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All Dressed Edition
Fabriquè au Canada, eh?

Well ain't that a fais do do
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I'm ta like 90° outside but it's a cool 62 in here
I was listening to this amateur rappers cd and he said "get it but n the morning like Alonzo" and it took me a while to figure out it was a reference to Alonzo Mourning
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I work at Wendy's, anyone wanna ask any questions about that?
Gotta stop eating ramen. It fucks with my stomach for some reason now.

I've started eating brussel sprouts like M and M's.ni fucking love brussel sprouts
Why don't the ice cream machines ever work
Sometimes Zoomers will say they like my band tshirts
Makes me think I should sell them to those little retards for 100 bucks a pop
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There's gotta be a way to earn passive income
Your problem is probably eating instant ramen, my grandpa (he's like a very old school weeb) makes good ramen.
Oftentimes when we go about an hour without anyone ordering a frosty it might freeze into a ball and block the machine. We usually proceed to put the machine on "wash" to melt a bit, but if we forget the frosties come out like a soup.
Ice cream soup is a great idea. Half melty slushy ice cream with crumbles up Oreos, m and Ms and nuts served in a bowl with a spoon
Anyone know why racist white men are more likely to marry brown or black women than nonracist white men?
It's just a /pol/ meme it's not really that observable or likely. I blame it on a lot of "white racists" just being shock jock wannabes making jokes
had a bad dream last night
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I want lunch now but it's only 9:15
>had a bad dream last night
Boo fucking hoo what do you want? Want us to blow you for it? Fuck off.
I like to make my own cheap soups in winter. My favorites are split pea, mixed bean, or lentil. Probably comes out to under 50 cents a serving.
I love bean soup. And onion soup as well. I'm a soup afficianado. Tomato bisque with crostini is super good
need YOU to suck my pp
How embarrassing is it that some Arab/Greek guy is born in El Salvador and finally does what all of Latin America's revolutionaries and leaders have failed to do
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How embarrassing is it to fall for some dictator's blatant totally bullshit propaganda?
>he wasn't aware of the fact that Christian Arabs have been the Latin American elite for a hundred years
op of this thread did not link it in previous. ignore mine.
Feel free to elaborate, globalist shill
I don't get it
Why are we ignoring the one that linked to previous
cause mine was made later than op's
But you didn't mention that in
It's like you're bringing up multiple unrelated things at once and idk if I'm too sleepy to follow this or if you're just not making sense
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Currently watching youtube. I'm in love with Reina Mishima
Blacks are the world’s greatest poets and thinkers
They have some clever lines
I don't have to, Bukele is just a liar. He's doing the typical dictator gambit of doing a big and stupid thing that looks effective while doing very little things that are proven to fix crime. What's going to happen is El Salvador will see a slight crime drop, he'll act like it's a bigger deal than it is, and things will go back to normal. His main goal, really, is to just destroy the country's unions and sell off state assets to his family and other oligarchs. We've seen Mussolini, Hussein, and every other dictator do this exact thing. The things that actually drop crime long-term are very expensive and slow so people don't celebrate or care about them. That's why this big stupid display is celebrated while the actually effective but less visible efforts in America that dropped crime to historic lows pre-pandemic and is stomping out the pandemic-triggered crime wave isn't.

