucking much
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If you mean me then no. I would go to a nightclub if invited however. Not been on a night out in many years.
never pick a fight with stalin gerard. uncle joe don't play by your rules
forgot how smart doc brown was from back to the future, but also retarded for not wanting to use his time machine to get rich, also he was probably a virgin until he was like 70
FACT: our governing elite in the UK has not been conservative since 1997
obviously intentional
shepherds bush mentioned
imagine her sitting on your face and farting
Would love to break in to her house and steal her Akira motorcycle figure
>since 1997
Since 1964.
Heath, Thatcher, and Major were not conservative.
did the old 360 no scope on that slop, impressive
people used to be chaste and get married in their early 20s and be able to support a large family with one income
you ever just have like 100g of crisps for lunch?
for me it's zero suit samus
oy vey shut it down
thoughts lads?

going to fold on the 6th
>check her twitter
>first tweet before this is her promoting the windrush generation
bbc blackenings
You just want to cum on it
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At pub
with mates?
I reckon lando will take the trophy today
love me the bush
gaynonce melty, gonna be posting about black willies and children again for hours
probably blacks
i have a high iq but no discernible skills
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knew fine well what she was doing with that image
i think i need to give money desu
i do not ever breach copyright, especially when it involves sw women
why didn’t the jews fight back against the nazis if they were going to be killed anyway?
you ain't never breach a pussy either yeesh
UKIP still exists?
what the fuck do they want?
Is this with Walt Disney !! removed as well?
womens perfume smells way nicer than mens
wish I could wear it
used to get drunk before my driving lessons to calm my nerves
isn't she the same MP who said she was threatened with gang rape at university
i breached one two (three! haha) days ago
Christianity is a failed project, there needs to be a new religion more caring of native people worldwide
i’m voting for tony mack
not going to dignify that with a response
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>Rescuers find family of 6 dead in landslide in eastern China, as severe weather warning extended
love him on Would I Lie To You
how so?
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fucked it last night with a girl but woke up this morning to this propa sort giving me a rose on hinge
going to keep blaming other people for how shit my life is until things inevitably gets better
Angela Eagle pulled this shite a few years ago but the glass was on the outside of the building proving that it was smashed from the inside. She went very quiet about it very quickly.
bronze tummy erotic
bitches lied, niggas died
what about the libertarian party
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They tried to shift their focus to being a general libertarian party. They even briefly went into an anti-Islam phase when they brought in Tommy Robinson, which prompted Farage and co to leave the party.
They've went through shitloads of leaders, now they're led by a genuine Essex slag (pic rel)
Same reason why people will dig their own grave when you have them at gun point and won't try to run away or hit you with the shovel because "If I do that I will probably die but if I do what I'm told he might let me live"
People have a bit of hope that if they just follow their attackers instructions well enough then they won't be killed, even if it makes no sense
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>6-Year-Old Girl Dead After 'Freak Accident' Involving Her Brother's Badminton Racket
watching the new house of the dragon episode
forgot who everyone is especially since they all have the same damn name
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what exactly is it that these blacks have meant to have done?
when you ask them they cant say
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imagine waking up every day and seeing some bogged visage looking back at you in the mirror

the stuff of nightmares
seems insanely cowardly
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love how leftypol suddenly chooses to believe the daily mail once they start sprouting shit about Farage's "kremlin links"
there have been studies done that prove you enjoy a film more if it's been spoiled for you, thus caring about spoilers is reddit-tier
leftypol torn between ‘britain was always diverse’ and ‘muh windrush generation’
love how this happens and doesn't in fact not happen
Im genetically fucked, had late puberty, always been extremely thin and couldnt grow any proper beard or body hair and now ALL of my body hair (including my head and pubes) has started going weak, thinning and falling out.

I just want to reset. Why was i born like this. Never ate lots of sugary food as a kid or anything.
also their previous leader was Neil Hamilton who is an unironic cuckold
oh nooooooo we’re going to be taken over by russssia nooooooooooo only usa is allowed to fuck us in the arse noooooo this hole belongs to bbc only noooooo
crazy to think women are almost fully developed by age 8 while men take till 25
the fuck is with that?
Im just so done with it all. Oh no farage doesnt see the world like its black and white, so what.
It's easy to say when you aren't in the situation
it's basically a choice between 99% dying now or 100% dying in 3 minutes
>almost fully developed by age 8
not by a long shot, i'd say 14 at the very earliest
>never seen any Mad Max films
>never seen any Dune films
>never seen any Marvel films

