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football player edish
get your chebs out lass
go on get your shit off people holding your posts
Ah right, or do the 4% thing per year?
dunno what people do generally
shagging your mum
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comfy film this
wish he’d give me a wedgie and rape my faggy nerd ass in the showers
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why are all /brit OP mega hot dudes?
this is AI
There's just something amazing about beautiful men
you work out when you will die and pull down however much you can so that you more or less run out of money when you die
looks reddit and cringe
what's the secret?
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Gotta love Eastenders they're still trying to hold out like Deanos are really out there in East London and the Mitchells wouldn't have fucked right off to Essex 20 years ago.
>discover the secret...
the cheadle incident...
written and directed by jewish paedophile
thank you, it's nice to get some appreciation around here
>pull down
I've heard that term (why can't people just say withdrawal) but only in the context of pensions
What do people do with big investment portfolios when they retire? Sell it bit-by-bit? Sell a certain percent each year? Sell it all at once?
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so true
obviously you dont sell it all at once
you clearly have no idea, dont reply to me again
asking these stupid questions
i wonder if we'll ever get another kino football game like liverpool 3-3 milan ever again

probably not. modern analytics and sport science rules out all discrepancies in the game. the idea of dudek and dida on the same pitch is absurd in a game determined by spreadsheet shaggers nowadays
if you have more than £1000 in your current account you are bourgeois
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havent seen the nerlilune poster recently
hope hes ok x
brexit gay porn
Always dead horny after a long sleep me
Gerrard dived
just do the switching deals and you can pull down a free £1k in a year
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ye VAR would rule that out. again proving my point that money, analytics, science and rationalism is antithetical to entertainment
Why such a cunt?
Gerrard's slip was way more kino than that
Like all woody films
Patriots in control. Q Anon predicted this.
got 16k in my current account and probably around 200k scattered around in other places
need to do some money admin
yanks going into debt paying 100k to go to a jewish university to learn about how white people are evil and to get bludgeoned by zionists
was making tea

"If we turn to St Matthew’s gospel (Matthew X: 35-37) the words are only slightly milder, “For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s foes will be those of his own household.”

The Greek word “Miseo” is translated “hate” in St. Luke XIV:25-26; but its fundamental sense is that of “separation” or “exclusion” of one from another – rather than the emotional sense of anger, extreme ill-will or passionate aversion that modern English understands by the word “hate,”"
doesn't happen in season 2047-48 when all white players are replaced by pacey ngubus
might move to england
might binge this lads
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curry does NOT belong on fish and chips
I'm so fucking hungry
the tories are truly done. I don't just mean in the election, I mean they are history. this is a monumental bottling
might shoot myself in the head and die
/tv/ jannies do that but can't be arsed to sort out the other "greenis"/"nappy poo attack" schizo who spams Doctor Who threads
any big gay retard man in?
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might move to Japan!
imagine how many people would do this here if guns were easy to get
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Because they always post Americans
how long would it take to watch this
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dogberg wont let me browse the chon
looks cozy
me too
10 eps a day would take slightly more than 3 years
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I'm thinking.... I'm thinking of getting the team back together
Someone here watched Doctor Who Finale
Meh. I don't think Starmer will beat Blair's total from 97 and they bounced back from that eventually. People will drift back to them over the next five years. Our problems are too deep to be undone simply by a one term change of government so when inevitably Labour can't just fix things overnight people will turn on them.
best place on savile row to get a tailored suit? got a budget of around 5k
noooo don’t do that think of all the gay porn you could watch instead haha x
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The name's Shillcock. Dick Shillcock.
>Don't even have the have legal right to shoot yourself
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*Plays O'connell's Lamentation*
nah people see them as unfit for leadership just now. but their alternative is also basically a conservative manifesto