Also, he's a neoliberal, he's literally a globalist.
They have cow farms where you can buy a ticket to get in and they let you pet cows all day
Cute cow with a fat sow….
Are you clairvoyant or a mind reader
imagine being such a yuppie you pay for the privilege of touching some livestock
It's not just that. It's an animal sanctuary, they save cows, alpacas, llamas etc from all sorts of horrible situations and try to find them new homes
Actually excited for this remake t b h
Me too. Best game ever made
Bbl drizzy
I'll show you what I'm alpackin'
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Now where the goshdarn heck have all the Canadians gone?
humiliation ritual
Protesting to not get deported
Working blue collar, I run into a lot of guys who are rude cunts, and then I think "oh he's a thick skinned tough guy so I can be honest with him about mistakes or banter with him" and it turns out he's just a pussy
Used to do water damage restoration from 2016-2021
Lots of people would see that I'm white and then start ranting about nonwhites needing to be deported and the US needing to bring in more immigrants from Europe
Didn't want to get fired so I never told them I don't disagree
yeah trades are full of the saltiest cunts on earth. i really believe the prospect of working with a bunch of bitchasses with hypertension is what keeps people out of them more than a fear of hard work
Yeah fr. A lot of guys think they're the fucking glue that holds society together because they use a machine at work. I really hate my supervisor because he refuses to train new employees because "kids these days are the worst". I train them just fine. Some mf's really don't think ahead.
I want to be a European immigrant to the US….
>Saar do you see? Saar, we are alike! Saar, we are brothers! I love Tim Hortons! No deportation, saar!
I saw a Wendy's in the UK the other day, probably the first time I've seen one.
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im so stupid there was another thread and i posted in it and was wondering where the heck everyone was
good morning anyway
Why the fuck do you call chicken sandwiches "chicken burgers" when the burger is the ground meat patty? A chicken burger would be ground chicken. A burger is a sandwich, not its own category of food.
It's like McDonalds but the burgers are thicker and the fries are thrown out every 30 minutes.
American culture is too advanced for *r*p**ns
The definition of a burger is too complex
>the prospect of working with a bunch of bitchasses with hypertension is what keeps people out of them more than a fear of hard work
100% what happened with me
Tbf I never got fired for my mistakes, but I couldn't stand being yelled at.
this sounds amazing i mean just look at him
i used to go and feed pears to the neighbors cows it was an activity i enjoyed very much
Check the catalog before making new threads.

Cbtrl+F is your friend
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Gen X assholes have been hyping the new Eminem song for weeks, because it's "offensive" and "anti-woke." That Em "bought Shady back". I listened to it, he just called people gay and had a shitty trans-cat joke. Shady was investigated by the secret service for saying he wanted to kill Bush, if this is the best he can do we're truly fucked.
Spinster is gonna be a pro 4channer in no time at this rate
I still kind of liked it because it didn’t sound as faggy as the shit he’s been releasing the past 20 years

Yeah I used to be a ranch hand in Sun Valley. A young cow almost killed me. Fucker was strong as a bastard and we had to move it to another pen, only she didn't want to be moved. I'm pretty good damned strong but I'd never felt so weak as when rassling with that cow
Eminem has ALWAYS been a politically correct industry rapper. He's never beefed or dissed anyone controversial and only said "faggot" when even Hillary Clinton and Joe biden weren't on board with the fags yet
I went to a shooting pit cleanup yesterday and removed like 34 contractor bags worth of plastic trash. Looks much better now
I can't believe I did it again. Cntrl. Fuck.
thank you janny for doing the work we usually delegate to prison slaves
Anon you messed up again
You are cute
Fuck you want, a boutonniere?
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Is the HappyConsoleGamer a Canadian icon?
Prisoners clean roads and highways and stuff. This is an (un)official shooting area that the DNR wants to keep open but doesn't want to accept ultimate responsibility for. I get it, for them it's a completely different beast to allow shooting in an area to sanctioning it officially, but since people trash the hell out of them, the only way to keep them open is volunteer clean ups
God forbid someone do something nice
its okay buddy i mess up all the time
cows are really strong i definitely wouldn't mess with one, if you couldn't handle a young cow i definitely couldnt lol. but if they just want scrubbins and to be fed pears and stuff than i can do that no problem. sometimes the pears would start fermenting and the cows would get drunk and go wild and start kicking their back legs and falling over it was really funny
I want Candice Owens to dom me
I don't want anything except a nice place to shoot nearby. Also I hate people that dump trash in the woods, that's nig tier behavior
good on you anon thats a nice thing to do
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Yeah, cows are based. I miss being out in nature surrounded by livestock like my ancestors were. Fuck city life
Morning Cody

To us, a burger is a slab of something in a burger bun (or "bap"). So a chicken breast fillet (perhaps deep fried) in a burger bun would be a chicken burger.

