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I'm a doctor, this is a serious case
she is about to die of hungarian semen deficiency
I will save her, don't need to thank me
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crooks the lot of them
sir SIR

your computer will blow up in fire if you don’t pay me to fix

ok come again
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another shit yank post foy as always
dueling rorke out front of orgrimmar
doctors will always view you as a subhuman peasant, if only because of the class dynamics/how much they earn
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tripping off the lsd in my piss
you watching the football mousey?
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reverse image searched this with google and got 0 results
yandex gave me what i wanted
why is google so terrible
human beings were nomads for hundreds of thousands of years
the idea of territories with borders is utterly new and alien to human prehistory
Anal vored by Emma Watson.
mirin NW0 hairline and no grey hairs at 55
cool a random schizo book
sackler family are jewish
ah yes pablo escobar, known communist
Might go and see a Chinese hooker tonight after seeing all these Asian women posts on here
How young was the lassie you thought about the first time you jerked off?
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so are all forms of political organisation and any technology beyond stone tools
mad how china owns russia
jews and the NWO want the Internet to be bad (which is good)
my first cummies were from an imagination wank and I honestly can't remember what I thought of
severe autism
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America is collapsing
what is a court jew
Why is Chinese pussy so powerful?
So sexy feet hummmm I like
>he still rotates his photos
been enjoying the dead ringers jeremy hunt bits
sex autism
don't remember
Just been to Mass and got the pasta delivery coming now
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Thoughts on westernised Indian girls?
is this real
got a new THC pen
specially trained ccp swallow operatives
It's not for me. I find them fake and conniving
I hope Marcus Rashford is ok. I think he is depressed
It's not for me. I find them fake and conniving
chinese pussies gave birth to more than a billion people
they mog all white pussies
Findem, Fuckem & Flee
lick my taint
yeah it happens more than you'd think, there's a catch phrase john virgo has
Haven't had any socialisation outside of 4chan or kik since leaving university
this week's hitchens

>PETER HITCHENS: Could Sir Keir Starmer have failed to spot that he was in a Police State?

Yes, I remember Cheb, the grim rail frontier crossing point between free West Germany and gloomy, oppressed Communist Czechoslovakia.

It all came back to me when I read that Sir Keir Starmer had passed that way on a trip behind the Iron Curtain back in 1986.

It truly is and the more I think about it the more scared I get for the near future. All I wanted was to provide a good life to my mom.
Everyone knows it’s getting worse but they often refuse to look at it. Much easier to cope that way. Closing your eyes on the rollercoaster. Blame every which one despite knowing deep down you’re just lying to yourself and that they’re all in on it.
I dread to think what any of our countries will look like in 10, 20 years
Tryhard, secretly very insecure about their browness and who can blame them
we gotta get jig jig jig jig jiggawatts
Imagine now only caring about current world events but actively worrying about them too.

>Oh heck, fellow r/worldnews subscribers, things are getting REAL right now with Russia!
>it's so over lads, the visit to North Korea *exhales loudly* it's so fucking over
>world war 3 literally, LITERALLY imminent

Fucking FREAKS.

It's nothing. Nothing will happen. Nothing ever happens. You're concerned about some drama going on in the shithole that is Eastern Europe, or the shithole Middle East, or the shithole Africa.


Be more worried about the neighbour's cat shitting in your garden, it absolutely stinks and you're going to have to come up with a way to keep that little cunt away without killing it.
have never cared about peter hitchens and never will
Can't stand the bloke
lol classic
wanking to peter hitchens
Didn’t ask
Why do you idiots post this guy?
His great-grandfather was chief rabbi of Burnley. Jewishness and Jewish ways in inheritable traits.
switch your brain off goy