I just do not care.
Only films I've seen less in the last 5 years are Parasite and Everything Everywhere All at Once.

and Jackass 4 which was a little of a let down.
Simple as.
>crazy to think women are almost fully developed by age 8
they aren't at all though are they you mong
more like 14-15
>men take till 25
Im balding in my early 20s, i remember hearing someone say "after 21 you start to slowly die" and its true

I am slowly dying.
Ok Michael Owen
love how in fable 2, your hair turns blonde and your eyes turn blue if your morality is high, just like in real life
>Only films I've seen less in the last 5 years are Parasite and Everything Everywhere All at Once

reddit detector went so ballistic it exploded and smoke started coming out
4chan isn't social media. Hang yourself you dull cunt.
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Brown muck for lunch
Lmao really? Only ever played some fable demos on the xbox 360
don't understand why some people choose to take pride in the things they haven't done (unless it's something illegal or immoral)
do you take pride in not having sex as well?
We should get rid of religion altogether because religions are lies

If we want to know the truth about the universe then there is a tool for that: science
Think in Fable 3 you could turn the orphanage into a brothel
the much vaunted ethiopian food
8 year anniversary of Brexit today lads
what have you achieved in that time?
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We got too cocky lads
elton john on a mad one
Dune looks interesting, I might watch it at some point, but I'm not dying to watch it
and how would you know this? i'm thinking you fuck children desu
fable 3 is a clusterfuck, if you want to be good AND save your country you have to leave it on overnight and wait for people to pay their rent because the xbox time-adjusting trick doesn't work in fable 3 like it did in 2
got delayed ejaculation from porno overuse
>1 in 4 American adults has an STI
kissed a girl in a club a few years back
Never seen a Hitchcock film
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the 'scranola'
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a glorious day, the British workers and peasants liberated Britain from the EU.
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Mate it's never too late, unironically.

See if you just make small changes and then stick with it over time, you will see results. By being consistent and pushing yourself you can improve.

Cut out sugary drinks, reduce carbs, eat more protein, do push-ups off your knees 3 times a week, buy a pull-up bar, do Couch-to-5k, do air squats. You don't need to do all that shit at once either. Again, it's about small changes then sticking to it.

I grew up extremely thin as well. I have to exercise and force food down just to look like something resembling a normal man. But it's possible, by being consistent and disciplined. Best of luck to you lad x
poo barm
it’s ok
he has some decent films but has been wildly overblown by yank critics who want to pretend hollywood slop is art
Throwing out my childhood bedsheets my nan brought for me in the 90s
very grim feeling chucking out material connections to your deceased relatives, but truth be told if I don't get it gone now I'll just be forced to chuck it in 30 years when my parents croak and I inherit their shit
What did brexit achieve
What were the benefits of brexit
which ones the before and which ones the after
look thej same
>Parasite and Everything Everywhere All at Once.
So youre basically a moron but an autistic 4chan moron
got a soft spot for fable even if they aren't really that good
thinking about doing an evil run of fable anniversary, if you're evil you start going bald too lmao
it's boring, i went to an imax to watch it and it was really slow with lots of le epic shots of deserts
chin up mate, my hairlines fine but i cant grow a beard to save me life
before, and WAY before
Fucking hell
>Woman found dead at Isle of Wight Festival campsite
>Festival cancelled
its cancelled lads
short term pain long term gain
are posh people racist or non-racist
the pros is that now westminster has no excuse not to lower immigration, the cons is that they'd rather torpedo their hopes of re-election than to do the job they were voted in to do
What are your macros?
Fable games are like the RPGs I enjoy after playing a “stat heavy” RPG, as they’re more simple/accessible
why did they cancel the whole thing
How do i make my willy bigger though
woah you worked out for 3 months? mental
>long term gain
such as?
christianity doesn't seem to care if all the world mixes together
I know people are going to meme on this pic, but this is my ideal body type. Just 'healthy'. Not big or flashy, but sustainable.
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British workers want to rejoin the EU though