We don't consider burgers to be sandwiches. We normally only call something a sandwich if it uses sliced bread. So a chicken fillet in between sliced bread would be a chicken sandwich. If you replace the sliced bread with a bread roll, then it would be a chicken roll. If you replace the roll with a baguette, then it would be a chicken baguette.

Interesting, maybe I should try it. Taco Bell opened in the UK in the last few years as well and I should try that too.
Yes. There are some crimes that deserve a special sort of punishment. We should bring back lashing.
So you're telling me you decided to reject our definition despite us creating it? Interesting.
please give me (You)s aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
i want that hat lmfao
apple skins irritate my throat so i like pears more, they taste better anyway
yeah living in the city sucks, im guessing you are having to live there for work. im totally fine with taking the drive to the city, i really dont want to live there
>Hamburger, named after the city of Hamburg, Germany
>we made this :) USA USA USA
Go to Hell
It wasn't invented in Hamburg. It was an innovation by German immigrants
Well we created sandwiches, they were invented by the 4th Earl of Sandwich, who was British

Here you go lad

Good post
Crazy how anything you could possibly think of is for sale online
I will
I can hear the AC in this picture
They named it after the city because it resembled something from there. They didn't invent it
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thank you
Just make controversial posts like this >>198957505
no you wont
It's not controversial. It's just plain wrong.
im too retarded to make controversial posts
I wonder what it's like living with AC. It's very rare for someone to have it in the UK. I turned on my fan today because it was a slightly warm 24 C (75 F). Sure that's not crazy warm but the sun was pretty strong so I was pretty hot when I got back home.
Dude being a corpo goy is freaking awesome. I don't get why people talked about it like the worst thing ever. Sure you're basically a pet. But one of those extremely well taken care of pets that basically lives in lavish comfort. Air conditioning, 3x my previous salary, amazing benefits, work from home, great food, gym access, the list goes on. This shit is amazing, I worked the lowest tier wageslave labor since I was a teenager and by contrast this is on an entirely different level. So comfy.
i cant imagine living without ac
you're not retarded just say that you like pineapple on pizza or something
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AC is the one thing I don't hate about modern society. It has been and will be 62 degrees in my house until summer ends. It's going to be 98 degrees out today, but that doesn't matter at all to me
Where I live it was 106 F yesterday, which is around 40.5 C. Imagine it being that hot first, then AC becomes an absolute necessity. At 75 F I don't even need AC
i really like this post, i have this same mindset
It’s only necessary because your ancestors left your ancestral home, in which you would be comfortable, and moved to some uninhabitable desert or swamp
>tfw I get to sit in my own air conditioned office with a stocked breakroom sitting on a $1000 office chair doing almost no fucking work all day while making more money in a week than I did in two months at my old job
>Gen Xers and Boomers would say that this is the worst thing ever and they want to kill themselves or leave everything behind and work at a Walmart
My ancestors were from west Africa, I doubt it'd be much cooler there
Yet we inhabit it. Sounds like a win to me. Also, I see right through you.
Are there any Showa mf's here? I just feel like /cum/ is a very Heisei-centric space.
They were such plebs. Im ashamed i fell for their lies for so long
I'm a Sengoku enjoyer meself
Ummm much of the southwestern US was mostly uninhabited during hotter months and climate change has raised average temperatures
I can only get a couple of 5 flavors of lays: american sour cream n onjon, india magic masala, tomato, west indies chili, and default what should I do?!
>climate change
fake news
Oy gevalt it’s anuddah Shōwa
i usually just get the plain ones but the tomato ones sound interesting
Climate change and tranny shit are gonna be those things where people in 300 years say "how could people back then be so stupid, I'd be one of the enlightened few who didn't go along with the bullshit" while following whatever psyop of that time period is
Lays are very thin and fragile chips, you shouldn't really be flavoring them beyond their default flavors. Do you have ruffles? They're more sturdy and you can really flavor them better.

