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for the discussion of British culture edition
I don't even feel like me
have you ever had to deal with someone irl who lied about being a 4channer?
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>pasta delivery
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do you mean they said they used it and don’t or the other way around
I don't talk to anyone irl
knew someone who thought /pol/ was the coolest thing in the world, typical edgy embarrassing type
heard you wanna be like me
dirty pills in my diesel jeans
I think that if I studied like 3x more then I would be done km 4 years but even then I am so insecure that it doesn't seem like enough, and it isn't. And I need uni
just moved bedrooms and this new bedoom is so much cooler
wish I slept there last night
omdz rorke, those bars are a dead ting blud
ye, someone who was LARPing as a 4channer but clearly didn't know anything about it

lmao grim
what was he like? a normie or an autist?
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wish i could still enjoy pokemon
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Muslims worship the devil.
I am glad the Russians have enacted most swift and severe justice on these demons!
no, never seen that. although i do suspect some of my friends use it but deny it
rorke would straight up KILL you if you disrespected him irl
He was called Longseason
Why did none of you faggots told me about Mongrels?
Stop gatekeeping your actually good kino.
I had a friend who claimed to use 4chan but when I asked him what boards he used he couldn't answer.
but even still I got proper paranoid that he was stalking my posts on here
sure it’s just a coincidence that all these islamic terror attacks are happening again now like your alabama pastor in sneedsville told you
mental how he’s goshcel
Personally very glad the Nazis lost considering my family is half-Jewish and i want to live in a world where idiot chuds arent allowed to dictate laws to extremes.
Doing an enormous poo
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>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MC9C9zkj9ps [Embed]
terrible taste, anon
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I don't live in Alabama.
I know right, how dare anyone else but Jews run the world. it's like, uh, hello? Jews should be allowed to continue running the West into the ground
It's just business goyim
Isn't that a Fishmans album or something?
If he liked the fishmans he was probably browsing /mu/ also
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bloke just sent me a message on teams at 1am

>Have got an op id love to run by you in the am

can I get an English translation please?
And genocidal maniacs should?
it’s an EP actually
The white man should. Specifically the Anglo-Saxon man.
he's got a rival gang member he wishes to bring to your location at the crack of dawn
Everyone knows that murderous fascists dont live very long.
It's partly why groups like jews have alot more success because they arent retards with a black and white understanding of the world born out of inceldom.
>the Anglo-Saxon man
you are a larper
new /brit/ thread gimmick if I were to guess
Found your mate >>199011202
if jews are goku and Negroes are begeta
Muslims are gogeta
Wait a minute my penis isn't small
Wonder why everyone kept telling me it was
The age of the Anglo-Saxon is over. They had a good run. The age of the resurgent Gael is upon us.
all white armor looks like day light
you one of those gay leftists that seethes when English people refer to themselves as Anglo-Saxon?
wow tou really are Jewish aren't you?
I swear, this shit runs in your blood
have you considered blaming the jews
Blows my mind that fascist dont realise this. They think they are the chosen ones to rid the world of their perceived evil but they are really just deluded nutcases with no plan and not future in this world.

Jews "rule the world" because they are simply cleverer and more amiable. Fascists just get angry at everything and fuck things up like emotional women.
This is the upper limit of fat I am willing to accept
jog on, jewboy
knew a jew at school in the upper years when i was in the lower years, same house. remember once we were joking about jews with him and then suddenly he started saying shit like “yeah…kill all the jews!” and fake laughing and then grassed on us for racism. funny thing is he was really dumb, had to repeat lower sixth twice or something

also knew an israeli jew in sixth form who was dating an arab lad. absolute basket case but quite fit

other than that don’t have much experience with them at least to my knowledge
*Draws some menorahs, kippahs and stars of David, pins the illustrations to a board and connects them with red string*
it all adds up
you're his long lost mate, the fishmans enjoying /pol/ browser
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I miss when people made wholesome memes of cats or babies for fun

