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he won
Wtf...capitalism actually works?
poverty has risen to 57% btw
turns out there's more to the economy than lines going up
But poverty rising is a line going up too
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But at what price?..
>line doesnt go up
heh this proves he is le bad
>line goes up
uhmm... there are more things in life than the line
there's no winning with zurdos de mierda
its not general inflation but only consumer good inflation, but yes he is saving argentina from "leftist" populist and keynesian trash.
he will be an example for the whole world to follow how to take out the trash
i would be more worries about the nafri fucking your wife manolo, who the fuck asked your opinion about a country thats 20 thousands km from your home?
This is the case in EVERY developed western state

Yes you. You can gut the federal state by 80%, and 95% of the economy/people won't miss a beat. They aren't even a fraction as useful as advertised, actually counterproductive mostly.
The line was never meant to rise for the poor, them living is an happy accident, not a goal.
No one ever got rich by feeding the poor.
So remember, when someone says "It's the economy, stupid", be class conscious and kick them in the balls.
zurdo de mierda spotted
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I don't want to hear meme statistics about lines and graphs, I want to hear from normal Argentinians (preferably 18-39 year old women) about whether or not their lives have noticably improved since he came into office.
Based and commiepilled

Everyone is brave enough to hate the rich. But are you brave enough to hate the poor? They're the ones constantly demanding things from the rest. They're the ones that create absolutely nothing other than problems.

Poverty is the default state. Prosperity is the goal, what creates prosperity? Not catering to the poor.
buenos aires has a whole ghetto just outside the urban centre with non-argentines. i guess the gibs stopped flowing
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inflation = afuera
cool, now pay taxes to bail out jp morgans gambling with high risk investment kek what a perfect useful idiot you are
No one's lifes improves during the implementation of an austerity plan. But it was necessary to stabilize the economy, and start fixing it so the economy can grow again.
as opposed to 50% before he took office + half of them live off welfare, they either work or die of hunger now

most hate him bcs le bad guy who current favourite arstist badtalks him!
>Sweep everything under the blanket with le socialist governments for decades.
It's good that they are finally taking the right steps and correcting their false statistics.
Bailing out big corporations is the summum of statism, my stupid friend
They only demand what was promised to them. Those 'gibs' you moan so much about were PROMISED to them by politicians who not only do not deliver but give the same 'gibs' to people like Elon Musk and Wall Street types.
A 100 starving kids two miles away from your very house could be fed with the golden toilet those Wall Street types shit on.
Go look at them in the face and tell them how you feel, how they're the problem, how they caused 2008 and shit.
Prosperity can wait, satiation is what's needed.
Libertarians can’t wrap their heads around the idea that simply pushing government aside won’t magically put people to work. That’s why their ideology can fix monetary and fiscal policies but it can’t fix unemployment or wages.

Sure it does. It's "austerity" for the government, not for the free working citizen. You never needed their regulatory burdens or overtaxation.
Maybe I'm stupid but isn't there always supposed to be some inflation?
I thought deflation was way worse.
youre so smart you should join the peronists and flag the lgbt and palestine flags for world peace
I mean some things are dead obvious. If there is such a thing as a ministry of women or feminism or some shit, you just know you can get rid of it immediately because it's being 100% useless. Nobody's even debating that Milei's sack of such idiotics is going to cause problems because everyone knows it's useless.
Keynesian trash gave you all of the successful economies of the 21st century. This retard is going to gut government spending and fail to build basic stuff like infrastructure and then when Argentines don’t magically create high GDP companies with high wages he’s going to go out and convince America mega corps and PE funds to buy up Argentina making Argentinians slaves to bankers and then he’ll brag about it while unemployment hovers around what is about appropriate for a third world country…
having to bail out banks in a "free market capitalist economy" by using taxes is a necessity in a failed system of capitalism my room temp (in siberia) IQ friend
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I sure would tell them how I feel. The poor are awful. Morally bereft, a mixture of stupid, violent, slothful, gluttonous, short sighted. They bicker and steal from one another and murder their neighbor over petty disputes. They stand in your face with no shame with a hand out asking for the money you earned fairly.

