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the new
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mad how little has actually changed
>Mexican doing a job for an American that he can't be bothered to do

what else is new
its 190 my nigga
elden ring dlc has filtered me
Where is Jay slater?
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cheeky early lunch xx
if you want a tranny for your neighbour, vote Labour
haha :)
would prefer if you fostered a more welcoming environment for our north american friends, don't be so rude in future please
if you're not voting reform then I hate to say it but you're just not a real nigga
why do people seem to care so much?
looks like they hooked up Elton John to a pendulum over it
voting sinn fein me
probably buried by his dealer bosses now. they'll have thought they could somehow get the fundraising money and let him go but there's far too much attention now so the only solution is to make him vanish
the media told them to
Holy shit that's actually mental how she took on 2 fully grown men
*Scans the list*
Yeahhh not seeing Swanage there so you can fuck off you little rorke
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twitchfu's tummy project coming on nicely
why does the media care? lsnt he some violent druggy?
cindy the news is on
another little white boy done fell down a cliff
love these election "scandals" in the uk
lmao they get watergate and shit, we get "betting"
god that looks peng
Allowed to post here because I once worked in a british factory, and was struck by lightning while holding brit particles
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>och we didnae care
You did though. You did.
sketchy bodybuilder dealer mate gave me a bag of weed while i was fucked up now i owe the cunt 60 pound
because they know that he's been murdered by a rival gang and it will be a good twist for the story
i once ate at a British restaurant in Greenwich Village
tell us you're gonna give him your boyhole
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Who's here in 2024 thinking this should be the theme tune for the General Election >>>>>>>
of course we cared
clarke is a football terrorist, honestly fucking murder
5 at the back in a must win euros game. he still thinks he’s managing kilmarnock.
>less than

um, FEWER!!!!!
It is genuinely fucking disgusting how the Rotherham case was handled
New Zealand is reddit: the country, turbocucked beyond belief, but if we had thousands of little girls getting raped and the perpetrators getting protected because the authorities are scared of being called racist even we would have mass lynchings

Genuinely can not fathom how as a country you all just basically let them get away with it and have moved on and pretend nothing ever happened, and if anyone does bring it up people just roll their eyes like listening to the out of touch grandpa at the dinner table go on a rant
why would he be your mate?
what did you eat
the irish diaspora theme song
It was really bad football to watch, yeah. Hungary were probably just as bad.
most brits agree with how it was handled
it's kind of like covid: easier to forget than anything else. we still get fucked daily (like the pre-teen white girls) but it's too painful to do anything else
should have been lynch mobs, there would be up here
england are a nation of cowards
0 (+0)
I think it was a collective feeling of "well it wasn't my daughter so who cares"
about tiem for the annual rewatch of scary movie (1-4)
What's amusing to me is that the media keep hitting out with more and more shit about "Reform candidate said [bad thing]" with comment sections full of mongs frothing at the mouth saying "this is it for Reform, it's over, they've fucked it now!" then the next poll shows they've gone up again.

The people who are voting for Reform want browns out. That's the whole thing. They voted Leave because they wanted browns out and now there are more browns than ever. So now they vote Reform because Reform style themselves as the party that will remove browns.

Your 85 year old grandad doesn't care that Nigel Farage is "infected with the Putinism mind virus" or that some nameless Reform candidate had some dodgy tweets 8 years ago; he just wants browns out.
dunno he’s actually pretty sound and took a liking to me
we met because my other mate who i’ve been pals with for years, goes to the gym with him and used to play football together
Dunno about that
people who are actively trying to investigate and expose these paki rape gangs like tommy robinson get called racists and get put in prison for made up crimes
get tae fuck
yeh mate hahaha love a bit of school girl eyeing up haha true blue mate haha
*speed dials ASIO*
Big fan of the Wayans' oeuvre me
if you ain't voting Reform, SDP, Homeland or English Democrats you are a poof btw x
for me it's 3
Reform? Regret!
St Petersburg is lovely
sorry leftypol but I'm still voting for reform
st petersburg is quite a nice city
if you don't you are literally a poof
sound enough to scam you out of 60 quid
not really think i agreed
i can’t remember was out my nut on ket
it wasn't "rape"
just degenerate sluts and some of them happened to be under 18 or whatever but they were still sluts and it's cringe to whiteknight for sluts
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>Mother, 40, illegally chopped down protected giant tree on her driveway because it was a 'nuisance' that blocked drains and bashed against her home - but is spared fine after insisting she did it for the benefit of her street
why aren't women held accountable for their actions?
Moscow is LITERALLY a sister city of London
Tired of reMOANers with their IGNORANT memes
spb is a very liberal sity by russian standards
more than moscow
western european-scandinavian admixture over the centuries clearing away the destructive asiatic influence
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>the Rotherham case
it was happening nationwide, and is probably still going on all over the UK since nothing was ever done apart from the odd arrest
pic related is nowhere near the full list
the first lot to be arrested for this are out of prison now and probably back at it