a cat is shitting in your garden!
Fuck off with your femoid op, post hot white guys
>Cheb, the grim rail frontier crossing point between free West Germany and gloomy, oppressed Communist Czechoslovakia
Kind of funny how one hitchens brother was the face of British atheism and the other is the face of British theism
was just watching this the other day, some of his best work imo
peter hitchens? faggot
simple as
must be blind
What I hate about that sub the most is it's full of military freaks
By that I don't mean people that serve in the military, but those fat neckbeards that wear cargo gear and have autistic knowledge about all the types of missiles, jets etc all bickering amongst themselves
its literally like a WW1 war over there lad. it's not nothing. it's looming actually. war is looming
rip bozo
All Chinese people are unironically sleeper agents, even if you date a Chinese lass, if her parents are in the UK they’re 100% sleeper agents
tainted love
It's all controlled and deliberate to make money. They're Jews
This is true
his mum is cool and his mum will treat you right
just decided to check the facebook of my ex from 10 years ago and she is a crusader for trans kids
how horrifying
>At least 1,301 people died during Hajj - Saudi Arabia
we need to defend the transdem from hamas
wish I had a chinese sleeper agent in my bed
I've been known to poo from time to time
my character died while on hajj in ck3 today, spooky
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Watching the fitba with ma da and he’s pished as a newt
was listening to the neighbours have a conversation and laughed so loud they went inside
back to the future three is stupid because it's called back to the future but they actually go back to the past? uh?
bordering on spamming/flooding
because if you're smart you can laugh at him
new /brit/ motto just dropped
laughing about that freak next door wanking to japanese cartoons
the star of david is just a random symbol from jewish occultism and the crescent moon is some Ottoman thing. mad how only christianity has a proper symbol
Peter Hitchens speaks a lot of sense and then speaks utter bollocks
Golden goddesses
imagine hajj
allah planned this
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going to japan in september to find my gf
looks like the physicists finally found the real truth
such a soulless boring tournament so far
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heard the opps slid on foolio rip
u've been done
(˚ˎ 。7
It's deliberate to confuse you. His Jewish genes are making him do sneaky things.
Who cares?
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This is what the back of Mt. Rushmore looks like lads.
I suppose so but Polish girls are notorious for being whores here no offence
would love to gape my arse on that
They're ugly. You have poor taste in women.
are you irish diaspora?
british girls are notorious for being whores globally
that's the Bill Clinton monument
bit weird that christians use the torture device that killed christ for their symbol though innit

like if someone built a 9/11 museum in the shape of a plane
Okay londonpaki
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>it's looming actually. war is looming
Are you Irish diaspora?
haha looks like a wilbert
a black man’s willy
never seen a polish women dating a white man
Even the brits who say they like polish people think Poland is some depressing shithole and think youre poor and dumb deep down
Employed Woman is posting on /sp/
Please don’t be a bigot
I am half Irish and I NEED a black pussy on my cock or a black dick in my ass, I want to have interracial sex NOW
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really sick of fearmongering posts like this
She needs a bullet in the brain
war is quite literally expanding westward yes. do you want to be digging trenches in dublin the way they do in donetsk? if no, then support ukraine
Janny banned me from /fit/ hahahaha
Gave me a real stern talking to he did wahey
funny because poland is so vastly superior to this utter dump it’s incomparable. brits are really arrogant about this sewer country
Peter Hitchens deliberately acts like a caricature of a traditional, conservative man to make such people seem like out of touch stick in the muds
bet you were being gay
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winona ryder is cute
where is it where is it where is it
That is why I will be happy and content with my golden Han Chinese Goddess wife while you’re still gooning
*puts on a nineteenth century night cap and bedcoat*
almost time to retire for the evening lads
massive retard alert
That's peak Irishness right there
child porn on the catalog
no jannies to be seen YET AGAIN
spank my arse and call me charlie
Shouldn't you be asleep
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Keir Starmer's brother is an actual retard
*puts my arm on your shoulder*
You're an honourary brit Jan :)
Nah he is actually right about everything but he's just ahead of the curve.
all those hours gone
like tears in the rain
no they arent they just feel bad for eastern euros because theyre white and poor
just popping to the catalog for a sec
fucked it lad
of course it's circumcised
so are brits
so are you but we don't all point it out do we
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Go back to /brit/ spainmong
hate life and myself
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any gemma arterton fan in?
Don't care. Didn't ask. Would love them to bomb dublin, might clean it up a bit.
I don't see it
harem of brown girls
“the west” deserves endless misery and violence enacted upon it
Eastern Euros are Asiatic mongrel descendants of the mongol hordes and Jewish
>His mother had been a Wren, a member of the Women's Royal Naval Service.[21] She was of Jewish origin (Christopher and his brother were 1/32 ethnically Jewish[22]), something Hitchens discovered when he was 38; he came to identify as a Jew.[23][24][25]

that's a very small amount to identify as jewish
Fuck off Spainnonce you evil ghoul
made how cider is the cheapest booze you vcan get
State of that table, looks like a proper 4chan poster
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Thank you kindly sir :)
This shit is shady as fuck

