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Air travel edition
Prev >>198975383
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HOOOOONK weeweeweewee
HOOOOONK weeweeweewee
even mexican dogs are lazy
perro wiwi
This one was first
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I'm horny
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dinner is ready
are you a woman?
That spaghetti looks awful
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I dream of a hemispheric common market with open borders. 1 billion Americans.
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VGH. Imagine 1 billion Catholics.
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we're all over here
gay thread talking about homo shit no thanks
I don't know who LonerBox is, but I'm shocked that BadEmpanada jobbed so fucking hard. 14 minutes in and it's an utter massacre.
BadEmpanada has some good videos as someone who's not even a leftist. Here he's just a flat out loser.
lonerbox is a destiny simp, not suprised he won
Were back
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Really wish this was higher quality
All I know about Destiny is he jobbed to Metokur and Finkelstein, so it's even more surprising.
Time is an illusion. If you have further questions, I'm happy to help :)
destiny destroyed finklestein though
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i've seen a similar image
how do i see time for what it is then
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>destiny destroyed finklestein though
See this bussy for what it is
Mr Borrelli stop exposing yourself to the world as a cretin
As long as you're exclusively identified with your body, you are subject to time. You're on a limited trip that will last maybe 80 years if you're exceedingly lucky. Realize that you are but a singular, temporary vantage point of an infinite consciousness. That infinite consciousness is your true nature. And so time and death are illusions. Like a dream.
yeah he did. i bet you didn't even watch it. thats why finklestein resorted to insults
just busted a load just like how that cop busted a cap at the negro on the porch
Yeah me too, several in fact. Wish I hadn't.
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more insults. cant even point out what he said was wrong
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desTINY has never won a debate in his life. His fans are literally all low IQ morons who are impressed that desTINY can gishgallop
*devours feces*
bte clek
__ __ _ _ _ _
\ \ / /__ _ _ (_)_ __ ___ | |_ __ (_) __ | |__ | |_
\ V / _ \| | | | | | '__/ _ \ | | '__|| |/ _`| '_ \ | __|
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Claude came pretty close actually
Finklestein has that whiny NY Jew voice. Destiny is an actual retard. I hate them both.
destiny had more sex this year than you ever will in your entire life. seethe chud
Do you wear seatbelts?
I don't know who these people are, and that makes me better than you.
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well maybe not quite right...but it looked better before I pasted it
Oh great, more e celeb garbage discussion
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talking about circumcision isn't politics
there is no "goshcel"

now let's move on and stop being autistic
me and you are both autistic
but you are a tranny, i am not...
1. wrong
2. tiny didn't even have sex with his wife, he was a cuckold in the relationship
3. he's literally on stream getting cucked by a negro LOL
you would think that this would be super easy for an ai cause can make really detailed pictures, and this is just making some lines
Yes, I've been rear ended already
he didn't have sex with her because she has saggy boobs
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goodnight and sweet dreams
I'd rather be an incel for life than being in a cuckold "open relation"
because he's a disgusting, stupid creep and she just took his money and ran
good night anon
because you wouldn't get any women while your wife fucks bbc
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do you faggots realize how gay of a discussion you're having?
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i am brown
and idc
race is not important and multiculturalism can be good

look at Hudson County, New Jersey a diverse county and it is iterally the best place to live in the US
it is safe and so much to do and it is walkable and has great public transportation!
No they aren't self aware
>new jersey the best county to live in
give it up goshy
your the gay one if you immediately think about gays when you see people discussing sex
Got my download of L-theanine.
current escapist fantasy: sitting under a gazebo draped with with purple wistera along it's columns, in victorian england, holding an ornate saucer and teacup and enjoying a pleasant and temperate spring day.
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I objectify and fetishize brown women
This makes me think of tea time, and specifically those little sandwiches they serve. I think it's usually cucumber or tomato.
im bored
yeah, cucumber/tomato finger sandwiches are fantastic . essential to any tea time
My parents would punish me for saying that as a child
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fuck you wignats, redditors, and schizos
keep obsessing over me or whatever

i am going to keep blogposting and will keep defending circumcision and simping for asian women
your white women are ugly and are all disgusting sluts