the current popular meme is a girl spitting (a hawk tuah sound) on an uncircumcised american penis for lubrication
Never actually met a Jew. Ever. Huge Rorke too.
you are historically not anglo saxon you hystircal fucking woman
>you're gay
>you're a leftist
>you're jewish
jesus fucking christ mate get a grip, 0% hit rate, project more
don’t understand how /pol/ is involved
>more amiable
>109 countries over a 1000 times
>starting to be hated en masse again after decades of having the world eating out of their palms
you are a leftist and you are gay
I've never met a non-leftist get offended by the term Anglo-Saxon. It's like kryptonite to Labour voters.
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caterwauling out me derrière
Gonna fokin top mesel
Me when I see Thailad in the wild
Neither, you're just a LARPer. Same as Americans claiming to be ancestors of Harold Godwinson it's fucking embarrassing mate
I should finish reading that book on why the modern world is the way it is
Right so I didn't win the Euromillions jackpot so now I am in a FOUL mood
nearly shat myself
late night pilpul coal
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body slammed that leftist poof
Anglo-Saxon literally just means English.
That's all it means.
Anglo-Saxons in 1066 and English people in 2024 are genetically identical.
Are Turkish people not allowed to refer to themselves as Turks?
which one
Would've shat me kecks but on the bog so just did an ordinary poo
>the current popular meme is a girl spitting (a hawk tuah sound) on an uncircumcised american penis for lubrication
>Same as Americans claiming to be ancestors of Harold Godwinson
But they probably are
the penis was uncircumcised
i repeat, the penis was uncircumcised
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>Anglo-Saxon literally just means English.
>That's all it means.
>Anglo-Saxons in 1066 and English people in 2024 are genetically identical.
This is utter bullshit and you know it, have fun playing lets pretend though
how they broke britain by james o’brian
Oh, my mistake.

