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"hamburger" edition

that's just his sleeping bag it happens to look like 2 hamburger buns he didn't actually want to be eaten okay
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I spilled RedBull on my shirt
banger alert
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are you over your flu yet?
that's a man isn't it -_-
Deliver me from this hell
Hips never lie
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I'm attracted to women
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Some men have child bearing hips
Good night cum
I'm going to dream about a world where people don't get trashy, worthless tattoos <3
No, Im drowsy as hell and keep losing focus coworkers are talking mad shit over me for that this morning.
I wish I was somewhere else rn sipping scotch ( I know it's wrong)
Have a great wednesday king
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unless I can see and inspect the feet hands shoulders neck face eyes and hips I will assume it is a man ALWAYS sorry I just have to
I'm going to dream about you getting shoved into a locker by your 7th grade bully
you should call out sick if you feel bad you don’t want to get your coworkers sick (even if you hate them )
I should have been asleep hours ago
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personally i'd like to have sex with women
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Please, sir..
cut my pubic hair and it seemed silly to have a happy trail and some belly hair but no bush so I had to trim some belly hair too, I did it unevenly I admit but I wasn't going for style mostly just taming the beast that is my belly. I'm thinking of getting the manscape device because I can never really get the scraggly hair on the testes and it triggers my ocd
Exogenous hormones are creating extremely passable trannies, and quite frankly it turns me on
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you guys go between wanting hairy women who never shave, to incredibly feminine men its actually fascinating
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>be me
>blue collar wagecel
>have to clock in at 3am because mandatory overtime
>no indication of an end to overtime in sight
Why the fuck is this legal?
someone get something to break the ice so he can have his fish
I want both actually.
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sorry bro i still would
zoomerchan is hot and she didn't get snipped
i'm sorry you have to endure this i would lose my job if I were in your shoes
Really need to start washing my face more
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Check the labor laws in your state
once in the morning and again before bed is usually best
That's awful anon
If my only two choices were a feminine man and a hairy woman I would just choose my hand
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L lil bro
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How do you get an income without working?
you cant get around paying taxes they will find out
but how did you make your pictures name so big
I ain't never heard a tranny with a passable voice
I'm trying to figure that out because fuck giving taxes to kikes and indians
I'm such a fucking weed junkie, I have to stop
If Im drinking gallons of beer and taking the wheel, Im not hurting anyone
There's something beautiful about a daddy dom pounding his submissive, hairless twink/femboy. The spark that exists there as they make each other feel so good. It's beautiful
Don't be that guy please, it's so reckless
drunk driving doesn't just put yourself in danger it endangers other people too, it's a really selfish thing to do
Why? You're not doing any harm around you.
If your thing is getting high then do that
what about taxless income
personally i'm more into aryan virgin trad wife
Nobody got hurt up until today so it's ok
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If you like having crack cocaine, you should smoke crack cocaine. You're not hurting anybody
it's not okay please don't drunk drive anymore you will get killed or you will have to live with killing someone else. its a lose lose situation
Not clicking these vocaroos.
quit filming them they're trying to gossip in private about the goings on in the forest okay
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is this the real life over the hedge?
what if youve never had a job and youre in your late 20s and you have no skills or health to work
kill yourself?
i completely forgot this movie existed wow
what's going on with your health that makes working harder? but no, killing yourself isn't the answer it never is
extreme head pain
If you like mixing whiskey with LSD tabs you shouldn't feel bad about doing that. You're not hurting anybody
are you getting disability? if you have a diagnosis and it interferes with your daily life like that you should definitely see about doing that.
I'm sorry to hear that anon
I mean I dont have anyone to text me good morning good evening how was your day I want you in my arms and stuff like that.
I make less than 6 figures
Im a manlet idiot
Im not hurting anybody with a couple pints before revving up that v6 yknowhamisayin
You should have been doing something in your late teens early 20s so you didn't end up this way, but that ship has sailed. Get your health together even if it's just mental health and rough it out for a few years champ, go to a job/temp agency and get a manual labor job, amazon hires often, they have really easy work, maybe you can convince a construction shop to let you be a laborer, makeup fake resumes with fake references and fake companies and spam those out to tech/office jobs maybe you'll get a nibble and get hired somewhere, you have to do something anon, if you have a dream like art or something then dedicate yourself 100% to that, wow I just motivated myself just now
>are you getting disability? if you have a diagnosis and it interferes with your daily life like that you should definitely see about doing that.
tried no luck, typical american healthcare
its ok its just like lifes over so should i kill myself or just wait to be fined to death lol
yeah the ship being sailed is why im like "welp"
wage forever or go into debt for 6 years of classes to not get hired anyway lol
may as well crimemaxx or get really good at drunk driving
you dont need to throw your life away and put other people in danger because things aren't going your way right now, you're not worthless and you're not an idiot. you don't need to start going on a downward spiral because it will just make everything worse i promise.
I guarantee I have the worst life ITT at the moment, sure I've lived an ok life had some good and bad times, but this moment right now I'm the poorest ugliest most in the hole person ITT I guarantee it and I won't go into it desu
thinking of getting a plaque with that eunuch painting, i was wanting something to hang in my room
you can appeal disability claims, there are entire law offices that exist just to do appeals on disability a lot people are successful after 2 or 3 attempts
So much suffering right now.
How do we fix this?
>get really good at drunk driving
It's honestly not that hard, especially if you're a good driver to begin with, I used to do it everyday