Why are Irish people so enamoured by brown people? I see it both it male and female Irish diaspora
got banned from the depression subreddit for gatekeeping other people's depression
we apologise for anime
The gf's brown.
suggesting lowering my pension contributions and the parents act like I'm hocking a hittori hanzo sword
definitely a few pints deep in this
a vaccine a day keeps putin away!!!
Enjoy the spyware that the Kremlin just installed on your computer by exploiting JavaScript vulnerabilities
They are also obsessed with "jews". >>198924518
I'd be depressed too if I were Canadian lmao
oh so you're not even serious about anything you say. Got it. Wish you had said that ages ago before I replied to you in good faith
spiritual yank, determined to be anything but anglo
brown people have soul like irish do
english, of course, don't
>nappynonce is goshcel
all coming together now
Do you feel you have more in common with brown people than you have with other white people, especially Anglos?
Singaporean slags
youre all fucking mentalists so fuck off
bbc ht show has 2 women, shearer and moyes
broken britain
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>Anonymous 06/23/24(Sun)20:51:02 No.198924625▶
> >198923436
> >yandex
> Enjoy the spyware that the Kremlin just installed on your computer by exploiting JavaScript vulnerabilities
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hello everynyan
I'm Irish and hate nonwhites.
sucking a sausage
muh russia is bad we need to save the west for trannies and black lives matter and israel
VPN off Mickmong
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shrieking and thrashing around because my bed is cold
does caffeine give dreams?
rorke in tatters
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heathermong is 2016freak btw
oh my gah
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Christopher Hitchens was about 100 times more intelligent than Peter is
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Doing a poo in my hand and holding it against my chest to simulate a warm hug
reminder that suffixing -mong is racist because it means mongoloid
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sex with gabby logan
how come he's dead then?
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I'm half Irish lol, guess what the other half is
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>Rapper Foolio killed in Tampa shooting
doing coke and driving 125mph cause the police dont do anything no more
Fascist Rape Battalions
you are fucking gay and retarded
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Ireland's greatest heroes
No, you'd be depressed if you were Australian
really hope the abysmal quality of this thread is maintained. even i may stop posting here and that would do wonders for me
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Why was she allowed to do this?
It should be in actors contracts to not seriously alter their appearance drastically. It completely ruins the character that they were cast for.
If I were a producer or sharehodler I would be furious
What a foolio lol
The new 'eitch

They hate their race. They just want to be white
>Why was she allowed to do this?
because she's a grown ass adult woman?
What was his problem?
I'm only depressed being Australian because Australia is becoming Canada with the jeets lmao
this post is advertising or begging
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can’t remember the last funny post I saw
no just a regular lad sorry
It's all about the Jewish psyche of destroying something good or beautiful. Subversion. Season 1 was good then they turn it into completely different.
What's so drastic there? Looks like a dumb cunt in both.
ummm, it was chuds saying she was ugly (which actually definitely really happened) that FORCED her to disfigure herself
it's your fault white male
oh my days LOL
rorke dripped out
No, depends on the person. These days culture within countries is less homogenous. I would say I find Americans regardless of race alien culturally.
i am not here to do free humorous emotional labour for you, actually
we done been knew sis
Is that movie munchies? Any good videos of theirs I should watch?
You are actually
correct aha
farewell /brit/

I shall return, when the time is right
Just can't bring myself to watch an international game where a player called Embolo is playing for Switzerland
bolg on
see you in the morning
rationalwiki is the most tranny place on the internet
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The Irish mindset
looks a bit like mussolini honestly
Died of severe over-intelligence
love watching the neighbour's daughters play outside
a man chooses
a slave obeys
>They saved their whole lives for this’: American woman’s heartbreak as parents die on Hajj
FOID (fuck off irish diaspora)
if you saw him in real you'd be shitting yourself thinking he's in a gang
She looks better
didn't he also make Meg Ryan so upset she just dropped out of the limelight entirely kek
slitherman take over your body
make you do more molly
then why does no one take him seriously as a thinker?
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*chooses to obey*
well rorke?
concerning post
Are lass made the Sunday roast
says here he died of arse cancer
Macadonalds for tea
*rorke disintegrates*
bold stance
do you ever get bored of being a boring bastard?
not true in the slightest
*uses telekinesis to throw a barrel at you*
Lose weight.
show us your cock
I turned myself into a pickle Morty !
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suppin on a spag bolg on and moss balls de lods wahey x
wrong, you're in it
Pipe down kid
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need to gain weight personally
how is it not true it’s autistic midwit troon the site
hold up
I recognise that gearoid
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Are they Irish Diaspora?
I’ve just got done studying the Quran again, reverting was genuinely the best thing to happen.
Got money on Hungary and Switzerland to win
Classic irish moment
had a vagina malfunction

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