As for the flavors you listed, i've had west indies chili and I love those. Those are rare in America for some reason, so enjoy.
Nobody likes being a corporate slave though so I think those movies made sense. You can have a corporate job, sure, but you can't let it consume you. Never sell your soul to the company. Leave for a better company or a better job if you have to.

>62 F
>17 C
That's a bit chilly

I will guess you live in the southwest because I think that's where the US gets those temperatures. That is pretty hot.

Pretty much all Canadians are immigrants. In fact even First Nations people would have migrated to Canada by crossing the Bering Strait.
The tomato flavor is quite adequate for satiation of cravings whilst under the influence of alcohol which admittedly I currently am.
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You fuckers don't get it. I'm gen x, and you're doing the same thing they did.

When we look back to how good the Boomers had it, work one job you got on a handshake. Work 8 hours a day on minimum wage and could afford a house, a car and 2 kids, take family vacations twice a year, have enough money left over to save

Compared to our
Jump through endless hoops and go into debt to get a degree to work a soul crushing office job while making just enough money to live. Unless we inherited a house there was no way we were gonna be able to buy one and had to rent an apartment for the rest of your natural life
>Pretty much all Canadians are immigrants. In fact even First Nations people would have migrated to Canada by crossing the Bering Strait.
You’re broadening the category of immigrant to such an extent as to render it utterly meaningless. Is Britain a nation of immigrants on account of the Anglo-Saxon or Norman invasions? Are the Saxons themselves immigrants to Germany, based on their Steppe Aryan origins? My ancestors are conquerors and pioneering settlers, not immigrants. Immigrants are social parasites who show up later to leech off of my ancestors’ hard work, and steal/ruin my birthright.
>soul crushing office job
No you were just delusional about how special and great you are and how you'd become a world famous painter or a rockstar if you had just followed your dream
An office job is not soul crushing compared to being a construction worker
you should order a pizza if you're drinking, thats what im currently craving anyway
i think there was some kind of mixup i didnt order an apu, he is cute though so i think i can make it work
>That's a bit chilly
Not when it's hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk outside
>An office job is not soul crushing compared to being a construction worker
soft hands typed this
a cup of darjeeling tea gives me more of a caffeine rush than a full litre of coffee.
Yeah, we were all told we were gonna be rock stars when we grew up and it sucked that we were sold a bill of goods
had to give up caffeine because it was giving me headaches and panic attacks
>soul crushing office job
This is the most comfortable and chill job ive ever had.
>Is Britain a nation of immigrants on account of the Anglo-Saxon or Norman invasions?
Yes, of course
>Are the Saxons themselves immigrants to Germany, based on their Steppe Aryan origins?
Yes, of course
>My ancestors are conquerors and pioneering settlers, not immigrants
Lmao. You're basically saying "we wuz kangz" which people on 4chan always mock.

But surely an inside temperature of 62 F will be the same temperature regardless of how hot it is outside
i think i might make some tea a little early today im foggy this morning
i don't blame you some people just can't do caffeine, they get the shakes and their heart rate goes crazy. sorry anon
I am not reaching enlightened forms of truth
I used to work in construction my man
My office job is construction related
>But surely an inside temperature of 62 F will be the same temperature regardless of how hot it is outside

Since you don't live in a desert I don't expect you to understand, but there's something special about having your house be unnaturally cold when it's scorching hot outside.