And we tell them "you're good people." "You're good, because you live in shit circumstances." Not "you are in shit circumstances because you're terrible and need to improve your station." Which is paradoxically the worst thing you could tell a stupid, lazy person.

No rich man has ever victimized me, and yet throughout my life I've been pestered, attacked, and squeezed for half of what I'm worth by or on behalf of the poor. So fuck the poor and fuck you.
>a kid dying of hunger
their parents responsability, niggers breed 7 8 kids off cheap cocaine and aids, his suffering is not my or jp morgan fault + 90% he ends like his parents
Libertarians are fucking retarded honestly. You really believe it’s as simple as “cut government spending”. That’s not how production works or has ever worked. States can spend to stimulate economies and private corporations can turn out to be economic vampires. Libertarians never get that because they are MORE ideological and utopian than Marxists.
its around 5% monthly, and currency has a crawling peg of 2% which is the goal (controlled low inflation)
Before him, we had

-Price controls
-Minimum and maximum pricing on items
-Minimun and maximum stock to offer on supermarkets
-'shelves law', where the goverment mandated WHICH items could be sold, WHERE and how MANY... literally the goverment measured the shelf and said how many centimeres were allowed to be alloted to a certain product...
-Law where goverment could intervene in any and all products
-'Price observatory' where goverment mafias roamad through supermarkets and applied fines if anything of the above wasn't as they wanted

As soon as he got into power he banned all of that. Now inflation is still a thing, but not even a fraction of what Peronists and their voodoo economics ever left

From the 50% he inherited…

Peronists destroyed what little foundation this country ever had.

And this is coming from someone who went from poor to middle class and realized the kind of special hell I existed in after the fact. We should be sterilizing and interning these people not building an entire society around catering to their parasitism. If you want prosperity, you must cater to and empower the prosperous, the achievers, not the dregs, that's backwards bullshit. Give the top 50% their time.
USA became great only because the government was extremely involved in industry, otherwise USA steel industry could NEVER compete with the britishers
There’s always supposed to be inflation like there’s always supposed to be a boom-bust business cycle (that is, there is if you accept modernist bank run economics when in reality you don’t have to).
????? The prices are as high as ever
Which means we’re living proof that it’s not so much a question of government spending but a question of what kind of government spending and how much.
>women owe me sex
Women's pussies dry up
>foreign businesses owe me money
foreign investment dries up
Yes it is that simple. Don't act like an economic incel and businesses won't be physically repulsed by you. Worked for Singapore.
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Absolute, utter bullshit, unless you mean "extremely involved" as being trade protectionism and tariffs
Yeah, we aren’t experiencing deflation. Inflation is just lowering its monthly rate
>unless you mean "extremely involved" as being trade protectionism and tariffs
Is protectionism not involvement?
My life has no improved bc life is fucking miserable as a thirdie regardless of the government.
You need to have inflation and all the other scams because that's how you can milk the normie nigger cattle more efficiently and win wars against other power structures and enemy states.
Is this the daily Argentina thread with experts on Argentinian history and economics pulling off the classic "let me tell you about your country"?
Risen to 57% from 56% probably

Not in a modern sense, it usually alludes to spending and domestic micromanagement. Socialists tend to hate trade protectionism.
Good, peronist parties gave gibs to boliguayos in exchange for their votes, and kept printing money to sustain those gibs while the regular argentine got bled dry.
A laburar, negros de mierda.
they were poor from the start, it has probably risen from something like 49 or 52%, why do people fail to mention the bad state the argie economy was and is still at, it wasnt a socialist paradise before the current government.
Every time an austerity plan is implemented, the economy drops in the short term. In Milei's case, the people's purchasing power fell, public infrastructure projects were suddenly stopped (many workers lost their jobs, provider companies sold less, etc.). If the austerity plan goes well and the economy stabilizes (and even better, if taxes are reduced), the private sector can grow in the middle and long term. However, in the short term, the economy will inevitably fall.
Who cares about poor people lol
them they die of hunger them, no more gibs
According to incels on 4chan, argentina was never a capitalist country before milei.
>Not in a modern sense
the government using policies to help industries is not considered their involvement? who enacted the policies then, private entities?
>before opening ANY business, you have to talk to all these regulatory entities, to these ONGs to see if you dont make them loose profit, pay all this taxes and ONLY sell this brand of products
It was and currently still is, a hellhole to invest and develop ANYTHING here
Argentinians elected him, hopefully they don't have tyrannical systems like the USA does where a man with a minority of the votes can hold office because "muh rurals".

