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Kpop website
Kpop board
Kpop general
Only people who care about kpop are teenage girls and asian fever guys
I'm having my last wank before sorting my life right now.
Might go live in the woods
>re burakkupinku

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>consooming current year popular media

we fucking WON
It’s insane how intensely SEAsians love kpop.
But then it’s also kind of depressing seeing all those poverty stricken little thirdie SEA girls be obsessed with the glamorous first world.
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>>consooming current year popular media
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watching the news
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*whips out my willard and starts jerking it around*
when did we lose our ability as a society to say 'no' to people like this?
wonder what it's like going to school as a zoomer, wonder if bullying is as much of a problem since they're all a bunch of culturally homogenous vaping tiktok-scrolling NPCs
Got my window open
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um lads?
I’m a zoomer and it was perfectly fine but i also was homeschooled and never interacted with other kids my age
Sun is fiery today, close it
Aren't most zoomers out of school by now
Neither of your countries are in the daylight right now
the youngest zoomers are like 12-13
99% of brit is zoomer
4chan is a zoomer site now
If you're a BOOMER you need to go outside and live your life
bullying is a necessary aspect of woke indoctrination
gen z was born 1997-2012, meaning they are 12-27 years old
finally someone defines the correct year range
this looks the same as the girl where she's thrusting her sword at her friend and her hips sway side to side
i didn't know it was a popular media thing
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She is perfect and i wish to marry her one day when i sort my life out and im a 30+ year old boomer god and she is still in her prime

it's like theoretical absolute zero ass
millennial is 1980 - 1992 so gen z is actually 1992-2012 (a full 20 years)
the millennial birth years are shorter because the defining feature is growing up as technology/the internet was growing, whereas zoomies always had it
how do you mean?
honestly glad im an older zoomer, got to experience plenty of years of life before technology took over our daily lives, but am knowledgeable enough with tech that i am able to use it adeptly
and also im not old like millennials lol
>thousands of subs
it's over lad
been blacked by life
Social bullying instead of physical
How old is that then? And what would i be as a 21 year old nearly turning 2022
Wonder how it feels going to school and having every PSA explained to you in the form of rapping
All zoomers had phones that can only call and text and play some video games
The internet wasn't mainstream yet
That's it
this is something entirely fabricated by you and not backed up by anyone else
those are zillennials
same age as me, we fit into that early zoomer sub-generation
>asian fever guys
i recognise melbourne
would you marry her despite the boyfriend?

