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Songs From The Big Chair edition
I'm so fucking hot ;))))
god bless summer
Football? Chinese invention.
Pasta? Chinese invention.
Covid? Chinese invention.
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any other pansexual autistic child-free vaccinated nato-loving white supremacist maps in? just spainlard then
Might have a good pork-iting time soon.
leftypol demanding that convicted rapists be allowed to serve their sentences in women's prisons
calls anyone who points out this is a danger to women 'bigots'
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girls when i say hi to them
sweaty school girls
quaffing a poowank as it were
do you browse any other chans?
Ah yes, all those famous Arab firearm developments like the ummm.... uh... jezail
meanwhile Europeans (Westerners) invented the wheellock, the match lock, flint lock, rolling block, lever-action, revolver
the Chinese also invented paper so we should give them credit for the invention of computers
might get a gay porn gf
my kink
jiggerboo, niggerboo, coloured cooney
black porch monkey, brown babooney
melon muncher, chicken bone sucker
blue black silverback big spear chucker
Never going in a majority american thread ever again

Theyre like another species
Redditor - the race
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Jaxson Mueller-Sanchez hating Britain because of how they treated his Irish ancestors
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leftypol insisting that 12 year olds get taught about anal fisting at school
labelling anyone who questions why this is necessary 'far right'
holy shit is that boobs
arguing about which nations "invented" things is one of the most midwit things imaginable
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Do you fucks not get bored of talking about race? Fucking yanks, the lot of you. Mind infested with American politics.
god I want to fu
putain j'ai envie de baiser ses nichons
love booze
Only thing that’s true there is that I’m vaxxed lol
Whites are the peak of evolution on this planet.
used to use infinite chan back in its hey-day (pre-/hebe/ deletion/pre-Christ Church shooting)
don't even know what other chans are out there nowadays desu.
Is sharty a chan?
>Quadratic equations
>Oxbow lakes
What else do kids need to know?
what else do they right about, exhibitionism, asphyxiation, bondage, findom, cuckoldry, and all such things aswell?
no, 4 is enough for me
thanks. me drinking right now. love it. not in moderation though. unfortunately.
learning some dark magic
John oliver is the moderate leftist who's job is to push propaganda points, created by more extreme leftists, to normies in a accessible way
Manchester mentioned
what... like turning kool aid into wine
Need Yankification to CEASE
im vaxxed x3 and feel genuinely fitter than i ever have, you lot must have got the shit ones lmfao
brewing gay porn potions
If I had sex education in my teenage years I would never become an incel.
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leftypol calling gays and lesbians who aren't interested in sexual relationships with trans people 'sexual racists'
red pill me on rishi
i don't watch politics so wanna know what's up with the lad
give me the tldr please
Reckon outside of big city centres or uni areas John Oliver could walk down the street in Britain and nobody would know who he is
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>i don't watch politics
Heard theres a new season out in 8 days
Might watch
>sexual racists
>Ann Widdecombe on the list
Are these people sane?
No nafris or blacks
boring charismalet caretaker pm appointed to prevent further embarrassment
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you obviously love nato
watching The Swimmer staring Burt Lancaster
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drinking water and charging my phone
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the only pic i've ever saved on my PC
A Japanese study found that 40% of ALL inventions were made in Britain. If you include Britain's settler colonies (Australia, US, Canada) then that figure goes up to 60%.
It's not even that whites are the most powerful race on the planet, it's that Anglos are the most powerful ethnic group on the planet
Reminder that "Western culture" is literally just Anglo-American culture.
It's not "Western Civilization" - it's ANGLO CIVILIZATION
If you dont explain these things in a non judgemental atmosphere you get another aids pandemic
>writing a 3500 line epic about Crocodile Dundee
yeh but like what about kebabs and curry shops rorke, you ever think about that?
is there a single GOOD female comedian?
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Naples metro
its funny because the other girl turned out to be a tranny too
WEF banker who coup'd Liz Truss with the backing of the WEF and the Bank of England.
not one
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leftypol telling teen girls who enjoy 'masculine' things like trousers and football that they can only be happy if they have their breasts cut off
not true lmao
I guess thats why the victim-master inferiority complex goes all the way to Brits and ends there.