They elected him, and if he's a real libertarian and not a LARPer he should be pro-immigrant, pro-LGBT and pro-woman. It sucks for the poor and the sick and the disabled, and that's why I don't like libertarianism. But maybe that's what they need right now, I don't know. At least he's not Bolsonaro (Trump with extra steps).
Spainanon is right. Nobody's lives got better in Poland in early 90s, but it was nevessary to build future economical success. Otherwise we would end up like Belarus or Ukraine.

Because modern globalists have taken over both sides of the political debate and have made tariffs/trade protections a non-starter. It would be described as fascist, just like Milei, because it targets rich internationalists.
0% inflation means prices will stay the same dumbass

What does that mean, "the economy?" Because GDP can rise for 10 straight years while wages stagnate, taxes rise, inflation rises, and people become functionally poorer.

Dollar for dollar you get jack shit back from the state for what you put in. If you were allowed to keep that for yourself, during their "austerity", you're objectively doing better. That's your money, in your damn pocket, not theirs to go give to a fat African.
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At least you dont end up like China.
He's destroying my country
>Bread is 2$, price increasing
>Bread is 4$ price increasing
>Bread is 5$, but inflation has stopped
>Bread will now be 5$ forever ,we stopped inflation!

Capitalism is a grim and fucked up reality.

>government prints endless bux
>this is capitalism

kek. If you had any nuanced understanding of economics at all you would know a deflation crisis is more in line with "capitalistic" issues.
Nonironically whole change of power happen cause EE commie states tried to liberalize the economy like China did, but failed.
Many of liberalization acts in Poland (e.g. Wilczek act whoch allowed to freely create private companies) was introduced by the last commie governement, the governement of Rakowski.
I take that over economy that is unable to produce even toilet paper and has to ration food, like we had in commie times.
>sure, let me just unspend all the gibs that we've paid for decades out of everyone's pockets through inflation and return the value of the currency to what it was decades ago

>commie times
there was no communism in the soviet union
>money printer go brrr meme is real life!
Bro stfu you are retarded.
Poland wasn't in soviet union shithead
you had economy based on soviet union models
Economic literate bros, why is deflation seen as the absolute devil by economists when it can improve people's lives in cases like this?
Poland was even worse before commie times. Everyone literally lived in 1 room shacks with dirt floors, and all the SOVL you see in Warsaw today was built by communist because it was 99% destroyed in ww2

keep coping this "in communism we had no food, everyone starved" propaganda you learn in school is lies.
semantic bargaining
Alright, how will prevent similar models when the next commie governement come in power?
Why invest money if keeping money in bank will make it worth more next year? You don't risk anything.

I'm not going to go into the minutiae of how exactly the Fed creates inflation, if you don't realize they do you're a fucking moron. They literally dictate the money supply, it's their job.
>all the SOVL you see in Warsaw today was built by communist because it was 99% destroyed in ww2
>commie governement
commie = workers control the production and have freedom. you had that? I don't think so
Again, how do you prevent similar failure of economy and totalitarism next time communists will come to power?
>I saw a wojak meme, copied it and believe it is 100% real lifeand how things work

You're dumbass.
>next time communists will come to power
they never came to power
"Soviet" literally means "co-op"
Is he reducing taxes for everyone?
Or is he just gutting services and keeping the tax money?
Money printing was pushed by wall street during covid to avoid a stock market crash so it's a flaw in capitalism that appears when you implement it to the real world. Your argument is like the people who say "nooo the USSR wasn't real comunism, textbook comunism is perfect and would never be like that"
names don't matter

Actually I'm an investor, I take cues from their actions, and you're a poor faggot
You know perfectly well what is meant when someone mentions commies in the cold war era and what commie policies are, but you are clinging to technicalities to avoid the meritum
>aykchuaylly wasnt real gombunism
Nobody cares faggot, we all know he means the policies enacted by russian commies and you're just acting as a retard.
>They're the ones that create absolutely nothing other than problems.

