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'straya edition
Strewth mate that 'roo's gone berserk
Shant be posting in that tranny's thread
Me on the left
jeff screaming “my dad works for the UN!!!!” as Tyrone violates him
Kek this is racismlad
>open random thot twitch stream
>Rules: NO racism
>proceed to drop a nice fat NIGGER bomb in the chat
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For me it's GYPSY Aris
but how does hating mass immigration result in support for russia?
seems like if normal people hate a thing then chuds have to like it even if it's nonsensical
Will you suck me? Will you fuck me? When I’m 64
Got an open carton of milk in the fridge. Nice bowl of cereal for breakfast. Swiss style muesli to be exact. And a mug of kenco.
Based homelander just made the Jewish foid jump off the building

is that 4chan dating site that was blowing up last month still going or is it a total shitshow mess
>but how does hating mass immigration result in support for russia?
high iq and extremely moral
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i do miss the bard
It’s an uninformed position
Both are anti-white pro-immigrant forces because their populations aren’t breeding enough to keep gdp go up, therefore they SIMPLY MUST give more power to minorities
it’s also a massive black pill to realize both sides are truly the same so they refuse to believe it.
Chud rant over
I am a chud who hates Russia

no such thing as "white genocide" tb h
didnt read this but can tell from the way it looks it was written by a jew
*gentrifies your city*
gotten to the point where it’s harder for me to take a rest day than go to the gym
I just feel like shit when I haven’t worked out, it’s difficult to explain but it’s kind of like the feeling of blue balls
REALLY good samefag this one

Great maximum impact
hello paedostien
You are a lying jew trying to smear Putin's russia
>refusing to use the thread that was made first out if sheer transphobia

Sorry bud, you’re gonna have to do a little more than wait for the eurasian horde to invade to save the white race.
>normal people
It's not normal to cheer for the permanent, irreversible destruction of your society. And when the people demanding you cheer are telling you that you must also hate Russia or else you're a far right nazi (lol), then this naturally breeds sympathy for Russia amongst the so-called "far right." The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Whiter than you gomez
you’re a paedophile and i me i pastan bludclart your life
I don't hate trans people. I hate tripfags.
Piss off paedo
Cope ziggers
Mentally ill nonce who stalks 4chan 24/7 from cheshire
I don't hate tripfags. I hate trans people.
I literally hate children. I value cats more than children.
>haha we're conquering whitey
>"where will you go when it's done?"
can see your nose from here with the zoom on my phone jew cunt
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yeah you hate children so much that you want to hurt them by raping them
Why are you posting your tinder bio?
Hate both tripsfags, trans people and also aus freaks , yank freaks and VPN ghouls
Watching this loser lose his grip on reality and go from an effective samefag/spammer/vpnfag to a mentally ill nonce roleplaying as a tranny is certainly something
Piss off paedo
Sad boring tripcunt
Makes me laugh when I see African Americans celebrate the white US population going down. It's not being replaced by black people. It's being replaced by Latin Americans who don't feel the slightest shred of "anti-racism" and will ethnically cleanse or enslave the black Americans as soon as the white people can't stop them. It's already happened in some towns.
We yanks pronounce record (as in a vinyl record) as reckered but record (as in to record something) as ruh-cored.
paediphiles love ukraine and it’s jewish domination because that’s where hey get most of their porn
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>One of the Islamic Terrorists who was Eliminated earlier tonight by the Russian National Guard and Security Forces within the City of Derbent in the Dagestan Region, is believed to be Gadzhimurad Kagirov; a 28-Year-Old MMA Fighter from the City of Makhachkala and a Member of Eagles MMA, an Organization and Fighting Gym established by Former UFC Lightweight Champion, Khabib Nurmagomedov.
Would you let him shag you up the arse?
Latin americans get fat and lazy after they consumed american produced goyslop and tuned in to CNN
I say re-cord for the last one
The president himself is a jewish comedian who does perverted things for cheap laughs.
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For me it’s the real model
yea, they also took over the hood and don't give a shit about slavery
Made the mistake of even bothering to go outside today. Sunday is when the spics come out. Whole town was covered with Guatemalans. Need to move to Australia
If I had zero commitments (work, uni etc) I would become crepescual. Awake between 4 am and 9 am and 5 pm and 11 pm.
why would muslims attack russia when muslims are chuds?
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depression can't be beaten
jeff being killed by a russian hacker as he galavants to sag harbour on the train because he cannot drive
Starting to realise this. It's a battle you can't win. But you can at least make it more manageable.
obviously cia and mi6 operations
you’d have to be extremely fuckng stupid to disagree
Imagine commenting on stuff you have absolutely no idea about
Gotta be a bit of a bender to get depression haha
Would you let him shag you up the arse?
depression can be beaten
a snapped neck from hanging can't
what's wrong lad? is it the spoiders?
is the humiliation of losing a war to big birds? (at least we had the decency to lose nazis and so did the brits btw)
I didn't even do anything wrong to fuck up my life TBF. I
The problem was I didn't do anything at all.
i'm french, that's all i do
i often go days without saying a word out loud
mad how every “australian” went through the covid vaccine holocaust but there are no museums dedicated to it
Australian male
Lives on his own
Not fat
Willing to do a platonic marriage visa scam
Sex may be provided if given gifts
Will cook food
Will divorce amicably 3 years after receiving visa
You um... don't fucking belong here????? Like you um left the empire??????? Should you not have your own general???????
i have bad genetics for mental health i suppose, dadberg topped himself
Have an opportunity go to work in Djibouti for a year