This is why "anglos" are seen as jews on 4chan by JFs.
got my little green willy out
rorkes google history
>Ask leftypol rather they'd be in a woods alone with a bear or a ftm tranny
>leftypol starts kicking and puffing not sure to choose the bear and be discriminatory to trannies, or choose the tranny and invalidate their gender identity
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I really, really like this Pokémon design.
Suzie Izzard
former first monkey michael 'nigger cotton' obongo
got the muscle growth hypnosis on
this is the only one I've got saved
That's nuts.
everyone itt has wanked to a tranny at least once
mad how living under sharia law would have made her life better unironically
Just ditch the tranny. It’s the fucking woods ffs
ok lads the wife is on her way home
i'm smashed and haven't done any chores
what excuse?
You got me
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leftypol campaigning to abolish the age of consent and calling anybody who disagrees supporters of 'age apartheid'
Is there a single good comedian ?
been mandatory in school for some years now
Wanking my big fat cock. In this heat. Must be something wrong with me
Blade yourself like they do in wrestling and say you cut yourself in the shower
Has Guinness mania died down
Shut the fuck up commiemong lmfao
HOWEVER i may add that the tranny had nice tits and so i was basically wanking to some nice tits.
steven wright
george carlin
that's it
I am shitting myself
Lower the voting age to 8
Raise the age of consent to 55
there are two genders. parent, and non-parent.
Fr*nch and G*rmans just assuming that things like freedom of speech and the concept of individual rights are "Western values" is so funny
naw nigga they're ANGLO values
they're living in an Anglo-Saxon world and they don't even know it
he thought he was living in "Western Civilization" but he's really living under 200 years of undisputed ANGLO HEGEMONY - he mad!
Convinced spainmong exists just to bait chuds.
I know hes irish diaspora and supports Liverpool but its beyond parody. Hes literally a cuck in every way.
both reddit comedians neither are funny
>george carlin
>I was talking with my black friend and he is fine with fucking you
That's the only way to escape.
Why would you lie about this? Dilate.
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Jason unmasked
Shut the fuck up Heathermong lmfao
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French made the rights of man though and the presidential system
correct (if you have the sense of humour of a cow)
Black girl could get it
Bog trotters and negroids are similar species.
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Irish love helping out their black brothers.
whaddya hear whaddya say
teach them how to play with themselves so they learn how to cum
Dont show me this i had the vaccine because my dad was sick at the time and it was the only way they'd let me see him.
>george carlin
Deary me, what shite taste
the heat makes me lustful
At least they can smile about it
black (british) girls have the best butts in the world
not messicanas or brasiliana
but but black british
when it comes to age of consent, I'm a radical centrist.
yeah, some 12 year olds are fit, but the age of consent should remain at 16.
a perfectly balanced opinion.
Or any other terrorists.
listening to real nigga music
Samuel going off his nut
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Irish diaspora female x Brownoid diaspora male
Mad how much shitter SA got since 1994
All gone quiet on the Jay Slater story. Media losing interest is a sign they think he's brown bread.
It's horseshit. Plenty of people without the vaccine get that too. It's just anti-vaccine propaganda from people who don't understand statistics.
Should the fitness of the child be factored into sentencing guidelines?
Has this ever happened?
"the rights of man"
you mean gay ass human rights that mean nothing without a state to enforce them?
classic collectivist continental European bullshit
we prefer individual rights where a man has the right to enforce his own rights
I'll be the judge of that
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There’s not exactly much they can report on is there mate lol

>Yep he’s still missing
lads i'm finding it hard to type the captcha now htat i've had afew drinks
where is the voice channel for this server?
my cock is 6.5 inches with slight phimosis
Cant wait for the gritty tv show itv makes about it
They lost interest once they finally decided to report he's some yobbo that stabbed up a kid a few years ago with his friends and laughed about it through the trial.
people on /brit/ don't like gays so this shill tactic won't work you know, you'd have more success on reddit with this type of thing
leftypol marching with megacorp weapons manufacturers in the fight against women's safety and childhood innocence
Jay's Later
starring sheridan smith and will mellor
Anhedonia is a thing
is the joke that the tranny has wood
Has a muslim man every killed a white woman? Has a pro palestine activist been killed by muzzies? Or this exact scenario?
Let's see it then.
public toilets are dumb. is a father supposed to go with his daughter into the women's toilet, or is he supposed to take her into the men's toilet. this is why the current model of just a men and women split is stupid. it should take parents into account and children.
a long time ago
>6.5 inches
peak incel cock size
Ah, didn't hear about that. Fuck em then lol.
I go into the women's toilet regardless
they just figure it out you tranny
sn arguing with himself again
Micropenis in 2024
Incel rulemaking behaviour
scared to wear chinos in case my sweaty arse seeps through
i take my daughter into the mens to avoid her having to go alone in the womens
this general is full of gays. you know, the gay porn spam.
genuinely how has mass immigration succeeded in any way
men take their little daughters (or sons) into the men's with them, they always have done, don't be stupid now
Arguing with myself again
The snack itself incites to deeds of scoffage
>Jay Slater and his mates caving your head in with a machete and then laughing about it with their fit gfs
need a bf
KTIM except for severe phimosis
tell me stuff no one believes you about
i'll start
i inherited my parents 7m london house and sold it so i never have to work again
i got hep c from sharing needles with some homeless people
i got every question right on the first 15 minutes of one university challenge episode
set the working class movement back decades, made capitalists richer, some of the food is good etc
literally me when I was 19
just pull back your foreskin. it won't get stuck. just pull it back over the head of your dick and leave it there, then just go about your business as usual. it stretches it out and eventually you'll have no phimosis at all.
Irish cunts blowing up babies and protesting for centuries just to replace Brits with wogs
it was a massive success, every country it happened in is fucked beyond repair
Tikka masala, Rorke
Diverse range of take aways
No one gives a fuck about your malformed penises
when i was 18 and lost my virginity the head came back a few times in my gfs fanny. never been able to get it back since though. it even hurts in the shower when i try it
taking your daughter into the women's is better because they use urinals in the men's
leftypol gets to feel good that some brown people dont live in shitholes anymore
phimosis is a failure on the mother
the phimosis comment is anti-jew propaganda
leftypol pretending that children don't have 'gender affirming' surgery performed on them even though there was an entire prime time tv show documenting exactly that
doin a watch
Invented the term 'football hipster'. It's not much but it's true.
only have phimo when I'm hard because I'm 2 inches on the flop and 8 inches erect
NGL helperlad actually seems like a really sound lad. 11/10 would go for a few pints with hum
what does KTIM mean?
Cause there was definitely no leftists in Britain protesting apartheid either
Let's see it then
Hi guys, some questions:
1) "are but in the higher ranks such as ought" means "they are only in the higher ranks, as it is required/expected/supposed", right?