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ultimately brexit didn't change much
good leaders can turn an unwinnable situation into a stunning victory
shit leaders can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory
at the end of the day if our politcal class are fucking retards there's fuck all we can do - and brexit has demonstrated that
wouldnt mind going back to NYC
shame about all the N words
less regulations so higher growth
trade deals eventually paying dividends
UK should leave NATO
Brexit from NATO, now!
took a month or so off lifting and all my gains have gone the way of the dodo, hard to get back into it now because my ego can't take barely being able to bench 60kg anymore
>less regulations so higher growth
nobody actually believes this shit right
it should be meme'd. he's giving advice and thinking this is something worth showing off - it's not, anyone can work out for 3 months. He's so skinny and he doesn't even have a six pack, his physique is pathetic and embarrassing.
Fuck off Dmitri
you just know brick absolutely loves marvel movies
remember the first festival i went to within an hour or so of getting in we were walking around checking things out and there was some teenager convulsing getting carted off in a little medical golf cart. imagine ODing before it's even started lmao
that's how economies work yes
imagine going back to the 1600s and telling blokes that every single great great...great grandaughter will be an online whore

i'd also go back and give mary mother of jesus a good shag too desu
racist but pretend not to be and support immigration
the right pic is not skinny
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>his own body: unposted
>I grew up extremely thin as well. I have to exercise and force food down just to look like something resembling a normal man. But it's possible, by being consistent and disciplined.
Yeh it fucking sucks. I try to exercise as much as possible nowadays so im atleast somewhat fit even if my body is still falling apart. Think i genuinely have cancer or something but i wont go into great detail.
David Cameron just assumed everyone would vote no then dipped
history will probably remember it as pretty fucking retarded and strugle to explain why it happened at all
history will recognise, but it will be illegal to write, that the cause was non-white immigration
currently doing driving lessons and i do them with two different instructors because i need lessons as frequently as possible, but they both seem to have different opinions as to how certain things should be done and it seems counter-productive
think i'll stop hiring the female one and only go with the male instructor because i seem to make more fuck-ups when i'm with her
Stay here Dima
Halle Berry's Catwoman

fantastic piece of cinema
what kind of cunt wears a jumper when it's 27c out
>less regulations
expand on this
done him
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So this is Rorke
Yes it is retard
why don't the british that go to spain kind of like learn to speak spanish?
Rorke... your creps......dead ting
no it wasn't it was shit
no it isnt
the meme that other countries innovate and the EU regulates is true
the insane amount of bureaucracy that gets in the way of selling things and innovating is real
and the book of regulations grows every year in the EU, they are obsessed with it
if 1 month of not lifting has put your bench down to 1 plate then you probably weren't as big as you think you were to begin with lad
amazing how much fitter she looked in die another day than in catwoman, despite the latter basically just being a vehicle for how fit she was
andale andale ariba ariba
surely most people who go to spain know at least a little spanish
those that don't can probably get by by hanging out in exclusively english enclaves, of which there are many on the spanish coasts (like where everyone will speak english, even the locals, there are english shops and restaurants selling english products)
I cant grow a beard
My hair has been rapidly falling apart and weakening drastically for nearly 2 years now at the age of 22
On top of not being able to grow any kind of beard i have a very weak chin that makes my nose look even bigger.
Im fucked but whatever.
love your neighbour means love the physical people God put next to you
God ordered the isralites to genocide other wicked races around them
people have gone soft not God
no, it's a normal, healthy weight. the left pic is definitely more on the skinny side.
in the next smilign friends episode pim gets raped by charlie
what innovations have EU regulations caused us to miss out on?
Thats not me.
dont respect the language or the people do we
Can't remember anything about it but still remember her costume to this day, that's good enough for me
When I was learning my instructor would hit out with some bizarre and obviously wrong shit like saying you should never change langes on a roundabout. In lessons I would do as she said but then during my test I just did what I knew to be correct (changing to the left upon passing the penultimate exit).

Also, if you're not already then I highly recommend youtube videos from driving instructor channels. Easy way to get loads of free tuition.
*fewer regulations
i didn't think i was that big tbf, pecs have always been a bit of a struggle for me to grow though, bodyberg always seemed to favour my legs for muscle development
australian driving test is easy - apart from teh driving upside down part haha x
i'm an ugly cunt too but i can't really put into words why, just take my word for it
got the powerlifting on, the fat bastards are up today
vaccine rollout is an obvious one
they also banned smokey flavoured crisps recently
For me?
it's when she fully got her tits out in Swordfish
mum's telling me about my severely mentally ill teenage cousin I haven't met and I can't help but think sexo
i watch yt in 480p cause i have australian internet
it's usually the roundabouts that are the sticking point, the female instructor got on my arse about not indicating out at the correct time even though i clearly did, i didn't know what she was talking about
bub games
jews absolutely love vaccines and ukraine don’t they
>can't grow a beard and balding

Sounds like a nightmare honestly. destined to be a virgin freak if you have that unfortunate combination
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playing some sleeping dogs
It was a curse and a blessing hitting puberty late.
I think i had fairly good looks for a fair while but its all fallen apart now
we've got magnets in the road and the car tires so you barely notice it tbf
kahteem exactly except the weak chin
but I might have testicular cancer so I think I win
can two negatives make a positive in real life?

