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>all boards love them except /int/
because they are rude as fuck for no reason
nigga no one loves them
Chuds love Japan for some reason
Int is the least chuddy board
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Land of the rising loli fetish.
/int/ is contrarian normalfag twitter board
because we actually have japanese
japanese have their own internet. It's like Chinese. Anyone posting from over their is probably some sexpat weirdo typing broken english just to pretend.
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/int/ is the only board that has a notable amount of jap posters and it has both netouyos and zainichis and they do false-flagging too
no wonder people hate it
also, /int/ has lots of kinds of asians and japan can be hated by lots of them for obvious reasons
i don't think /tv/ likes japan, ethier
that's also kinda true. almost nobody cares about real japan. people normally only care about japan on a myth level
Every jap I’ve met (I live in NYC so quite a few) are fucking awesome if you’re not a loser. They are the perfect archetype for “normally uptight guy being dragged into a 1AM drunken adventure”. When they let down that barrier they are awesome. Start chanting Banzai if you see this…
>zainichi keep walking, this is a Jomon neighborhood
i care about japan
i would try to learn your language and interact with you in your threads but i'm more worried about having enough money to be a neet right now
even in a thread with full of weebs posting anime on /sp/, it's kinda getting awkward when i post there with a japanese flag
they like anime and they like ''japan'' but it's not like they actually like japanese
a japanese man is, after all, just an asian that they normally look down
the problem is that you aren't female
otherwise they would worship you
I don't hate Japan. I'm just sick of Takeshi spams.
>jap posters
More like Davido and Rodrigo larpers
/v/ is turning on them slowly
well it might be more tiresome from a japanese perspective
This. OP overdosed autism. Nobody cares much about them
shut up you're just that weird "polish" hater
everyone loves japan
normies treat japan like a theme park they don't see you as actual humans but as characters
i can't help but think the level of dehumanization against japanese is pretty incredible
it feels like japs aren't supposed to be a victim of anything
sometimes i feel like people see it as a meme and not a real country
>Int is the least chuddy board
i think so too
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You drank too much autism again, faggot. Even on chuddier and weebier boards such as /v/ or /int/ i seen many distaste of or even anti-jap attitudes and thats the tip of iceberg. OP is a cocksucker queer again
Are you never on during Asian hours? The Netouyo wake up and start rambling about some brainless conspiracy shit all the time.
honestly it's not fair to only mention them
there was a ''jap'' poster that makes at least 5-6 anti-japan threads per day but you guys don't care
things like that are two sides of the same coin
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too much praises about japan and too much condemns about japan are also two sides of the same coin
you may think they are opposing to each other but it's the same thing in a sense
Hmmm, to be honest I'd rather be in the most dangerous tourist spot of Japan, compared to the safest place of Detroit.
There are many anti-Japanese Koreans and Chinese on this board.
have you seem their posts?
jap flags on /int/ are the borrow of the barrel of japan, incels, losers, you name it
I honestly don't give a flying fuck about their "opinions"
I've been to japan btw and have a japanese GF, nihonjins are quite nice and welcoming
I saw this video the other day of a nipponjin performing live surgery on a fish with his 6 yo girl, replacing its blood with hot sauce
it was very informative
i like them except the schizo
what the hell
so you don't like them
most of them have been nice except that one guy
the schizo is the only non mexican japan flag poster
Because we have them.
Anti-Japanese propaganda by Koreans and Chinese.
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I love them
Anon I ignore all the silly ramblings by your flag because they're all nonsense from various brands of netouyo.
The shit you guys talk about sounds far too similar to the schizo Jeet ramblings for comfort, and I don't want it to taint the image of Japan I have from having lived there. Nice people, nobody is a rabid maniac like on here.
Flags mean we know how retarded their posts are
Honzuki Gekokujo adaptation had less than 24 episodes per season.
>all nonsense from various brands of netouyo.
Anon it's not like I don't want to admit there are many Jap schizos out there but I think you guys have a problem with being fair to Japs in general
There were tons of threads made by ''Jap'' posters and were obviously anti-Japan as well
I don't come to /int/ much these days but there were times that there were often literally 10-20 anti-Japan threads at the same time in ''asian time'' back then
Sorry but you are being biased here, not me
My only exposure to Japanese people is a small sushi shop in my small town, they are the nicest and most polite folk.
And I'll be honest. The only "Japan bad" threads I've seen instantly devolve into screeches over zianichi. I assume they're bait that netouyo easily fall for, and so if they even are as prevalent as you think I just ignore it.
And honestly if there's any disproportionate hate it's probably because the netouyo posters were making asinine threads again. Same shit happens whenever any flag is being overtly retarded, they get hate threads.
I will never forgive them for creating anime
They promoted a LOT of degenerate media.
you should be drawing anime, not arguing with americans here
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I assume you are asian (don't get me wrong, this is not ''you must be chinese/korean!!'') and I think it's basically impossible to convince you you're biased here so it can't be helped and it's a ''agree to disagree'' situation
But it's almost unbelievable to me that you genuinely think like that if you aren't utterly biased

