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lovely Asian women edition
I wish asian women were real
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The Holy Trinity
just ate numerous biscuits
jew gangs were worse
google murder inc
watching that "Paranormal" bollocks on BBC1 because Sian Eleri makes my cock go big.
Early news tonight, hope janny sorts this place out again
bbc1 has a ghost programme? mental
Stop posting in the english general you traitor bastard
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german and scandinavian americans are the basically the only white americans (other than British/Dutch founding stock) to not make mafias
shinners are the enemy from within
archbishop of banterbury
time for a nice oily wank
well this one is about UFOs
usa is a criminal country ruled by criminal jews
that makes two of us you dirty handicap, now go make the general you spastic.
Jewish Irish Italian crooks
so is the UK
look at the balfour declaration
yeah and? what you gonna do about it?
true inbred normans be on mad ting after mad ting
Sometimes if I look at myself in the mirror I see some humanity left in me
we did it first
vegans staying quiet on this one
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>Sometimes if I look at myself in the mirror I see some humanity left in me
i stopped doing this because i ended up masturbating
The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles
i did this once when i was about 17
tbf i was peng back then
utterly grim now
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if you are fat just lose some weight
thinks hes dying :(
used to take pictures of my own twinky arse and pretend a girl sent them to me to have some peng wanks
used to be a really fit twink meself. Sort of prefer being grim cos I got too many lurid stares from old men in the pub. Also I was the kind of overly soft twink that only other benders like and not women, so there was no real upside.
don’t really follow twitter much but is that Bronze Age pervert?
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Are you irish diaspora?
mousey not been on today?
cropped beastiality MODS!
Love pies, pints and sweeties too much lol
mn died in prison
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out terrorising the staff at Tesco and Co-op
what a disgusting gay jew!
ktim but I did manage to get several girls at least. not many peng ones thoughever
Antisemitism is so hot right now
Could have made bank on onlyfans honestly kicking myself over it to this day but I'm 25yo old fart with beer belly now nowt to be done. Fucking livid with myself though.
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good banter
this tv glow movie is so souless. terrible zoomer excuse for a music video
He was posting doctor Mike screenshots a few hours ago
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>used to take pictures of my own twinky arse and pretend a girl sent them to me to have some peng wanks
doctor mike mosley?
antisemitism is literally the only tool you need to understand literally anything
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25 is still young and hot
mad how dinosaurs are all made up
No clue, whoever that doctor YouTube guy he loves
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mental how evolution just boils down to oh we kind of look like monkeys so the earth is a billion years old and we all come from one common ancestor
calm down ahmed
keep my wife's name out of your fucking mouth
Playing Cyberpunk while eating tiramisu and drinking Jameson
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need to nuke the earth and start over and hope mushrooms don’t evolve into jews again
nazbol myself
Love irn bru
Love tunnocks tea cakes
Love scotch eggs
There's more evidence than that though. E.g. radiocarbon dating indicates that the Earth is billions of years old. I think.
or just the fact we use selective breeding on several species to enforce traits
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>nazbol myself
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evolution is nazi shite that was invented to justify slavery and imperialism
no job. no friends. attending community college. nothing to do daily. live in the middle of nowhere. nearest city is full of old people and foreign tourists. afraid of crowds and normal people. internet friends are all boring now and act like cunts.
sick of it.
>slavery and imperialism
bantus, look them up
just because the half life of some materials are very long doesn't say anything about how old the world is
geriatric image
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don’t need to know about your mums bedroom pierre
Are you retard diaspora
we know the decay rate of background radiation isotopes, theyre on everything throughout history, therefore we look at how much its decayed and can tell how long its been. simple. your failure to understand is not an argument.