Work would fucking suck but I’d get a permanent promotion to a pay grade that goes from 120-140k
go away paedophile shoo shoo
With borderline personality disorder life is hell.

Borderline personality disorder features both neurotic symptoms (depression, anxiety etc) AND psychotic symptoms (schizophrenia). That's why it's called borderline. Because in the past psychiatric conditions were grouped as either neurotic or psychotic and BPD was on the border between the two due to the overlap of symptoms.
You’re just what I’m looking for
you’re a blood drinking paedophile
just become a nurse
australia needs nurses. become one of those locum or fifo nurses and get $200k/year easy
No way why would spiteful fascists who are losing global power everyday cause such things to happen.

Like why would Ukraine cause these terrorist attacks against civilians that dont stop russia from kicking their asses
>dadberg topped himself
how old were you?
left the empire? mate, we are the empire.
But im a man
Two (You)s from an Aussie just then.
That undermines the REAL holocaust
Six for me
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>left the empire
Haha no, we took it with us
gtfo paedophile
im too drunk too even comprehend which side you are and cannot be bothered to read it again so fuck off jew
You wish you were the interesting, you boring nonce
Toilfreaks waking up soon
Good morning toilfreaks hope your boss yells at you
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I have some to realise I'm a hero though. I never give up and persevere in the face of overwhelming odds.
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Russia is so based.
>makes liberals seethe
>makes reddit seethe
>makes neocons seethe
>makes wokeists seethe
>makes jews seethe
>makes commies seethe
>makes globohomo seethe
If all these kinds of people hate you then you must be doing something right.
Why do you need a straight Australian then?
5, killed himself on st. patrick's day and his name was patrick, bit of poetic justice hey
Ah yes drunk at 4 in the morning on a Monday, the average brit tool who votes Labour
Because I’m not a fucking faggot
based and true
in my humble opinion kendrick won or lost or at least participated
Sad that one of the only good posters is a yank. Brits are a fallen race of people, kind of like elves and orcs
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>dadberg topped himself
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can't speak french for shit, terrible accent
i would make passionate love to the bard all the same (thinking of young elizabeth the whole time, you know she was fit, don't pretend)
Catyankioooooo my boyyyy back to spamming about based n trad rusher I see
im torn between workers party of Great Britain and reform
I haven’t drawn anything in over a year