1 minute 8 seconds is enough for me. thanks for the link friend. have a good day
no we dont
21 year olds aren't early zoomer. You guys lived with technology all your lives and probably only played from PS3 onwards.
we had several years of childhood before the invention of the smartphone and a handful more before they became ubiquitous
cope all of us agree its like 1997-2003 for early gen z
australia cries out for more south sudanese refugees
britain isn't allowed to pretend to be a metric nation if they still measure distances in miles and weight in fucking STONE
STONE, jesus christ give me a break
anyone else extremely lonely
>we had several years of childhood before the invention of the smartphone and a handful more before they became ubiquitous
true. Honestly it was a great time, internet being available but not mainstream to be in every facet of live
They will come crawling back to us soon to be boomergods when they find out their gen alpha cuck boyfriends arent good enough for them
>bullying is a necessary aspect of woke indoctrination
need hatting back pronto
mental the kind of shite you can post here now
yeah but when i have company i wish i were alone, god put me on this earth to suffer
nothing wrong with stone
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>like 1997-2003 for early gen z
They are the most based demographic but i think 2001-2003 isnt really early enough
it was, i miss being able to leave the internet after i had my fun and have fun outside with friends
my first interactions with 'smartphones' was ipod touch (even though it had no phone capabilities) which he discarded onto me (which then ruined my life by getting me addicted)
do you get free uni if you join the military?
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my brother's ipod touch*
it’s free if you’re Scottish
For some reason millenials have this idea that every zoomer grew up with all the latest technology and were turned into robots overnight
not an argument
that hardly seems fair
join us you get free uni and citizenship
Being in a constant state of outrage must be exhausting
purple cars make me nervous, even though purple is a perfectly fine colour on its own, something about a purple car feels drug dealer-y to me
really want to eat some kebab but nothing open right now
The tragedy of pretty western european girls turning to tranime because they cant see beauty in anything else anymore.
Atleast some of them stay fairly innocent for a while.
don't you have to be in the forces for at least 8 years and/or get your legs blown off before the military will pay for it though?
i'm a big fan of onlyfans. i'd never use it myself, but i'm glad that outlet now exists. billions of dollars of transactions that support livelihoods that never existed before
Is this a livelihood
the US military has stupid rules about having to shave your head and have absolutely no facial hair, no other country does that
>prostitution never existed before
christ you're thick
awful post
just the minimum 3 years for full uni benefits
im using them rn but it wasnt from me serving
i get paid to go to school basically, the 'housing' payment goes nowhere near rent and they dont care
>paying for onlyfans when coomer.su exists
>livelihoods that never existed before
>"world's oldest profession"
All "sex work" including pornography that does not involve actual sex between the buyer and seller should be banned. it's an industry built around preying upon and exploiting vulnerable lonely men but no one ever talks about it because women are oppressed or something
it's not really prostitution in the traditional sense tbf
hey bud, you're not getting those subs
Not going there
shouldn't called blowjob if there's no blowing involved
its not harming anyone chud!
what do you mean things impact things?? meds, now!!
what's wrong with .su?
>pornography bad because it exploits men (does it?)
>prostitution fine even though it exploits women (it does)
incels never cease to amaze
didnt we make them for them instead
shit bait kys
incel moment
it's shit because it never has the DMs uploaded
you can't even make planes anymore
you're thick mate
where's the previous livelihoods from posting teasing photos online before?
AUKUSeethe more
really sick of people saying prostitution is the world's oldest profession, it was obviously some gathering job like berry picking
just another way they normalize degeneracy
still mad about that my froggy friend? i haven't been paying attention or caring for my part
masturbating is such a humiliating, degrading, gross activity. sex is a human right and those denied it suffer and im tired of pretending we dont
good post
the virgins here are perpetual victims. i wouldn't be surprised if they have rainbow coloured hair and ear piercings and shit just like the rest of the constantly outraged
>online amateur porn didn't exist until onlyfans
airbus won
take the L
Scotland has its own parliament and that’s what they voted to spend their budget
>t. toryboy who got everything in his life handed to him
even doe boeing won doe and the shill campaign failed doe
Not very blessed
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mad? haha, you're paying much more for nothing haha
have fun
I wish I had been born in America
got to be up at 11am to get my mil ID renewed fucks saaaake why do they schedule it so early
austory revival arc
for you it should be worshipping a pedophile warlord since you're unironically a muslim
as a society, we need to collectively change the socially accepted hours of business from 9 to 5 to 11 to 7. This would make life easier and more pleasant for literally everyone and yet we insist upon forcing everyone to wake up early for some reason
ive britified myself and now pronounce all -mouth names in the british fashion
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i only worship God
God is NOT a pedophile
aisha was 9 years old
sorry lad, at least we'll always be allies against the batarians
aisha mentioned
sorry 1996 chuds, but you are zoomers
ok and?

under18 marriages were common in every culture
aisha was 6 when muhummad married her but he waited until she was 9 to fuck her. cool guy.
is austory the pedo then?
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>at least we'll always be allies against the batarians
don't joke about that
Late 2000s-early 2010s, when the economy was crashing and TV was bland, but the music was still charming.
I'll admit I miss those days.
raised by a single impoverished mother
just worked a reasonable amount. made one catastrophic investment in my late 20s which meant i had to start from zero all over again and here we are. victimhood should be left for the real victims (those of crime)
too bastard warm to sleep
95 actually, don't really feel like i have much in common with the core of either generation
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corr good kittingtonshire diss

finkin imma garna hairfta give diss amudda DL
Videogames were better
im 02
back when tiktok was just a pop song that you were ashamed to admit you quite liked
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holy shit lol

for days they've been having a campaign to find this guy and now it turns out he's in a violent gang that stabbed up a kid a few years ago

