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New NJB kino just dropped:

who the fuck watches this shit
105 IQ millennials
losers that cant drive
Me and the gang
>if we adopt car dependency like economically developed countries did post-war, we can become rich and powerful like them!
People with PhDs
I was literally about to make a thread like this
>waaaaah nooo you cant own a car and have a house you must sit for 4 hours a day in a shitty bus full of negroes
Forcing people to sit in buses with negroes is how we will achieve fascism again.
thanks bro
people who don't have trains or bike lanes and think theyre a luxury
>we need wasteful inefficient infrastructure and planning so we can deal with the nigs!
uh... why don't you just get down to the source and get rid of the nigs?
there is no way this post came from france
you have trians and people use cars you retarded faggot, how many timers will we have that argument
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thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2lT4oE4DxE
I can imagine it to be honest, I mean there are a lot of uncivilized people using public transit in the cities. And outside of cities there's plenty of car centric places as well. Lots of people don't wanna give up their convenience, or pay what it actually costs to have it.
You forget the possibility of that guy being too retarded that his political views are just a copy of some alt rigth american guy.
that diamond car doesn't seem that impressive
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this kyoto train is KINO though
>france doesn't have buses full of negroes
I doubt that
the people who will be designing cities in the future

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