I don’t know if I know how anymore and I’m afraid to try agaib
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I'm not catyank.
you're not your old man
any stepdad? what about yer mum?
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caynt believe they got my boy foolio
Communists all support Russia you fucking thick nigger
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sorry m8, mine shot himself when i was 9, same age he was when his dad shot himself
always seems to be some kind of poetic coincidence with it
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sexual dimorphism is wild
how can blokes even be gay when this is reality?
jewish people suck!!!!
my mum is manipulative and has made me dependent on her while acting like it's my fault, i had a stepdad for a while but he was a total cunt
get lost rancid paedophile
Bernie Sanders is pro-Ukraine retard
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Kind of want to go to Japan for work but I’d probably end up cheating
might go mine one of those gold-rich asteroids in the kuiper belt and crash the global economy
forgot that they make outer /int/ seethe and outer /int/ is a rancid shit hole
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Black girls
brb doing the dishes like a total legend
gonna go with my friend later this year or early next year
white people deserve to be replaced insomuch as they support usa/israel/ukraine
>probably end up cheating
afraid of cheating on your imaginary gf?
doing a read
i'm sorry bud, but genetics are not fatality, just hope you find some respite somewhere, i really do.... do you know about mass effect?
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>Indians are low testosterone
You really are one thick lazy nigger
I'm in a similar way about piano
It's a very illogical feeling when you actually think about it. We're apprehensive about how much damage our negligence has caused, so we put off solving the problem and make it worse instead. All the while depriving ourselves of a genuine enjoyment
No my wife
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>*plap plap plap*
your imaginary wife?
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A country with millions of people will almost certainly have outliers. There are Japs who are extremely tall, but Japanese people still are short on average.
so if the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light does that mean it looks like it's getting smaller as more and more things become invisible to us?
mad how our assigned Mossad operator gets absolutely destroyed by retarded neets on the daily LOL
btw you should stop paying him netanyahuberg
he’s utterly worthless
Wish Reagan were still president. He’d know just how to deal with fuckers siding with commie Russia.
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fat man kino
indians probably have higher testosterone than whites on average, that doesn't mean shit if they don't have the IQ to back it up
yea by giving millions of illegal aliens amnesty and thus turning c*lifornia into a leftist shit hole forever
ask /sci/
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Thinking about scrambling for Africa
Fuck off commie
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>if the universe is expanding
>does that mean it looks like it's getting smaller
anti-communist author Alexander Solzhenitsyn was very much AGAINST Ukrainian independence
light outside
going to go to bed now and dream of a world where the other side won
All their cope is deflection too

>im tranny but russia is also tranny
>im brown but russia is also brown
>im jewish but russia is also jewish
Nonsensical broken records, all those idiots. Cant imagine pulling the same shit for over 2 years
the first thing i think about, from the moment i wake up and remember who i am, is suicide
Might be bed time for this girl now.
Remember watching a youtuber i now hate for a couple years play this a few years ago
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You wake up in India
have you tried thinking about killing batarians instead?
it’s 5 o clock and the birds are going mental and you’re a man
Don’t reply to it.
i do this and never noticed it until now
Might say something racist about this
don't like Will Smith movies
They're all like "Look at me, I'm Will Smith".
Tom Cruise movies are like that too, but he's better at it.
will smith used to be one of the coolest niggas around
turns out he's been a cuck for decades
on a break from a mass effect 2 playthrough at the minute, last i left off i was on illium picking up thane and samara
2007 Will Smith movie I Am Legend was totally generic and "mid" as the zoomers would say, not that they even remember this movie.
>and samara
corrr corrr
cofff cofff
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birdsteins and sunberg going mental to stop me posting about the jews in yank hours
i'm playing femshep and fully intend to shag him, would rather her shag an alien than a black man
Normos hate me because I’m a skinny freak
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gogiga gagagigo
watching public access tv
timeblatt on a mad one
>i'm playing femshep and fully intend to shag him
>thank you *whatever he calls you, don't remember* *coff coff*
>fuck garrus who's been with you from the beginning and been a total bro, eh?
>fuck all those hot females including the asari that any red hot blodded male would kill to sleep with, eh?
>even fuck that krogan you know is... nah, you just know that's scaly and uncomfortable
>wondering if brittle bones apply to boners
you know you can't post this.
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>on a break from a mass effect 2 playthrough at the minute, last i left off i was on illium picking up thane and samara
i think thane is more likely to have a normal dick than garrus, plus i don't want to make things weird between us
mad how windows and walls can’t stop bird niggas howling away whilst im trying to sleep
repulsive little shitlumps
I never wanted to leave. They didn't even give me a vote in the matter.
Post your greasy unwashed cock and balls
if you move to the inner city you might be spared it
there's something about dna that makes some species incompatible
i think tali can swallow garrus just fine but not a human
but let's face it, you're better off jacking it between samaras's tits than getting it on with the dried up assassin
Shut the fuck up. Bird song is absolutely beautiful. I absolutely love birds. Corvids are of particular interest to me due to their stunning colours and remarkable intellect.
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>Shut the fuck up. Bird song is absolutely beautiful. I absolutely love birds. Corvids are of particular interest to me due to their stunning colours and remarkable intellect.
had corvid a few times mysel
iktfb sometimes you're not in the mood
i use earplugs or bluetooth earphones with white noise like a thunderstorm playing
self-hypnosis also works really well
you can condition your mind to temporarily react to the birdsong by becoming more sleepy
you’re a virgin tranny and you work at aldi
What's your point?
You get used to the noise. I used to live near a train track with trains passing by occassionally throughout the night. I barely noticed it.
no one even likes you
And? I don't remember asking.
Might move to Japan