it's like football teams going from 1 season to the next. fans get all excited at the end of the season when the trophies are handed out and everything looks on the up but all it takes is a few changes in the squad for it to go tits up
i will come if diego is there
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Might drive the lorry
could get the same thing in asia for £50
why is 190 obsessed with kevin nash
nofap got me leaking precum every time i take a shit
>having a budget
You already lost. Just go to Macy's or Nordstrom at this point.
Didn't two people actually turn up kek
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nigga u gay.
just got back from HK but when i went into a shop they were all speakign chinky
you're gagging for my cock in your bum
This nigga gay as hell
fuck off jeff you little nigger freak
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Autumnal sweetheart edition. Long walks in the countryside collecting leaves and pine cones
Did Kevin Nash actually get raped? He's 6'10
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Day out with the missus
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excellent post
Yes it happened in 1992.
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Confucius was 190 cm tall
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based sigma
despise these baggy jeans
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Can't beat a nice outdoorsy girl
love these baggie jeans
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sucking a cunt
don't mind these baggy jeans
the boimilk as it were
Got me some of these just in time for summer. Thought I'd construct a box out of them like in the pic to keep my drink cool but I've ended up just laying in bed with them placed on my chest and belly. Nice and cold. Bring it on, summer.
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wrong-un he is
absolutely wrong-un
absolute chance this was on camera
imagine what he's done in the past

sick sick bastard
still waiting for nike, disney, ab inbev and gilette to go broke
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finna spark this dutch
190 suntanning his balls to increase his virility and extend his gay cuckposting sprees
is british culture superior to english culture?
some eps are hour long specials
>replying to an old post in the new thread
safe to assume everyone who does this is the same person
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Love summer me.
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10000% TRVE. If we get our lives sorted now we can make it in time for this next autumn bros
Right Wing Balding Squads
youve got no fucking idea have you
no fuckign idea at all
For me it’s central air conditioning with adequate insulation and triple-glazed windows
Ministry of Defence just casually interfering in our elections
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Oh shit they outside now
ive a fair idea
Like Joseph Stalin
And Gandhi
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Rorkes whip
The Anglo-Zionist-Troonpilled-Azov blob fears Are Nige
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Need her to shit in my mouth.
mad how people see some caked up botoxed thots on tiktok & incel podcasts and generate some sort of misogynistic hatred in repsonse like some daft sheep

go outside nigga
a ‘defensive alliance’ that creates the problems it’s defending against
All the girls say he’s pretty fly for a white guy
How much did all that cost you? My freezer blocks were £6 and I can take them to the park or a mate's house in a cooler bag.
Got that backwards haven’t you
might watch a film
This nigga posting from 1914.
donwloading the elden rings what build should i do
Why was Basketball so popular in the 90s?
About 550k Canuck Bucks
I like it. In Minnesota you could only whip that like 6 months a year THOUGH
it wasn’t
not here anyway
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mad how deegs got drunk on friday and finally posted a pic of himself
Who is this? I always thought it was Bill Nye the Science Guy
sucked down a few of them VELO's and it made me sick
dont see the appeal
how many are you meant to eat?
>big nation invades smaller nation
>other small nations nearby want to join a defensive alliance for self protection
>why you expanding?!!?
honestly always imagined him as some sort of non human goblin creature
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Rorkelle, Rorkelle, Rorkelle... MY MAN!
t. not alive during the 90s to know how popular it was when highlights used to get played on channel 4.
just found out doc brown is actually a real person and he's apparently suing robert zemeckis an steven spielberg
Would the USA tolerate Canada joining the Warsaw Pact?
no one plays or has ever played basketball in the uk you little yankified freak
got 6 spring rolls in the oven
thats what i'll be having for my tea
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Haven't lived much of a life me
Basketball popular in the UK? I don't remember that.
Wrestling & Serie A was 90s shit
I remember 12 years ago after enjoying the entirety of the first day of the Olympics (which I don't usually watch), at 10pm-ish our BASKETBALL team made an appearance which we qualified for automatically as hosts.

Got BTFO of course but was fascinating seeing Team GB in a BASKETBALL game.

This post doesn't really have a purpose but thank you for reading.
Hate it when dogberg gives you the puppy god eyes because you didn't share your scran with him. Fuck off man, I'm under no obligation to give you my food.
just cleared the passage, removed the weeds and swept the front path
Did USA invade Mexico?
mogs me
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I picture him looking and sounding like this guy
Err yeah, quite famously.
Go read up on Manifest Destiny lol.
Pretty ironic given how much the US apparently hates colonisation but here we are
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good lad
they invaded cuba
puppy god is real
i could talk obama into allowing this, i reckon
going nisa anyone want owt?
wanked to the encrypted porn again
The world doesn't owe you anything. Stop comparing your life with others.
Boring retard hour is it?
me neither but ive had sex and tried weed twice about 5 years ago so theres that
knew a lad with a wedgie fetish once
he was incredibly ashamed of it
walnuts are very good with mayonnaise and garlic
I love men
Scarbados you are mint today

