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gogiga gagagigo edition
Roy "Chubby" Brown
The same stale posts. The same dull webms. Just asinine soliloquies. No actual discussions going on. Shouting into the void.
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live your dream in barcelona
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got badminded by the woke mob in kfc
Is there anything scarier than dementia lads?
any other pornsick freaks with fucked up fetishes?
people with dementia are usually pretty happy it’s their families that suffer
yeah but i forgot
the charges, officer?
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genuinely had a wank the other day thinking about snogging a girl, fully dressed
Might whip out the Cluedo in a bit lads, see if the Mrs fancies a few games x
the most boring cunt that ever lived
we should be honoured
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Porn is based
Police found out about my plot lads

watch porn every day but only as a means to an end, take no pleasure in it me
thugs picking up pale beautyqueens rn....
need a muslim slag gf
Get the fucking negholes pozzed, RORKE!
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>tfw never played cluedo or know the rules
yeah this >>198960632
Why are niggers so zesty? They spend all their day talking about white men and black penises
keir starmer's dad
what did he do again?
>muslim slag
no they don’t, that’s what you do
There’s something about tall women that makes them want a short man
Not even a stereotype, just extremely common
Actually gone the opposite way myself, went from wanking to professionally made porn to amateur couple, normal dick in vagina porn because its actually genuine sex instead of between 2 actors
reckon i'll do myself in before i get dementia
horribel thing that
utter utter drivel from mong yank once more
Is there anything scarier than dementia lads?
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why are brits always so fuck**g rude?
I never had a chance.
kay tee eye em
It’s really fun desu if you have a few of you and you have a few drinks. Rules are easy to grasp
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you btw
post the fuck**g matgeek
Fucking shut up you soft twat
our country is really shit and depressing and british culture makes you turn into an arsehole
Just keep yourself busy in your old age, do exercise and stretches, but don’t do mindless pointless things to keep busy. Do enjoyable things
unfortunately you have no friends so it must be quite boring
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>Is there anything scarier than dementia lads?
Will be posting this in 45 minutes in /sp/
make sure to post a picture of the box so we all know you’re really playing
I know that’s why I play with my family lol
shouldn't laugh
Cake for dinner
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>Labour have called on the Conservative Party to suspend their Dover and Deal candidate Stephen James after he posted an image that Labour have called "antisemitic".
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Seethe tall freak
We get the tall girl
ive abused stimulants and booze all my youth
i am predisposed to that horrible illness
i'll be doing myself in at 40 cheers
might slither into a crevasse somewhere and die
spainos carer must be an absolute saint
if this is antisemitic, /brit/ is stormfront
my life is a complete write off
i take it that spaino is on his belgian vpn
wouldnt know me, have that particular vpn filtered you see
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he pays her rent
Ugly bitch an ugly spic
Cope more Gomez
A trillion is only a million millions
aryan vs jew
Sent that thirdie running for the hills
Will do and the board haha
She is desu, don’t know what I would do without her :/
Yep, making sure the clappers get posted
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here's your glorious english nationalist leader bro
why don't you slither into this crevasse
*bends over and presents hairy pooey arse*
>Spanish police searching for Jay Slater, 19, investigate if his background is 'relevant' to his disappearance as it emerges Brit was involved in machete and golf club attack that left teenager, 17, fighting for his life in 2021

la 92 riot footage is so kino

love a cheeky korean shooter on a rooftop defending their business
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room for one more?
okay *dies inside your arse*
Imagine Tommy Robinson's tweet going over your head.
he roids
My smartwatch is telling me that I am NOT stressed so I must be feeling my feelings wrong
thinkgin about cute girls
the sarcasm in that tweet is thicker than the earth's crust
but somehow you are even thicker
why does everyone care about this chav mong so much
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Mirin, tommy's been on the juice but he's obviously put the work in
women are worried for him
starting to see bits of grey in my chest hair
it's unironically over
Cos he's got a cool name. Jay Slater. Sounds like a pro skateboarder.
Slay Jater
rorke on page 40 of an imagefap search looking for pictures of naked gay men to post on twitter
sounds like one of the slaters from eastenders
gay slater bumemd to death by those two blokes he want bak with
>machete and golf club attack
Now THAT is a special move
Another from the same trend
no one would care if he were called james smith
Have a white hair on my eyebrow that doesn't stop growing and I need to cut it every now and then
what does that mean
sucking a golf club attack
take the piss
HECKING small businessarinos
/sp/ webm wank soon
means the clock is always ticking, you are inching slowly towards the end and any day you are alive is a day you are dying
>Mam! It's our Jay!
>What's happened?!
>He's only gone and got himself lost in Spain
*eastenders theme drum starts*
>opening with one vowel
adolf hitler didn't do much wrong when you consider that the holocaust was a lie that jews took from the actual stalinist holocust of ukranians
Bihourly nazbolschizo melty
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Doesn’t really hurt but it does itch
milfy upstairs neighbour woke me up from my post toil heat nap because she'd locked herself outside in the garden. Could see her frilly nickers poking up through her trousers when she walked up the stairs.
waiting for some specific /sp/ pics to be posted so I can wank
wtf is that
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cristiano ronaldo porn
I'm just going to say what we're all thinking
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watching the tartan army these past few days made me realise the number of badges they wear gives me the same feeling as this. along with pearly kings. both just supremely ugly looks
wanking a poo with my arse
chile and sea bass
not watching the match but lurking the match threads
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going to need a third shower of the day before bed, arse fucking reeks
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why are englishmen so evil?
I firmly believe all human beings are equal but that we should remain nationally segregated for the sake of peace and cultural diversity
Restart scheme thing tomorrow, it's a Jobcentre thing, but this time they're really onto me and breaking my balls. Freedom may end soon
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Feel bad for the guy
>I firmly believe all human beings are equal
simply untrue though isn't it
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he killed a lot of white people in eastern europe
Not exactly "bystanders" if they're robbing him are they.
you best start believing in dystopias
you're in one
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Watching soulless vanilla porn made me realise just how much better BLACKED is.