>wage forever or go into debt for 6 years of classes to not get hired anyway
such is life. Most people in america, hell most people in my life have to wage forever the future does not look great, and idk about higher education I never went to college or university I graduated high school by the skin of my teeth
it is a really pretty painting
it makes me really sad that so many people here are suffering so much, it genuinely tears me up
If injecting dope is your thing then you should keep doing that. Nobody is getting wronged in the process
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There really is no hope, we all live a sink or swim existence. Funny when I was a wee lad the nighttime used to terrify me I would contemplate death while trying to sleep and cry myself to sleep, now I am hopeless and depressed and in a state of perpetual existential crisis during the day and the nighttime is the only time I can find peace and calm
really? just spam them with infinite complains?
i just don't have the brain function or health to work in general so it feels over. if that was fixed i'd do whatever
yes, please look into disability claims appeals
i don't know i'm probably gonna blow my head off here in the near future
You don't need much brain function to work at a warehouse or a factory assembly line or at amazon, if you're seriously diagnosed with something employerse still have to hire you they can't discriminate it's the law. good luck
ok thanks anon... no real hope here but meh
the worry is getting fired from being unable to show up consistently
if you've ever had a really bad migraine imagine having a permanent one for decades
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i need to go to bed
i hate that so many people here are suffering so much and i dont know what to say because 'its gonna be ok' isnt gonna cut it but i wish the best to you guys honestly
good night
This thread is unusually nice
I thought /int/ was like spam and dox central
good night cute fren see you in the afterlife
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we do some spammin', some doxxin', we also do some drankin' and we get into our feelings
Goodnight cinnamoroll
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If only you knew how bad things really are
please save us from zog
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I like to think I do
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It's over I hope they kill us soon I'm not waiting for the micronova
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Just 100 more years of suffering til you die and get to do it all over again, bros
The future is going to be kino though
I didnt sign for a second tile
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The future is going to be Deus Ex times 60 AKA even worse than now
You'd think that but here we are, maybe your mind gets wiped bro
You didn't think you were only in for one ride, right anon?
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I wouldn't say I'd THRIVE in a post-apocalyptic scenario, but I wouldn't do terribly, I'd survive as long as I had water I think. I should work on my cardio otherwise I think I'd do ok no kidding
What happens in Deus Ex?
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You don't need to run if you can reach out to 800 yards
Love the sounds of the birds
Think of a super duper Chinese police state but everywhere for 200 more years at a minimum with mind reading and anal probe surveillance
I sometimes speculate that if something like this were to occur, how would it come to an end?
Haha alright lads