naz shah, a labour mp, actually retweeted a message saying these abused girls should all keep their mouths shut
she's still a labour mp
that's not a deal breaker for labour voters
Go back to filming your liveleak video monkey, the humans are talking
corbyn still protects her from the shadows
ASIO doesn't do rock spiders at least not ones that aren't terrorists or foreign assets
You'd be looking for Task Force Argos and its related state-level online child protection units
The thing is a lot of the scandals aren't even scandals at all
"Hitler was a brilliant orator" - no historian would disagree with this
"Britain should have been neutral like Sweden, Switzerland or Ireland" - this isn't a particularly contentious or unpopular opinion
quite au fait with the nonce police are you mate?
mad that George Galloway and Farage are on the same side supporting Russia
there are more rape gangs now because they feel empowered by the lack of public reaction from the rotherham scandal
they're even murdering white kids and putting them in kebabs and feeding them to white people and nobody gives a fuck
good on her, i'm sick of the trees outside my house they're taller than the house and the council won't pollard them
Mighy haveqb1ank
Do you believe in Joe Hendry?
up here in scotland, aye?
>at least 44 victims
>55 suspected members of the vile group were identified by officer
you can google basically any town in the uk with the words "grooming gang" and find it going on, on an industrial scale, along with a cover up by police
Leftypol remaining neutral and wondering why he can’t set off at the lights
same with any 'far right' party in europe desu
deadbeat whites are simply sick of deadbeat browns
were they tasty?
>they're taller than the house
TG (touch grass)
I do find it unsurprising that one of the world's most active anti-nonce squads is based in Queensland
mad how labour are canvassing in /brit/
>Rishi Sunak at the Scottish Conservatives’ manifesto launch: “I completely agree with Douglas [Ross] that it was a penalty.”
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Might start driving lorry
cause so many Victorians moved up here
which party leader would win in a battle royale scrap?
Just got a letter from the local Labour candidate
Brits could've voted for the NF in the 1970s or BNP in 2010 but didn't
Britcattle boomers made their choice and we have to clean it up
obsessed with muslims asking zany questions to assim al hakeem

you get a gist of how mental they all are
Are they even standing anywhere? Thought they were just a few odd balls making YouTube videos and claiming the way that nationalism will win is through litter picking
love going to tropical islands and the only tall trees are coconut trees. i get to sip on a coconut while looking at the bushes and shit that aren't so scary
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Meanwhile you're doing nothing whatsoever except spamming on 4chan
Won't even leave your rancid bedroom
Keir Starmer
He fought in Northern Ireland you know
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Labour just wants to make you work harder. It's in the name, dingus!

But the Tories want to give you more-y. :)
both of those parties were too extremist to ever be successful
you have to trick people into voting you into power before you become extremist
>weed, acid,
zoomer shaggers
>ching, ket, pills, disposable vapes/ nicotine pouches
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the evening watch
unironically drawing up a household budget haha
what am i like
>NF in the 1970s or BNP in 2010
they were insane even for the time though far too extreme for the average voter
Good lad
Its status as a retirement destination does have something to do with it I believe
Lots of 55 year old divorced men moving to Hervey Bay and looking for love in the Philippines without being too choosy with the age range
work is good for mind body and soul
dont look up productivity crisis either
The BNP weren't extreme at all they had a good degree of support but resident plant Nigel Farage did his upmost to undermine them
the fat cunt should have his hands chopped off
I remember discovering this bloke few years back.
It's actually a sexual fetish for him.
His fellow reprobates comment saying "oooh I can imagine someone having clean up your mess" and him going "mmmmmmmmmm yes I bet it took tham ages ugghhhh".

