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arr stella edish
I'm gangstalking mousenonce
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ws pierbs
Having some legendary farts
thugs traumatising young pale women with their oversized third legs
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Can someone who watches the news explain this meme to me. Cheers
what will lil timmy do when blacks discover they can bag all the trannies too
190 sat in his smelly bedroom on his belgian VPN all night
it’s sacked tranny the writing style gives it away
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We have to go back.
woke globohomo clownworld
erm what the sigma
I've not seen many black male white female couples in real life but the ones I do see the woman is 9 times out of 10 a fat middle aged munter
low quality screenshot
Tea and toast
timmy cope
My porn addiction says otherwise chud
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who is 190?
we call him spain nonce here
are you trying to tell me that my reality isn't real?
big fan of heathers-era winona
Chief Shitting Bull

yes, you're constructing a fantasy to cope with
shilpa poppadom shilpa fuckawala
oven dodger
Didn't know what sexy meant I was only 23 years old
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>i am mentally and spiritually ukrainian

>slava ukraini!!!!!!!
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basically it means this
I'm just telling it how it is
black men are sexually attracted to fat ugly white women
it's not like it's some kind of big secret is it
well said piers
the black incel rate is probably near 90% lol
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brick’s iq is much much lower than that
that's your fantasy to cope with
timmy settles for fat ugly white women, after they've have had all their fun with goons and thugs while young and tight
Don't see how that's treacherous really, looks like a public event
isn't that a different series to the fight night one?
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>the woman is 9 times out of 10 a fat
yeah i saw the same thing when i lived in the US
hate this smug bitch
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Understandable. Thanks
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>Tfw I had money on correct scoreline being 1-1

Never has a last minute equalizer looked more sweet going in than that.
it's mental how therapy sessions on the nhs are done in a group lol
it's not a fantasy though
it's a pretty commonly known fact in the real world
black men are sexually attract to fat disgusting porkers that white men find repulsive
that is the honest to god truth of the matter
sir queer sharter
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this is a W in timmy's mind LOL
one might ask the same about birds
thought she was most beautiful in dracula despite it being a very bad performance by her acting wise, just love the drip no cap
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>you now remember Change UK
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asked the saudi girl on dating app if she's muslim and if it affects dating at all (playing naive). she's hot but i don't want to go out if we can't love each other properly
me on the left
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cope on peckerwood
midwit starter pack

>uses reddit
>either woke or anti-woke
japanese adult video
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Oh yeah completely forgot about that
Spear Chukka flushed his career down the loo very quickly with that one
Would have probably been Labour leader by now
i swear chuka umunna was being groomed for future labour leader at some point
literally what was he thinking
how the fuck did you not know that black men exclusively love fat ugly white women lmao
how fucking sheltered are you kiddo?
have you ever left your smelly bedroom before?
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remember when he edited his own wikipedia page to compare himself to Obama
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>Spear Chukka
ah yes the british obama
None of those apply to me. Low IQ for the win.
>>either woke or anti-woke
anyone woke is woke
anyone anti-anti-woke is a well-disciplined woke
based retard
Just saw a Khohol
he stood for leader in 2015 but dropped out because journos were stalking his wife or something
probably would have lost to corbyn anyway
That’s a tabbert
Violent thugs are mercilessly handing out raw blackenings tonight
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Two sisters who are in their 30s have built up an impressive multi-million pound property portfolio after buying their first homes at just 20. Mum-of-one Ruth Shipley-Palmer, 32, and Becky Shipley, 33, started their venture when they were students, buying two houses in Bristol as an investment.