It makes me hard. It's a testament to mans ingenuity, and a big F you to mother fucking nature. When you step outside and it feels like you're in an over, then you step back inside and it's too cold to wear shorts...THATS living, my friend.
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Even at work I have the AC at 62
What's the toy in the kid's meal rn?
you should really knock first apu
but yes, what do you need
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need a hug
How do people make memes? Like if I wanted to make a meme with different wojaks and Pepe's talking to each other, how do I do it insofar as finding all the images I want and sizing them properly and using the right style of text or whatever
I know obviously I could do it all in mspaint by constantly resizing everything but I feel like there has to be a simpler way
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Git gud with Photoshop or paint shop pro. Hell I still use Paint shop pro 8 to make memes and that program is like 15 years old
Wow that's so fucking lame
Preparing to tell my psychiatrist my fake feelings today. If I told her my real feelings...WHOO boy...
I'm a grown man but lately I've had the urge to play with some toy airplanes.
what do you want to fuck her?
You can't be involuntarily committed unless actively suicidal w/ a plan AFAIK.
The Anglo-Saxons are obviously not immigrants to Britain, and you’re operating with a retarded definition of immigrant if you think so.
>Lmao. You're basically saying "we wuz kangz" which people on 4chan always mock.
The fundamental joke with “we wuz kangz” is that people who say that were not kings, but slaves; that their assertion is false. My ancestors conquered these lands by force of arms from other groups, and then built up this society from nothing, meaning the assertion that they were conquerors, colonists/settlers, and not immigrants is incontrovertibly true, and not “we wuz kangz” tier.
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thank you anon
no he just doesnt want to get sent to a psych ward, if you have suicidal ideations they will throw you in one of those and youll get a free pair of grippy socks
theres nothing wrong with doing model stuff tons of guys do that
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it's raining cumbums
Oprah banger
They were DC heroes last winter, like little Batman and Wonder Woman statuettes. I got a Batman one because I just like the guy.
You can study more if you want to know more of the truth

Fair enough. I read the other day about artificial indoor ski slopes they have in the Middle East, in places like Dubai. They keep the temperature indoors at close to freezing point I think. While the outside temperature is very hot. It must use a lot of energy.
Pirating that software just to make memes feels kind of weird
Then don't do it. The fuck you want
Gimp is a good free alternative
We only get ruffles here. It's the default. I decided to get crusted thai peanuts instead as well as a final beer. Celebrating my first date in more than a decade.
I'd order pizza if anything was still opened. Everything closes at 9 here.
>The Anglo-Saxons are obviously not immigrants to Britain
Yes they literally were. Britain was previously inhabited by Celts, before the Anglo-Saxons travelled over from continental Europe. But even the Celts came from continental Europe themselves. And I think most scientists these days think that all humans originally came from Africa anyway.

>people who say that were not kings, but slaves; that their assertion is false
There were black kings, as well as black slaves. There were also white kings, and white slaves (e.g. Roman slaves).

>My ancestors conquered these lands by force of arms from other groups, and then built up this society from nothing
They were given tons of technology and knowledge by the places from which they came. And they probably stole shit from the people they encountered in the Americas.
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Dumb nigger
Oh neat, thanks man :)
thank you arkansas
You still seem confused (or deliberately obtuse) about the obvious distinctions between immigration, conquest, and settlement
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Incidentally I do want to fuck her, but also don't want to get committed for suicidal thoughts
>Arkansas, California, Louisiana
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Built for BBC (Big BRICS Cock)
I dont know why california has to grow so much fucking rice when it requires so much fucking water and we're constantly in drought
I once met a Bhutanese guy on facebook. We were friends for nearly a year after which I never heard back from him.
There's no way in hell I'd ever talk to a goddamned shrink, probably trained by one of them feminist pinko commie negro-loving Jew universities to subvert ordinary people.
My man Bhutan

I'm smoking Bhutanese shadowgarden-grown Dark Evil Pack™
you cant be "good" at mental illness everyone has a different outcome and i think they just hate women in the first place
You can't be this stupid
it's a foid
Going to break 100 da greece soon
Where my heat chads at?
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Facebook is the only link to the outside world they have here besides tiktok. Every bhutanese dreams of moving abroad and making lahks then they get to NYC and realize their $15 per month and a construction worker isn't much better than their NYC janitor job.
Epic weed.
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thankfully god is good, and I'll be just shy of the century mark
I'm really out here. Just took a shower. Having a tomato and then off for a light workout at the local air conditioned commercial gym, side delts and cardio.
if your ac is lower than 70-72 you are retarded or fat, or both.
*opens a window*
Me? I like my AC set at 76
Do you, yourself, eat Wendy's food?
My fat friend always kept his domicile at like 15C/59F and I’d have to put on a sweater when visiting in summer
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at least it is raining in this shithole
There are no such distinctions, you just want to claim that your ancestors were objectively superior to the ancestors of other ethnicities, when in fact that's not the case.
Why do you associate with fats?
The only time I use that shit is during a heatwave like last week, it's like 27 right now outside and I'm totally fine with the windows open.
Heh yeah

