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Tell me your country's flag lore
it's the french flag but sideways and with a little star
belarus also inverted their pattern color. dogshit comic
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top right looks cool
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these 3 look the best
we stole it from the dutch supposedly
After evaluating each flag I think I've uncovered a conspiracy. I think Israel might be controlled by the Jews.
I'm disappointed that there isn't a green Xbox flag
god what a fucking reddit joke
fuck off
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The symbol on your flag is the Star of Remphan/Moloch which the Bible condemns as demonic in Amos 5:26 and again in Acts 7:43.
Lighten up Muhammad I know it made you smirk
The Cross of Burgundy was very often mistaken with Bing Bong pirates flag so the Navy changed it to modern Rojigualda that was used officially as new flag at late 1700s.
It has a leaf on it
It's just a fact. If the truth offends you, that's your problem.
we made a stupid boring tricolor because that's what all the other cunts did
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Have you considered the possibility that the ancient religion that literally predates Christ may be the originator of the symbol (or at least the first adopter) and not the new age before new age was a thing or the renaissance larpers?
Do you have literal shit for a brain?
you are arguing with a bot tier lobotomised /pol/tard
the republican flag looked like shit so god made franco win
wtf, I love Franco now
Nah it's old heraldic, I just remember that blue is for the virgin Mary.
This is what makes you wet your bed retard
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Have you considered reading the Bible for yourself? The book of Amos (which is in the OLD Testament by the way) says that it's a demonic symbol.
Why are people on this board so braindead
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ok here i give you this toss
By the way, nothing "predates Christ". Christ is the eternal Son of God. He existed before creation. He appears throughout the Old Testament before His incarnation.
All the Old Testament prophecies pointed to Him. That's why Jesus said to the unbelieving Pharisees "If you believed Moses, you would believe in Me."
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I didn't even realize it until now but the same Romanian poster who is defending the Star of Remphan is probably the same guy who posted that disgusting blacked image.
Absolutely deranged people on this board
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I don't support Palestine either. Islam and Judaism both deny the divinity of Christ, and therefore they are of Antichrist.
Are Belarusian girls really this cute?
A нy нe пиздитe тyт - y Бeлapycи нopмaльный флaг
All you need to know is that France stole our flag, Russia stole it and so did all other RED WHITE BLUE flags. WE WERE FIRST
they rook like their neighbors, not cute
Bullshit. We invent it back in 99954254687987 BC nobody even hear about your cunt back then.
the stans have the most beautiful flags out there
Duke Leopold V took part in the Crusades, and following the siege of Acre, he removed according to legend his surcoat was drenched in blood , but upon removing the belt, it was red-white-red, adopting it as the new banner. Furthermore King Riachard the Lionheart of England didnt want the flag of the kingdoms of england and france to be next to that of a duchy, and threw it down the city wall, which ended up in the imprisonment of Richard in Austria later on
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Aren't they basically Russian girls but less disgusting/schizo?
Ross flag(not pictured) and 1912-1959 are easily our best.
Everything about Imperial Brazil was better on every level.
Where are the HRE and Habsbourg emblems in the 1820 flag ?
The arrows are pointing to the colors. They are the origins of the colors used
The French flag with the colours changed. Green for Catholics/Nationalist, orange for Protestant/Unionist and white for peace between the two sides. I read once before that the original version was flipped the other way around and had the red hand of O'Neill in the middle. The finalized version was sewn together by a group of French women and given to us by government representatives in Paris as a consolation for them not intervening in our rebellion that year (1848).
Faded Italy
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i think ours is probably the most well known and self-evident of any flag, but in case anyone doesnt' already know
>not intervening in our rebellion that year (1848).
Well we had a revolution that year...
Why is georgian wearing a hijab?
Adjaran most likely
the artist captures how they look like the have never slept in their lives pretty well
13 stripes for the original colonies, dunno why theyre red
50 stars for 50 states(it'll be a cold day in hell before I recognize missourah), dunno why the patch is blue