craving a watercress sandwich now
drinking milk
enjoy your tall ice cold glass of plain whole milk anon
I have many opinions
cats or dogs?
Love them both, but I'd rather have a cat because they are potty trained
I finished lvling on bloodmyst as a human, I'm lvl 17 where do I go next
I adore seafood
based Uncle Ruckus
i've been doing mahi mahi fillets lately . they are like fish steaks, really good texture and they taste amazing.
lobster with melted butter, fried prawns with sweet chili sauce, salmon and tuna sashimi. I could go on and on.
i will secure a future for the asian race
why did you level on bloodmyst anyways go to westfall or barrens or silverpine or yo mommas house
I'm playing hardcore(perma death) so I wanted easy quests, no caves, and green rewards.
Yes, YES
are we going to make it or not
Make what? Breakfast?
I suggest we make bacon pancakes
i wont make it
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are we going to make it?
why did they beat pepe up
I discovered an amazing, very simple way to make chicken in the convection oven.
It's crazy that people just a few generations back lived such incredibly different lives than us
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rubbing my peepee until I ejaculate sperm
lots of jap people eat instant noodles everyday and they are healthy and not fat
tell us
im glad they solved some of the really hard problems so i can live in comfort today
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incel bros, it's time for us to rise up
It's time for you to give me food
I demand a sandwich!
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here's food for thought
you will get watercress finger sandwiches
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let me do your foundation what shade are you
what percentage of Brazilian women look like this?
blond? i'd reckon 5%
I have pictures of me with full clown paint
what was the occasion ?
I was "acting" in a student film for my friend
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is this achievable natty?
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>average sized chicken breast, covered in oil
>tonight I did sesame oil, balsamic vinegar, teriyaki sauce, oyster sauce, salt+pepper, and a liberal sprinkling of Tajin
>I had to make 4 medium sized pieces to prevent the chicken from spoiling, so I baked them all at 450°F for just over 20 minutes (it was a tiny bit underdone and should have been 25 mins)
>very tender and juicy
I was gonna wrap it in tinfoil too but we didn't have any.
Anyways.....I bought picrel last week and haven't opened them yet, and since this appears to be the drug thread, I figure why not do one? These are delicious by the way.
did he get a good grade ?
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why are spics chinks now
kek sauce
I don't remember actually
In fact I don't think I ever saw the finished product now that I think about it.
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always were
what in the goddamn
don't sweat it anon all that matters is that you had fun
oyster sauce with chicken sounds interesting
i can't do edibles anymore last time i had some i kind of had a small freakout
Their ancestors that migrated across the bering sea ~15 thousand years ago were Asiatic.
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he's fucking mad, what will he do next?
wtf THATS not mcdonalds
I hate this when I feel tired but still can't fall asleep and what is not helping it's that birds outside are singing
if its stuffed crust this is okay i do that too
Should I get a warm sparkling water of a flavor that I love, or a cold sparkling water of a flavor that I enjoy, but not as much?
why are they BROWN instead of yellow.
sparkling water tastes bad warm and its not as refreshing , get the cold one
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>get a gf after never having one
>she wants babies
>secretly deep down, i don't feel anything for her, although she's smart nice and cute (stunning if she lost weight)
>actually just want to be alone again

what do i do
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I ate them all lmao
how long have you been together? usually getting engaged comes before the baby discussion. but if you don't feel anything for her and you want to be alone, just tell her that and stop playing games with her
dump her ass obviously
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Yes, specifically, CBG, the stem cells of weed.
jsut eat the straight plant
I don't think that works
Does it?
Mckenna Grace is now 18 bros
yes watch LEAF on eating weed vs smoking for health
2 months

do normoids feel actual love early on or no? she was crazy about me before we went out
you are still firmly in the honeymoon phase so kind of yes, less love and more infatuation
but if you really feel nothing for her and want to be alone, tell her that instead of leading her on
Now she needs an appointment with Net Video Girls.
bitch is crazy if she's talking about having babies 2 months in, huge liability
Took me 40 minutes to cum fapping to hentai manga
she left her ex as he didnt want kids, so she brought that subject up quickly
she works just across my desk yeah i know, ive also been a wizard up to this point so i cant tell if years of coping with being alone, its been 2 months so i cant have reverted back to feeling things properly

but i dont want to lead her on and waste her time, if im just adjusting to having someone else in my life
just act normal nigga get laid and think about it down the line but dont marry early dont let someone pressure u into marrying know and vet them for years before moving in and dump her if she starts acting like a roastie or has feminist frens
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Imagine getting a gf, then complaining and dumping her and then going on to die alone lmao
that's even worse, she's just desperate looking for someone to impregnate her, it's clearly transactional, she just see you as a beta provider for her babies
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>not being a neet would eventually lead to this
how do you feel when she's around? if there's no spark there i doubt it will get better as the relationship goes on, but if you really think you're just having a big adjustment from being alone so long, how long do you think it would take you to be really sure?
why do you assume everyone is so sinister and malicious
ok to on edge trying to maintain a facade to mild disbelief and wonder as to what im doing and where i am, there's a strong overall feeling of im just acting and treating her well