Ma addò staje?
Notice the past tense
Ali gets angry when people who are not fucked in the head dont approve of them harming others.
who the fuck do you think you are?
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that ain't serbian lol my translate gives me corsican
Sounds like you are probably being deliberately obtuse, as you’re an unwelcome foreigner in Britain. That, or you’re a White Briton and hate yourself.
I love whygena
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That was bing doing bing stuff

It’s Neapolitan
Fuck off 190
If you fucks keep bruning cars on my country i will fucking burn cars in your fucking country.

When is hurricane season?
you'd say Di dove sei if you werent an italian far up their own ass
white christians are the worst thing that has ever happened to humanity, maybe ever. and if you're a white christian remember where your real roots are, who your real ancestors were.
feels good man
Was supposed to start this month but nothing on the horizon.
Do they do it in the soulful rice paddy way?
>air quality: poor

VGH, los angeles...
What are you on about?
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Look these two dragonflies got stucked by the dick LMOA
More like fagonflies amirite?

Imagine being all hot and sweaty from dancing at the club then this banger comes on....the buildup, then BY THE OOWER OF RA and the beat drops? BEDLAM, man the whole place goes insane
I hate anything above 70.
who are your real ancestors, baltic man?
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>I hate anything above 70.
yeah but clubs/raves suck by and large
That's just your misanthropy talking
The body doesn't use the oxygen we breathe for energy otherwise we'd be eating all of the time
That's why we drink water
I get hot real quick and easy
How fat are you? Be honest chubster
* 141lbs at 188cm.
My ancestors were the last people in europe to be crusaded by white christians and they never really fully subjugated us so we are among the few that haven't been bluepilled by the white christian menace who uses religion as a tool for enslavement and control. Finally defeating the christians and banishing them from these lands and returning it to it's rightful owners is one of the most heavily celebrated national holidays here and is essentially a giant party (it was yesterday)
Those are crane flies sir
>Sounds like you are probably being deliberately obtuse
Obviously I'm not. If a person moves to live in a new country then they're a migrant; an emigrant from the country they left, and an immigrant to the country they entered.
You’re an American expat diplomat
What I love most about baby boomers is that you'll get guys like David Brooks recounting how he was an indifferent student in high school who ended up graduating with all Bs and Cs, and then he'll talk about how he got accepted into the University of Chicago that fall.
Heat is for poor thirdies that can't afford proper clothing or climate control.
fake news
It does use it for energy. Just not directly
Lake peipus or tannenburg
Do ya think I’m sexy
post your feet
Hmm OK
How big is it?
The only two battles I'm aware of that effectively ended the crusades, I was asking if it's a celebration of the victory at peipus or tannenburg (or glunwald I guess it's also called) or am I completely off base here
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im stank ass nigger
that song aged awfully
quit talking about yourself like that
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Anywho, we talk a lot on here about how Dominoes really stepped up their game and now they mog pizza hut, but Shakey's has a pizza on its own level which is unfuckwithable.