>i had sex with a 13yo girl
>i had sex with a 13yo retarded girl
you should be running alongside Sir Keir
Accidentally made myself horny and now I have to change my underwear again. Sick of this heat. Sick of it!
good game that
don’t know why wogs have a problem with playing as races that are different from them i played that game and didn’t even consider that he was chinese and i am not
probably the most gratuitous and objectifying piece of screen nudity that an actress of her then fame has ever consented to, great stuff
got halfway through that then stopped playing for a few months and now i can't remember how to play or where i'm up to, might as well start again
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Having 2 instructors gives you the unique perspective of knowing that some of what they are telling you must objectively be wrong since they're giving conflicting advice.

It was the same for me with watching the youtube videos. Eventually you just sort of learn to placate the instructor during the lessons while holding in your mind what you know to be right (then deploying that on the test).
Thats not even the start of it. You have no clue how fucked i am haha
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What do you think of my new view lads? :3

Just been swimming in there, was lush x
How do you know for sure that you’re not Chinese though?
>EU to ban artificial smoky snack flavourings over cancer fears
>European member states are to ban artificial smoke flavourings used in products such as cheeses and crisps amid concern over health risks. Manufacturers have two years to find alternatives.
common brexit W
she's 17 and lives in care because she has trauma/depression etc. etc. (genuine as well)
what if I could save her
You mean americans?. They hate chinese people.
>In lessons I would do as she said but then during my test I just did what I knew to be correct (changing to the left upon passing the penultimate exit).
if theres 2 lanes on the exit i will exit into the right lane if turning right. dont feel comfortable changing lanes while inside a roundabout if theres people around
on the instant black coffee
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8 euro 40 cent for 15 little mozzarella balls. that makes sense
hamas and china ruined my video games. that’s why i’m virgin
then no need to worry about going in as a beginner again lad *kisses you on the forehead*
first half of the game is famously much better than the second half anyway
honestly don't know whether halle berry has been in a film in the past 20 years
honestly don't care
had a bottle of wine every day this week and im gagging to go to aldi to get another haha
utter woke nonsense
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>muslim men get 72 virgins in heaven
>muslim women get.....to watch

bizarre that women follow this shite
Find the indian (?) women on the right so hot. Sharp features, skinny, lovely colour skin. Link to video?
supping a chardonnay myself
In practice you're always going to be checking to the left prior to changing lanes to the left on the roundabout. Also it is extremely unlikely someone is going to be undertaking you on the left on a roundabout.

From the perspective of passing the driving test, there's also that you always need to be in the "normal driving lane" i.e the left when nothing is happening. So if you exit on the right lane you're now left having to move back to the left (safely, and without holding up traffic). Easier to just change left on the roundabout then you're already in the normal driving lane on the new road.
maybe, but the simple fact of the matter is that i don't think she's a very good instructor (she's also a year younger than me), the other bloke is much more cool-headed and explains things more clearly, although he does make use of the pedals more often and that hurts my feelings a bit
I don't like smoky flavours anyway
>rich tomato dip
we call that tomater sauce where we come from
she's very plain looking. you should really have sex
leftypol banning smoke flavour but eating abduls kebab meat
if i don't get to lick man nipple in the afterlife while he bangs virgins then i straight up don't believe in god

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Yeah she is very hot.
is it bad to drink 7 bottles of wine every week
no stupid anserw please
maybe you should ask muslim women for their perspective on it, although they are trained to shut up and not question things so you might not get a good answer
'plain' people can't be hot?
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I think a couple of lessons before the test are worth it but otherwise you just want to get experience controlling the car
The test is basically not getting an insta fail fuckup by breaking a road rule in the 40 mins
halfway through my seventh consecutive fire emblem game, contemplating which to choose as my eighth
total racist death
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this is what your NHS pays for
science said that the george floyd protest didn’t spread coronavirus. there was a force-field of love emanating from the blm protesters that stopped the virus from spreading
sex with brown women
There's an element of whether the instructor is likeable or not.

I had 5 (five) different instructors over a span of many years. Some objectively knew their stuff and others didn't but in the end the instructor who I passed with was a trainee woman who was a bit shit and a bit thick but was really nice and I was always comfortable driving with her.

