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Songs From The Big Chair edition
Fluoride orange peel car wax
please stop making this edition
who needs the kwik e mart
their floors are sticky mart
they made dad sicky mart
Decaffeinated coffee toothpaste
deets mate
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>On the 1st day, God created light.
>On the 2nd day, God created the sky.
>On the 3rd day, God created land, sea, plants and trees.
>On the 4th day, God created the sun, the moon and the stars.
>On the 5th day, God created the creatures that live in the sea and fly in the air.
>On the 6th day, God created land animals and humans, created in his image.
>On the 7th day, God rested.
>On the 2191500th day, God put a worm in the body of a man. Presumably as some sort of cruel joke to make himself look cool in front of the angels in heaven.
I want to learn more about Hermeticism, esotericism, and divine magick.
rorke the typa nigga to run around trying to catch butterflies with a big net
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it will make you schizo if you really get into it
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he wont stop, it's up to us to stop using it. pretty strong indictment of current day /brit/ that people slate you for trying to make this happen though.
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you hate me for being white and that is ok but i hate you that is bad? this isnt fair
>At 35, Li stood 5-foot-7 and weighed about 135 pounds. But he was imposing. He spoke fluent, Mexican-accented Spanish, wore a Rolex and emanated menace.

just how scary are rolexes lads that they can overcome being a midget
Fluoride will make you schizo if you really get into it
Based edition
It's too 'ot
Fucking dying
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a man NEEDS millions of dollars in his bank account, a hot woman in his bed, a fast car in his garage, and a filet mignon in his stomach
to live any other way is nothing short of cruel and unusual punishment and definitive proof that there is no such thing as a benevolent god
you forgot a COCK up his ARSE
Going to eat 1.8cm of toothpaste per day for 3 months
well that's a given
Do you reckon it’ll make your poos smell nicer?
this place is dead
fucking dire
three of the top ten are FRENCH


zero if the top 100 are BRITISH


Why is the British film industry such a fucking piss take?
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Daily reminder that 'gender identity' does not exist.
There is no such thing as being 'transgender'.
Human beings cannot change their sex.

Transgenderism is a misogynist paedophillic cult that harms women and children.
Maybe i don't know
dunno enjoying the mousenonce orange peel fluoride arc myself
'avin a poo
Li who? Jet Li?
i wish the jews would stop ruining film and tv by putting black people and women in them
dead SERIOUS about going to itchy and scratchy land
Keep a diary. Two experiments in one
boshing lines of toothpaste then shagging mousenonce up the arse
voting labour
(In salty water connected) AgF + Au circuit with a clamp on the metal desk as ground electricity arc
*keeps things ticking over in the midfield*
4chan is dying
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YouGov poll not updated for a week. How am I supposed to know what to think?
twitter is perfectly viable for racism purposes now anyway
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Fluorinated colonial toothpaste potassium citrate ether
xizhi li
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mousey barefoot and heavily pregnant in my kitchen
don't know how a filet mignon fits into a vegan diet
so many peng sg today
What is it with women and going on antibiotics?

I don't think I've ever had cause to go on a course of antibiotics in my entire 30 year life. Yet women are on them every other week for all manner of shite.
haven't heard from andrew tate in a while, he used to pop up on my youtube feed all the time, now i rarely see him
who would've thought rorke's hero would be a half black muslim
Colonial silver toothpaste and toothpaste, or with mouthwash and fluorinated mouthwash, and lemon. And salt also (like antifreeze for example)
vaginas are a constantly gaping wound
They’ve got a hole in between their legs that’s just full of gunk and bacteria
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is this how you get a gf?
rorke will side with literally anyone over women, like Weinstien and Cosby.
>Yet women are on them every other week for all manner of shite.
No they aren't you boring incel.
pushing m&ms into my arsehole one by one
Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) and methylene and carboxilic acid for O2
shouldn't be taking antibiotics unless it's a metter of life or death, you'll create superbugs doing that
marrying mousenonce in a civil marriage ceremony but he's got a bluetooth controlled expanding and vibrating buttplug in his arse controlled by me
moving to australia to build stairs
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Trannyism for example is inherently rorkeish
Mad how leftypol supports it.
listening to my incel music through my incel headphones on the incel bus going to my incel job
why do they want stairs built on the road
bizarre man
there's things up there in the air needing got to
rorke soyjaking at his computer screen
all sorts of things have been up my arse, you name it it's been up there
>God put a worm in the body of a man. Presumably as some sort of cruel joke to make himself look cool in front of the angels in heaven.
what about poo you ever had any of that up there
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have removed the cashbuilder graphic from this brad i captured, and flipped him to be looking at the post! so, anyone who has been enjoying this brad, get this update of him saved! :)
Goo goo g'joob
had a dream where there was one of those animal rescue trucks with a whole heap of dogs in the back, but the truck was being driven by a dog
nah, i had some fluffy dice up there once though
even duplo?
had your keywords filtered for so long i haven't been seeing how fat the not anorexic one has gotten
would rather be molested by my uncle than stuck behind a slow walker
would never have known that was a cashbuilder brad had you not clued us in