I've really seen countless ''canadians'' who are obsessed with japan make multiple hate threads like every day
There were obviously korean americans obsessed with Japan too, and there are literal zainiches too.
>The only "Japan bad" threads I've seen instantly devolve into screeches over zianichis
And that's far from the reality I know
Normally a non-Jap posts something like ''it's zainichi'' ironically in "Japan bad" threads before Japan mention zainichi

If you are serious, I genuinely recommend you to go see archives and see what it's like without cherry-picking threads yourself
And again, I'm not claiming there are no Japs like you say. I'm saying it's both, and I'm pretty sure that ''things like that are two sides of the same coin'' is a pretty balanced opinion
You don't have to choose a side between the Jap netouyo schizo and the anti-Jap schizo
You just can say they are both schizo
It seems to be more and more difficult for people to take an attitude like this nowadays
most Japanese posters are not even real Japanese, just people using VPN
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Claiming 'It's zainichi' is a meme because I've once posted a picture of Japanese schoolgirls without make-up and some Japanese flag said that they're actually Korean. They weren't, but he insisted. The next day I saw that same image with 'korean schoolgirls' as the headline being posted by a Japanese flag. It was the most surreal interaction I've ever seen. This was the image.
I could have saved them
Well I'm not Asian. I've lived there for a bit, but am a midwesterner.
I'm not. I think I made it clear that I'm not. I look down on both in equal measure. Not in an active manner so as to actually look into things, but in a passive manner as I see two groups of losers being losers.
My entire first post was simply pointing out how Japs on /int/ act like silly angry losers. The Netouyo stick out to me the most because I had a heated discussion with one who was trying to convince me that my Japanese friends secretly hate me, so maybe that's why I brought them up?
Either way not having perfect impartiality does not mean a person is biased. Please get off the internet is my suggestion.
I wonder how many posters are actually Japanese and how many are tourists/English teachers (like me) and weebs.
Well, I don't really know what to say but I think you are obsessed.
''It's zainichi'' is a mostly a meme on /int/ posted by non-Japanese to make fun of Japs blaming zainichi.
It became a meme because those Japs exist but in fact it's mostly a meme like I said.
Check out tens of those threads you will agree with me.

The picture you posted is actually korean girls that went a bit viral in Japan in the early 2000s.
Anon, there are many of pictures of both of ugly Japanese and Korean girls that were spammed as hell by lots of different kinds of posters like there was a british flag spamming the same kind of pictures of korean girls while saying they are Japanese and ''asians are so ugly compared to whites''.
I've seen that picture probably more than 500 times.
If you believe ''it's surely a revenge from Japs'' even though it was posted the next day, you are turning into a schizo yourself
Ah, okay

So basically you happened to have interacted with a shitposter
Well, it's 4chan. Nobody knows if he was serious or a troll trying to annoy you as much as possible
You said ''netouyo'' which is basically a Japanese equivalent of /pol/tards or MAGAtards so it's essentially a very political term and that's why I told you it's not just that
I'm sorry that you had to deal with a shitter but that's what happens all the the time here
Japanese mother, child attacked in China's Suzhou
I still think you guys tend to dehumanize Japs and see the Japs as if it's one person
I won't blame the whole american posters here even if some of them really pissed me off on 4chan
I consider it's really a deep looted issue
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what's there to love?
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I love japanese and japan and want to kill every single zainichi and gaijin who disrespects her
it's happening
i feel like it's pretty weird to love or hate japan in the 21th century

''muh zainichi'' is mostly a meme used ironically like this on /int/
real zainichi are absolutely real though
i love japan but japan doesn't love me
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Why is Taneesha so well informed about Nippon lmao?
Maybe Reddit educated her very well
>other boards
Stupid, ignorant weebs
Intellectuals who understand Japan is an overrated place.
Nah the issue is in extremes. Japan has pretty shameless overseas promotion and the US also tends to make it out to be a model society because Japan was the only non-communist nation in Asia for a long time. Recently the Ghost of Tsushima (yes it's made by an American company) and Shogun come to mind, the US really wants to promote this sense of nationalism in Asia. It's a pretty mediocre country that is comically overurbanized, it's like Poland if you multiplied its population density by 10, it just happens to be a geopolitical hotzone. Reacting to how rated or overrated something is letting propaganda dictate your viewpoint, but the fact of the matter is you could take nearly any urban landscape and it will look similar to Japan.
This is true. The opposite of love is not hatred, the opposite of love is indifference. Love and hatred are very similar
>Japan has pretty shameless overseas promotion
Like what? I think Japan is pretty incompetent at propaganda or monetizing things if anything. Who the fuck wants to be seen as a ''super racist childish pedo porn cartoon virgin land where people work 130 hours a week'' ??
The western media literally can make things up about Japan in a disturbing way and get away with it. You can say super delusional rude shit about Japan and it's not even considered xenofobia there while it's pretty populer to criticize Japan's xenofobia.