Their current portfolio now boasts eight properties worth more than £2 million, which earn them a turnover of £120k per year. But they aren't stopping there, as they have their eyes set on owning a total of 14 properties by 2030 - with their ultimate goal being to own 10 properties each.
little kiddo
how the fuck did you not know that black men exclusively date fat ugly white whores?
what the fuck even happened to CUK?
>On 12 May, he announced his candidature for the Labour Party leadership election.[55] Three days later, he withdrew from the contest, stating that he had been "uncomfortable" with "the added level of scrutiny that came with being a leadership candidate"
might filter all the flags
just post endlessly into the void
LOL lil timmy mad asl
Please don’t shoot up a nando’s or sum
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listening to oblivion music in my smelly bedroom wondering where it all went wrong
bit unfair considering it adds nothing of value to the economy
What's happened to him?
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how the fuck did you not know that black men exclusively date fat ugly white whores?
have you ever left your smelly childhood bedroom before?
glad mikey is back need someone actually normal to slap the runts around
when lorkhan tricked the aedra into creating mundus
or whenver it was the elves betrayed talos septim simple as
they realised that a grand coalition over brexit between people who fundamentally disagree on everything other than brexit was doomed to fail
also brexit happened so they ceased to have a purpose, much like ukip
Nigel absolute botched it with his Putin stance. He was cannibalising the Tories up to that point, now Toryboys are much more hesitant. He might actually start to bleed voters now. Very hard to preach about British values and what not and then rationalise some schizo dictator attempting to genocide its neighbour
He doesn’t go outside and just watches porn all day. We all already know this. Stop giving him attention
Most of them defected to the Lib Dems and the rest changed name, lost in another electiom and then gave up
Pale schoolgirls getting permanently stretched by bradford goons
his soul left his body and was taken into the fiery pits of hell by satan because of the life of sin he chose to live as a human with complete free will
In desperate need of a frizzy-haired Jewish girlfriend
will minecraft still go on for tens of more years from today? like in 2050 or 2070.
you're really bad at this
gchq really needs to start hiring white people for their internet shills rather than jeets
tory cuts i suppose
>be god
>give humans free will
>get mad when they use it
all loving btw
i never played through the whole game personally, didnt care about the lore beyond kvatch
just liked the dark brotherhood and side stuff
dunno lol
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people still play mario don't they
you know those rape gangs exclusively target underaged girls
are you encouraging and promoting paedophilia online?
cockmogs me
I can't stand my brother's wife
>apply for executive assistant role
>get rejected
>"we regret to blah blah many talented applicants" spiel
>check website
>it's still listed
I got screened by ATS didn't i
did I miss the news that you need a phd to be an executive assistant now? I thought this was a fairly straightforward fucking job. I've got a degree and five years of relevant work experience and can't get an interview
Not even a believer but you're being filtered by very basic concepts
shag her up the arse
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Notice how we call him SpainNONCE instead of his preferred Spainlad.
You have to feel sorry for the Ukrainians really. Did you see how people leave McDonald’s and Pepsi or whatever on their graves? It’s fucking sad man. Completely mind raped by the US. And then you see poor bastards holding their children in the street getting tackled by 5/6 men in uniform and put into the back of a van. Not good.
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>weirdo tranny nonce mansplaining to a woman about what her rights are
why are they like this?
>executive assistant
That's a woman's job
Are you a cute french grl?
well yeah, if you love something you wouldn't dominate its will would you. that's not love it's hate
Anti communist Reagan/Thatcher fan here. Farage is a traitor. I can't bring myself to vote Conservative because they've been useless. I appreciate the wealth creation chat from Labour, but you just know it's going to be a whole load of EDI and ERG laws that mean everything takes 10 times as long and costs 10 times as much, and BLM and blasphemy laws to protect Islam. Reform did have some good policies, but I'm not voting for a party run by a traitor.
>be mummy
>let me go to the shops all by myself
>get mad when I buy £10 of sweets and not the milk and bread she sent me for
all loving btw
Old McDonald had a farm
And on his farm he had a wife
That wife preferred big black cock
Gave Old McDonald quite a shock
When he walked in on his wife taking big black cock
Then old McDonald took at his glock
And shot that nigger dead
Bihourly Spainonce moment
Reminder he posted CP in /sp/ last week
I've don't cocaine loads of times and the incessant sniffing isn't a symptom I ever had.

more likely he has a cold and doesn't want to leak snot on live TV.
spainnonce needs his hard drives checked fucking pronto the dirty nonce
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its very regional the ones in for example odessa are fine, the ones in lviv are psychotic bandera nazis
Spainnonce stomping his fat feet on the floor at his desk until his mum shouts at him because nobody is reading his gimmicks
Not me but cope on
I am autistic and I like arranging calendars and filing paperwork
when they finally dispose of him it'll be like when epstein died in jail
might start gangstalking spainnonce
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what a fucking moron
first the Israel Palestine conflict now jay slater what’s next?
No wonder considering Lviv is all the way west.
your vocabulary (lack of) and writing style is an exact match to spainnonce in a lot of different way
I've studied over 200 of your posts combined over the last 2 weeks
Was in town and saw a bloke in his 60s walking into Greggs with an ominous fresh damp stain on the arse of his shorts. Getting old must be proper grim.
Croydon thugs violently ramming their ‘condas into lubed up exxxtra tight fanny little emma screaming into her hello kitty pillow
ukraine? More like pookraine
ever heard of hermaphrodites?
You are extremely mentally ill.
> hello kitty pillow
got a chuckle out of me
very noncey vibe to this post
was most definitely written by a nonce
Cool but im literally not him and i dont see what youre getting out of this
He does it on purpose mate. Also because hes a moron who cant think up any other way of typing.
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the baldiedem
yes but he's actually less mentally ill than you
why are pole vaulters always so hot?
I have documented proof that you are in fact spain nonce and you're also a massive nonce
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>Indian Man Shot Dead During Texas Robbery Came To US 8 Months Ago
Pole vault coaches are particularly picky paedos
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That was someone impersonating me
Also you have a swc
bedroom is a literal oven
got the heterosexual porn on
ugly bloke
take it to the daily mail comment section visajeet you'll have more success there i promise
Cockmogs me!
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Thinking about when my mum sent me into McDonald’s to buy her a coffee because she was smoking in the car and talking on the phone.
I went in and said “one coffee please” to the man and he got mad at me and treated me like an idiot saying “what coffee?” so I left to go ask my mum and she just called me a stupid boy who can’t do anything and hit me and told me to wait in the car.
I don’t think I was a stupid boy. I think the world is just cruel.
Needs 2 b blackened asap
Genuine nonce you are
28 degrees in my smelly childhood bedroom
didn't ask for your bio pal
Just discovered that Mildred is an actual name used normally in UK.
imagine her pathetic little twp bouncing all over the place while a giant croydon thug fucks her silly
How so
Don't understand why some people are so hostile, find it bizarre when people are aggressive and confrontational for no reason.
your mum sounds horrible
it's not your fault my man
Shooting cum out of her swc while they arent done pounding yet cum flying everywhere and shit LOL
just admit you're gay and fancy blokes
Love again: wanking at ten past three
(Surely he’s taken her home by now?),
The bedroom hot as a bakery,
The drink gone dead, without showing how
To meet tomorrow, and afterwards,
And the usual pain, like dysentery.