Had a lovely day with my gf and some of my friends joined us for a bit, went for a pint and a go on the 2p machines
Gay stuff?
well you're here
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Smoked plenty weed, never had sex however
I honestly reckon if Britain's Imperial Century had lasted a millennia instead then we'd honestly be colonising the galaxy right now but the fucking yanks had to take the crown and ruin it for everyone
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beautiful. Are you going to Scarborough fair?
Is that Spaino?
it's good
russian recipe
cook beets, grate them or chop finely, add minced garlic, mayonnaise, chopped walnuts, chopped prunes, and salt
thoroughly combine together, cover, and let sit in the fridge for a few hours
it's very tasty
fuck it im getting up time to greet the day and have lasagna for dinner
>British Colonists invade Spanish colonists
>For some reason the anti imperialist thing to do is side with the Spanish colonists

Leftypol continues to baffle and amaze the human race.
we wish gays would like op but...
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toil on th emorrow
gay batman villain's goons
rorke asking oneyplays hypotheticals to his hinge date
not recently though come on
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many blacks and pakis about?
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is that a really big fork or what?
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me and mumberg
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Rate the order lads
it's very important to drink cold drinks on hot day
Having a party are we?
don't think I will, tubby
that’s not an order
that’s a menu
Nah just a bit peckish
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wanking a poo with my arse
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parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme....
I don't eat meat / too much garlic bread
shes using keirs fork
literally me
stealing this for the next time some fatso posts his order
and i'm an nyu film school graduate....

>loaded up eastenders on iplayer merely because it was mentioned at the beginning of the thread
>load up latest ep
>fat white bloke, on a date with indian woman, has a neo nazi son locked up, brings up his son to her after initially pretending his son was a normal lad, stresses how ashamed he is of his son, indian woman unimpressed

this show is POZZED
love a whiff of your bedroom mate x
I'm so fucking hungry
who even watches slop like this now anyway
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clouds are rolling in thank fuck
Do you think the black girl from Corridor Crew likes middle class skinnyfat white British bois earning 25k
gay porn
don’t know who that is but no
none of these words are in the St James bible
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The scrandemic
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Good thing that didn't happen!
leftypol going to a lion sanctuary in africa and telling the lions they’re racist for eating him
new elden ring dlc is pretty average lads not sure why it was getting 10/10's from everyone
looks like youre about to succumb to nuclear radiation
>literally every world leader is despised in their countries

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damn the japanese really hate their nigga
>St James bible
kek, used this phrase on Twitter a few years ago and got death threats from anime Catholics
what's crazy is he's part of the liberal-democratic party that wins every single election there is

no idea what he's done to rile up such hatred
back from the so-called virginious walk
reckon in japan they actually have political discussion about how to make the country better instead of transexuals and wogs
Chilli for tea
its King Jame bible you moron
loool https://youtu.be/LDGSxkxrI0w?t=437
>12-year-old boy dies in trip to Wild Rivers water park in Irvine, police say
White Room - Cream
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Japanese niggas out here getting smoked
why do you figure that
11 steps
wow well done mate
We mocked Hipsters so much in the 2010s that they've now been replaced by heckin' normal one enjoyers who view appreciation of anything other than slop with deep suspicion.
speaking of rivers, you ever see the film The River Wild (1994) with Kevin Bacon and Meryl Streep?

absolute kino. Must watch rivercore.
boomers talking about ‘hipsters’ lol ok grandad
Lord knows what the pale clappers are up to
Not having sex with you
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it's part usa fault that keeping high interest
yen is now dirty cheap most japanese people think their wage is dirt
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>Germany's PM is shorter than 5'6 Rishi

oh my DAYS
Deliverance is classic river core

funny enough in the movie Wind River i dont recall a river being present
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Whatever the outcome of the election. Chavmongs will still be complaining that they aren't being handed enough if someone else's money
I didn't know there's a water park in irvine
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We don’t even get a proper autumn in this country. It’s just grey, wet and miserable. No colours.
das rite
pay for my weed bitch
says the neet
Deliverance is the classic example of coastal elite prejudice. The person who wrote the novel did get lost in a river in the deep south, but instead of getting arse raped the hillbillies helped him.
Deeply dishonest.
So the same problem in basically every country then
It's crazy how Canada thinks getting rid of Trudeau, UK thinks getting rid of Rishi, USA thinks getting rid of Biden, etc - is a solution to all these issues
It's literally a problem everywhere
Never, not even for a day.
why you just walking
where are you walking
jewish prejudice
>The average height for a man worldwide is 5 feet 7.5 inches. The average height for a man in the United States is 5 feet 9 inches.

