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1 USD has now hit 160 Yen.

What now?
Bro Kishida needs to step down before he becomes Japanese Rishi Sunak.
Its over....
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180 yen plz
Insane how even eastern European ex communist shitholes start surpassing Japan

Why isn't it widely discussed tho? When there is a crisis in America the whole world keeps talking about it meanwhile when Japan is sinking everyone ignores that. You don't see Japanese complaining about it on the internet at all.
He's literally one of the best Japanese PMs in recent memory.
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The truth of weak yen

It was Abe's wish. We've been wanting to lower our currency since long ago, but blocked by Trump. Now with senile Biden who only cares about Ukraine and Israel, it's the best time for Japan to do weak yen. Our automotive industry is already booming. Our semiconductor industry (now backed up by US) will soon be revived. Weak Yen Japan = Re-Rising Sun.
He’s more hated than Brits hate Sunak.
You do know weak yen means expensive energy since you don't make oil inside your cunt
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It needs to reach 200
Because US economy has global influence. Crisis in the US = lower demand for goods (American population has large purchasing power) = economy of countries that produce and export a lot of goods like China also fall in recession = demand for energy resources like oil drops = oil producing and exporting countries like Russia are also hit
Japan on the other hand is a relatively small economy that barely has any influence outside of their region
Japan isn’t sinking, it’s just growing slower than it used to.
All what matters is your relative position in comparison to other countries. When your former colonies and occupied territories surpass you then it's definitely a disaster.
Japan’s going to reactivate their nuclear reactors.
No it isn’t, economic growth is not a contest. On the contrary, Eastern Europe getting richer helps Japan because Eastern Europeans will buy more Japanese goods.
>eastern European ex communist shitholes start surpassing Japan
lol you wish

Market cap by country:

Japan: 6,285,886
Poland: 147,657
if you get rid or usd, then you dont have to care about usd rate. thats why russia, china, opec and so on started abandoning usd.
usd economy benefits white elites. you can check the headquater aka the united satan. the people cant afford double big mac any more thanks to their white elite overlord and then they started eating costoco hotdog.
not my problem doe :)
What matters is GDP per capita PPP or average wage PPP and Czechia is already close to Japan. Stuff like market capitalization has no impact on your daily life in Japan
You're wrong, it is a contest because if your country becomes relatively poorer then buying foreign goods and importing foreign workforce becomes less profitable so it basically compels you to hard work instead of having people working for you, which is the point of economic growth. Soon Japanese will not be even able to marry eastern European women because their only advantage so money fades away and with their micropeepees they will lose competition even to Africans
Funny you'd mention stock exchanges - WIG is indeed almost as bad a long term performer as Nikkei. Almost.
Surely wages have gone up on par right?
time to buy some cheap PSPs
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konichiwa! i went to japan in march and i was going to go next spring, but now i decided that i will also go this autumn as well as next spring
arigatou gozaimasu
Aren't muslims know for their cleanness
> Aren't muslims know for their cleanness
No they aren’t. Lmao. The false prophet Muhammad used to wipe his dirty ass with pebbles.
it means NOTHING
yeah im sure the people who will shake your left hand if youre not a muslim because its the hand they wipe their arse with is known for cleanliness, dumb dumb
I thought they wash their hands all the time because of pork or someshit
Muslims think camel piss is medicine.
Kawaguchi isn't being colonized by anyone go worry about UK, anglo incels
You're a nasty pajeet
"briton" lol lmao everyone here knows you're that one pajeet poster in egypt also not muslim but there is no mention of camel piss or whatever anywhere in the quran only stuff is generic foods seen as "good" for people in that era like honey..etc unlike cow dung which is a core part of the hindu religion
Nothing. Japan will recover, Japs will start having babies and it's all gonna br alright.
>Soon Japanese will not be even able to marry eastern European women
They don’t want to, silly pole.
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I believe in Japan
I’m not Indian. I’m British. Do you want me to post Hadiths where the false prophet Muhammad recommends drinking camel piss?
>What now?
Print more USD, the spice must flow.
I noticed Japs not investing in Polan like they used to. They realise Poland is not as expensive as them. Im happy because we got some high tech investment from Japan recently and hope it will continue but weak yen worries me too
Is almost as expensive as them
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importing this bitch
Nice, time to import more doujinshi
Oh wait the leftists here killed the partial tax exemption for packets valued under 50 dollars FUCK
Its going to stabilize at 200, screencap

T, currency trader
if that happens I'm buying a place in Japan
>Im happy because we got some high tech investment from Japan recently
Which means you're just cheap workforce
which shitcoins is more worthless, yen or turkish lira?
BOJ will step in... again.
You can already buy a cheap home in rural areas.
Check out yt, there are tons of vlogs of Russian women with Japanese husbands
Guess it's time to book a flight, thanks Jap bros
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i think all currencies should depreciate to usd and euro
The USA needs japan as a bulwark against China. Talking about its economy dying in real time doesn't inspire confidence.
i think in japans case this might not be so bad
if i remember correctly japans one of the few economies that was hurt by deflation

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