What definition of poor are you using?
Are burger flippers rich?
Toilet cleaners too?
>russian commies
russian commies were in power for 2 weeks and then they got killed. the others were as communist as north korea is a democratic peoples republic
Ehh, not exactly. Soviet means something more like "a council".
Yeah this. It doesn't matter if it's "real communism", "real conservatism", "real capitalism" if you can feel effects of such "not real" systems

Please don't be retarded enough to think that corporate interests can't intersect with statist/socialist ones. Socialism itself is the formal merger of the nation's megacorps with the state, an unholy alliance, and the death of medium/small sized businesses that might threaten their dominance.

What happened during the GFC was one more step towards the socialization of the economy. We went full bore Keynesian, we picked "too big to fail" megacorps to designate as under state protection/funding, we let small/medium sized businesses get fucked.

Keynesian economic theory is socialist, soft socialist. You don't direct the company per se, you direct economic headwinds by way of financial policy. It's a form of command economy and absolutely socialist. A non socialist, "capitalist" (you can't define that) system would allow failures to fail, economies to crash when necessary, winners to win and things to rebound organically, not try to avert catastrophe by way of mass QE and bailing out dying megacorps.
>-Price controls
>-Minimum and maximum pricing on items
>-Minimun and maximum stock to offer on supermarkets
>-'shelves law', where the goverment mandated WHICH items could be sold, WHERE and how MANY... literally the goverment measured the shelf and said how many centimeres were allowed to be alloted to a certain product...
>-Law where goverment could intervene in any and all products
>-'Price observatory' where goverment mafias roamad through supermarkets and applied fines if anything of the above wasn't as they wanted
incredibly retarded why was this even implemented to begin with
>Why invest money if keeping money in bank will make it worth more next year?
Poor and middle class people just keep their money in banks despite inflation because they don't have the knowledge nor the time to invest it. The "inflation good deflation bad" tale sounds like it only benefits the richer classes whose assets rise in value by just sitting there and doing nothing, while the humbler classes who are mostly money havers just become poorer and poorer.

These days, "dependents". The poor outside of the working class. Those at least partially on welfare, homeless/handouts, charity, or bouncing from place to place in entry level shit work, probably about 20% of our country here.
it collapses the economy, companies go broke and close, people stop being able to provide for themselves because of no jobs.
Basically you start to live in reality. Most of Europe has sudaca tier economies and only inflation and constant deficits keep the boat afloat, basically our standard of living has been going down gradually for decades but we havent completely collapsed it. The end game is the same, one option is just slower and therefore less painful.
The current system cant be fixed or reformed. A new system is need and it will inevitably mean a period of collapse as we change gears to actually have a true economy again.
Europe is just less fucked up version of Argentina. Only America got away and could still get away with the current system since it was specifically tailored and made for their hegemony.
Poor people doesn't have savings and don't invest at all, that's true. But e.g. in US a LOT of middle class do invest - it's not weird since stock market there is pretty good.
>richer classes whose assets rise in value by just sitting there and doing nothing
Yeah no shit, but if the rich man just keeps money in his pocket instead of building new factory, doesn't poor men who won't get a job feel the effects?
It's not 14th century, you don't pay with an actual gold.
Decades of rule by populists who try to sweep problems under the rug rather than take the hard decisions to solve economic troubles.
>why was this even implemented to begin with
The government is full of mobsters and strongarming people and businesses is what they do best.
The dude that implemented this is known for gathering all the prominent businessmen in the country, putting a gun on his desk and telling them "you either play ball or else".
So they do.
>Anonymous 06/24/24(Mon)09:36:49 >No.198951626▶