would have said that was Brad at the table all day
These really are disgusting if you gnimk about itn
the only thing going up my arse is my own poo
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any targeted individuals in
Really want to shag 16 year old girls.
Toothpaste and honey
And vitamin C
no idea why that incel freak is obsessed with the grimmest whores imaginable
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the future is completely mental innit. AIberg has us all wondering what's what
just mousenonce
I'm sat outside his house right now in a black audi with the numberplate 666
shame about their arses
general douglas macarthur
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In future I will be looking out to see which side the hair parting is on. You can't get anything past me (from now on).
Alberg copperstein
/brit/ meetup in glasgow :3
mad how there hasn't been a /brit/ meetup since the once in newcastle in 2014
Wouldn't happen me.
sweating like a pig in an a slaughter house
Spainfag isn't even a furry
was that the one famously depicted in that humorous cartoon
Irish diaspora smoking orange peel evil bradley sold them
that cartoon was also drawn by a female
the last female to ever post in /brit/
and you're hugless fatarser
obliterated that knob
Colonial silver is expensive as fuck
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what if the AI seamlessly flips his hairlines
i know two american guys in real life and they're both called jon with no h
Plenty of British productions in there
>b-b-but the distribution company is american!!!!!!
So what? Still British jobs and British industry
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I've been done
>being proud of having zero sense of taste, etiquette or finesse
Potassium salt
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Afternoon de lids

Another beautiful day here in paradise :3
hav they got cats named garfield haha
I hope that you got that woman's permission to take a photo of her in a bikini and post it online
brexit means brexit guiseppe
absolutely NO comeback imaginable
do italians have anything else going on except being really autistic with food and coffee
Cry more deegsta
are you tall and a nerd bros
have a hard time watching ghostbusters (1984) these days, there is so much destruction of property and i can't help but think to myself "now who's going to clean that up?"
bet one of these runts is going to find a way to doxx you with this pic
probably some min wage mexican
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>ghostbusters (1884)
he's 100% doxxable
he's even said where he is
he's begging to be doxxed for the attention
but nobody cares about him
why would you try and ruse me like this? bastard. prick.
rorke getting arrested because of an outstanding immigration warrant
dont reply to it
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Toothpaste mango monster energy drink
who was your favourite brit dox lads? has to be ludders for me
COOOOOOoOoOOoOPE they're American films exporting American culture in American English with American stories. The fact we have talented production companies makes it worse we don't have british films.
Don’t need permission to take pictures of people in public lad. I’m just taking a pic of the view from my house not my fault people walked in front of it
Any /Brit/ lads are welcome to come over for a beach party
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>Colonial silver
fat cam was pretty funny
Toothpaste blueberr5 ACAI Rockstar energy drink
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ay YO
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I'll be staying up all night on the beers and mtn dew to support England against Slovenia
cute and smoll me
good lad but you just reminded me i actually need to leave the house today to get beers
how do I get into art
obvs the shiek
If England win by 3+ goals then Croatia has a chance of going through (Turkey also needs to beat Czech Republic)

With Southgateball that's practically impossible though
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where in New England is /brit/ from?
look at it
i can drop off some if you want
why is my deliveroo paki posting here
hi :3
business idea: honey in coffee
Pakis loitering in the gym changing room again. Got to get my sweaty cock arse and bollocks out in front of them again as they watch tiktoks on their phones and speak in their foreign tongues. Sick of em
You fucking niggers; I post about my victory royale in fortnite, and not ONE of you have joined me in jubilations.