*sticks "parklife" on the thread iPod*

It's not designed to end. It would take internal implosion in the form of the world government's (blackmailed) enforcement wing turning against them. It would take something supernatural because the level of surveillance we're under right now is impossible to break when your enemy doesn't have a name, face, or even live on the surface.
How would that not be the apocalypse as described in religious texts and ancient civilization legends? Atheists are NOT gonna like this one
It has to end eventually
It kind of is an apocalypse in a way, if the world were taken over by a super advanced police state.
Well............... if you ask me the 1000 year reign already happened and we're in the short season
Except "short" is like a couple hundred years bro
Yeah, 2,000 years from now. Buckle up!
Blue jays make weird noises
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I dislike raisins.
i think he's implying it already is
I've grown to not dislike them maybe I'm just more mature than you are, you big baby, most dried fruits SUCK, fruit leather is pretty great thoughbeit
Just noticed some light patches on my skin

Maybe I'm getting vitiligo
to green tea anon, yea l-theanine is great for you, but i feel like the caffeine counteracts the benefits you would get from theanine
I'm a freedom fighter
No, that's a very different thing
Dont tell me you cowards tryna sleep
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my chest looks like this
Aight since you faggot fucks would rather sleep this is now an incel thread
Bitch I'm awake
I have touched boobs
My penis has been touched by female hands
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doxxing is against the rules sirs
Wine dine sixty-nine me
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Porn is based
I rejected 69ing with a fat girl because I was too scared but now I regret that and wish I just did it.
I held hands with escorts
I 69 two women in my life.
I tried medidating while doing it since some say it's a pose for that but I didnt get any groundbreaking insight
You know what
To hell with spirituality
And faith
And whatever the fuck
North Americans are asleep, post European things
the legend of india sir of thyme
Do what makes you happy
possums are genuinely retarded
driving at night they always just wander aimlessly
couldnt care less that a 2 ton vehicle is barreling toward them at 50 mph they will not even look and wander directly in front of it
slam on your breaks? they wont even acknowledge you
they are probably the DUMBEST animal to exist
there are no mexicans on cum
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I'm a realist.
As if anyone would wanna be proposed to by any of us
i'm a race realist
As if we are ever going to meet anyone and rot in a hole and drink ourselves to death
>you will never have a zoomette pawning for you after you get convicted for murder
stfu opossum cuck, you're always going to stop for an opposum you're never going to shit bitch scared to even look them in the eye bitch ass a superior animal is walking and if you know whats good for you you'll sit in your cuckcage and wait patiently if the oppossum wants to sleep in the road so be it, go around or turn around those are your only options you dork
You're Mexican and you're here
They're just slow. Their 70 million year old brains are good at navigating and finding food but haven't adapted to hazards like cars. There's not much pressure for it because they'll likely die of something else anyways.
>If only you knew how long life in prison really is, bruh. No cap nigga fr
niggas fronting like they have EVER stepped to an opposum
Exactly what >>199023705 said
opossums are WEAK they have NO self defense \
all they do is pretend to die then DIE
acting hard when there are no opossums around is crazy
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>that time I accidentally called the teacher "mom"
>that time I accidentally asked if we had a quest when I meant to say quiz
the joke is porn
I brake for opossums every time. They're walking garbage disposals and eat slugs, insects, and mice.
That time I was born a fucknigga
I saw a baby opossum once all by himself walking along the top of the fence :3
they also eat ticks
>>that time I accidentally called the teacher "mom"
We've all done it lad, it's a rite of passage
Dont brake for me
Im a fucknigga who aint shit
>all by himself
he died soon after miserably, painfully, alone and full of suffering
Saw a possum with some sort of disease or brain damage once. It was a tiny baby and he stood in place spinning in circles over and over. At first i thought it was really adorable till it kept going and didn't even react to me when I walked next to it. Animal control came they probably euthanized the poor creature
>eat 2 burgers and a burrito
alright now i NEED a sweet treat
he was kitten sized, he might have been snatched up by one of the stray cats, but there's a lot of chicken wing bones around my house he probably had himself a little meal beforehand
>ate the ass and then the glizzy
opposums can't survive in captivity for very long even when healthy so yeah they likely killed him
Not too long ago i think i heard some coyotes chase down and eat a cat. It was pretty dark but i seen the two coyotes walking in the field. Then i saw a smaller creature and they both started chasing it and they went far back into the trees and I heard the loudest most ferocious screams and growls then it got real quiet.
what interrogation?
'yotes have been getting brazen around here, one came up all the way into my neighborhood in the suburbs, they're usually all the way in the forest area but this lone one came sort of deep into the neighborhood, I was sort of drunk so I was like "hey lil nigga" and chased it for a few steps and it ran away. I did it mostly because it was 3am and it was sort of funny but also just so he takes the message back to his friends that deep into human territory is NOT safe for 'yotes
Yeah i hate how defiant coyotes can be. They're meant to be relatively skittish but in my experience the fuckers are always very brazen and audacious. Like one night I was walking through the neighborhood and there were 2 of em on my path, i kept walking towards them and I swear the look they gave me like I just walked into a party uninvited. They only slowly walked away after I got close, then they'd stop and look at me again. Then after a few cycles of this they leaped over the fence and wandered off.
holy based