red white and blue because of france, I think
You're following a false prophet and you will follow the antichrist when his identity is revealed to the world
Here's the actual Belarusian lore btw
>Have Soviet flag
>Become independent
>Change to beautiful white-red flag from pre-commie times
>Commie boomer dictator grabs power and changes it back
>Declares old flag to be illegal and anything white-red illegal too
>>Change to beautiful white-red flag from pre-commie times
why do continentals insist that having 3 lines is good flag design
Because it is, britbong
The white red pattern on the commie flag is pretty, but the red-green is atrocious
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Nobody would complain if this was the Belarusian flag either:
wrong, it's a lovely christmassy colour scheme
unique as well
Both flags are kino, easily recognizable, and are strongly associated with the cunt in question.
It's merely that they represent two different things politically.
>Unique as well
>Literally Soviet flag variation no.362827
The only reason to think it's "unique" is if you're a sovietaboo
I never got this image, surely the Indian would be the Chad here for not giving a shit?
Some French lady designed it
Talmudic Judaism post-dates Christianity by 600 years.
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stupid asshole
It has more sovl and detail than any of the other Soviet flags
a fucking leaf...
at least the red ensign is a hate symbol
>uhmm ACKSHULLY it was always there
Christfaggot lore is so transparent
Canada has a pretty okay flag before it got LEAF'D.
Aya mentioned!
at least their flag looks original.
It also does not remind us of Lithuania and Poland, other enemies and traitors.
isn't that the lesbian s&m croat artist
>lesbian s&m croat artist
Intriguing. Does Belarus have something happen to her as punishment for shit flag design?
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fags posting with my flag, probably have vpns or are baiting too hard. anyhow jews are weird.
that's literally not correct tho.

we had different flag in 1991.
dogshit picture
Adjarians don't wear hijabs though...
TBF, that's not even a hijab, it's a transparent headscarf.
According to this anon this is from a foreign porn artist, so that's kind of a giveaway
It comes from "spring of nations" in 1848 and DOES NOT mean sky and fields; but this coat of arms from XIV century in reality.
The Turkmenistan flag is so kino bros
>Peoples Republic of Judea
our british flag offended the liberal party who had a long term goal of turning canada into a post-national state so in 1965 they replaced this superior flag with a fucking leaf. and now in 2024 the liberal party has certainly succeeded in turning canada post-national. our british identity is basically gone at this point

it should also be noted that in protest of the fucking leaf flag change, the provinces of ontario and manitoba changed their provincial flags to represent the red ensign. those flags still fly in ontario and manitoba to this day.
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It's the royal flag (white) sandwiched by Paris' flag (blue and red)

It's an epic revolutionarry trolling
we made you
Bro, we aren't on /pol/. I mean what you said is true, but we got to keep the schizo shit on /pol/ for the sake of civility. A man needs to chill on in a flag thread without thinking about WW3 and demonic influences sometimes.
no wonder you smell like shit
Read the Gospel of John and pay close attention to the first chapter.
Based. Never let the false dichotomy tards force you to pick a side. Stay at the side of Christ.
we ripped off the blue part of the dutch flag
can't get more kino than this
The 1820 flag and Empire flag were superior in every way. I'm sorry mate, but for the sake of aesthetics you have to have a bloody revolution and get a gud flag again.
I have always been envious of just how kino the British flag is.
Canada was never "British", it was always majority First Nations.
Read Old testament and ask to have eyes to see. He was always there.
I am sorry for your loss.
red and green flag
>shit colour contrast
>imbalanced design
white red white flag
>high contrast
>actually unique among tricolours with white at the edges and a colour in between
>instantly recognizable while still being simple
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where does it say that?
Poland and Czechia would have the same flag if not for Slovakia.
>xbox logo country
trees, progress, bananas n shit
Shahada represents islam
Sword represents the defense of islam
Green is for trees or something idk
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Do you hear our prayers? As you once did for the vacuous Rom, Grant us eyes, grant us eyes. Plant eyes on our brains, to cleanse our beastly idiocy...
Deuteronomy 13:1-5
You niggas literally lost your independence war and had to have America force the Dutch to let you go.
This image brings me joy.
Green was the favorite colour of prophet Muhammad.
ours is a humiliation ritual
Isn't your flag from 1848?
The C-pennant is your humiliation ritual flag.
They couldn't think of anything else someone in Austria or Germany created it for us like everything else here
Italy built the coast Austria and Hungary built rijeka and zagreb while these 80 iq rats scutter around
My real question is why do Slovenes and Croats exist? I'm not familiar with their history but they've pretty much never been independent or even a nation until Yugolsavia came around; it was always under Ottoman, Serb, Hungarian, Austrian, or Italian rule.
Croatia was its own thing in the Middle Ages
>Kingdom that was later in union with Hungary
Ah, I see.
Do Croats like Hungarians, or do they really hate them?
no, theres 2 theories regarding it, but essentially it was only used in instances where it was forced on us.
Imperial flag really is the best
it wasn't forced on, fucktard
Croatians are dumb they can't form iponions like that. It's what you tell them each day
Some political project from the west. Someone decided it was useful for now to make a croatia
In 50 years it will be something else
Croatian history is completely made up. I highly doubt anything such as a croat existed in the middle ages. This is a dumping ground and a transit route. There is no genetic basis for a nation
It's just a seething chuddie, our current flag is actually more historical than most flags we had throughout history.
The only flag that applies to the entirety or most of Germany and is older than the current is maybe something like the flag of the holy Roman empire, but we actually don't know what it looked like kek.
Shut the fuck up cro rat
I like and associate the Imperial Flag the most with you guys, along with the 1848 flag.
the HRE didn't have a flag, it had a coat of arms, and the colors of that were black-red-gold
medieval states didn't have flags
You're not talking to a German but a cro rat "diaspora"
You guys are a strange bunch.
They had war flags.
A number of places. Genesis 18 has the LORD visit Abraham and at the same time 3 visitors are present. The LORD and the 3 visitors are used interchangeably. It's the trinity.