SHAN'T be letting any of you know the next time I get a VC
remember this masterpiece lads?
Irish me
winner winner chicken dinner
well let's take my favourite piece by Salvador Dali, "The Great Masturbator"

What do you see in this image? What does each thing represent? What does it tell us about the artist in this moment in time OR for humanity at ANY time? What message is he attempting to get across OR what message can you see that he didn't even intend?

And just know that art is, always and will forever be for poofters.
what we thought we'd have
>flying cars
what we actually have
>brown people whizzing around on electric bikes to deliver goyslop
that's half of london now
What's this based on
most common ethnicities in the counties from a census
erm hi
can't help but think about how popular i would've been if i'd been an exchange student in a british school
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yeah, do you know this one?
Fluorinated cellulose paint thinner toothbrush
is this satire?
I can't tell
>left wing
>but extremely white
>best states in the country

bizarre that
it's like being racially diverse...necessitates right wing politics?
in a way?
no wonder big biz loves it so much
I'm Portuguese. It's quite common here
I see, and does this map ignore the 'American' option that the vast majority of Anglo-derived yanks choose?
Mark the Tuba man
there was an australian at my school (boarding school) and he got bantered so hard he sperged out and whacked someone over the head with a mini cricket bat
Why not fluorinate the toothbrush bristles
no you aren't
you're a mutt
an american mutt
Sounds based
Snivelling little poms met with the primal justice of physical confrontation
not sitting in the sun today
my parents are both from portugal going back like 1000 years and before that, they were suebi
Doing a watch

Why not make fluoride resistant good bacteria, or fluorinated penicillin resistant, ND then put that in people's mouths
Did it make you too horny yesterday
Post ironic satire. The message and sentiment is genuine but its presented in a silly and "comical" way.
No I don't think you can 'go back 1000 years for what your parents are
stfu faggot
all I wanna do, is scratch my bum
I gotta feeling I'm not the only one
once again australia is thrashing us at cricket
>Bhutan doesn't recognise China or Taiwan
Esoterically based
shut up nigga idaf
had a female german exchange student in most of my classes throughout high school, she was so fucking fit, don't think i ever exchanged a single word with her though, for all i know she didn't speak english
Go drink fluoride loser
I still don't get the rules, so how many points was that?
kys groomer
Rorke smoking fluoride evil bradley sold him (he said it was orange peel)
toby smokin that fluoride pack
Fluorinated petrol
Mental how there's probably only about 15 of us
wait until mousenonce finds out that there is fluoride in breast milk
the youtube channel 'jubilee' is anti-intellectual. same with a lot of youtube content focused around debates or opinions.
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gods amongst men
Fluorinated vitamin E
time for a roll call
everyone ITT reply to this post once
i like the one were he shouts at england to stop colonising who people's countries
the cia conspiracy to gangstalk known sigma males
Dunno what that is
mmm 15
germans are weirdos, not as weird as swedes though, but close
less than that
there are about 10 of us right now posting into the void
incels the lot of us
/brit/ numbers were generally pretty good back when we had visible IP counters. Like on a Friday / Saturday you could easily be looking at 50 unique IPs.

/britfeel/ was around 8-10 when the counter was removed however
why can’t i just walk into a library, call an old lady a nigger, do a funny dance and walk away
who’s stopping me
Or Bradley mispelt
Please clap
NPCs post on r/casualuk and r/uk
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Live your dream my King.
my gangstalkers hate that I have an inner monologue
Actually it's just me and you. I take on different personas and use proxies to post with different flags. I even hold conversations with myself, just to see if you get involved and make the place feel alive. But all of this... all of this... I do for you.
Why did the mods get rid of the IP count at the bottom of the page?
Now cunts bump their threads and get away it by pretending to be someone else.
It's not on.
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Personally I recognise Taiwan. Great country. They seem to be very strong in making computer components, like processors (e.g. the CPUs in iPhones) as well as motherboards, power supplies, monitors, all of that.