Possum superiority
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>hot, moist fart
Its not normal that I'm high at 8 in the morning
Im a nigga who aint shit
*devours feces*
7 hours of sleep is not enough
I always knew I was a loser
I'm handsome, I have a big cock, I have a girlfriend who loves me seemingly unconditionally, I'm accomplished and I'm happy and have lots of free time

Other than that my life sucks
Without my parents financial support I would be pimping my ass out in Fort Lauderdale
same, same
I’m so scared about the future
I dont consider myself to be worth a penny
Im a shitstain type of nigga
I aint shit
This crusty dusty ass nigga ain't shit
Im a stank ass nigga
I'm worth more than my weight in gold
What are you supposed to tell someone showing you their new wristwatch?
Oh wow it says the time accurately
Dont come to me flashing no 7 grand watch like I have a college thesis to say about it
>8 in the morning
remote work is the best
I failed as a man
Anon blueballed me by posting screenshots from a truecrime interrogation and not sharing source.
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true crime is women tier
How do I stop being addicted to this website
I can't stand who I am
1. I don’t care if women enjoy truecrime.
2. Raw interrogation videos showcase some of the most authentic human emotional experiences possible.
3. The (guilty) people who end up on the wrong side of an interrogation table are so heinous and awful that I am fascinated as to how they manage to appear normal.
4. Im a worthless motherfucker
You're brown lol
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why are weeaboos like this? why does this have 700k views? if this nigga was french or American nobody would give a fuck
If he were French or American he wouldn't be as charismatic. Japanese are just racially better than you, cry about it.
Do you shave your chest? What about the hair on your ass/gooch?
Sometimes yeah. Might do it today now that you mention it.
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why is /r/Ontario freaking out? were the election results really that shocking?
Computer is still slow. Might delete some shit.
i'm spazzin out bro.
No to both

I did shave my pubes and balls once because I heard people saying that women don't want a forest down there. But honestly I don't think they care. My balls were fucking itchy when I shaved them so I never did it again.
common man is being wage-suppressed by immigration, current party is pretending there’s no problem, election results clearly show there is a problem for current party
they really expect me to memorize all these fucking nomenclatures and what they mean and what each of these cryptography and hashing algorithms do and dont, like wtf, there's not enough memory space in my brain for all of that
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Imagine eating this good.