Most baffling human interaction I've seen in my life.
i think hervey bay's issue is the 200% meth rate rather than the victorians
saying that you love your country and don't want mass third world illegal immigration is counted as an extremist viewpoint by the majority of the population
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So we will press on with developing clear, compelling and consistent UK offers, tailored to their needs and our strengths, spanning trade, development, defence, cyber security, technology, climate change and environmental protection. Because we know that in the coming decades there will be economic shocks, and climate change will have its baleful effects, and countries will want technology, finance and access to markets to support their development.
>The BNP weren't extreme at all
didnt they want to reduce trade and imports to basically zero?
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Keir Starmer?

What about... er... Deer Farmer!!!! >>198943208 Gettit?
>>198943208 Aye?
irl jannyposting
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How is this meant to help the search
The mum's too lazy to look for the cunt
Doesn't seem that out there as far as fetishes go. Sounds like a power thing.

Not dissimilar to the people who make a point of pissing all over the floor in public toilets.
no one hates muslim men more than muslim women
they block sunlight, block gutters, create sap on cars and are unsightly
Don’t think anyone would attempt to influence any of the tens of millions of unique users on 4chan. Certainly wouldn’t post in specific generals with a target audience in an attempt to influence them politically. No sir. I took my meds today you see
lets have a read of their manifesto from 2010
t. ghoul
Mousey would love the Fraser Coast / Wide Bay regions
>Sunak’s Deputy Chief of Staff and founder of centrist Tory think tank Onward Will Tanner bagged a rare Tory safe seat, parachuted into Bury St Edmunds & Stowmarket a few weeks ago. Though it appears it’s not going to be the slam-dunk he though it’d be…

>Guido hears that at a hustings Tanner got booed when he started on about national service, and the Reform candidate threw a copy of the Onward national service policy paper at him.

Based, make that man deputy leader of Reform
why do we do this lads?
we have a reputation for it
Yep by posting on /brit/ you are affecting tens of millions of 4chan posters
This is definitely the case
Run a blade across your throat. This also will get people to vote
would like to try crack one day, just to see what it’s like
for the craic, one could say
The media won't care because he's black
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she's spending that 30k
just felt cold hands spring from the ground and clasp my ankles as i thought of opening this link
>The BNP will create a pan-British parliament to oversee those policy areas currently determined by Westminster and invite the Irish Republic to join as an equal partner.
High test innit
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the labour shill didn't like that one did he
currently losing money on btc but we gang
>The BNP will launch a “polluter pays” policy in the fight against environmental damage.
Based ULEZ supporters
To be fair it's definitely going to be a fake bag. The dad was on telly dressed up like Shaun Ryder, sunglasses and a bucket hat, that sort of Tenerife dolescum family you aim to avoid in life.
> The BNP will take legislative steps to protect Britain’s pubs, which will include tax concessions, smoking rooms under strict supervision and a lowering of tax on alcohol served in public houses.
ah ye?
What's all this about? Like I know a man's gone missing but is there something more to this story?
they're all criminals
could be a real bag, bought for her by her son prior to his disappearance with his drug dealing monies
>IFS have said either taxes must soar or spending must plummet after the election

Guffawing after 14 year of Tory rule from Labour to implement the most austerical measures ever seen

Imagine the scenes
Yeah he's a drug dealer who disfigured someone with a machete. The family were suggesting he was kidnapped as soon as he went missing.
basically the lad went missing, the usual media stories ramped up then it came to light that he was a proper crook (drug dealer, previous conviction for hacking some other lad with a machete etc) so now there's much speculation that he's actually been bumped off rather than just having too many sambucas and getting lost on holiday
nope literally just a 19 year old convicted thug on holiday gone missing and for some reason it's getting loads of media attention and random twitter slags who didn't know him in tears over it
Tories might have timed it perfectly to set Labour up for an absolute shitshow so the blue-ties can come back in 5 years for the upswing
taxes going up doesn't affect me as I have no job
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So the news media would have us believe...
maybe if the court system wasn't so shit he would have been in prison right now and the rival gang wouldn't have been able to kill him so easily
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xecudog sery sery
found him hiding behind a rubbish bin tittering and giggling
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>that sort of Tenerife dolescum family you aim to avoid in life.
labour's strategy is to increase tax receipts through growth stimulating measures thoughbeit
If the UK had a proportional system the BNP in the 2000's would probably have been polling at anything between 5-10% of the vote