>Actually I'm an investor, I take cues from their actions, and you're a poor faggot
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Based retard.
based reddit strawman
If foreign policy is the only thing that distinguishes you from neocons then you are literally just a rightoid

>But muh revolution!!
Where? Is the revolution in the room with you right now??? Super larp coming from anyone in the USA
It's not a strawman when you literally repeat CIA propaganda....
Deflation is bad because it makes sitting on piles of money better than using that money to further improve the economy by investing. It means the economy is stalling and further incentives people to not spending their money and this hits the sales sending the economy further in the shitter etc
Look at what happened to Japan during the last 30 years
>in US a LOT of middle class do invest
This is why nobody can buy a house
how can anyone be an unironic socialist/communist with modern knowledge of genetics and heritability?
Yes, I get that it's good to help poor/stupid people because sometimes it benefits everyone, and it's no ones' fault they were born stupid or retarded. When people that say we need to refuse help to stupid people because they need to be punished for their bad choices, or that it's "not my problem", this is just cutting off your nose to spite your face.
But how can you unironically believe that everyone would be equal if not for capitalism or the state? You are like 400 years behind in science if you believe this. "All men are born equal" comes from Catholic theologians and was later co-opted by liberal anti-monarchists
> Only America got away and could still get away with the current system since it was specifically tailored and made for their hegemony.
giving guaranteed basic need & jobs is too radical for you?
better import billions of pajeet then
Based sole tankie of /int/
I want to live in a functioning country, and not a Darwinian Jungle. And why do you assume the rich are rich because of their genetics and not because of luck and scheming?
Learn to read, stupid shits.
Why would someone not deserve a decent life just because he's 5 points lower IQ than the average?
Learn to read

There is a reason why Jews quickly transitioned from petty organized crime to the government. It's the country's biggest and strongest mafia and it is literally funded by means of extortion of people and businesses.

Is "Darwinian" a bad word? Are you literally Christian? We know humans became superior because of cold hard evolution. Knowing this, how could you ever support a system and society that promotes the opposite? You're going to get the opposite of a functioning society because you think catering to the endless growth of the bottom tier retard is somehow a good thing.
So what's the point of your post? Noone is saying that everyone would be the same other than deluded tankies. People are simply arguing for social welfare nets and equal opportunities (as much as possible since richer people will always have some kind of advantage)

yes, if you are stupider than the average then suffer

only the strong survive, prosper and deserve happiness
It's not a monopoly on violence, it's 'rule of law'.
It's not a racket, it's 'taxes'.
It's not compulsory indoctrination and medication, it's 'public healthcare'.
It's all relative, though.
That's how you get half of your cities turned into shitholes full of homeless junkies while you're swarmed by pajeets

That we have gone far, far past the mark. It isn't a "safety net" anymore it's a bona fide dysgenic system. And they have only gotten fatter and more terrible for it.

What poor retards need is motivation. They need to be told they are poor, retarded, and need to work to add value, they need to build skills and contribute somehow. The worst thing you can do is tell an idiot he's righteous as it nullifies any potential for improvement.
Go to bed, Sergio Massa

Starts off harmless enough.

>we just need someone to protect our borders from invaders and handle basic policing