Shit like Shogun and Ghost of Tsushima are pretty irrelevant in Japan.
Maybe Japan's best part is it's actually super peaceful most of the time and both rich people and poor people are mostly living in the same kind of area like fucking plants, and thus it has unironically has a ''unique'' vibes.
But yeah, it's pretty mediocre other than that.
And maybe it's also true that some people in the US media are trying to shill Jap shit almost only because Anti-China sentiments became like 30x bigger in the US in the past 10 years.
But that's pretty much it.
Thats THE thing about japanese incels. they resort to projecting and lying. Everything from the schizo who keeps claiming a korean guy made the samurai black in AC to claiming false accounts of history to make it seem japan is older than korea and japanese made korea. Its pure desperation to find anything bad they can use.
the cope is unreal. lmao
but those girls are simply and unironically koreans though...
>the cope is unreal. lmao
I'm genuinely just trying to speak the truth as much as possible and I'm probably like 100x less nationalistic than you
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if typical american posters see these posts and still think it's just netouyos being a problem, I have to say they are just not too bright
the thread itself is proving what i was saying almost perfectly
unironically this, there's more leftists and gays in this board than in the rest of the site, even the chuds here are way more mild
ilbon schizos seething over korea 24/7
can't say which video it was though, he seems to do this pretty often
he's got 100k subscribers
all I see on /int/ are you japanese letting koreans live rent free in your minds

There's a reason that only one country has been nuked...and not only once but twice

No other country in human history will ever be nuked, if it happens again it will be the japs and only the japs

Outside of the incel outcast 1% of each society, the japs are hated more than ccp china, hamas/isis and nigg@rs combined
ok then you are not really smart

maybe not really surprising for anyone
lol calm down jamal wong kim
kek the irony
The sheer amout of japanese who post 'do you love japan' (pic of our whoreish women.png) is very telling about how desperate they are for constant attention and affirmation. I don't think they realize how cringe and insecure they come off. Its the same 'ick' that women get when around manchildren.
those are vpn niggers
>posts a well-known picture of Korean students
>says those are actually Japs and Japs were lying
>gets pointed out
>claims Japs let Koreans live rent free in Japs' minds
Even autistic Japs are rarely this autistic
Nawh desu, Japanese even have areas of their various websites where they like to post the good tings people say about Japan. They are totally obsessed with attention and positive affirmation like little kids who do anything to earn a gold star sticker thats really just a control mechanism to keep them inline.
>have areas of their various websites where they like to post the good tings people say about Japan.
Technically true but you don't really know what you are talking about.
Maybe you actually don't give a fuck, but there are literally thousands of Japanese websites called ''matome sites'' that are basically recycling online comments and there are matome sites for fucking everything.
i don't have this impression
i think most japanese people just like to be isolated and do their own thing
thats why most of the japanese flags here are not even japanese
I don't like or dislike Japan. I just don't really care for them and I hate retarded threads about the nation and people.

And nobody with a Japan flag I'd actually Japanese. It's all foreigners shitposting or LARPers with proxy VPN.
/int/ is the only board that actually interacts with them
same reason all boards love cats except /an/
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They clearly hate us, so why would I love them?
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t. kimchi man
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as long as I see japan flags attacking korean queens I'll never harbor even the tiniest speck of love for them.
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/int/ and /pol/ are the threads that anti-japan activists are working.
ugly korean monkey
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well. i'd say go*kmuricans deserve the takeshi spam this time
it's pretty wild if people will just keep judging Japs while ignoring those insane diasporas asians
but it's pretty realistic now and maybe there's nothing Japs can do as more and more koreans/chinese migrating to the west comptord to Japs
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>a record number
There are like 3x more Koreans migrating to the US than Japs even though the Korean population is less than half of Japan's