I reckon you could probably build a PC where every component was made by a Taiwanese company. That might not be possible for any other country, apart from maybe China, but I don't think Chinese CPUs are very good yet.
I run away from my problems at an olympic level
This but my neighbours and listening to my thoughts
nah there are a lot of regulars
mad how grim it is to discover 4chan in your teens
this place totally brainwashes you and turns you into a social reject freak
rorke having a schizo voice in his head and calling it an "inner monologue"
they can't listen to my thoughts
I wear a signal blocking hat at all times
The consensus was that it was either to frustrate efforts at manipulating the userbase prior to the upcoming US election or to hide the fact that the site is slowly dying.
i was already a freak then became less freakish as time went on but couldn’t kick the habit
mousenonce riding my willard cowboy style and his little willy going plap plap plap on my stummy
Leftypol, bugman that he js, not having an internal monologue like an insect
was pretty successful when i found this place just slightly awkward
leftypol getting paid £1000 per day to gangstalk mousenonce
leftypol having an inner mongologue
/x/ was my gateway board
1hr before my next shift with the fit 21 year old with the nice arse
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Wish i got paid to do that
lefties don't have an inner monologue
that's why they can't process logic
know a big time drug dealer in my local area might anonymously dob him in to the police for a laugh
would love to see the chaos and people getting battered and all the chav mongs accusing each other of being the “grass” when no one knows it was me
Pol is here then
>Montenegro is literally only an independent country because their Albanian minority voted to separate from Serbia overwhelmingly in the 2006 referendum
>If Scotland ever do go independent it would 100% be down to the Irish migrants who came over in the 19th century who are still salty towards Britain as they descend from Famine escapers

mad that
you're the TI mousey
why would they pay you to stalk yourself
ever noticed a black audi following you about?
Gold medal in the Avoidant Personality Disorder discipline
any covered with sores man in
might rewatch the thing (1982), wifely considered to be john carpenter's best film, i like assault on precinct 13 (1976) just a smidge more though
I was always a freak
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old films are shit
alright fair play l enjoyed that country youtube
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Why does Rorke HATE freedom of expression?
Whatever happens to the UK in the not too distant future will be down to the unified Islamic vote. They don't even need to be a majority as long as everyone else isn't unified.
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Serbia mentioned
you should see what instagram users have to say about 4chan users
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silly thing to post on /brit/ because now they can trace it back to the local virgin
you don't believe that
Alicia confusing the senpukku eyes theorists and endocrinologists
No, not how it works.
nothing gets past you mate, have you considered applying for the king's guard?
mad how unfunny redditors are
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>5'10 but feel like a dwarf
>went to a good RG uni but jealous of people who went Oxbridge
>Earn a top 15% salary but jelly of people in the top 10%
>got a good hairline but envious of a cunt I know with a lion's mane
>decent size cock but hate people with anacondas

is it just human nature to be jelly and miserable all the time?
why is it impossible to feel content?

On average I've got it pretty good but I still feel like throwing my toys out the pram
mad stuff
Both bugmen and you are a bugman
the innermonloguelets are seething
retarded take. thatcher and blair had far more to do with the support for independence than the irish immigrants ever did.
Globalist neoliberal tripe
Kawai emperor is visiting today
Someone with an internal monologue made this.
sounds like a you problem
I live a comfortable enough life, but I know most in my position would just want more. I'm content, I have peace, that in itself is a luxury.
Catholic areas were most likely to support independence and were the only pro-independence districts back in 2014.

Tis a fact.
Simply not reading that
this never happened
might model my personality after severen from near dark (1987)
>Tis a fact.
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what was it, glasgow city, north lanarkshire and dundee?
you could say catholics or you could say places were a generation of men were put out of work once the heavy industry left
hedonic treadmill n tha
the little kid vampire grew up to be a poofter
>near dark (1887)
you'd have to be a vaccinated out of your mind to fly an eu flag in your garden
These sugar free energy drinks makes my lips taste like antifreeze tastes probably
I like this gimmick
>Half a year since and until Christmas today

utterly utterly mad
a huge red flag if i have ever seen one
Yeah they should be sucking off Putin like you instead
esl browns
Do us all a favour and drink antifreeze
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trannies like you are just unfunny because you have autism and low iq
i swear to god i will fucking hack into your facebook account and tell all your friends you like cock
You can drink antifreeze and it won't kill you. Sugar gets turned into antifreeze in the body to take it back out as glucose, via the G coupled protein hydrogenaze ribosome
Go on then lad, keep up your thinking about gay people every single second, while Putin's cock is firmly rammed into your mouth
How would hiding ip's make it harder to manipulate the userbase? Wouldn't same-posters just blend into anonymity without something to keep track of them?
I despise croatia and will therefore hope that england win 2-0 or 3-1
Starting EMDR today

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