Imagine the effect that would have had, 30-60 MPs in the commons representing our ideas
me and rorke organised that just to troll owen jones
We demand a second referendum
Shut up you gullible mong, you don't know their strategy because they're not in power yet
that's what they all say you BATTYCLART
just like how proceeds from perpetuating the oil and gas industry will be utilised to accelerate the green energy revolution

they're all clones
except Reform of course
jay's mum and dad having a reyt week. holiday to tenerife paid for, gucci bags on for free. no wonder she can't find him she's out shopping and boozing in los christianos
Won't vote Labour because I'm not a pregnant woman who is in labour aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh hahahahahahahahah!!!!!
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Like the others said, it was known straight after he went missing that he was dodgy. Then the official Facebook group started some GFM for £30k (it's met that now) with no actual aims for why they need the money or how it will be spent
Also the FB group keeps getting shitposts on it, no-one is taking it at all seriously and the mum is reading all of them
the paid labour shill is making false remarks in this thread to try and get you to vote for his neocon party
inflation has only just come down to a tolerable level
the economy will pick up now
just people making stuff up
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there was actually another lad who went missing some years back now and it turned out he went into a commercial waste bin after a night out and was scooped up into a bin lorry and died

>People self segregate based on race because they want to be near people like them
>"We need to mix the communities up"
Its actually so crazy the kind of retarded shit politicians just pull out of nowhere because it sounds good at face value but in practice is actually dogshit
Far right parties in the UK tend to attract mongs for some reason
It's quite weird because in Europe there's quite a few far right figures who come off extremely well and smart sounding.

Over here we've got Nige of course but he's surrounded by utter mongs, hence the dozens of scandals of Reform candidates saying a multitude of things.
Listening to anyone other than Nige/Tice talking for longer than 60 seconds is nails on a chalkboard.
Millions of people see 4chan posts and vote accordingly. Each /brit/ thread gets an average of 80k lurkers.
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Yeah I think about that, like imagine his last moments before he got flattened into paste
just shows how wasteful alcohol and other drugs are. nothing but a blight on society
• The BNP will establish a penal station for extremely dangerous/violent repeat criminals (including rapists) on the British island of South Georgia.
leftypol doing some poofter tarq sport like badminton
lorry mentioned
£2.1m spent on the search and didn't find him. think taxpayers should get a vote before authorising expenses like this
Argentina liberating the antarctic nonces
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Jews are not your enemy.
why would you climb into a bin though?
Zero proof
30 grand would be tidy like
We have extra-strong political correctness and social shame here, you'd have to be mental and/or stupid to publically be involved in a "racist" party
Don't think Ireland would want to join that
rorke wearing his next jeans lmao
Throughout the years we've had our fair share of intellectual right wing figures, Tyndall and Bowden are just two examples
Even Griffin while by no means an intellectual could speak confidently and even given the chance managed to present his ideas well
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me, "don't lie"
You work at a smile, and you go for a ride
You had a bad day
what’s that smell coming from them
i was sat next to a guy wearing a rolex yesterday and all i could think about was how much better than me he was. proper belittling experience
you never woke up after a night out in a random field or something?
I'm voting reform, don't know who my candidate is and what they have to say for themselves but the labour candidate is a paki and the tory leader is a paki so I cannot morally vote for either party
can’t wear Rolexes in public in the UK due to urban youths

not that I have one to wear
Hey guys, how do you anglo call that thing where you thrust fingers in the side of someone to annoy them? I can't fucking find it anywhere
it's actually absurd how much easier work is compared to the tests required to get the job in the first place
you'd think it'd be the other way round

but once you're through the doors you can put your feet up
poke? Nudge?
>how do you anglo call that thing where you thrust fingers in the side of someone to annoy them?
Genuinely no clue what you're talking about mate

