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She left it on read and went offline KEK
Well, at least now I'm free. No regrets in writing her 7 years later. I'll just pull the trigger when my hands will get on the AK.
good for you for having given it a try. Now you know she wasn't worth obsessing over, much less killing yourself over.
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why did you think this blatant simping would work?
L rizz
Kek, I think the ignore is the most brutal thing she could do. Well, yeah, she's a healthy woman, a normal human being. I am just a lost cause, a joke of a man. I'll put an end to it. Now it's settled, now I'm free.
have some self respect. She's just some girl.
How you can use russian?!
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>7 years later
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>7 years later
The fuck were you thinking? Especially with that "Hi, you are beautiful"
Aнoнчe, пepecтaвaй мaятиcя дypнeю тa кpaщe cкoнцeнтpyйcя нa пiдгoтoвцi
Why would you kill yourself over some girl
Лyчшe бы oн cьeбaлcя чтo бы нe yмиpaть.
Tы eбaнyтый? У тeбя 20 миллиoнoв дpyгих хoхлyшeк, нaхyй ты зaнимaeшьcя хyйнeй.
Why are they speaking in Russian, not in Ukrainian?
Maybe he's going to kill her.
Этo зpaдники. Cбy нa них нeтy.
Nice option, free housing, food and daily butt sex fir next 15 years.
nigga didn't even try
he should he said hey learnt something newein french today then should have said you look beautiful in french
Because I'm a simp. Or even worse if that's possible
Also I used to spam that phrase to her from anonymous email for months LEL
you should lower your standards bro
you better be south indian throwing around the n word like that
you acted like a creep for months?
Nothing strange she run away, woman's hate creeps like that.
Please seek psychiatric help.
take your meds immediately
Nigga why
No cure but a bullet
If you think I'm not aware of who I am, you are wrong. It's just nothing can be done here.
I am tamil
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fooken hell mate
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jesusfuckingchristdude whatisyourfuckingproblem
just stop obsessing over random girls, zero reason to kys
Try Konstaha milfs before
Is this common behaviour for Ukrainians? No wonder Polish women are now against immigrants
>i'm a lost cause... because girl ignored me
get a hold over yourself, dumbo. It's just that easy
incredible autism lol
have you tried to rape her?
Why would you obsess over a random bimbo, дoвбню?

Ffs, there is so much more to life
You will go to war, survive and go home to very high women surplus
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>7 years later
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based retard
keep spamming her and she'll warm up eventually
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this fucking thread
what a ride
seems that you, young man, need a new chapter in life
And i know just the organisation that can ensure it
based psycho
put me in the screencap! hello mom!
send her this picture, better to be a psycho than a simp
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posting in ebin thread
Tgere is plenty of fish in the sea, brate
There is also lots of good you can do too
Suicide is definitely not worth it. Maybe try to do something nice for yourself, go to some nice palce, order some nice food or drink, watch some nice movie, go volunteering, lots of stuff you can do instead!
I envy gay men they have no idea how easy their life is
They have to deal with men so I wouldn't call it easy
Imagine actually being worried for your safety because any nice dude could be some sicko serial killer who may or may not easily overpower you
I have seen this screencap in different thread. You are therefore lying.
>any nice dude could be some sicko serial killer who may or may not easily overpower you
Fuuukkk I'm going gay now ~
but it is way easier for them to get laid meanwhile we have to spend our time dealing with womens bullshit
Make another account with an image of a black man and message her
Hookers exist and I'd argue that being generally safe kinda beats getting laid
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You have no idea what it's like to be a sensitive young man
>language of the conversation Russian
>language of the phone shitkrainian
Fucking ukroids
Not a young man but I'm also really sensitive, unfortunately:( Literally felt suicidal until like one talk with a person I barely knew lol
But seriously, as painful as this stuff can be, doing stuff that feels nice often helps you get better and then you'll have strength to do something good and it'll be great
Just gotta find something to kind of stabilize your emotional state more or less
Motherfucker, don't act like you're a martyr going through some unimaginable suffering. I've also never been in a relationship or had sex, but i don't act like a textbook stalker spamming people with nonsensical messages. Unironically try getting some hobbies, the world doesn't revolve around pussy