''a record number'' for Japan is pretty irrelevant if you compare it to China and Korea, for better or for worse
it's actually surprising how redpilled the chinese are
the jews/west are going to have to go to war, yes or yes
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Most Japs Ive seen on this board are super lefty but not in a communism way, I think
You don't deserve any respect.
We get Chinese by far the most. They even come in illegally. Back in Japan's glory days you guys were coming to America in mass because of Japanese companies opening NA headquarters and factories here. Now its Koreans who come here doing the same. Give it a few decades and maybe viets or Taiwanese will do the same.
>Back in Japan's glory days you guys were coming to America in mass because of Japanese companies opening NA headquarters and factories here.
Not really. ''Japanese migrating to the US in mass'' is basically a pre-ww2 thing. Japanese-American communities were basically destroyed due to WW2 and the internment camps and it never really recovered, for better or for worse.
what the fuck
RIP Mr. Light Rail Avenger
I’ve never seen anyone irl dislike Japan it’s just a purely terminally online opinion pushed by Chinese and Koreans and commie larpers
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VGH our cute and pure Jomon Japanese girls
i think japan is alright but i like korea more
Many Japanese prefer Korea too
>super racist childish pedo porn cartoon virgin land where people work 130 hours a week
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i love japan (anime, manga, games, jav, hentai)
This thread is full of schizophrenic anti-Japanese Koreans.
I think every country gets that to some extent.
All Polish are plumbers, all Finns are autists, etc.
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But what is wrong it? It's our culture
Honestly ikuzukuri makes me pretty disgusted with the Japanese.
I know they don't all do it and there are many that balk at it, but it's so fucking vile that even as a delicacy it sours my view on them.
It's such a Chinese practice. No respect for life.
there's a reason to why it's called redd/int/
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Why are you so disrespectful to our culture?
/pol/ loves our flag except hardcore racists.
If you see a Japanese flag spamming pro refugee lefty bait post there, that’s me.
Koreans are subhumans
Zainichi gtfo
Don't torture animals.
Cultures give up barbarism and cruelty after time.
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It's just a squid and makes it very tasty
Squid can communicate with each other by flashing colors.
Torturing them doesn't make them taste better.
I love Japonia
You underestimate how many of japs worship Hiro. He's one of the most popular Japanese person despite tax evasion and moving to France while shitting on Japan constantly.
So it's no wonder a few went to check out and stayed when he bought, or just post here because it's a hiroyuki website.
Nice bait
Not true. It's a matter of exposure I guess?
I never "hated" Japan but I did think they looked kinda similar because I am not used to regularly seeing Japanese people. But that is an "uneducated guess", very subjective.
After I read the yuri mangas "Hush be quiet" and "Black Lily, Conversation in the language of flowers" I was interested what real life Japanese yuri looks like so I started watching lesbian JAVs almost everyday.
After ~8 months I guess? (this was around 6 years ago)...I started recognizing Japanese people individually by face/body language/gestures/hair colour difference/height etc. Also I watched some Japanese youtube and a lot of Japanese music video clips.
Also I read stuff about Japanese traditions, history, culture, ikebana, sadou and Shintoism.

So the path to recognizing the individuality of Japanese people lies through watching JAV., - this is my conclusion.

Well not only JAV. There are youtubers like Eimi Fukada, Shuri Atomi (okay these two are kinda JAV adjacent), but also regular Japanese girls like Akari Akase and Enako.
Now there has appeared Shinonome Umi, a new star on the Japanese horizon.

Because studying real life Japanese people gives a deeper and more fundamental appreciation of the inherently Japanese otaku arts of anime&manga.

Also I can recommend the movie "Zatoichi" by Takeshi Kitano.
Akira Kurosawa gets an honourable mention.
>So it's no wonder a few went to check out and stayed when he bought,
All Japanese are newfags? Gross.
I've been here since 2008.
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But it does taste better
I’m in all seriousness tho
It doesn't.
>I've been here since 2008
So you're a loser. Gross
You have entered my magical realm, normalfag. Here you are the loser.
If you are really a zainichi fuck your entire existence unironically
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Of course, studying the Japanese language at least at a basic level is essential I would say...
Most yellow fever posters are chuds though, and there's a lot of them (myself included). I'm in favour of an asian-only (the chinkoid kind, not jeets) immigration policy.
I don't care about the opinion of subhumans tho
You are not Japanese.
japanese don't have great firewall unlike cn, some jp flags here are netouyos thinking Imperial Japan still exists kek
chinese and jews are very similar
Many Chinese and Koreans on this board are schizophrenic.
They repeat anti-Japanese propaganda.
It is vicious.
Chinese wumaos push this opinion to discredit Japan
You should use the Imperial Japanese flag to make them angrier
Why Chinese and Koreans live rent free in Nipman's head?
Wrong. It's the most shilled country online.
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Many of us have deep inferiority complex
Lmao if whatever japs have a superiority complex in a society they feel locked in.
/pol/ isn’t as filled with Chinese or Koreans so naturally their are less anti-Japan threads

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