Maybe "ribbing" them? But it's more metaphorical than literal
heard it's particularly bad in central london
do the footballers get robbed?
Me whenever I see someone taller than me (multiple times every day)
Might wear a rolex to WW3; that way when I die my buddy can take it and use it to pay for my funeral expenses
Sick of this browsing-the-internet-in-my-dressing-gown shite. Gonna have a shower and get dressed so I can browse the internet in a t-shirt and shorts
I think one footballer called andy carroll got held up at traffic lights in london by about 4 blacks on mopeds with shotguns pointed at him and he got his rolex pinched and he hasn't played football since
I think he moved country
their houses get robbed a fair bit, especially when they’re away on holiday

they seem to avoid the in-person robberies, likely in their fancies cars most of the time
alri frodo
need a shave but i don't think there's any hot water
I will be deployed next to you on the battlefield and I will steal it
I know what you mean, we used to do it all the time at school
We called it "tazing" someone but I'm sure there's probably a different and more widely-used name for it
>he hasn't played football since
thought that was just because he's shit
Instructions unclear: Stuck it up my butt and presented it to your son when I got home
pooey bum sex
papa preaching despite very explicit requests he not do so
Favourite herbs, lads?
Quite a big fan of thyme, I reckon it goes with most meats and fish fairly well, also add it to my weekly fritatta
makes sense. it's publicly known when they need to travel overseas. missus likely goes with them. empty house. easy money
you'd think the youths would have respect for ball kickers but an AP is an AP
herbie hancock
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copping this uniqlo tee

love a good golden ratio
fancy a bum wank before work
they don't just do it when the house is empty any more
sometimes they do it when they are playing matches and their family is at home and sometimes they do it even when the footballer is a home
one footballer called joao cancelo in manchester got tied up with his family and smashed in the face by black burglers
you'd think they would have better security
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herb powell
Quite nice that, might cop
Imagine if we both walked into the same place wearing it haha
think we called it digging at school
why? he was a dickhead
one of my bollocks went up inside me just then
this post demeans us both
I wear a Rolex and live in hackney, never had an issue
I like cumin. Wikipedia says it's a herb.
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graphic tees are pretty lame
whats all this talk about voting then
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>graphic tees are pretty lame
people who wear rolexes are like people who smoke cigars

if you can afford a rolex, get a breitling
if you wanna smoke, smoke cigarettes
It's very good, it makes chilli con carne much better, and it's used in curries
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surprised they don't live in apartments
i felt much safer living in apartments than houses
Solid white tees should always be covered in a little bit of dirt and soot. Not too much to be off putting, just enough to make people say "Aye, there goes a real man's man. Doesn't mind getting a bit gruff does he?"
That's why I blow my nose in mine
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In Bristol there is an epidemic of people living in vans
Not even nice ones
another day hungover
Cor imagine tipping him in and putting it out for the truck and listening to the faint screams as he's crushed into a paste by the rest of the trash
norman foster designed an awful lot of shite. don't care if he's celebrated. shite is shite
fuck sake that's proper minging, put me right off me cuppa
i can take poo talk but snot talk is uniquely disgusting
I work on engines all the time but I specifically wear navy/black t-shirts because I am always covered in oil
saw some newts today
fuck off, switch white
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lurlirrsetz loxebex
Based van-livers
my DAYS if you could see this one pantry level on my kitchen you'd come

Off the top of my head alone all within their own distinct jars AND labelled with a label maker
>Paprika, Oregano, Cumin, Peri Peri, Garlic Granules, Kashmiri Bassar Mix, Harissa, "Spicy Italian Seasoning", Sumac, Zaatar, Aleppo Flakes, Chilli Flakes, Fenugreek, Chinese 5 Spice, Rosemary, Thyme, Parsley, All Purpose, Star Anise, Cardamom, Ginger, Coriander, Garam Masala

and mumberg is so white she refuses to have anything more exotic than salt and pepper
dadberg thinks I'm a genius though
Richard Rogers too
Bunch of shite
>The much-vaunted design innovation of having the service pipes, ducts, and stairwells outside the walls led to such costs caused by weathering and maintenance that Lloyds considered vacating the building in 2014. Lloyd's former chief executive Richard Ward stated: "There is a fundamental problem with this building. Everything is exposed to the elements, and that makes it very costly."
*Covers the yank's white tee with a little bit of blood and poo*
>How you can help stop a Starmer supermajority: Seat by seat, how a small number of Reform voters in constituencies across the country could prevent a Labour landslide if they vote Tory