2) What does "sash and gorget" mean?

3) It seems to be an archaic terminology, right?
the brown people being here turned the uk into a shithole though
you morons don't understand mass immigration is just a way to keep pensions going lmao
how do you expect boomers to live without brownies?
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Some live in Britain THOUGH
short for KHATEEM, a famous youtuber
> Tests were conducted on Benoit's brain by Julian Bailes, the head of neurosurgery at West Virginia University, and results showed that "Benoit's brain was so severely damaged it resembled the brain of an 85-year-old Alzheimer's patient."[162] He was reported to have had an advanced form of dementia, similar to the brains of four retired NFL players who had multiple concussions, sank into depression, and harmed themselves or others. Bailes and his colleagues concluded that repeated concussions can lead to dementia, which can contribute to severe behavioural problems.

Insane Aitch is letting Gable do that move again
you are replying to a lunatic
Based rich retard
having a wank
What hurts? The head of your dick or the foreskin itself?
First time I pulled back my foreskin it was when a girl was giving me my first blow job. it really hurt when her teeth touched my exposed head.
if you have a disabled adult sister do you take her to the women's toilet or the men's toilet. if there is no disabled toilets.
utterly utterly based
muuuumm my vape finished!
both really but mainly the head
just a feeling of tension and pain when i pull it back too much
no jew has ever unironically said "filthy goyim" outside of A. Wyatt Mann stormfront memes
Wow, bikecuck-tier
take her to a euthanasia clinic
Irish diaspora
The joke is leftypol choosing the trannies would be treating the tranny as a woman instead of a man, but choosing the bear would be saying trannies are rapists. Leftypol is in a tough dilemma
irishmen and niggas linked up
need it or keep it?
doubt this is true
i've seen hasidic jews use the word "goyim" in their correspondence with each other
they do use goyim derogatively
A girl I know has lost a bunch of weight real proud of her did it no ozempic no bypass surgery just gym and diet for 2 years relentlessly
Irish diaspora spotted on the right.
Why do you think this?
just dont get it mate
Mental how badly I mindraped him
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don't get it
Benoit would literally hit his head on their shoulders though. I don’t know about Gable but Dynamite Kid would bring his hands up at the last second
her arse any more or less shaggable now that she's skinnier?
yeah maybe hasids do you're right
but hasids aren't the Jews who run the media or banks or porn industry. hasids are like the embarrassing inbred amish cousin to respectable business jews
can't get my head round people paying over £500 to go and see taylor swift
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>Open borders for the wasteland
it's for ladies eyes only, preferably asiatic phenotype and at least 80kg with size 7 feet
Why not?
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true this
most of the lads in this vid are still alive and havent killed anyone but chair shots to the head are still banned?
I used to be 120kg got down to 85kg
Why's he white
Fuck off spainonce you boring cunt
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>"The State Department of Gender and Affirmative action under the umbrella of the Ministry of Gender, Culture, Arts and Heritage estimates that girls from poor households lose up to 20% of school days in an academic year, equivalent to 6 weeks of learning due to lack of sanitary towels."
Without googling guess the country
straight but got really into dogging with men during the covid pandemic and I haven't really gotten it out of my system since
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Yesterday I received pic related.

First of all it is way thicker than anything I ever stuck up my ass. But I managed to fit it in. I immediately got to work and drained the charge it came with. I was gaping and loving it.