slowly turns into all of that stuff you just mentioned with time and creep. This country was founded on state skepticism because the founders knew state creep is constant, eternal, and the #1 threat to our long term success.
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How is this a fucking point? Welfare has never been higher and cities are shitholes full of junkies and pajeets. Lmfao what the fuck are you arguing my guy we are living in the worst timeline where we're simultaneously turbotaxed to fund the mass propagation of underclass goblins while also getting flooded with more underclass goblins from overseas.
>only the strong survive, prosper and deserve happiness
How do you hold this belief when the people that succeed are largely sons and daughters of people that have already succeeded? There are no self-made millionaires, you mutts know that better than anyone, all your heroes are sons of senators and/or friends with chairmen of big corporations.
What I read when I read shit like you post, is that you hold this soft-caste system in your head where some are inherently better than others. And if you believe that you might as well be a jeet.
It must be why your overlords like them so much, they know their place.
You missed the bit about social nets. I would rather pay more taxes and live in Finland where people aren't pushed on the streets than having to fend for myself against schizo fentanyl zombies
Because I made it clear in my post that I am not necessarily opposed to any of those things.
And as if social safety nets are the bedrock of socialism/communism.
It's a classic "motte and bailey": socialists claim that capitalism is the source of inequality, but when you challenge that they hide behind "we just want some social safety nets".
Anyone can support social safety nets without being a socialist: the biggest proponents of UBI are the Silicon Valley tech billionaires for God's sake.

But when some scientific author points out a possible genetic component to inequality, every socialist and communist professor in the world is instantly writing a response, calling it racist, unscientific.
This is really what they fear because it challenges the foundations of their ideology.
But there is no scientific contradiction between social programs and genetic inequality: even if people have genes that make them less intelligent or less athletic, does not mean we should not help them. I think you explained it nicely here >>198953459
(There's a genetic component to drug addiction too btw)
>current favourite arstist
vhghraaaah i hate women and womenbrained faggots so much raaaahh
Billionaires are the sons of doctors, lawyers and engineers, i.e. people of above average intelligence.

Darwinism is good. Survival of the fittest is the natural order. This is why its good that Jews control everything, they have the highest IQ. This is why white genocide is a good, because white women cannot resist the alpha dominant BBC.
If whites were superior, they would fuck their women better.
gorby should have pulled tiananmen square desu
plutocracy has not paid off for russia at all
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So whats you're idea from of government reddit spacing friend?
amerimutts, this is your future
He sure did
and the country is suffering because of it, and will continue to do that after he is overthrown by poors
I hope future God Emperor Preston Bezos II takes pity on you in the future when you're not needed anymore.
I see you sympathize with the poor, I guess that means you want to suck a homeless old man's dick?
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My god Americans do worship billionaires and call it Darwinism
Every single (non meme) left party in the western world is a soc dem party. People don't need to be socialists for disliking psychopathic cutthroat competition while the elite class is forcing the entire society into a race to the bottom with the third world
Who said anything about sucking homeless dick? Are you half-American by any chance? A bit obsessed there buddy
Cutthroat social Darwinism is poison, a loaded gun pointed from those who have to those who don't. Just pray nothing happens and you find yourself in the wrong end of that barrel.
Lord knows the Waltons would mercilessly stomp 1000 of you if it meant their bottom line was protected.
As this anon >>198954785 said, you don't need to be a socialist to dislike South Korean style capitalism.
Argie papus...is he actually doing a good job though?
BASED, now all we need are more tax cuts for the rich, surely the money will trickle down this time
I don't think we disagree about anything so far. I just try to balance my distrust of the rich/powerful with the understanding that some people are genetically gifted, in addition to luck or training. And in the end we'll never get rid of inequality unless we can find a way to end biology, because people will always try to get aj advantage for their own genetics.
Because you keep assuming that I must worship Bezos or Waltons, so I'm assuming you worship homeless schizos and junkies.
Call it what you like, Social Darwinism, eugenics, etc. Government policy is irrelevant: it's a reality that people will prefer their own offspring and give them advantages, even at the expense of others. That is biology, it's science. Do you think some meme ideology can defeat 1 billion years of evolution?
You need to actually be wealthy like South Koreans to have the downfalls of South Korean style capitalism. South Korea was also brutally poor with famines in the 70s and 80s. A lot of Koreans put their children up for adoption in US/UK/DE for a chance at a better life back in the 80s and 90s.
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invest in Argentina, you have until thursday
We already have those, they're called latinos
I never understood this. I'd wager even the poorest US hoodrat outearns your average East EUroid, and while the former is a homeless crackhead, the latter lives a frugal but relatively normal life (while being taxed more, and shit costing more in Europe).

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