Chicken, with a side of chicken, and pickles.
Would be better with some carbs and more vegetables, but it looks good
Pretty crazy that we had a brutal civil war not that long ago
Didn't feel like cooking rice or a potato, just pulled a cold breast out and finished off a bag of nuggies and jar of pickles. I also finished the juice. I like to take things out of the fridge and make it more empty, it's like a game.
You should support your fellow white man today and watch the Euros
So you guys know how Bounty is the best of those popular candy bars (second in the rankings being Twix)? Do you guys have Bounty ICE-CREAM? I just bought one. It's like a Bounty bar, but guess what? Under the chocolate? There's coconut ice-cream. That's crazy.
Idk what that means. Are they playing sportsball or something?
160 years isn’t a long time ago?
Yes they are playing soccer
It's the highest level of team sports, in terms of popularity and passion
It is, but it isn't.
why do veggie burgers always have me taking big shits?
Every time I see a soccer team it's full of Africans.
government conspiracy
The Slav teams aren't
I'm a little beetlebug
*squishes you under my massive and highly detailed foot*
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You wouldn't dare
>try to log on to twitch
>refuses to email me the code(why do I need a code I have login and password written down,faggot)
What a shit website.
*starts licking AND nd sucking on toes*
I get really angry when I see Bocchi and other “loner femcel” characters because if they were male nobody would care about them. They are a walking indictment of the matriarchy and proof of misandry in all its subversive evilness.
Twitch chat can be fun, but it's also arguably the lowest iq place on the internet
Those things are worse for you than real burgers. Read the ingredients
>if they were male nobody would care about them. They are a walking indictment of the matriarchy and proof of misandry
nigga its because men jack off and wanna fck them, tf are you talking about
>my boss thinks I'm gonna work overtime to cover for someone he gave time off
its crazy how theres legit gang members on reddit on the chiraqology and gangbangcity pages
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>He fell for it
when you and the mods is chillin and OP don't use proper reddiquette that be the shit that piss you off most
How do I get someone banned from Reddit, FB, Instagram, LinkedIn? I'm feeling really salty about my ex and it's been half a year already. I stalk her accounts at least every six hours and today every 20 mins and I've done it since the day she broke up with me. I count every new follower, friend, connection, Reddit post...
It's crazier how they're an American company and the government lets them discriminate based on race.
just get a hobby
I have multiple, and also I've gone out with two girls a week for five months already and none of them compare. Going out with my friends helps temporarily but then I get home and become sad. I'm currently hitting it off with an amazing girl but I'm still really angry.
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Just showered and shaved my belly, penis, balls, and butt. It was a jungle down there, so I didn't get everything, but I'll finish next shower.
Do you sit or stand between sets?
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walk around a bit, definitely don't sit
Why the fuck would you shave those things? Why make the effort? I really don't think women are going to care
I did it for myself. I like to feel clean and smooth.
psychiatrist said if I'm not taking my meds she can't see me. Seems like a violation of her hipocritical oath if you ask me
ojisan looks 30
Bounty is horrible. It is the worst chocolate bar. Twix is okay but it's nothing special.

In Britain we have something called a Double Decker, they're pretty good. It's got nougat, like you'd get in a Snickers bar. But it doesn't have caramel or nuts like you get in a Snickers. Instead it has cereal bits at the bottom (similar to crispy M&Ms but without the hard shell).

Snickers is good as well though.
Back in the day, American universities had parapsychology departments. Shit was cash. Now every field has to be scientifically valid.
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I didn't know there was this religion
sit most of the time because i have a terribly low work capacity. sometimes i stretch though
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Fair. Personally I just let it grow.