If the instructor is a bellend it's always unpleasant. Think carefully about sacking off a 'bad' instructor in favour of a knowledgeable one who is an arsehole.
nah it's more like a marinara than a ketchup, the mcdonalds one just feels wrong
yeah it is
alcohol will destroy your liver
my mentally ill teenage cousin needs to be saved
Blacks don't even listen to music that isn't made by blacks
they are unironically what leftypol LARPs whites as being
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>Who should I vote for in the general election?
>Play our manifesto knockout game to find out where you really lean on four of the biggest election issues

hate how autistic they are about shoulder checks tbf, i don't think it benefits me any more than looking in the mirror would, i'll definitely forget to do that on a test unless it's drilled into me by an instructor
didn't know toyota sold cars in that colour
yea alcohol is one of the worst things you can consume
id date/marry south/east asian women, but there's always a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that my parents/peers wouldn't approve. like i am betraying my race or something.
i feel like it would be much easier to miss somebody undertaking you on a roundabout than back on the road as it's a much more dynamic environment. it has happened to me multiple times before as well (being undertaken on a roundabout turning right by somebody going straight across), people can be real cunts
>I had 5 (five) different instructors over a span of many years
Mate you're objectively a complete mong then, don't blame that on the instructors
imagine being so fat and out of shape that you can't even get yourself out of a car on its side

car turns over, there's no mobile signal and suddenly that car is your tomb because you're a fat beast who can't climb up and out the other door.
>like i am betraying my race or something
no one outside your laptop cares
says who? the so called experts?
Was just about to say this
nah shoulder checks are really important because there will eventually be a cunt in your blind spot
basically every precaution like that, think about how down syndrome 60% of ute drivers are
huberman said so and he isn’t in league with the jews and the jews tried to cancel him recently
would you not care if your sister married a black guy?
Would climb out, flip the car back up and continue on my journey
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre held just fine
>right-wing on immigration and taxes
>left on NHS and defence
Mad how much I was supposed to look in my wing mirrors when doing driving lessons. Every single turn, junction or manoeuvre. Literally only use them for parking or if you’re on a road with more than one lane in real life
nice photo
she gone to the mental health wing haha xx
>although he does make use of the pedals more often and that hurts my feelings a bit
if i had to sit in a car and put my life in the hands of unknown 17 year olds i would be very zealous with the pedals ngl. let a girl drive my car around a bit as practice before her test and was absolutely bricking it the whole time
What's good veg to go with steak lads
just dunked my hand in my stream of warm piss to see how homosexuals and women feel
Refinement culture
*adds this to my schizo folder*
asparagus typically, I like carrots though
>if i had to sit in a car and put my life in the hands of unknown 17 year olds
fair enough but i'm 29 and i know how to pedal properly
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thought so
well done me
broccoli chips carrots asparagus
mushrooms and tomato
Fold is great but they have this retarded locker system where you have to pay FOUR (4) pounds and get a code for a locker
Four quid just to store your coat
my mum died from alcoholism and while she drank a lot more than a bottle of wine a day by the end it all starts somewhere
thoughts on cambridge, as a city?
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>well done me
>go to take test
>NHS comes up

you freaks really are obsessed with your healthcare system aren't you
genuinely bizarre
spotify and rimowa were dogshit but the rest didnt need changing at all
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get it?
mushrooms aren't a vegetable
my mum seldom drank a drop of alcohol and still managed to be a neglectful bitch anyway
>reform beating the tories in all 4 categories in the torygraph quiz
oh dear oh dear
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chips aren't a vegetable you FUCKING FREAK
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dunno what this means
love mafia: definitive edition, such a kinographical game
I only went with Labour because they said they'd recognise Palestine, while Reform staunchly pro-Israel ghouls
Also Labour's plans aren't vague "increase military spending" like Reform's are
in terms of nutrition they are
that was really mean :(
>mushrooms aren't a vegetable
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Yes they are
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you ever do a poo
mushrooms aren’t a vegetable but transwomen are women doe!!!!
i refuse to be defined by class
lovely reference
you've just made me realise I've never heard a "posh" australian
enjoying my vegetable soup with NO mushrooms athiestly whilst watching gay porn
fat BLACK bitches
well i had a veggie lasagne yesterday and it had mushrooms in
australia's entire upper class is murdoch and a bunch of chinese
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the wealthiest people here are tradies and most of them are barely literate
>ummm mushrooms aren’t a vegetable they’re an animal
sick of this woke nonsense
absentmindedly rubbing my clit as i read all your posts
opting for gay porn mushrooms with the steak
what an interesting place
why is George Orwell wearing a badge that says Orwell

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