Im watching that shit and literally all i can think is "shes barely even feeling a thing from that 7 inch tiny white pecker, just look at her, she cant even be bothered to pretend its making a dent in her cervix.
literally screaming at this
Equal how? As in deserving of equal treatment unless they’ve done something to no longer deserve it? Because i generally agree with that but there’s better ways to put it so you don’t sound like a lib
he was trying to prevent communism from taking over europe
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>white people in eastern europe
was just saying this down the pub
I like how his moustache stuck to Nigel at the end.
why did andrew tate turn chinese though
>stalinist holocust of ukranians
Didn't happen lol
just been sicj lads
how did that work out for him
variation and different characteristics doesn't change anything
we are equal in dignity regardless of traits and talents
You mean the samefagging alter ego of Spainnonce?
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Do you guys ever get a massage? And if so how is your dick not squeezed when you're laying down.

It sounds like an autistic question but I never really lay on my stomach really. I'm not fat either nor do I have a huge dick. it just seems kinda uncomfortable lying on your willy, does it point up or down? Idk

I want to get a massage but this issue is bothering me lol.
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Which is what i said
>equal in dignity
oh right just spirtual gobledegook then
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ai gone too far
nigga would get hatted so hard if he posted that on /brit/
timmy can NEVER please her like tyrones big black veiny anaconda can do daily
Catalan neighbours fuming that Spain have scored
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Was completely wrong though wasn't he
good places have a hole in the bed where you can put you willy in. make sure they have one before you book
just given the ol' nose hairs a cheeky trim
In a call centre you could take a five minute break when it wasn't your break or lunch, and they enforced that it must only be used to go to the toilet and not just to get a cup of water of take a stroll. Only the toilet.
Save some in a jar for me to lick x
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Squirrels nesting outside the window
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he's 100% right
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Don't forget to ask when was the last time they cleaned the massage bed sex arse.
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What a pretentious dickhead.
only good thing he ever did was killing Trotsky
wasn’t really marketed to children though was it
how people lived in brave new world was basically this show. people living like students for the rest of their lives without forming families
>killing Trotsky
this was based
Hit them with the rizz:

You look fun to talk to
kek true
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Ukraine attacked a church in Russia yesterday but the media is of course silent on that fact
So Virgin Mary was apparently like twelve when she got pregnant

What the fuck God?
Friends and Fraser are the most shilled trash ive ever seen
i am not mentally well but that doesn’t make me wrong
Why were they friends in the first place, I never watched it
The bible? Hmph. Biggest load of codswallop tripe one could conjure up.
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I am literally the most despicable, despisable, disreputable, dishonourable, pitiful, pathetic, penniless, poorest runt there is
think some of them knew eachother from school
Israel has killed more faggots in Gaza than Hamas ever could
go to work
come home
Fucking hate Mondays man
Nothing to do nowhere to be
100% right
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'berg on a 'log
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got me supaman pants on
Frasier is kino
Friends is wank
Ross and Monica were brother and sister. Chandler was Ross's mate from school. Rachel was Monica's mate from school. Joey was Chandler's roommate. Dunno about Phoebe.
nigel farage is a croumlent simulacrum of hitler
what's he up to
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i think im an alcoholic
Have my EUIV save logged and ready to analyse at a glance to confirm that I am on pace for a world-conquest
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yeah heh heh
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GOOD post
The summer of 1992
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advanced military water cleaning process
grey squirrel population is out of control
Adulthood is realising Phoebe is the most annoying friend and Ross is by far the best
*dr dre starts playing*
why do you keep posting this now mousey
Frasier is better but Friends is alright if you give it a chance.
Phoebe up the bum, Rachel up the vag, Monica down the neck
the meme that ruined the wrestling board
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Need to learn to play fiddle, harmonica and bagpipes
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the holiest place on earth
England moment
friends reruns were literally permanently on tv for a while
what noise do ukrainian cats make
mousenonce preparing his next nettletea experiment
Hottest year on record every year
Forever more
You have no clue what we are in for
shut up leftypol everything is fine
mecca bingo
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You guys are lying to me there is no hole in the massage bed REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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Best to buy AC now lads before it gets fucking expensive / out of stock
You'll believe literally anything if the shills wrap it up in "science" won't you.
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Might become an HVAC tech in Britain and make $40k a year
im doing fine just with a fan pointed straight at me x
What causes mental illness? Is it primarily shitty parents and a shit upbringing?
sounds like a good idea anon :)
nurses make 80k wiping old peepos bums
the climate has...LE CHANGED
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Third day back together and the mrs is on the rag