Mind blowing stuff really
love the little foot touch
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Sat on my incel balcony having an incel beer watching the incel waves crash onto the incel beach
we have no political discussion because people still will vote for LDP and they win the election every time
this is because we couldn't establish two major party system like usa
it's either LDP or left/right extremists so people vote for LDP

fun fact is that we still have anti-vaxx discussion
I'm british in spirit
It's a problem everywhere with welfare.
Yes toryboy, it's 'chavs' that are the problem.
it's called artistic license chud
doing a straight line mission across australia and dying from exposure in the desert
that's interesting, i'm british and drinking spirits.
I don't have any friends or a girlfriend so when it's a nice sunny day I just go out and walk around for a few hours then return home.
So it's not a problem in China?
>Nearly 40 Per Cent Of Young People Do Not Plan To Vote In The Election

Torybros, we'll be fine
Get the cans down you Pierre.
get the mossballs wanked off
Walking across my smelly bedroom in a straight line
>10% of the working age population off on PIP.
Whatever way you look at it this is not sustainable.
Uniroically, yes.
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Boomers out here having fun living life on free government money it's everyone that's suffering just look at lad under 50's face
I despise Israel and liberal Jewish interference in Western politics, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't prefer Jews to Muslims.
no one asked
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Every cunt sat there on a final salary pension + still taking home their state pension every week, with a paid off house at home and 2 cars in the drive. Free bus pass in their pocket as well.

Fuck old people and fuck boomers.
Well I told, alright paki?
things i did today:
posted on 4chan
ate beans
watched a tv show
anti-islam shite was always a jewish psyop. they don’t belong here because they are brown not muh islam
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also this is one of the candidates for this tokyo governer election
he wants to remove censorship on our porn, jav

politics and election is becoming a joke here
Is /v/ right?

>How is it possible for someone to be trans in israel? The army will just gun you down.
Where's the upload you prick?
Yeah you heard me I think you're a bit of a prick but I still like your straight line videos
Even though they have an undertone of you being a conceited prick
Maybe you should just pull your socks up instead of complaining about the success of others?
Dangerously based.
no one asked 2016stein
good. censoring genitals in porn is retarded
if lgbt is more of a problem to you than immigration then you need to sort yourself out
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Can't stand that neurotic jew's movies.
vpn off londonpaki
Fucking sick of it all
Stop whining you'll inherit the boomers wealth
wanking off my little green willy
I like woody allen movies apart from that nervous guy who's always in em
Listening to some Harry Nilsson
cant paste something i wanted to paste
2016mong is such a jew he’d make johnathan greenblatt blush
Posted on 4chan
Ate loads of dry cream crackers to fight the hangover nausea
Ate an oven pizza because it needed eating
Listened to 5 hours of ambient storm noises (still playing)
Drank some water
cant post pictures of children on /brit/ or youll get banned
there should be anti-miscegenation campaigning done by government.
it works now but i will wait until next thread to paste it
Savingsberg about to run out, might end it all in the coming days
LGBT is simple insanity. Anyone believing that there are more than two secs or that you can change sex, or indeed that there's a difference between sex and gender needs locked up and thrown a bucket of fish heads every day.
far too late, genie is already out of the bottle
white women would revolt
you can always spot the pakis because they cannot concede that you can oppose Israel without siding with their smelly selves
the government should either pay me or give me free painless suicide
tweue ><
If the abominations that are produced as a result aren't propaganda enough, nothing will work. Mass deportation is the only solution.
get on the dole lad
please argue with me about politics PLEASEE
>free painless suicide
put your neck on the train tracks nigga
wheres the new?
*banging my fists on the desk in time with my words*
would never do this cuz i'd feel bad for the train driver and the clean up crew
>yeah i oppose israel I just spend hours defending Israel on /brit/ and once had a meltdown and threatened to report anyone who doesn’t like them to the police
ok 2016
I believe that you should be able to choose euthanasia at any point. But you either have to pay or donate your remains to medicine. Neither the necessary barbiturates nor the time of those who administer them is free.

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