Someone else feeling her breasts and cunt,
Someone else drowned in that lash-wide stare,
And me supposed to be ignorant,
Or find it funny, or not to care,
Even ... but why put it into words?
Isolate rather this element

That spreads through other lives like a tree
And sways them on in a sort of sense
And say why it never worked for me.
Something to do with violence
A long way back, and wrong rewards,
And arrogant eternity.
anyone else get proper anxious when they hear police sirens outside
to all the GCHQ agents in the thread
I love you and thank you for your service
your move rowlstein
it would be a pretty weird name for someone to be christened nowadays
very old-fashioned
the spoiler is he was 26 when this happened
i'm a largely straight man who fancies women
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Get yerself a dead man's switch
if you had to be a wageslave you’d understand, it turns you into a psychopath fairly quickly. I’m not chuddy but when I tell a customer
>hope you have a nice day!
what I’m thinking is
>hope your entire bloodline gets raped to death by 1000 niggers you fat piece of shit
The only country responsible for the invasion of Ukraine is Russia. If countries like Poland want to join NATO and the EU, that's their choice as sovereign countries. We did them wrong at Yalta. Russia treats Britain as a hostile nation, attacking people on our soil. To side with them is to side against Britain.
who cares lol
have sex
Finna boutta puff on some ganja and become a spiritual black for a hour or so
i just want to see a 12 inch ‘conda forcing its way into her throat
Thanks man
No I think I was about 11 or 12
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hello sirs

russia is a bad, do not redeem the farage

ok thank you for my £10 a day uk government
>The only country responsible for the invasion of Ukraine is Russia
But they were provoked by Nato and EU expansion
>if countries want to join
Utterly disingenuous with respect to Ukraine
>get a youtube ad in german
eu expansionism
>largely straight
so you fancy some blokes then
that's fine just be honest
nobody likes a liar
Sounds like you're just a twat honestly. Worked in retail for 2 years at Uni and can count on one hand the number of customers who I ever felt compelled to lash out against.
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The porn industry is so dead
i'm fucking happy brit
Shes hot
three words lads
the boys season 5
ignore non whites in every capacity
do not acknowledge their existence
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did she take BBC?
lily lou is retarded brit bro for real
thats my what3words location
Why are they all so fucking grim
American retail would give British retail workers ptsd
It's not uncommon for yanks to just shit on the floor over there, and half of them are armed to the teeth and they tend to be the ones who really shouldn't be. Here the worst customer you'll ever deal with is some arsey boomer or a drunk deano, over there they have procedures for if there's an armed robbery
/brit. on the right
did somebody say something
america delenda est
190 GB of illegal material on his hard drive
i'm attracted to femininity not genitals
which i suspect you are too
corrr this image goes way back to the old /brit/ days
>It's not uncommon for yanks to just shit on the floor over there
we only do that at the mart actually, mohammad
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Absolute state of Anglicanism
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Lily lou is a plastic doll now..
I remember when i was her girfriend brit bro
how do you come up with /brit/ posts if you can't think them over in detail in your head with your inner monologue?
all of andrew tate’s advice to get rich is bullshit. he didn’t make his money with the online scam shit he shills, he went to a thirdie cunt, recruited thirdie women to do porn for him, and psyoped them into giving him most of the money. That’s it, that’s how he did it
ive seen nothing but sadism from ukrainians this war
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>ran out of ammo
>luckily everyone who plays this game has the wrong glasses prescription
not really minded the heat at all today. been fine. but then again, i've been through hell in life these last few years and have reached a point where literally nothing can stir any reaction from me. so, it might have been hot enough to bother most, and i've just accepted it and not thought about it. it is what it is.
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dead posh
Yeah I said unsalted butter is useless unless you’re some sort of pastry chef or cake maker. Just buy salted. “Oooohhh but the sodium! My health!” fuck off you’re eating a block of fat.
Every time I go to the supermarket there’s equal shelf space for salted and unsalted and every fucking time the unsalted is full and there’s fuck all salted left. Absolutely sick to bleedin death of it!
If Starmer was into agriculture he'd be called Keir Farmer
>i'm not attracted to cocks
he says going out of his way to post cocks
saw a very very fit goth transgirl in waterstones
Quite based really
this is correct
genuinely cant tell if this is just ironic or your worldview is that much influenced by mems
tate is black, he has tattoos, he has no children, he is materialistic, he's a muslim (but actually a satanist)
anybody idolising him is a literal NPC
Looks better now
i post women with various genitalia
you post exclusively bile
weird how you go to such lengths to avoid admitting you're attracted to men
internalised homophobia
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annoying scottish streamer sexo
> i was her girfriend
oh you're a tranny now, French porn addict?
>shart in mart
>nazbol gang