What kind of meds? In my view psychiatry should focus more on the real world causes of mental distress (bullying, low self esteem, negative impact of social media, job worries, financial worries, lack of social contact, etc) and then maybe more people would be able to find solutions to their distress that don't involve drugs.
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No one is obligated to see your unmedicated crazy ass.
I suck dick for a living
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What is it like to serve the public good?
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Had no idea about this sub-genre of amphibian photography
Women are such a needy whores nowadays it's kind of unreal, you can be dying at the hospital and them soul sucking nurses will try to flirt with you wtf xD
>you can be dying at the hospital and them soul sucking nurses will try to flirt with you wtf xD
ummm yes please! LOL
Back in college this was a girl I talked to all the time who only started flirting with me when I decided that it wasn't ever going to happen and started talking to her about girls I'm seeing
why didn't you quote this >>199032152
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found out my bmi was "you're gonna be dead soon" so i'm trying to eat more through the day but i have no idea how people eat a normal amount of food... it's more expensive, more time spent cooking since i don't want to end up like >>199031873 and i never feel like eating
That's because she always liked you (no girls regularly talk to guys unless there's a good reason or you're her gay friend), and when you started talking about other girls she felt the clock was ticking and wanted to be more obvious to you.
this you? >>199031996
IDK man, looking at your photo you look pretty fit to me
can i fuck you before u die?
what’s your height/weight?
I talked to every single girl where I worked and most of the ones in my classes
I liked talking to women when I was younger
What's your BMI?
Mines 18
okay here's the important question: Do you start most of the conversations, or do the girls?
The girls
Lowest my BMI ever was was 17.5 then I started working out and gained weight then I got injured at work, started working in an office, and got fat again and now I'm back to working out and have been cutting for like a month
Finally getting muscle definition back and started going on daily virginwalks after the gym
uh did you just cross the border......?
Yeah I'm in the car rn
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6'0" 135 lbs
roughly same 18 bmi

i do work out but working out without eating is turning me into robert downey jr version of sherlock holmes. which to be fair goes hard but i could bulk up and still look nice while avoiding health issues so making tons and tons of pasta to gain weight it is
Sometimes I'd have to introduce myself sometimes they would do it
I also talked to people in public while standing in line or in the elevator
I went out a few times with a girl who started talking to me at a Panda Express near campus because she told me she recognized me from walking around campus
A lot of my friends were girls as well
I'm 5'7 and Like 115 - 120lbs
Will u watch youtube with me in bed after?
I used to do a lot of psychadelics and pills so I was more interesting to be around though
lol. Anyways the most important factor is your looks. Girls avoid starting even small ''hello'' greetings if they think you're ugly (unless you're the most hilarious comedian), so girls regularly starting full conversations with you is a good sign. Anyways that's my opinion
i see, the height change would keep our bmis samey while you weigh a bit less. but it's no competition and we should both strive to live healthier. thank you for sharing
No but i will watch the movie RAT RACE with you after thoughever
lol I got pranked
I'm just telling you from personal experience, girls never start a non-professional conversation unless they think you at minimum ''pass'' in their mind. They never start having a friendly chat if you're an ugly creep.

I never had to introduce myself or start a conversation due to my looks alone. I'm spoiled as fuck
I'm pretty healthy just small
It's nice being small cause guys pick u up when drunk
>tfw i'm not dying in hospital being attended to by a flirty nurse
It's time for the new
bmi doesn't take into account muscle so really that would be the difference between low bmi (but it's fine) and low bmi (wasting away)

unless im mistaken
remember dat civil rights movie where she made a pie full of shit and made the woman eat it
that SHIT was crazy and based on a true story
Started learning Spanish of Mexican dialect this week. Would you say the best order of operation would be to memorize say 1000 words via flash cards and then start peppering in grammar?
make simple sentences
read simple spanish media
try outputting simple spanish sentences
learn some words
make more complicated sentences
read some more complicated spanish media
try outputting more complicated spanish sentences
learn some more words

and so on. you can't crack out one part of a language such as vocab, you need to pick up all parts of it gradually
Might need someone else to make the new since so many cummers have the British flag filtered
They should unfilter the British flag. I'm not Mousey. Not every British person is him. It's just discrimination to filter all Brits.

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