Daniel 3. The three good men are thrown into the furnace but are unharmed and witnesses report a fourth man walking in the fire with them. Most Jewish sources deny that God would ever appear as a man. But there he is in the body of a man aka a pre-incarnation of Jesus.
Genesis 1 uses the plural and most say its a royal plural aka just figurative. But the plural God has a conversation amongst themselves and yet are not implied to be independent of eachother (not a debate, but a unity), not really figurative there. Aka another trinity.

There are others, but I don't want to spend too much time looking them all up. I'm late enough as it is.
>every institution gets ransacked and the leadership massacred
>puppets settle on the cuckstamp
>see it was our decision :^)
you need to go back
I don't know what the fuck your problem is kek, schizo delusions maybe?
Ironically the war flag looks exactly like the danish flag lek
>Imperial flag
We already decided a century ago that it represents monarchistards too much and replaced it with our current flag. The nazis were monarchistsboos so they reinstated it... For like 2 years until they banned it too KEK
Light blue because it's what Bourbons wear, white because silver or something and Phoebus/Apollo because the junta was a bunch of chuddies.
that happened after ww2 but not after ww1
the black-red-gold was adopted after ww1
you're a retard who doesn't know what he's talking about
go fly your chud flag in your garden but stop crying here

And yet every Sunday I turn on the television set, and there’s a priest or a pastor reading from my book, and interpreting it, and their interpretations, I have to tell you, are usually wrong. It’s not their fault, because it’s not their book. You never see a rabbi on the TV interpreting the New Testament, do you? If you want to truly understand the Old Testament, if there is something you don’t quite get, there are Jews who walk among you, and THEY—I promise you this—will take TIME out of their VERY JEWY, JEWY DAY, and interpret for you anything that you’re having trouble understanding. And we will do that, if, of course, the price is right.
First version of our flag
Declined versions
for a bunch of people that is very prideful and arrogant at how amazing they are at law you have fallacious reasoning
You guys lucked out, these all look like dogshit
An Inuit and a frenchman were walking behind the maple trees of quebec one day after a long winters work and no women were around for ages. they had been fighting off sexual urges toward eachother all winter but the inuit eskimo couldnt take it any longer he caressed the frenchmans face the frenchman couldnt hold it any longer either and he started making out with the eskimo inuit. behind them was their other mate, an english scottish man john a macdonald. he came upon the scene and gently dropped to hiis knees and sucked off both men as they licked eachothers nipples and kept erect while john a macdonald started sucking more vigorously than he knew he was capable of, he deep throated the inuit and the inuit cummed in his mouth, then john a stood up spat the cum into the frenchmans mouth and this made john a and the frennchman cum at the same time on a maple leaf. seeing as how two cums were already on the maple leaf the frenchman (who has the inuits cum in his mouth given to him by john a macdonald) spat the cum onto the same maple leaf.