russian psy-ops are so much better and funnier than shit like nafo and le putin monke
I'm attracted to cocks but not men
That will probably change as I drift further into pornsickness thoughever
playing manor lords
People poo in the changing rooms at primark quite regularly actually
Shower time guys
i know exactly who i'm attracted to and it's exclusively women
When tyrone takes off his underwear
>I'm attracted to cocks
which only men have
True, its very fucking cringe
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might change my name to something anglo-saxon so I don't get deported when the far-right take over
as a man of Moroccan heritage I'm white passing but the name gives it away
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That picture you posted before was fucking grim
>have to be up for toil in 5 hours
make sure you scrub your cock and bollocks mate
probably sweaty after a day of aldi toiling
Yeah obviously, retard
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imagine if i was your girlfriend brit bro

anon can i dress you ?!!!
so you are attracted to men
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>I'm white passing
I can guarantee you're not
>I wish I spent more time [insert meaningless activity approved by society]
Nope, just cocks
You're really struggling with this, must be autism
proof that russia is the 4chan of nations and the usa is the reddit
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new ww3 roster update just dropped
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wasn't he supposed to be the Tory equivalent of Obama? what went wrong
the serotonin theory of depression has as much validity as the masturbation theory of insanity
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fuck brit
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The Lads.
irish diaspora
>Yeah I said unsalted butter is useless unless you’re some sort of pastry chef or cake maker.
but what use is salted butter in any circumstance that wouldn't be better off with olive oil, lard, or seed oil? the only other circumstances that those aren't superior to butter are circumstances in which unsalted butter is superior to salted butter
mickey mouse haha
Name one such thing less worthwhile than arguing online.
gonna do press ups until I'm massive
his own party preffered liz truss over him, he was never supposed to be anything
>wasn't he supposed to be the Tory equivalent of Obama?
obama was relatively skilled at politics and a good communicator
sunak is fucking useless
good finance brain but a poor leader
he was good to stabilise the economy and that's it
Needs a brutal blackening
Pretty sure only wilfully ignorant people at this stage and groomed children cant work that out
says the bloke struggling to be honest with himself about his own sexuality
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wanking, watching goyslop, eating goyslop
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Alas, the lads.
>the only other circumstances that those aren't superior to butter are circumstances in which unsalted butter is superior to salted butter
Such as?
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what you want
baby I got it
He was part of the Boris coup and then got KWAB'ed by the 80IQ lettuce lady who crashed the economy before being pitifully promoted to power. Plus his entire campaign has been a complete disaster. I mean, imagine leaving a D-Day memorial service to do an ITV interview. Absolutely embarassing scenes, and it doesn't impact him in the slightest because he's a billionaire who has mysteriously made half a billion since being made PM
recognised a celebrity by her nipples a second ago. need to get off the internet.
>the british english equivalent of push up is press up
didn't save it and it was deleted but it was a picture of his flabby man body with these weird scars on his stomach that looked self-inflicted and recent
Unironically all better than arguing online
as you said, pastry and so on
and if you need salt and butter, you can get the two separately, so long as you have unsalted butter
how so
Their smiles and skinny jeans? Gone.
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Post your favorite song brit bro
cuz they will be arrested for pushing so newspaper press is more safe
They’re sigma now
Heavy duty clapmeat for africans
all the job postings are fake
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good for them
we're all gonna make it

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