i have no fucking idea, i have spent years and years never letting anyone get close and the last time i fell for someone i burned myself like a dumb motherfucker, i need a therapist or something
because it's obviously true
sounds like impostor syndrome, yes you should definitely talk with a therapist . you've been building barriers to intimacy for years as a self defense mechanism, so that kind of mental conditioning doesn't go away quickly. i don't have the answer for what you need to do in the short term. just try not to lead her on for too long
thanks anon
of course
Some people are Weeabos, but I'm a Slavboo
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good night
anyone else get the runs when they drink coffee before breakfast?
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would you have sex with a roided up gym girl?
Andrea Dworkin was such a evil and disgusting woman

she is burning in hell rn
it's joever
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Gentleman, I have found their Statue of David
Just admire the craftsmanship
youre just an incel shud
non sequitur
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so you're telling me the final boss is actually the primordial god that created all other gods and that's he's not really a god but a far away cosmic entity
actually the real god is far beyond that as he is the one, the fake god came from Sophia herself as she is both faces of creation nonetheless the daughter of the one
i'm tired of Bruce Springsteen
i hate yaldabaoth
Whats it made of
I think most new statues here are concrete. I don't know if they put rebar or what in there though
i just cant imagine a women hunched over the toilet squeezing a hard shit out veins popping out of their foreheads, i just cant
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POV your lack of talent just angered the pygmy people
Women poop and fart every day
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Fuck yes bros it’s Breakfast Slurpee time
1 cherry plz
Nigga there’s literally 2 zero-sugar options in the pic.
Slurpees are for everyone.
Except Spaniards. Spaniards aren’t allowed to have them.
A few years ago I married a Japanese woman. It was a lovely ceremony at a small shrine in Tennoji.
When we got back home and I sat down, my wife straddled my lap and said “I’m gonna fart on you”. I laughed and said I’m sure she wouldn’t. She had literally never even farted in my presence.
But then it happened. There was no sound, but I felt a “shower” of warm air pass through my clothing, directly onto my dick.
I can never again return to living in a world where my dick has never been farted upon.
I’ve asked several Japanese guys who are married, and they also said that as soon as they were married, their wives started farting all the damn time at home and in private.
>mihai filets
would he be considered wh*Te in u are country?
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I’m going to say it
Agagagahhh Niiiiii
Based dogs

Won't let anybody tell them what to do
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We don't have those in Britain, but we had slush puppies when I was young (pic related). They were okay. I think they only had two flavours - blue flavour or red flavour.
Blue and red are the classic slushie flavors.
They don’t actually taste like any sort of fruit for flavor that occurs in nature.
They simply taste “blue” and “red”.
Personally, I believe red is the superior flavor.
Porn sex food carbs sugar salt weed alcohol
Red is supposed to be strawberry and blue is raspberry right? I think I used to prefer blue when I was younger but it was a long time ago

All good when enjoyed in moderation, except for sex which should be enjoyed as much as possible
This bussy
Sneaking mission 60, weapons 80
I think red is supposed to be cherry and yeah blue is raspberry.
However I’ve never once had an actual cherry or raspberry which taste anything like those respective flavors.
you can’t say that
Weed shouldn’t be consumed at all
Fun fact: Corporations like Google purposely dumb down and make release versions of their AI borderline useless so people don't become fearful of AI replacing their jobs
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Can you really be a true american if your ethnicity isn't listed here?
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That might be true although cherry is a rarer flavour in the UK than it is in the US