red represents the hot passion of gay sex and the eskimo inuit race, white represents the frenchman and the english and the maple leaf represents the time they all cummed on it
Pay the interpreter's fee or I shan't bother.
if you want to live out your cuck fetish go ahead, but dont expect other people to agree.
Bismarck hated the flag, commies and nazis were united in their disdain for it, that should tell you something.
Also im not flying any flag associated with this failed state
This looks like a logo for a metro system
My man Islamic Colombia
fuck off moloch worshipper.
Peter the Great decided that Dutch flag looked cool and wanted the same on his ships, so he swapped the stripes.
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To me at least. It's the lines.
Interesting how the Dutch flag eventually became the symbol of pan-slavism
I prefer the orange flag or the republic flag.
Tragedy what happened to the oranje flag.
the croatian flag the checkerboard was chosen as croatian leaders used to be chess maestro's. many croatian islands are in croatia due to the famous king tomeslavs great chess skills. he was good friends with the venetian doge and they used tok shoot the shit, play chess. one day they played for all the islands in dalmatia. tomeslav won and as a tribute the flag to represent croatians was from there on out the chessboard.

the red white and blue are russian colors and croatians used that color scheme to pay tribute to russia as the slav boss
I like it
Their flag always looked like a corporation flag
lol low iq on full display, you read that talmud has been redacted in the 6th century (after being written starting from the first century), so you conclude the date of its redaction is the date of judaism, but by this logic that also means christianity was created in the end of the 4th century when the christian bible was canonized, or what you think is "original" judaism was created only around 5bc century when the hebrew bible was canonized, as if it's magically spun out of nowhere, lmao dumb fucking beaner
judaism is based on the torah and literally every page in the talmud references the torah numerous times, the fact you have to lie to yourself "euuh akshully we were first!" shows if anything you don't have convictions in your own faith
That's not the flag of Palestine
Greece: the original flag was the st. Geroge's cross, just blue and white because england was in the 19th century what the usa is now

Ireland: Green are the irish, orange are the loyalists, white is peace between them.
Are you irish greek?
Deep leaf lore
That's another myth pushed this time by russians first (because of 1709) but that's not true
no one invited you, SHOOOOOOOO!
Slovenes are the descendants of alpine Slavs that stayed near the alps after the Slavic migration. We managed to keep our own language and lived in relative harmony with Germanic people. Slovenes are somewhat genetically different from south Slavic people and are closer to west Slavs like Slovaks and Czechs. Even though we are small we managed to be distinctly unique, despite not being independent for most of our history.
shit i thought u niggas changed ur flag to the lgbt flag since i seen urs flown wherever the lgb flags flown lol they really did u dirty man ppl associate u with that now. damn volodimir
yeahp. its the real reason for our flag.i mean think about it. its a leaf. what else could it be?
Made up nation?
isnt everyones nation "made up' these are human constructs not rivers or valleys lol
Some nations are made by its people but others made up by foreign forces
>Canadian lecturing a Kazakh on why nations don't exist
The jokes write themselves
it's literally the transvaal flag being penetrated by a big black spear and it was designed by a white man. I don't care though because anything is better than the old flag that had three fucking cuck stamps
We are easily confused with Estonia.

Just make the state of Hawaii's flag, your nation's flag.
The prussian monarchist hated the flag that didn't put an emphasis on Prussia?! :O
>commies and nazis were united in their disdain for
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thanks for spelling it out, didn't wanna bother replying to the retard
modern Germany is cucked, but the flag is good and the chud flag sucks
powerful flag
Our flag underwent the process of soul sucking.
Gotta love A boring duocolour that can get mistaken with 3 other countries.
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>Made in Germany
If only the 184 Revolution succeed. Imagine a timeline where we weren't funked by Austrian and Prussian autism.
You have different one from Estonia it's hard to confuse
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>doesn't exist anymore

>the edit of this image still hasn't been posted
wow those suck
you people made the right choice
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>p*ris colors (blue and red) + monarchy (white)
I hate it
it was the naval ensign of a Cretan (((merchant))) family so of course it was the one chosen
The eternal Cretan has ruled Greece since it's inception, even right now the top 3 politicians are Cretan families, so are many donors
The Byzantine flags were so much better
what are legitimate alternatives? white and gold, blue and gold? yours is iconic and you can say everyone else copied you and you would be almost right
>>p*ris colors (blue and red) + monarchy (white)
That's a fairy tale, we don't know the story of the flag, just that blue/white/red were commonly used to represent France before the Révolution.
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real mexico flag and his athem
>I don't support Palestine either. Islam

Holy fucking burger
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it always bothered me that it has 6 arms and not 7
and by always I mean the last 2 weeks
It involves a group of men and some crayons

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