>the current popular meme is a girl spitting (a hawk tuah sound) on a CIRCUMCISED American penis for lubrication
4 Times 4chan Warned The Internet
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alright leftypol, calm down
>the current popular meme is a girl spitting (a hawk tuah sound) on a CIRCUMCISED American penis for lubrication
Yeah don't give a fuck what anyone says, that is a sign of the decline of internet culture
>noo memes can't be sexual you coomer
*spams every board on 4chan with blacked and trannies*
(((yanks))) spearheaded this
to be fair is is a load of utter shite, don't know why you'd choose anglo saxon to cling onto other than being a briton or whatever
Mate it's painfully obviously you're an oikophobic leftymong, just own it
more jew projection than a hollywood film cinema here
>mate it's painfully obvious you're my made up internet enemy, please admit it
what do you do for work
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it not right
The sexual nature isn't the reason it's shite
It's just shite
the ancestors of harald hardrada pay me to post on 4chan
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYj8X3200L8 [Remove]
leftypol calling himself a 'BIPOC ally' then losing his mind when it's pointed out that indigenous britons exist
not the best (You) haul ive gotten
>hawk tuah
just realised what this is and that it isn’t a name. yank names are all like that now so that was my first assumption
I hear and see more about trannies from the other side than I do the actual trannies. And it's all day every day with those people
We're not talking about Angles
We're not talking about Saxons
We're talking about Anglo-Saxons who are genetically identical to modern English people - about 50% celtic/50% germanic.
Literally everyone calls us Anglo-Saxons, where do you think the word "England" and "English" comes from? Why do you think the French call us "Anglais"? Why does literally every language call us some variation of "Anglo"?
The Celtic-Germanic mixing was already finished by 1000AD. There were no Brittonic Celts or Angles or Saxons - just Anglo-Saxons AKA ENGLISH
Why is this so hard for leftists to understand?
you see one everytime you look in a mirror
arsed me life up
assed my life up dude
>Anglo-Saxons who are genetically identical to modern English people
no they're not
>Literally everyone calls us Anglo-Saxons
no they don't
>Why is this so hard for leftists to understand?
not a leftist
bummer man
buttholed my life up nigga
now this is what REAL multiculturalism looks like
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>no they don't
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goydem moving mad these days
He is a leftist though ent he
Wish I had more money
looks like this, guaranteed
jew moment
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Bippity boppity boo n*gga
I really like my gf and she's rather attractive, but the sex isn't very exciting
need to figure out how to spice things up
I need more money
What's your favourite Dua Lipa song?
when I was a kid I thought my 28 year old mum was old as fuck
now I'm 28 and I don't feel that old
very weird perspective shift
not him but i think its mostly only frenchoids and non-westerners like russians, chinese etc who use the term anglo-saxon and talk about english speaking people in a monolithic way like that
Which tribe gave you guys the funny gene though, like where did your wodehouses come from. Norman?
Have you tried punching her when she doesn't do it right?
Send her to me lad I'll spice up her experiences
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cash dollar
>not him but
it is him though ennit
Fuck off we're all anglo-saxons
>my 28 year old mum
30K >.<
it’s not
couldn’t care less about your retard fight
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>when I was a kid I thought my 28 year old mum was old as fuck
>now I'm 28 and I don't feel that old
yea, you're old bud
Actually wasn't me lmao
why wouldn't they?
are we not one monolithic thing?
Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand are literally just colonies in the American Empire
That's why our foreign policy is always one in the same. Not complaining tho, American hegemony is just a continuation of British hegemony.
>starting to be hated en masse again
Israel are not "the jews" you muppet
Modern English people are actually 40-60% Celtic and have been for a thousand years.
All the indigenous people of Britain are a mix of Celtic and Germanic in varying proportions.
Imagine paying for it
>my 28 year old mum
just learned that Israel isn't the jews
Im not trying to say youre not anglo saxons Im wondering how you turned out so funny when NW Europe is devoid of any sense of humor
Your mum was never 28 when you were growing up? Explains your autism I suppose
ok tyler hernandez-chang the cia shill
Wtf? The rich and famous are alleged to have their own private world full of backroom connections with all kinds of illegal shit that no one can get in to or trace. Anyone else heard of this?
she has me when she was 18
when she was 28 I was 10
what's wrong with that? that's been normal up until a few decades ago
if the West was still normal, you would be considered weird if you didn't already have at least one kid by the time you were 20
>>she has me when she was 18
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German people are funny. Watch this.
bet yer ma had you when she was 48
you’re being naive
Tranny seethy
>that's been normal up until a few decades ago
Actually the Western tradition was to start families in one's early 20s, not late teens
We're just cheeky. It's in the earth.
you know a product is going to be overpriced when they add PROTEIN in the name
with no condoms and no birth control?
doubt it. nobody's pull out game is that strong.
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>Actually the Western tradition was to start families in one's early 20s, not late teens
Mum was 23 when she had me, Dad was 25.
Early 20s was when they'd get married
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mum was 18 when she had me, dad was 25 lol (based)
business idea: a world where, in the seconds before you're about to cum in a woman, you can visualise what your child would be like if you didn't pull out
no wonder your mothers all resent you
my mum? 39.
Mum was 25
Dad was 33
My mom and dad got married at 18 and 19 respectively
bet he was counting the fuckin days until she was legal
damn, there's still hope for me yet
Momma had a chicken
momma had a cow
Dad was proud, he didn’t care how
pfffftaaaaa hahaahahaaaaa
16 is legal here mate
there's only a one-letter difference between HOPE and COPE
16 is legal in the UK
they were already together when she was 16 and he was 23. Again, based.
new 'eitch

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>they were already together when she was 16 and he was 23
We could of been https://youtube.com/shorts/YUgzqCi2q-M?si=vw4cluzGbXYjfB-P AAAA
>only our greatest enemies refer to us collectively
oh right yeah it doesn't mean anything then, they're only our biggest enemies
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>Fuck off we're all anglo-saxons
Not where im from. We're all britons and irish diaspora round here.
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You know you've won the argument when you're samefagging with your pass
>free from USSR
>poorer and gayer
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oh yes lads
Anglo-Saxon refers to the mix of Celtic and Germanic peoples. Angles, Jutes, Frisians, Saxons, Celtic Britons, all mixed together are referred to as Anglo-Saxons.
Nowadays we just call ourselves English.
What argument lad?
love the posters who gets paranoid
>half the posters are AI!
>this guy's on three different VPNs replying to me!
>you're all from a discord!
>Angles, Jutes, Frisians, Saxons, Celtic Britons, all mixed together are referred to as Anglo-Saxons.
Not true.