It's like a cat looking at christmas lights.
It's cool. It's fascinating. Why is it there and what is it used for.
off yourself tubby
>you're better off jacking it between samaras's tits
the rum has made me vulgar
samara's romance is a lovely, deep platonic relationship
mutual respect between two powerful forces in the universe
... wish her snatch wasn't a death penalty factory
just had a coffee with rum, honey, and milk
bloody lovely
the trick is to put the coffee granules, honey, and milk in before the water, and stir it all up
not too long before, or the acids in the coffee will curdle the milk, but about 30 seconds before the water
It's natural for people to have attraction to people of the same sex. It's obviously false to suggest that all people who are attracted to people of the same sex were somehow molested into feeling that way

To be a religious homophobe you actually have to be indoctrinated and abused as a child. Religion spreads by molesting children in designated molestation buildings
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have a bit of a reputation me
am known as a bit of a rascal you could say
a bit mischevious
a bit naughty
r u sayin he dont rly get it? x
>Sending death threats on 4chan at 5:15 am on a Monday morning
What went so wrong in your life for you to end up in these circumstances?
was it autism?
OBVIOUSLY joe rogan isn't going to understand that, if it even makes sense at all
rogan could be twice as intelligent and educated, and still wouldn't know what that was
nobody does
fucking HELL you’re here at 05:17 trannymong
what i like most about mass effect is how i get to put my balls on the universe's chin
yea, human, we jus got there
we get shit done
Obviously not

The USA has no empire apart from itself

Britain controlled the third world and China, yet today the third world and China have nuclear weapons aimed at America

King Charles is head of state of more of north American than President Biden

You have no empire. Your founding fathers rebelled against their homeland because they were traitor scum, and now you live in a rootless mutt country when you could actually have been living in a powerful modern British empire. but instead you live in the faggy USA because some freemasons didn't want to pay taxes. They took your empire away from you. And now your country is fighting for it's life against countries that cowered before us
One more outburst like that, and I'm calling your mum. Final warning.
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Who even used this

Who was this for
drink bleach you fat abomination
wheres nettlelad
Not reading this doctoral thesis
It's a backwards shithole supported by pathetic evil subhumans

found a bag of shitty weed in my sisters room
maybe people alched it
or it might have been an efficient smithing thing
but ya idk
You should actually do it though
hello tranny retard
it really sucks lol
still gonna smoke it tho
looks like a mace, which is a one-handed blunt melee weapon
typically, blunt weapons are used against heavily armoured opponents, as opposed to bladed/spiked weapons which are for use against lightly armoured and unarmoured opponents
the advantage of a one-handed melee weapon is that it frees the other hand to use a shield
why even bother making a post if you're just going to be crying about trannies out of nowhere? why do you think anyone wants to hear from you? keep your obsession to yourself
hello, tranny
I don't think guage theory is very 'complicated' it is just nearly impossible to wrap your head around at first.
I'm 10 videos into this. Here's the idea

>everything is relative because general relativity
>properties of things like sine waves and spheres model the behavior of particles in our universe
>smooth manifolds are like blankets that you can warp and bend
>you can model all the things that you can do to all of the particles in the universe on a 64 dimensional smooth manifold probably
>rotational symmetry is a big deal
>a 3 sphere with an arbitrary degree of freedom is special because a 3 sphere has an infinite amount of rotational symmetries probably

If you have no idea what the fuck to do with any of that then don't worry
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Imagine that were your bollocks.
ok tranny freak but stop wafting your tranny axe wound for humans to smell it is utterly repulsive
I thought hotukdeals was full of pakis
one cup of hot milo please bossman
so basically whatever I've said has made you cry like a little bitch but you're such a low iq mentally ill tranny obsessed FREAK you can't even say anything else

Imagine spending every day thinking about trannies and mutilated wounds and whatever it is that you're so obsessed with
read 4 of those words

don’t care still hate trannies
still supporting russia
still supporting palestine

cope and seethe and dilate
Calm down
yeah i understand it all perfectly.
Enoch Powell
>Following his appointment as Professor of Greek at the University of Sydney in 1937, he wrote to his parents (on 22 May and 16 June 1938) that he was repelled by his female students, while feeling "an instant and instinctive affection" for young Australian males. This, he added, might be "deplored, but it cannot be altered", and it therefore had to be "endured – and (alas!) camouflaged."
just made a post lol
*to the tune of air's 'sexy boy'*
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You're psychotically obsessed with trannies, you support Russia over western European nato, and you support Arab islamist Palestinians

Yeah mate I know, you're a pathetic mentally ill subhuman freak with mentally ill views about literally everything. You're a mutant