yeah....the DM will memoryhole this real quick lmao no more banner stories for you Jay boy
mohammed was a pedophile, jesus was a jewish magician trickster, and you're all faggots
will take that as a yes
Just had a life-sorter wank.
really been slacking at gymtoil lately, i do my first exercise then maybe a set or two of my second and decide i can't be arsed and go home
need to get back on speed, could work out all day on that shit
yea YEAH
...something about reapers?
the way i see it is you sacrifice an hour a day to enjoy the other 23 in a fit body. considering you sacrifice 8 hours a day not to be homeless already, it's worth the trade
my workouts usually take about 2 hours because i prefer long rest times, i also don't have a job so looks like you're wrong on both fronts
feel free to reject my wisdom and go back to your drugs then neet loser, no sweat off my back
because I SAID SO
i'm diagnosed ADHD and i'm a student, eat my arse
every single thing you worry about is vanity and vexation of spirit
just been memoryhold
don't like having too many options for weapons, if you're a soldier there's no reason to ever use anything other than the assault rifle and maybe the sniper
>Kpop website
>Kpop board
>Kpop general
if only
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>i'm diagnosed with pee pee poo poo disorder and get my drugs from a pharmacy this is so very different from buying the same shit off a brownoid on the street
What’s all this hawk tuah nonsense about?
*spreads cheeks*
*curls out a poo*
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love kpop, me
leave the woke mob to me
>there's no reason to ever use anything other than the assault rifle and maybe the sniper
shot gun, up close
human supremacy up close
my balls on their face
speed is just super caffeine, i guarantee most of the world's productive people are on some kind of illegal stimulant
shotgun is useless most of the time unless you're a vanguard
would never hear about hawk tuah or jay slater if i didn't browse /brit/
in 2 and 3, you'd be surprised
Yes, you would. Mong.
shagged each and every one of them
lots of argumentative angry incels in /brit/ lately, don't know why we can't just have civil disagreements without namecalling and projection, must be an influx of zoomers or something
Engaging with you is like experiencing the original Mass Effect inventory system—clunky, confusing, and a complete waste of time
Wish this magpie would shut the fuck up
Talking to you is like being stuck in the Mako - bumpy, disorienting, and constantly making me wish for an early exit
what do you mean lately?
/brit/ is a constant shitfest with a few brief hours of tolerable posts
you prefer gen a i suppose
why is perth all the way over there
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yea... i got you figured out
yeah maybe i'm just getting older and less sexually frustrated so i don't see the point in putting any venom in my posts
*rattles my tail*
*bites you*
*seeks medical attention*
gotta be up at 9 o clock and can't sleep might just mong my brain up even more and stay up all night
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Perhaps it's result of an anxiety.
thinking nietzche was right, the whole point of life really is to just acquire as much power as possible
>interested in politics
immediate dealbreaker. only disordered sick women are interested in politics, can't think of a single example of one who's not
haha commiemong would love this post he'd call you waffen-ss and pornpilled and all that
why don't you read him instead of making shit up
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nietzsche was a gay incel
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any stirners in chat?
any stirners?
i have and am speaking in extremely broad strokes as it is nighttime, this is not a serious discussion forum, and im high on marijuana
never noticed it before but tom hardy does look a lot like triple h
he was volcel
he wasn't gay but he was basically an incel
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Black Spot has massacred my tomato plants
he proposed to lou salome several times and she rejected him
duuuude I'm high on weeeeeeed
That's not what the will to power is you retard.
not really, he was just a philosopher who held a platonic love for both a woman and Wagner
i have and am speaking in extremely broad strokes as it is nighttime, this is not a serious discussion forum, and im high on marijuana
>ermmm actually vague concept never explicitly articulated by the philosopher actually means something slightly different
shut the fuck up
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yea i'd do again
might cruise down the pacific motorway picking up european backpackers and driving them to their destination without incident
absolute mogging this
You have the social skills of a Reaper—destructive, invasive, and devoid of any redeeming qualities
power-seeking is the source of all evil in the world
you probably prefer the blonde because she has "bigger" aka more fat tits despite her being ugly as sin because you're a low iq nigger
maybe you can seek the power to shut your mouth
racism is not permitted outside of /b/
mods, attend to him
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quiet you
i'm going for a jog lads. about 15kms to give my muscles a bit of a stretch

doing the lord's work
wouldn't you rather have me on your side, then?
this is actually true
assuming by power you mean trying to control others

bizarre assumptions from a bizarre man
See you in tomorrow's wank thread
wish I could control-X you heheheh
*pushes them out of the way*
excuse me
*posts my letter*
*throws a 7kg poo at you*
can austory please shut the fuck up
austory? Is that a spinoff of toy story?
fucked up my life as badly as one can without going to prison or being morbidly obese
dropped some toast?
what did you do
posted in /brit/
so you're a fentanyl addict who got a woman pregnant, and are in hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of debt to criminals who will kill you if you don't pay in a week? no you're just an incel
just dropped out of society after i left school 13 years ago and fallen down an abyss of mental illness and substance abuse
a grave mistake that has been the demise of many a sensitive young man
did you get a tranny surgery?
weather underground terrorists are still alive and well and walking around free
this country is so compromised
qrd? who is jay slater?
*drop kicks it*
*quick jabs it in the nose*
yea, reckon i'd make it in australia
probably better just going to prison
It's hot, going to sleep with no pants on tonight
care to elaborate on which illnesses and substances? anything hard?
I have a headache
how can a group of 8 people attack a bloke with machetes and axes and not kill him? gotta be easier to kill than to only seriously maim in that situation
birdsteins just don't shut the fuck up do they
never send a whiteboy to do a black mans job
i'm deeply mentally unwell but have no real official diagnoses that i know of despite seeing many shrinks over the years
in terms of substance abuse, i used to be an alcoholic from about 22-28, now i just abuse benzos and prescription opioids
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could give you advice, but both you and I know everything that I would say about what you need to do. you already know what you need to do, the only question is, will you do it? only you can say
had diagnoses for depression, bi-polar and adhd. think i'm going atm now schizo too. i drink a lot but i don't take drugs. lol, lmao even
cartoons like this make it look so easy to suck yourself off. real niggas know the truth tho
that i need to quit relying on substances as a crutch yeah? well forget about it, i'm a nervous wreck without them, at least they lend me some semblance of functionality
you need only want change for it to happen
shuffling a poo
There have been reports of people surviving like 70 stab wounds