Plus, they have potato wedges that simply can't be faded. They have salad and chicken and pasta that's all on point. They're more like a proper restaurant than a dominos or pizza type place
Only hot white men marry black/brown women
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Southern Belle
toxic positivity and fake niceness allowed this to happen
its nice that she got to participate and everything but come on honey you ain't no prize
Battle of Võnnu (1919). The natives here were subjugated by a ruling class of Germans instituted after the end of the baltic crusade. There were many uprisings in those years and the final victory was officially achieved in 1919, after which the German ruling class was final solutioned and the last remnants of the white christian tyranny was destroyed
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Wonder how Goshy feels about this
México es horrible.
every night Im in my car
chugging vodka
i wish you would stop doing that
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sexo con mejican cummy bummy
How conservative is your cunt? Asking cause 70% seem to be agnostic.
O I was thinking way earlier than that
white christian conservatism isn't the same as conservatism in other countries so i really don't know how to answer that
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Someone in Florida spray painted over 30 Tesla Cybertrucks with the words "Fuck Elon"

In my view, this is unimaginably based

Do you have brothels, red light districts and overall degeneracy?
it's actually quite astonishing, kind of like the native people in america somehow defeating the U.S.A and sending all the white people back to europe in year 2400
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what's your story anon?
you always got uplifting thing to tell everyone, something tells me you suffer more than all of the losers here and it kind of fucks with me that such a pure kindhearted soul has to deal with this
hopefully god has mercy on our souls
Really wasn’t that big of a deal
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everybody STFU, Im watching anime
And there’s no distinction between armed conquest and wogs moving somewhere for free gibs, right?
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im so fucked up my thumbs cant reply properly to a post >>198961899
>overall degeneracy
This is a very subjective thing, you're going to have to be pretty specific. White christians are one of the most degenerate people I can think of.
>brothels, red light districts
these are illegal here. almost all hookers and sex workers are russians and almost all of them are in narva or tallinn
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Kill yourself
take the L man it's over. you lost.
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Very deep
>you're going to have to be pretty specific
We are a fairly prudish society and I have difficulty comprehending what it means to live in a cunt with no religion.

Why are they illegal?
Fast food in 2024: "feel a bit sad? Depressed?"
Hey guys it's time for another incelwalk soon
stop molesting Edinburgh's sewage rat's population
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im fine, i definitely have my own problems but they are comparatively small and don't really matter. but i just cant stand to see someone slowly killing themselves with alcohol and thinking so little of themselves. i feel the need to say something and at least attempt to reach out, because it's plainly obvious that you're not a bad person, you're just going through a tough time, i have the "worthless lower than dirt" feelings too sometimes so i know where you're coming from .
hey hey hey what did I fucking tell you about your furfaggotry pictures you bitch ass nigger
Did mine already. Thots ruined it.
first you have to realize how many systemic problems in your society are actually caused by a thousand years of christianity and how many of your fundamental beliefs are based on christian propaganda lies. it's hard to describe really.
Nigga shut up
Get your nipples piecerced
I will punch you very hard
All of it is just people moving to new places because they think it will give them a better life.

Personally I don't see my ancestors as more noble than the ancestors of people in different parts of the world. I think both my ancestors and their ancestors were human beings who wanted the best for themselves, and it's entirely possible that both my ancestors and their ancestors did things that we would today consider immoral. Or maybe only one of those sets of ancestors did. Who knows.
>why are they illegal
these establishments are often the root cause of so many problems in society. sex work itself isn't illegal but any sort of business selling it is.
Obscurantist nonsense
Kaja Kallas should be a sex worker because I’d tap
you are a very sweet and considerate person, I wish you have someone dear to you close and live great memories. Dont worry about randos on 4chan we dont deserve any better
Ki really need to get some kind of cologne
I hope I win the current argument and get my own way, otherwise there was a lot of lost work for me in the future
Burger King already did this a few years ago
Imagine getting triggered by a little smiley on a cardboard box. jesus christ
I’m going to see the Pet Shop Boys in concert this Friday :-D
stop replying to mousenonce
>my ancestors GOOD
>their ancestors BAD
You're not being objective, you're biased in favour of your own ancestors

Excellent post
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Use this for the new
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anime of the year

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Is being from the USA and trying to date women in Mexico considered scummy? I just like Mexican women honestly. But I don't like the stigma of being like a "Sex tourist" or whatever. But I also don't want to get used by Mexican women. Or maybe that is just all memes.
The way you're doing it will be perceived as creepy
>my cat: yawns
>me: sticks my finger in her mouth

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