ever stare in the mirror and realise you're beautiful
yes except we can use that info to estimate the age of the earth to be about 4.54 billion years old
if you trace the genealogies in the bible back to "creation" it only goes 6000 years lmao
banter, look it up
should be right next to it
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>Three Louisiana tornado victims include East Texas woman, pregnant mom and unborn child
definitely blacks
do you think there's some part of human nature which makes rituals necessary for our existence
gingernonce/wikipedo is jewish
of course
every human has some level of ocd
false. 1/2 british 1/2 german & french. not black or jew
wikipaedo isn't that bad
doesn't disprove god
yet still a complete subhuman
mad how many french girls got blacked when francoafrica won the World Cup KEK. and now they are all kicking the franco-jews out and letting based russia handle affairs
This thread isn’t fun anymore
Why do I come here
humans are social animals. not sure why ppl have ritualistic behaviors tbf. maybe you should read about sociology
does disprove a big chunk of christianity thoever
Sick of video games lads, spent days on one big campaign only to fall victim to bankruptcy. Can't be doing with it.
you’re a mentally ill loser (like me)
why did so many high level paedos go to st andrews university
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need a milf gf
No I don’t think that’s why it’s gotta be something else
a long half life doesn't prove anything
Barry down the pub, brain soaked in and withered away by booze, becomes a trannard
thanks. im forced to refrain from what id like to post. although id pretty much stopped before the recent string of bans
racismlad onamadone
theresa may sex
just all the little things
numbers and genealogies given to reinforce prophecies
all bullshit now because we know the truth
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I don't get why there's religion in the first place, I mean we all know there was a happening that led to the universe being created and we're just here for no reason whatsoever, we just exist and that's that
cant die if you were never born
i was joking you should be killed
imagine bashing her face in with a medieval mace. i dont endorse violence but just imagine it
she could be a comedian making faces like that. next Jim Carrey
it was birthed the moment the sperm reached the egg, nazi.
>numbers and genealogies given to reinforce prophecies
>all bullshit now because we know the truth
give some examples
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Rorke it is past your bedtime, turn OFF the computer NOW
fat arse on her. would shag and be full of regret after.
whole fucking board is smelly bedroom conjured racebait brainrot
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god you are such a nigger
genesis 4, 5, 11
all run on the 6k year timeline
bullshit now though
need white “people” and especially anglos gone
Seek help before you hurt someone
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lets not act like you irish mutts are more aryan than australians
some people for all their efforts just dont have what it takes to perform. they dont have the chops for it. she can't pull a face that isn't ugly
adam was created as an adult man. dunno why that precludes most nature being created with different things at different stages of life. just because you could extrapolate the age of the earth from the half-life of material doesn't make it true
she's a right dog innit
>an american calling literally anyone a "mutt"
Why bother thinking at all if you're not going to think hard
morning just woke up
craving pasta for some reason
why would you swim when you can fly?
China is a textbook fascist country, not communist.
pizza place had a thing saying
>”I don’t need google my wife knows everything”
>actually believing genesis literally happened
ooga booga tier
>just because you could extrapolate the age of the earth from the half-life of material doesn't make it true
calculate* and yes it does
>adam was created as an adult man. dunno why that precludes most nature being created with different things at different stages of life.
schizo ramblings
no arguments detected
You're literally all midwits.
france and britain are evil countries ruled by nonces and jews
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Need a doggo like this
bonkers innit love my veneers and all that
pooing and also wanking
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had to use console commands in morrowind
france is actually too good for this world
we really should be more evil
it’s based nazbol
god didn't raise adam from a baby, lol
just saying. if you want to call it bullshit at least follow through their logic too, can't just be arbitrary with what you're okay with extrapolating
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Oh fucking shut up you gorgeous bastard
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utterly deluded
you’re just snooty anglos who can cook
Where’s the bolshevism
australians are the irish ones tbf
there's only a bleedin' bear in the bin isn't there
>the dna company said I'm x % british so I post in the british thread
soulless golems the lot
you have human rights and vaccines because of us you ungrateful little shit
whatever you are, you are more than welcome to fuck off back there (in a plane, you're welcome again btw) and see how life's like among darkies
we really have been far too kind
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>human rights and vaccines
as if these are good
not even reading the rest
No dictatorship of the proletariat, no peaceful coexistence, is imperialist
It’s (literal usage) natsoc at best
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>Man dies after car falls on him in Phoenix, then his car was stolen
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Day 1 of posting in /brit/ until I get an asian gf. Wish me luck lads, I genuinely am going to keep posting this every day until I get an asian gf from now on
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>england and northwestern europe
you don't get it bro he's literally a viking
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you wont last three days
usa is natsoc by that definition tho
we at /brit/ reject the use of blood quanta to determine tribal membership
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Seething Irish diaspora kek
envisage the aroma
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The XL Bully is unbridled masculinity. That's why it's banned.