I'm glad you're a shit as you are. You spend your time conjuring up mental images of diseased tranny surgery vaginas every day, you support an evil foreign country that hates your country, and you even support a pathetic bunch of terrorist freaks just to up the edginess

You're worthless and I'm glad you believe the opposite of everything I believe because you really show how superior I am in comparison
mite get mcbrek in hour
voice cloned me mum for a laugh
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Please give me portable speaker recommendations
didn’t read, all troons should die
doing a early morn’ poo as it were
>portable speaker
don't be one of those wankers, just get earbuds ffs
only sacked tranny uses this word
spotted an office mong
us tradies are a community
Of course you didn't read, you're such a coward you're even afraid of trannies
how much data does it need to make a good voice clone
mine's dead and i'd benefit from it but have like a minute at best of her voice
australia would benefit from an extra 300m-400m people
Why are british people so bad at football when they invented the sport?
you’re a “mutant” freak and it’s good your uncle raped you and i hope he enjoyed it. you should be flayed alive
I volunteer as tribute
Can’t wear earbuds under hearing protection at work
none of that is correct, you're now raging about nothing
*locks you all in for the night*
Night night fellas
love it when newfag foreignsorts see /brit/ on the 'log and pop in trying to troll us like this x
every tranny deserves to die an agonising death
yea bud, toiled in both
only ever used earbuds when i was working vinenyards year round and chestnut trimming FOR EIGHT YEARS
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china invented it tho
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Shit constantly vibrates around

Even when it doesn't "vibrate" by moving it's doing it and even when it isn't vibrating like a spring it's vibrating. It can vibrate like a slinky where it coils around

The way that all the particles we've found vibrate in all their ways seem to all just be explained by one extremely complicated object with no straight lines. It has 64 dimensions. We have 3. It's fascinating because according to this object we have only discovered like 10% of all particles

Probably (?)
ever wonder why Sarah Everard didn't happen in Australia?
That story got me ever’ard
It's not a troll. I don't understand why England has only 1 World Cup that they won in 1966 in their own country and with an illegal goal. You should have like 3 WCs and like some EuroCups tooo. Even the Check Republic has 1 more EuroCup than you.
he took his trip off but he’s gonna post soon
Of course the yankoid assumes it's real
Why is association football massive in latin america
latin america belongs to china in every way except geographically
Just learned that the US and Australia share a border
might make a trip to shrewsbury to sample to delightful meal deals of aldi battlefield road
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i knew i should've voted for corbyn. fml
fucking kill troons
punch them
laugh at them
beat them
alarm goes off soon
doing a read
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3 hours of sleep before toil

Will be inhaling solder dust all day
all night up but goodmorning
kill all troons
burn them
massacre them
slice their heads off
then feed them to vastly superior beings (dogs)
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i am fat
we’re just gonna kill em!!!!!
most underrated twisted sister song
can’t imagine ordering deliveryslop for brekkie. dinner yes but not breakfast
it's dinnertime to me
Sam Hyde

honestly might just go to shrewsbury and get an air bnb and hang out at aldi and take a picture of it to post on /brit/ and maybe pay some niggers to beat it to death
What browser games do you play?
I like:
Weaver Unlimited
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Internet feels like its becoming shittier and shittier.
Its just weird people spamming trannies, porn or some guy who stands to gain literally nothing telling strange lies for no particular reason.
Normies/and third worlders speed ran making the internet shitty, its so unreal.
murdering troons is a civic duty. kill all troons
bit extreme
not really
kill all troons and free palestine
free ukraine from nato
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>16 degrees celsius
this is 30 degrees celsius at least
maybe 40
just tried them all
all shit
sacked tranny if you actually want to
die i will be happy to oblige. don’t even care about serving the prison sentence
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>nose ring
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stay safe
can you post some better ones, or do you just complain about what other people contribute?
might put lsd in mum's coffee for a laugh
would never do that to my mumberg
you sound vaccinated/transexual
that's how the Beatles first took LSD
Someone spiked their coffee with it
bet it was bob dylan that cheeky little bugger
feel sick in my stomach from it all
bit far from christmas, might want to save it for closer
once i wished for those power ragers figurines that swished from heads to helmets to the push of a button
got some no name figurine pricks
that's when i'd have drugged my mum
woke up half an hour ago but my morning wood just won't go away
we put should put trannies in driving ranges and you just fucking let loose with a driving iron on their heads and laugh about it
Time to call an escort LOL
am neither, she's just always been a stick in the mud, would be fun to see her on acid
He gambled wrong on that one
girls with humongous breasts

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