Room temp IQ post
tobacco is good for you
Belarus a cute
wank demons are tempting me but I know better
there are discord nonces here though
what is the 2023/24 version of this
What the fuck? No it doesn't, you can't just make stuff up because you like the way "Anglo-Saxon" sounds
may I see it?
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might just have a cheeky go
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you're boring me now
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The Anglo-Saxons in the Old English period could understand the viking invaders and vice versa because Old English and Old Norse were still very similar.
heathermong literally just sits here all day everyday posting complete drivel and arguing with himself
All soon to be reintroduced to Russian governership
Ans you sit there talking about it
I don't care WHO started it
I'M gonna FINISH it
thats the correct position tho
i thought anglo was just a short hand term for ethnically english/english culture desu
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what do you think it means then?
Do you really honestly believe that the Germanic tribes were seperate from the Celtic tribes in 1000AD?
they were fully mixed together by like 800 or 900AD.
we have the evidence for fucks sake. I know more about this subject than you do. you just dislike the term Anglo-Saxon.
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Allllll day.

It changes depending on what JFs are seething about.
No it isn't.
central asian are pro-soviet, not infected with the woke fascist mind virus you see
You're right. It isn't right to tell someone they do something all of the time for them doing it once
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Belarus and Russia are still frens.
That's just because they submit to Euro-Russian Bvlls
i know when the french use the term they use it for all anglosphere countries as a collective
>central asian are pro-soviet
Not only are they just based but also geographically as far away from mutt freaks as you can almost get
it is. free palestine
Anglo-Saxon means Angle and Saxon. The tribes that settled Britain from northern Germany in the 5th century, speaking an early form of the English language. It can also refer to the English nation or people before the norman invasion.

The English are a product of Angles, Saxons, Celtic Britons with small amounts of Norse and Norman/French ancestry. The English ethnogenesis happened on this island. This is our native land.
>I know more about this subject than you do. you just dislike the term Anglo-Saxon.
Oh wow okay nice one. How the fuck does that equate to "Anglo Saxon = English" 1000 years later other than you wanting it to? You're citing history then ignoring it in the same breath. Again, you're a larper.
not really, different races get along in central asia and are equal. something that western countries are completely incapable of emulating
Spaino must feel really left out

Someone post a white woman or something
It does really in the modern term. “Angle” was the name of the Germanic tribe form which the words “Anglo”, “England” and “English” come from

England = Anglaland (Angel land)
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The Anglo-Saxons and the Danish vikings were genetically very similar and genetecists sometimes can't telp them apart. However the Norwegian vikings are slightly more easily differentiated from the Danes and Anglo-Saxons.
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Fluorinated histidine is another .medicine for anthrax maybe
real virgin hours
Anglo means language and culture you dumb cunts
Virgin hours are actually 24/7 considering either MN or SN is here at any given moment.
It literally is.
It just means English.
Literally EVERY ethnonym for "English" in foreign languages is derived from Anglo-Saxon because we are Anglo-Saxon.
The Celtic word for English people is "Sassanach" which obviously means Saxon and then literally every European language calls of some variation of "Anglo" - Anglais, Engelsk, etc
To say we aren't Anglo-Saxon is absurd. When I say Anglo-Saxon I'm not implying we're 100% Germanic. We are 50% Celtic. But we've called ourselves Anglo-Saxons for over 1000 years, why do we have to stop now just because it upsets foreigners and commies?

Right, because modern English people are all immigrants, right?
You know that modern English people are almost entirely descended from Anglo-Saxons, right?
there’s tension between different central asian groups like kyrgyz and uzbek and stuff like that (fomented by the cia) but the russians get along fine with the natives
nooooo we're all anglo-saxon warriors pls ignore the last 1000 years
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The Anglo-Saxon warrior's helmet is very similar to the helmet worn by Swedish vikings.
>anglo-saxon warriors
Who said anything about warriors lmao, betraying your own retarded sense of history there leftypol
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good posts
Would be nothing wrong with a morphine patch that you wear to enjoy whilst cooking food. Cooking pasta is so boring and bland, ND the food is plain. My life is so empty and I should kill myself
Okay add Saxon
>but the russians get along fine with the natives
Yes because they submit to them, that's what I said
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cheers mate
reject a united kingdom of great britain
embrace a united scotland norway kingdom
and what changed over the last 1000 years?
how are we not the exact same people?
there was no migration to Britain between 1000AD and 1950.
you're just a retard who can't grasp basic concepts of how ethnicity works, probably because you're a foreigner.
You're not fully native, are you? only people I've ever seen seethe this hard about the term Anglo-Saxon are foreigners and leftists - which one are you?
>fomented by the cia
Meds, now
>entirely anglo saxon
that’s bollocks you just said we are half celtic. we’re actually more, two thirds more like. saxon culturally and linguistically but not genetically. we share more in common with the welsh and irish than any continentals
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And (actual) Canada
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King Alfred the Great saw the Viking invasion of Britain as a punishment from God because the people were fallimg away from Christianity.
think if you want a legal version of this you could just wear kratom patches (not sure if those exist)
Oh my fucking god.
Read this >>199012059
you just made that up
prove the source
>you're just a retard
>you're a foreigner
>you're not native
>you're a leftist
Get a grip mate
yeah but it’s complete bollocks what you said, so i don’t know why you said it