Fuming lads
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western culture cannot offer anything that compares with the experience of visiting mecca
You can't walk barefoot on the grass abroad. They don't have proper grass.
/brit/ would explode if you posted a selfie
religious biz idea: rosary but the beads are hard candy
>neurologically dead
>finally find an amazing house, just the kind of thing I'm looking for, decent price
>It's next to a HMO

Life isn't fair
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>NHS faces ‘ticking bomb’ with number of heart failure patients set to soar

>Cases are predicted to nearly double by 2040 as charity warns of 400000 people in UK with undiagnosed heart failure.
If you go to the American southwest some of the grass is so prickly and dry that it will stab your feet
Friends is bourgeois fash tripe. No one living under capitalism has friends or sex
Olympics soon. So pumped

I already have done. I’m that lad with the Kasabian barnet
how did he die?
Climate change denial is a disturbing mental virus
good satire of commiemong haha
oh no how sad :(
got a big nose on him hasn’t he
any day now...all the vaccinated are gonna drop dead...
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a shift is coming. life sortage coming soon i feel it
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love the olympics
get this footy shite over and done with
lol that is a vaxxoid if ever i saw one
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Absolutely fucked it lads
When was the last time you

Had a poo
Had a wank
Had sex
Had a cry
cant wait to sell my unvaxxed sperm once the big die off begins
yesterday for all 4
got a big nose doesn’t she
Last night. All at the same time. I miss my ex
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do this NOW!!
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a couple of hours ago
a couple of hours ago
must have been 5 years ago now
a couple of weeks ago
I remember when chuds were unironically excited as fuck that women would be queuing around the block for their unvaxxed sperm any day now

It will be worth its weight in gold they were saying LMFAO
no one cares if muslims hate faggots or not jewmong
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fucks sake rorke
>a couple of hours ago
>a couple of hours ago
Ah, you're a poo/wank enjoyer too?
That's my nightly routine before bed. For me it's have a poo then lay a towel on the floor to wank then the wnak tissue goes in the unfinished bowl and flush it all together
Soccer is silly. Can't wait for the Olympics
2008 was the greatest sporting event of our loves

vaxtards lost
*vangelis starts playing*
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you know rorke suddenly dying doesnt mean vax induced heart attack being beheaded is also pretty sudden
might listen to some 90s house music
might posh one out
The man has kicked the ball into the net. I repeat, the man has kicked the ball into the net.
Who is this girl?
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>still smoking indoors in the future
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should I change my surname from "chamberlain" to "chambers"
"chamberlain" sounds a bit poofy doesn't it
vaxtard posting his pictures of mentally ill men dressed as women again is he
its up
quite the post
got autism BPD and addiction problems myself
Mental how we'll never go here because none of us are muslim
what a fucking tart
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should i change my surname
don't see why that's any of your concern
swag overload
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speak for yourself infidel dog
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not too fond of them sort
Got mento elf again
how is your aim so good you can hit the tissue so perfectly
i mean if you want to but i can't fathom why you'd want to
catberg licking her box
knobby rodgers
how any stds
definitely hpv and herpes
need gingernonce out of business
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already said
chambers sounds less poofy than chamberlain
what do you think?
Reckon israel should just nuke it
mad how the next adolph hitler will be from gaza
i think they just sound like normal names
why would they do that to one of their allies?
Surely someone is baking the new bread
cant be arsed to make the new
just say (((they))) planned
this one? 400.
ge the fucking new mADE NOW you stuckign FUCKING CUNT
hi can someone make the new please
I am:

>triple vaxxed
>a reform voter
>a remainer
>working class
>anti-mass immigration
>pro-free speech
>have a first class degree from a Rustler group uni
>speak two languages
>grew up in a single parent household with my two siblings
>earn above the national average

I am literally impossible to pin down as a man. I have transcended class and political affiliation
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We will all be cappuccino in the future thanks to india. There is no future Hitler.
> Anne's agony after horse accident horror: Princess will 'hate' to miss public engagements after 'being hit by horse's head or legs' - as Charles sends touching message to his sister in hospital
the royal families anus horrible as they say... how sad
Didn't read a word of that list
which party should I vote for if my concerns regard gay porn?
these lot are dropping like flies, hopefully william takes the hint
liberal democrats
I’m on the cava lads I’m talking shite just ignore me lol
im voting noone
ok, thank you for your timely response

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