That’s not why they’re natsoc, that’s why they’re not nazbol
Did Irish Diaspora poster forget his VPN today or something
yea, sure
you're the exact same as us lad!
you're no different in any way!
you used to be smart and funny at times
what happened?
france is a disgusting country that would be bulgaria tier without its exploitation in africa. glad it’s mostly wogs now
Really don't understand the Alekhine defence. I know the point is to draw White into establishing a centre he cannot hold, but it just doesn't work. If it does work, it's because you're bad
Kenya believe it
Actually yeah we probably have similar genetic makeups
So if I’m a mutt then you are too
>exploitation in africa
god i wish we did that
>lakers poster
Surely this is a pisstake
but you do?
so true!!
How much of France is now African?
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I have an iron liver. Nobody with an iron liver has friends on a long enough timelinw
No but you are
dont know what retard means
we don't
but in the coming decade, pay close to attention to the marvels of russian and chinese business
means slow x
I’m sleeping NAKED!
Diego is the thickest poster in /brit/ history
it's your brains
you changed
low iq retard
if he pushes the pawn to attack your knight you move the knight to the square above his, if he attacks again you move it down and to the right, and then you can move into some kind of scandinavian variation
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yeah but actually you do through currency manipulation and general jewery and russia and china don’t do anything except build hospitals and kick out imperialist scum like you
just how language works x
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>human rights
Commiemong O.A.M.O.
Thinking about how Jewish landlords and bankers will be exempt from the Communist jihad
frenchman be like
>sucks cock
>don’t do anything except build hospitals
kek KEK
you HAVE to be a fucking ape to believe this
...yh? x
His posts are baffling sometimes
He has to be trolling
Whoops that was an anglo one haha
the scandinavian is bad
difficult to imagine living somewhere with wildlife that could actually harm me
Lmao yeah I’d love if I was irreparably damaged by multiple viral diseases and then had to work 80 hours a week for my slave owner. Fucking who needs vaccines and human rights. That’s libtard hogwash!
what are they doing that’s bad?
france steals there money and usa lectures them about gay rights and organises coups
it is what it is
pasteur did it better, we all know it
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>steals there money
All you need to know really.
sounds like a gazan
>what are they doing that’s bad?
nothing, don't worry about it
i concede, you're 100% right
Done 'im
rights precede human rights, and the concept of 'human rights' is about as useful as international law (it isn't)
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We will crush the amalek
fuck around find out
Human rights just refers to agreed upon standards for better treatment that get put into law so they do help
want to play?
other anons dont click this unless you want to get your ass beat
“human rights” is the french torturing people in algeria or the british in kenya or america genociding [insert people here] and you are all fucking stupid
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>is the french torturing people in algeria
tit for tat
Yeah actually it does mean that I was wrong you’re right it does mean that
pierre bowing to his nigger cock jew-yank masters
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This small fella came to see me while I was flying drones
He was juvenile so very curious about me, mama bear came along soon enough but he was old enough so she was focused less on me and more on splitting off from him
heathernonce got banned here are all his deleted posts in the old

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fascism is a socialist attribute
you fucking mongoloids
he gives me the absolute fear
>irish diaspora
>BBC cuckposts
>monkey thread
what a faggot
bit weird inne
genuinely what the fuck is wrong with him
wogs everywhere all at once
fucking based and capitalism and imperialism pilled!
it’s muh chinuuuuuuh ans ruzzzzzziaaaaa!!!!!