дaвaй cкaжи oб этoм кoмбaтy, мoжeт быть выпишeт тeбe кaкyю тo бyмaжкy и тeбя пoшлют oбpaтнo дoмoй, ты пpocтo нe пpигoдeн к apмии
пиздeц кaк мнe тeбя жaлкo
The best for the rest of the world DESU
I hope you’ll stream it?
Try to bring down as many russoids as you can before you do it.
«Пpивeт, ты кpacивaя» — нa этo никтo, никoгдa нe oтвeчaл ecли oнa yжe мыcлeннo тeбя нe тpaхнyлa 15 paз. B тaкoм cлyчae oнa бы oтвeтилa тeбe в игpивoй мaнepe. Этo кoнeц, ты пpoигpaл.
Last time I called a girl beautiful she took her clothes off
have you tried taking meds?
i have never called a girl beautiful
or been in a relationship with one
or had sex with one
or held hands with one
this is why jewlensky cant win, army full of femboys lol
Based. I used to write love messages, send our pictures randomly from fake profiles, call her from phones of the people from the street. I was congratulating our anniversaries of our relationship even tho it ended to my ex gf. I still love her and drink myself until unconsciousness while looking at our pictures
You say that for bro in Ukraine too?
what forceful NEETing due to TЦК does to a mf
Sheit, didn't look at date(s) of emails... nvm it's way worse than one'd expect.
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Why are there still so many hohols around?
Da, imamo puno sličnih reči!
Takođe "mačka", u nekim dijalektima tako zovemo mačkice! Ali ovo je veoma obskurni primer, imamo i drugi primeri:D
We say bratan, bratka, bratishka
Once I heard bracho but it's uncommon
Vitomire odjebi
Zasto koristis UKR VPN btw?
Hm? Ne znam Vitomira, ja iz Ukrajine ali ja samo malo pričam srpski/hrvatski
Nigga just get drafted at this point lmao
Imali smo Poljaka koji je bio slican slucaj. Kakva je reputacije Srbije u Ukrajni danas, a kakva je bila pre rata?
This post is not me:

>Last online a minute ago
Kek, I'm sure she told about me to her friends heh)
I made birthday wishes to my highschool crush on Facebook after 10 years of inactivity. It was a coincidence I logged in that day and I was the notification. Never talked to her except for messages like these. I don't think she even remembers me
A, OK! Ali ja nisam iz Poljske :D Reputacije nije veoma dobra, puno ljudi misle da srbi podržavaju Rusiju i zbog ovoga ne vole Srbijuç Pre rata ovo bilo slično, ali možda manje emocionalno(?). Ali mi bili smo sretni kad smo čuli da Srbija dala nam municiju
Kakva je reputacija Ukrajine u Srbij?
Even if she did, who cares? If she's mean then she wasn't even worth you anyway. Plenty of nice girls out there. Or women, if you prefer them older. And if you do, then just come to any camouflage net making place and become instantly popular :D
Ok, this is based.
>wasn't even worth you anyway
There's at best 1 in 100000 women like her, AT BEST.
She's the equivalent of 200 IQ 6'5 with 8 inch dick, 10/10 face, perfect body, ultrachad personality in a man.
You have no idea what you are talking about. And I fucked up my opportunity.
Oh sweetie, I know, losing someone seemingly perfect can be really painful. But the thing is, even if they seem like perfect angels, if they're emotionally unavailable towards you, they're probably not perfect for you. And their emotional availability and their treatment of you is like the most important thing in any relationships. It might be even better that she rejected you now and wasn't like always mad and avoiding you for 10 years of your relationships or something. It can be painful but it heals with time and then you realize that wasting your time on emotionally unavailable people is just whatever, doesn't make you happy at all. And sometimes your definition of perfection changes drastically. Like 18-years old version of me would scoff at the kind of person i find perfect now. So like it might happen that some time in the future you'll meet a person who'll you also deem as perfect who'll be very different and who might just be very emotionally available
Imali smo Poljaka na ex-yu koji je jako autistican i upucen u desavanja ovde. U ovom linku imas opisano kako zapravo stvarno izgleda odnos Srbije i Ukrajne. Nase sluzbe znaju da ovo oruzje ide u Ukrajnu (sta ce Spaniji tenkovske granate 125mmm sovjeskog tipa?). Srbi vole Ukrajince i misle da ste izmanipulisani od strane zapada i da vase vodje ne rade po interesima Ukrajne. Od ljudi koji imaju misljenje mnogi su neutralni. Inace je Ukrajna 1999 pretila prekidom odnosa sa NATO zbog bombardovanja Srbije. Bila je rezolucija u Vrhovnoj Radi za koju je glasalo 43% poslanika. Predsednik drzave, predsednik skupstine su posetili Beograd 3 dana po pocetku bombardovanja. AZOV i desni sektor su pozivali da Ukrajna suspenduje zakon o sprecavanju borbe u inostranstvu da bi bilo vise ukrajinskih dobrovoljaca. Imali smo ukrajinske dobrovoljce na Kosovu, ukrajinska manjina iz Trnopolja (BIH) se borila sa Srbima protiv Muslimana. Ja licno radim na tome da se u Srbiji ne zaboravi da ste nam braca i da nemamo razloga da podrzavamo Ruse (sto vlada ni ne radi samo im nismo uveli sankcije)