The blob is terrified of Nige
no wonder when there is f all housing
only problem is where does their shite go?
need the sun to fuck off tbqh
paki post
They usually have a car and a van, car for their stuff and van for them
once you know a girl wants to shag you then the desire to shag her becomes nonexistent
Dill is well underrated.
gay fella in toil saw taylor swift last night
he’s mincing about the office tell oki everyone about it
25 degrees here but it's cloudy, it's kinda grim
an airstream is like 100k :(
catberg cuddle time in progress
Just get a caravan at that point
campervans are a specific use case
alri rapelad
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That building looks cool. But yes practicality should come before aesthetics.

He designed pic related, the Millau Viaduct in France, and I think it looks cool
Good lad
Toryboys trying to convince punters to vote strategically and failing to realise how viscerally their party is hated now
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saw taylor swift last night and it was FABULOUS
the office virgin seethes every time i mention it haha
would you let him suck you off?
i bought some black t-shirts after only wearing white ones
got toothpaste down the front of it and it looked a bit like a cum stain
not that i'd know haha
new house of the dragon epuisode made me tear up a little bit
why does he do it, lads?
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fuck that is a disgrace
i completely understand putting something like that on paper and being like 'yeh, how's this for some abstract thinking: the shit in walls and buildings goes on the outside' and getting claps from the professors and critics. but to actually build it is just not on
Never heard a Taylor Swift song in my life.
Yeah she said "F-w*rd the Patriarchy" haha I bet you loved it
Keep blogposting about it on 4chan, your social media platform
Just went for a swim in the sea, as I was coming out a wave made me trip and I fell on my knees. Then as I was going up the beach there was a steep bit and I fell right on my face, fat bastard belly covered in sand.

Had to waddle like a cunt to the nearest shower which had no pressure at all and wash my fluorescent white fat hairy belly off meanwhile fit tanned Spanish women were walking past me probably thinking look at the state of THAT

Never going back in the sea again ffs
how can you watch that wokeslop
turns out my boiler is turning the heating up to max if i switch it on, even if it's just turned to do hot water
just got out the shower and my flat is like a sauna
typical of my luck, that
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holy fuck this is grim
when did glastonbury become so shit?
don't even know like 80% of these literal nobodies
still haven't eaten anything
why are you at toil?
its just some black people rorke
fucking snorted out my nose at this, didn't think about how that sounded did I
Glastonbury was always a tarq festival
too many if you ask me
looks cool. other shite is shite
Why aren’t I you mean? I’m on leave for two and a half weeks :3
thats 1 stage out of 60 mate.
wish i could go glasto but im a poorfag with no mates
Dua Lipa, Coldplay, Keane, Cyndi Lauper, Shania Twain

Literally the only names I recognise on that list kek
it's the main stage though
who the fuck is SZA?
never even heard of the cunt and they're supposed to be headlining the whole festival?
who do you reckon has the biggest knob?
you don’t know pj harvey?
one of the african sounding fellas I reckon
just because you haven't heard of a few acts doesn't make the entire festival shit. are you prone to making low IQ outbursts?
Are they the ones that did the peep show intro?
back in the 90s me and a mate hitchiked there and broke in through the fence
probably the maddest thing i've ever done
i don't recommend hitchiking btw
dunno if you can still break into the festival, i expect security's a bit tighter these days
No who is he?
>the new
>clearly not
Big Rorke little Rorke swimming in the water
Every music festival need to be K-pop and Eurobeat
That all I listen to that all everyone else should listen to
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it doesn't get any better on the second stage
Nice one janster
Janny's done you mate
It can be done some lad did it the other year by climbing through a river tunnel and posted it on the 'tube
wahey based paedocuck
Me when I see a Chinese womans tight little asshole
Going to the yank one to punish the autistic one
Rare good yank post
I'd seeee err PJ Harvey and probs Coldplay fuck it lol

dogshit generally though

this stinks lmao
who's that

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