I think you're built for being mauled and surviving. Bullets not so much
everyone will say dude weed or whatever but i used to be an alcoholic and the only way I successfully quit was by switching to weed. the best advice i can give you that you won't hear from normies is to slowly dial back the types of drugs you use, it doesn't have to be weed but maybe try switching to methadone for example. small steps in the right direction are progress, you don't have to go cold turkey.
me and my mom live with my aunt after being forced to sell the house to avoid foreclosure and cant find another house to buy because the markets fucked
sally free an' easy
i've smoked weed plenty of times, it's not for me, it forces me to look at myself objectively, and objectivity is not a flattering angle, it's no exaggeration to say weed could very easily make me kill myself
is your aunt's house nice
its spacious but very old, she hasnt spent any money on repairs or updates despite have plenty of money for it
tjhere is a rotted hole in the plaster of the ceiling above me as i type this
not good
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can't believe i used to sit through tv ad breaks that could last 1-2 minutes with minimal complaint back in the day, nowadays i am completely unwilling to sit through a 15-second ad on youtube
well then as I said, just try to take less potent opiods over time. Much easier to go from oxycodone to codeine to sober than it is to go from oxys to sober.
can't watch anything longer than a 4chan webm me
i take tapentadol, it's not really hard opioids and i often go days or weeks at a time without it, i can't really bring myself to go out or really do anything though
Looks like black mold because of a leaky pipe bro
hush, o, babe,
while the red bee hums
the silent twilight's falls
Aoibheall from the grey rock comes
to wrap the world in thrall
goon session
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we were all less adhd back then because of way less instant gratification
Is there an app / software / service that generates regularly scheduled programming depending on the deterministic upload schedule of your favorite youtubers

So it's just ready to go

If there's nothing then they're just like 'sorry there is no TV'
whatever the specifics, just generally try to taper down. maybe just do your drugs as usual for a month but record every drug and the dosage for each day, and then in the second month try to do 10% less, logging yourself the whole time.
Longmeat pressed up against Blonde Katy’s pale clapper
twas a roof leak from before i even moved in
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foul, fragrant female flatulence
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I want a flat Asian gf bros
gooning to this
matching their rhythym
reckon i'd make an excellent detective because i'm so good at stalking
Black python tucked in between katy’s pale thighs
mumstein used to be flat-chested and pretty insecure about it but dadberg bought her implants for her 40th birthday, he's a thoughtful man
No one remembers Macsen
There are none who recall him now
looks ugly af
>A fatberg is a rock-like mass of waste matter in a sewer system formed by the combination of flushed non-biodegradable solids (such as wet wipes) with fat, oil, and grease (FOG) deposits
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I wonder if India has poobergs.
you're a homosexual
pooberg and fatberg linked up
>having a functional sewerage system to have "-bergs" of any kind
>officers are still investigating the cause of the shooting
The answer is an easy one and it starts with the letter N.
>flat asian
Get this nigga to Thailand
another victim of the vax
he died doing what he loved. being a nigger
watching riding in cars with boys (2001)
What was up with Omegle
i still mentally live in the 2014-2016 era
nonce hq
190 threw a massive when it shut down
In a word beset by lebbos and abbos he enforces fackin justice, ya cunt. It is the year 2024 and gangs of Tartars and fat people have set their fackin claws on the world's oil supplies while the average digger languishes. The future of Straya, and the wuhld with it, looks grim.
you ever notice that someone is insecure about something about themselves, like they do a little tell that tips you off
i always feel so sorry for them when i clock it
i want to be able to tell them its ok
Oh makes sense

I was just wondering if it was anything specific. I guess one indian penis too many just sent him over the edge
remember the early days of stickam when b-list celebs would use to go on live ama not knowing what they were in for
no idea what stickam is

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