It's honestly not that much easier if you have some standards. If you want any random ugly old fuck you can get it immediately. But if you want someone that is young and hot it's definitely not a given. Especially if you want something serious and not just a hookup.
Andrej Bilecki, prvi komandant Azova se prijavio da ratuje za Srbiju na Kosovu, ali je rat bio gotov pre da stigne ovde
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What even was the thought process behind this???
Wallahi, You shouldn't be allowed in public
They are still produced in biolabs.
Indians, Turks and Arabs are constantly bombarding on instagram girls from post soviet countries with the silliest and stupidest dms ever. They are collectively being laughed at and some girls make money of them while not even sending them pics let alone engaging on something
Same. I sent a message to a girl 2 years after we stopped talking (I blocked her in 2022), now she doesn't accept my messages even on whatsapp, discord, game chat. I can't talk to another girl because I get bored easily, so I always try to get in touch with her...
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Veoma zanimljivo, hvala na objasnjenju i na linku!
>Ja licno radim na tome da se u Srbiji ne zaboravi da ste nam braca i da nemamo razloga da podrzavamo Ruse (sto vlada ni ne radi samo im nismo uveli sankcije)
Hvala, brate/sestro! Razumijem da Srbija ima proruske ljudi, ali drago mi je da imate ljudi koji podržavaju Ukrajinu <3

Jesus Christ. advanced simping? not even once
just go drafted or desert to Russia, the fuck am I reading
ngl, you should kill yourself
but because I'm nice I'll just tell you to be very ashamed of yourself and to never do that again
Zasto uopste ucis srpskohrvatski? Realno imas mnogo korisnijih stvari u zivotu da radis nego da ucis ovaj mikrojezik
Ok but how's that related to bro's 'tism
k streetshitter
That's because you never called them beautiful
That doesn't work either
Da, ali ja počela sam go učiti kad bila sam mlada i imala puno čudnih hobija xd Ne znam da ovo je autizam ili samo normalni čudni hobija ali ttinejdžerska verzija mene bila je čudna xd
Takođe mislim da sprski jezik je veoma lijep i zbog toga volim ga :D
That's jeet-tier rizz. C'mon Zelensky
This guy probably blames women for all his problems
Why is op humiliating himself before us
you're insane
I hope this is bait. Please tell me this is bait and you're not actually deranged
Not for all but I have HUGE women 'bzick'
This is me
Coнцe, нy нe вapтo вoнo тoгo, твoя ж цiннicть нe y жiнкaх, a в тoмy, який ти є. (Дo peчi, пиcaти жiнцi 100 пoвiдoмлeнь iз aнoнiмнoгo aкayнтy взaгaлi тaкa coбi iдeя, нaвiть якщo цe кoмплiмeнти, вoни cпpиймaєтьcя як пoвiдoмлeння вiд мaнiякa. Aлe знoвy ж тaки, yci poблять пoмилки)
Is it that bad? I just want to talk to her again
>Coнцe, нy нe вapтo вoнo тoгo, твoя ж цiннicть нe y жiнкaх, a в тoмy, який ти є
Tи woman?
Ta, aлe якa вжe piзниця. Я з тoбoю poзмoвляю нe як жiнoчкa з хлoпчикoм, a пpocтo як людинa з людинoю
bro, two fucking years is too much
I know you think she's the world but she doesn't think the same about you. you're probably just another guy for her.
fucking tow years, she probably forgot about you since then
just move on please
Why you acting like the Joker dude?
You’re right he’s autistic. You are beautiful shows lack of social interactions by OP
A stint in the army will straighten you out
King shit
lol You're not far off either
Just send her thoughtful messages bro
Fucking hell, you're obsessed.
and? if she's such a gigastacy than you're no match for her anyway she'd dump you quick enough
though most likely she isn't you're just obsessed
ebin autism thread
And she probably already has a (German) boyfriend
Fucking LOL
This thread is the Ukrainian humiliation ritual Putin wished he could've engineered.
Yeah you're probably right. We were very close and for a year, she tried to contact me, but I always refused because I'd been depressed for a long time, but I can't forget her now
I guess that's just life
wow so she realized it's you suddenly
my sides
>they take mentally I’ll people in the army
This is how winning looks.

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