the scandinavian defence in chess is quite similar to karl xii's innovative battle strategy, notably used against the danes in 1676
mad how mad he is
what the fuck
i thought some of these were mn
don't see why you thought that
Cousinberg was making my niecestein ask me bad things in english (she are both same age).
never seen belgium and heathermong in the same thread, moi
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mousenonce is the good guy
an anti-hero
i always thought he was the onen spamming the dying doctor, he likes to post some youtubers so figured it was him
shouldve made the connection between the two youtubers hm was posting having cancer but oh well
all me
Why does Janny delete some posts but not others when they are indistinguishable
Hate any gimmicky chess opening where you feel you're being taken for a ride
Then the trap they had in mind sponsored by some hebraic youtuber doesn't work and they resign
rorke gwarn like him tuff but runs to the otherside of the road when he sees a black 15 year old
janny is a cruel god
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women be like the worst fate I could possibly have is that men will pay to have sex with me
weird banana
got banned once and it didn't even say what for just a six day ban without a link to any offending post
i questioned it in the appeal and the appeal was denied
still to this day don't know what the reason for the ban was
human rights
once i was banned for posting "test" right after finishing a three day ban
>someone posting anti-irish stuff was also posting interracial cuckposts
self hating member of the irish diaspora no doubt
yes that is heathermong/2016mong the jew
he’s absolutely insane
are you the yank that was also posting interracial cuckposts earlier?
also worth noting that im 43% irish according to ancestry.com
Maghreb should join the EU
just turned the choons to 100% on both spotify and my PC
neighbourberg will just have to cope and seethe
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we're already here
is this the new elden ring dlc?
russia is pure
west is a disgrace
t. half russian i polovina anglo
Are you Irish diaspora?
"Neapolitan ice cream" is a ridiculous idea

I don't want fruity chocolate

I like weird combinations of foods but this one should be thrown in the dustbin of history
is this the new elden square dlc?
Interestingly it was created in Germany, nothing to do with Naples.
how you finding it. beat it yet?
going to microwave a rustlers burger and give myself cancer xx
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french freaks are scum and perverts. they might not be as bad as anglos, but they are worse than most
me on 4chan
Nothing to do with the French guy either
Interestingly you are gay, nothing to do with having sex with women
i agree, us not conducting massive genocides on worthless scum was a crime against humanity
2017 will be 8 years in 6 months
rude vile pig
going to start an orgy at the bannered mare
you did that in algeria and probably other places
Listening to nick cave x
>you did that in algeria
if only...
Peaky bloindahs
little aussie goths x
you did. they didnt have the good fortune to die of disease. but you killed millions. france is a disgusting country like uk and usa but with no self awareness. get rid of it. glad niggers are taking over
Can someone who is not boring or clinically insane please post
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this guy jon keeps asking me if im into olfina gray-mane
some weird cuckold shit going on in whiterun
>but you killed millions
oh we did? no, we left millions with a far better country than when we arrived and civilised the lot
THAT is what happened
if it were up to me, i'd have done a couple of nuclear test on algiers
You gotta love it
retard mong
no arguments against facts, eh?
no facts were posted
oh tey were and you can see the fruits of them now
barbary piracy... care to talk about that, darkie cocksucker?
paled in comparison to the trans-atlantic slave trade pioneered by white scum
Youre obsessed Spainonce.
Thats either you, or someone who is slightly less mentally ill than you.
i'm SO glad you bring that up
because the arabs did SO MUCH WORSE lol
i'm just dick and balls down your throat boy
the pooslims had entire breeds of dickless slaves they'd buy, boys castrated (and not just the balls, the cock too, tragic stuff desu, i may not like darkies too much but i won't go out of my way to fuck them over either) most of them died, the ones that survived were sold off to muslims
fucking grim stuff
and this idiot points his darkie finger and DARES call me a white devil
you should get on your knees, suck me off and thank me for the privilege
i don't want to argue anymore
i saw the photos of the dickless slave and i didn't even save them for argument purposes
got to me, for some reason

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