glow harder
Drinking energy drinks and exhaling through my nose
Tastes like cake. The SHITTY B tier cakes still
we are ENTIRELY ANGLO SAXON we are WODEN'S WARRIORS we never back down we never give up we always keep fighting.
if they stand behind you protect them.
if they stand beside you fight with them.
if they stand in front of you show no mercy.
this is the code us ANGLO SAXON WARRIORS live by.
fuck off Adam Green you suck at debating and you look so uncanny
Anglo-Saxon = historical term
English = modern term

Anglo-Saxon is only used poetically for the modern English nation. Don’t know how you don’t understand this. It’s not a matter of opinion but definition.
The Iron Age Britons thought the Anglo-Saxon invasion was a punishment from God.
It's one of them. There's no way you're this dense. It's a very simple concept.
Right, you know how Han Chinese, Native Americans etc, are the same ethnic group they were 1000 years ago? They called themselves Han 1000 years ago and they're still Han today?
Same applies to English people.
Because it's not bollocks
Because it's true
t. seamus o’neil
OK I will eat pasta
and yet it isn’t
I have gained so much weight and deteriorated cognitively since taking psychiatric medications. Simply completing this post required multiple spellchecks and no less than two self check ins
Are you the actual Canadian
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Belarus and Russia look whiter and more Nordic than Ukraine because they are farther north and they have more Nordic Aryan genes.
>English people aren't allowed to have an ancient ethnic heritage!
why are leftists like this?
so were Anglo-Saxon, so what are we? Where do we come from?
Did we just pop into existence in England a few hundred years ago?
That's the only explanation if were not Anglo-Saxon.
Ah I see where you've got mixed up
What I said is actually true, rather than wrong
You had a 50% chance of being correct to be fair
Except we're literally not anglo-saxons anymore, you're just attached to a romanticised idea of it and assume that anyone who disagrees with your little LARP fantasy is your idealogical enemy
my last name is of post-norman influence
Who's to say
Why do you keep going on abot leftists? We're English you stupid cunt, not Anglo Fucking Saxon
Heinz mayo saraccha sauce doesn't contain any egg
how is what you said true?
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Go back to Paris then snail slurping poof
Christ on a bike
Anglo-Saxon = early medieval English people
English = modern English people

You are AS by ancestry and language but you are not called that because AS in common parlance refers to the old pre-Norman people and culture. No ones claiming they don’t exist or that the English aren’t descended from them.

Unless you’re 1,000 years old mate you can’t be an Anglo Saxon.
We are ethnically Anglo-Saxon
But we are not culturally Anglo-Saxon anymore obviously because its not the fucking iron age anymore
There's no problem with French identifying as Franks
There's no problem with Scandanavians identifying as Vikings
Why get so possy about modern English people identifying with English people from 1000 years ago and using the term "Anglo-Saxon" to differentiate between modern English and old English people?
You know that the Anglo-Saxons LITERALLY called themselves English (Engla), right?
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>We're Angleish you stupid cunt, not Angles
rorke scaring girls away by asking for their "christian name"
classic pilpul that
no genetic influence, just the name
purely english peasant dna me
No one has got “possy”. We’re literally agreeing with you.
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>There's no problem with French identifying as Franks
>There's no problem with Scandanavians identifying as Vikings
to be fair that's just US-tier larping as historical figures, no serious people do that, same way no serious Englishman calls himself a fucking Anglo-Saxon
Obviously you don't actually fully identify that way, but they are us and we are them.
We are one in the same. The only difference between us is time.
the idea of different races just getting along and being roughly economically equivalent and without there being some weird colonial dynamic going in is alien to angloids
>i'm not a leftist I swear
>plays the exact same highly gay word games like a leftist

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