I decided to eat something while it charged and then got right back to it. I must have blasted my prostate for two hours, but had no success. I eventually started jerking it and came heavily within two minutes. It was definitely more intense than normally, but it was no prostate orgasm.

Can anybody give me some pointers on how to improve my experience?
Leftypol sees that as justice as whites are the bourgeois in his eyes
How long did that take lad
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very inaccurate to compare hasidic jews to based amish
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lmao why do /pol/tards keep thinking Bethesda's obvious Nazi allegories are actually Jew allegories

they do this with the Thalmor too
the reason your head hurts is because it hasn't been desensitised. it's just too sensitive because it's been protected under your foreskin since the day you were born. you need to desensitise it by pulling back your foreskin and keeping it pulled back. then you just need to play with your dick, basically. just gently touch/rub the head of your dick. it'll stop hurting as much eventually, pretty quickly actually. wanking with lots of lube and directly stroking the head helps a lot.
Once it's desensitised a bit, just keep your foreskin pulled back all day and let your dick rub against your boxers all day. it'll quickly get to a normal level of sensitivity.
that's literally what I did. Took maybe about 3 months to get it to a normal level.
As for your foreskin hurting, you just need to stretch it. Normal wanking will stretch it naturally, but you can also do stretches with your fingers while your flaccid. just stretch it out as far as you can and hold it for a few minutes each day. The more often you do it, the faster it'll stretch, but just a few minutes per day is enough.
because jews are actually the real nazis
the amish are literal inbred retards
genuinely don’t get how zionism is dissimilar from naziism
Jews are fascists.
Corr, girl at the back getting on both knees in her tights
oy vey goyim have sex with a brown person
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leftypol inviting high profile pro-paedophilia activists into school to talk to children about sex
I'd tell you but I'd like to continue posting here for at least the next 3 days
Pornhub is litteraly owned by a rabbi
Bit over a year. Was losing 2kg a month basically
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Jews are facists, and thats a good thing.
Montreal Jews are also French and Canadian
amish are peaceful farmers who live off the land

hasidic jews are organ harvesters, child traffickers, drug dealers, landlords and welfare fraud commiters
Why doesn't Rishi just have Starmer arrested
made how communists won the cold war
No, regular Jews use it too.
They use it in the same way we'd use "foreigner" or "paki" or "raghead" or words to that effect.
Ecery group has in-group/out-group preference and using derogatory words to describe outsiders. Jews are no different in this regard, in fact Jews have unusually high in-group preference, which is why nepotism is so rampant in Hollywood.
The Thalmor is based
The Enclave is based
Was wondering why /Brit/ was still so chuddy then I realised it’s still only 4:30 in the UK so this is the NEET freaks’ last stand before the normies come home from work and we get comfy footy /Brit/ in a couple of hours :3 can’t wait
the amish are so jewish in every way though
clannish, tribalistic, refuse to integrate with the rest of society which they see as dirty, inbred, extreme Abrahamic dogmatic cultists, being off the grid from the law lets them get away with paedophilia and rape in their own communities, have set up organised crime networks

this describes the amish and hasids equally
prince george is too cute for aristocrat
Mad how I’ll be worth over £180 million this time tomorrow. Might go pick out my mansion on rightmove
You’re a sad bastard eh
pilpul moment
Might buy a bucket hat like seasideMARK
kys paedo
Euro millions retirement plan
You are one sad loser
need french canadian gf
utter bollocks
Tick tock, incels. Tick tock.
I only post from toil
Fat incel freaks. Fuck off to /Brit/Pol with your transphobic, racist and sexist rhetoric.
the parallels between the High Elves and Jews/Thalmor and ZOG are hilarious
how the FUCK did Bethesda get away with it?
Here we are then. The goyim.
who gives a fuck if they're "peaceful" they're literally inbred mongs
paedo melty inbound
cheers mate
come to my live please lets have fun i sing i dance
That what you say to your carer before you shit your pants?

might get on the gay porn
All the factions in shitrim are gay and zogged though
invite /brit/ to your housewarming party lad
good luck
why do you have a carer
you have set up the amish as your noble savage idealised image
they're just as rotten as gypsies
what a shit thread, move here
Depressed pip recipient just loves his little character roleplay
Unlike you I come here to discuss British culture
not fundamentally parasitic like gypsies/jews for a start so obvious drivel
Might have a proper BIG melty tonight, get all the characters and flags and personalities in here at once

It’s challenging with so many devices but it’s honestly worth it lol
high elves are closer to weird secret societies like freemasons and gnostics and illuminati
the elder scrolls race actually closest to jews is the dark elves
Might put on a spread. Go wild. 6 tubes of Pringles, cheesestrings, babybel, couples cartons of L&B silver and all the carling the corner shop fridge has.
Anyway it was Kenya
Probably worried his mates would come back and finish the job.
Get more drunk, then it won't seem so bad.

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