I think it's okay in moderation
Too chad for this general full of faggots XD
>except for sex which should be enjoyed as much as possible
No. Because sometimes a fat/unpleasant girl who was within your alcohol-induced standards when you were drunk might knock on your door because she’s horny, and you have to make up an excuse like “I’m sick” because I’m sober and she smells like sweat and fish.
So true…
the rain that is
Bros I’m so lonely and wealthless… It’s bumming me out fr fr…
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Open pussies for Israel LOL
someone cut the tip off his penis
Mexibros, is this true?
I’m not fearful of AI, I’m fearful of the rich people who already control everything.
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Has anyone else noticed a significant increase in their power recently?
there were two candidates on the ballot and they were both pretty much the exact same so i voted for the younger one.
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It’s over
been reading some of the black IG pages about this, quite humorous
>nah bro Latinos are natural conservatives and trad bro, mexicans especially!
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Southern US simply has the most SOVL, this is indisputable even if you don't like southrons
she's jewish
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and whomst've voted for her thougheverbeit?
Yeah it has probably the most distinctive regional culture. Also has some good food, great music, and friendly people as long as you avoid politics.
look at how many political candidates get killed there. It's all orchestrated. It's all zog
Those crazy Jeets diced that Leonardo lady that made fun of them with that tweet about having to share 10 lbs dumbbells with them
Mexico is still 78% catholic. It's by far the most trad country in /cum/
*Doxxed >>198992519
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>28 degrees
>Coca-Cola & Pepsi
>Mark Twain and most notable authors
>Country music (not western), Blues, rock and roll, gospel and pretty much every major genre started there
>fried chicken
>those crazy Protestants
Literally the heart and SOVL of America
Still voted for her, they didn't try this in Colombia or Honduras etc. for a reason
>elected a jew promising tranny rights
bruv considering you are ground zero for zog and we are some retarded colony for it, that's not much of achievement
Jeets are very bitter and insecure people, like some minor shitpost will have them spamming for weeks about how you are a bloddy benchod!!!
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The following lyrics will make old niggas tear up about how real music is dead and nothing can beat the classics of their childhood
>Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
>Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
>Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door, oh yeah
>Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door, eh, eh yeah
>Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
>Hey, hey, hey, yeah knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
>Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
>Ooh, yeah knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
>Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
>Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
>Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
>Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
>Whoa-whoa, yeah
>Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
>Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door, oh yeah
>Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door
>Knock-knock-knockin' on heaven's door, wow oh yeah
Bob Dylan always sucked
sorry. it was a typo.
>*mumbles awkwarldy into the microphone, half of the words being slurred beyond recognition*
All Modern music is trash, but boomer shit is hit and miss
Someone please tell me it’s going to be all right
>run response_vector.exe
[no worries :)]
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uhh you are stealing another /cum/ anons gimmick, that is punishable by death
Retarded plebeian
does anyone else like to ask the missus during sex where the dick is going so she answers "my pussy" and it makes your dick explode because she's a prude and doesn't use swear words?
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ayoo this nigga talking to his body pillow again
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it will be fine
You wouldn't know what good music is if it burst into your house at night and died right in front of you, on fire
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Hot women be like let’s post a picture where I look „ugly“ and still look hot and sexable and they know it and it was their intention
ayyylmao eyes
>I look „ugly“ and still look hot and sexable and they know it
it only works for really attractive people, sub7 people can't relate
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why so many giant ants on the sidewalk today wtf
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I want to be incinerated alive
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What percentage of Latinx Americans are crypto-Sephardic?
I want one too
He had some good lyrics. This isn't one of them.
>99% European
Other way around. 99% native.
European niggas be using weird quotation marks
Been eating more because I want to have beeg muscles.
Nobody told me I would be pooping and farting all the time.
Do one for the AI itself
Ya sorry I still had the German keyboard active on my Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max
You need to adjust your diet so you’re getting proportionally more protein, but it’s still at a maintenance level of calories, unless you want to be a permabulk ogre
>boat travel channel
>hag blonde white woman with skin cancer from the sun
name a more iconic duo
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Green iMessage Android xissy meltdown imminent
Sent from my iPhone
I want fries with melted chili cheese on it and pizza and someone with a gun to show up behind me and blow my head off point blank
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>Is that Limburger or just your feet
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>be Canadian
>get shot
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womyn seethe about sex dolls cause they know they can be easily replaced
>disney parks travel account
>morbidly obese single white woman in her 30's
Says the trog who says there's no good modern music
I've been trying to keep my portions and snacking under control. If I'm careful about starches I usually come up under 1800 calories a day.
Does it make me a footfag if I like Limburger
No Canadians were involved in this shooting thoughbeit
Can you appear in my room like you're Batman and snap my neck irl
the same bacteria in many kinds of cheese is on your feet eating dead skin. That's why they smell similar! So yes you are a foot fetishist
I don’t want to permabulk but I do want to gain at least 10-15 more lbs.
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>No Canadians
It’s true…
Lame asf….
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This is so sad!!!
>Seymour Gibbs
Is this Bart Simpson prank calling Moe’s Tavern?
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>FK can't into prompts
>"Everyone wants to be American" -- has never met a foreigner
Lmao this shit is funny because multiple thousands of foreigners daily try to sneak in with hopes someday of being American.
Got a hankerin for some potato salad.
I wish I had the balls to do that!
I know a guy who was accepted into a very highly rated university on a full-ride scholarship, but he dropped out after a year to work for border protection in Texas. He just hated immigrants so much that he dedicated his life to it. Respect
Yeah the AI seems to be about 33% accurate
I went from working a manual labor job to working at an office job so I had to start eating 1/4th of what I used to eat and start going to the gym
No more breakfast no more lunch and only one small dinner
Sometimes I'll eat a fruit or something
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Anyone else craving potato salad? Jesus, I don't know where this is coming from
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it's all so grim
Bottom right….too true…
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uhhh /cum/bros... who is this talking about???
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>weather app says it's raining now
>look outside and it is dry
I eat 3 meals but I'm just careful. Limits on bread, tortillas, and non whole grains, etc
do you live where your location is set thoughbeit?
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I want to visit the Pacific Northwest, personally
My house temp is at 77°F
are you in the midwest too?
location is set to auto

fuck you nigga

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