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Morning cafe edition
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im on a 3 month bender, there's 14k missing from my safe
looking for a 182 cm daddy, hit me up. my butthole was never used. :3
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>Macedonians could have colonised the moon if it wasn't for evil greeks and bulgarians

This is true and fact checked
fact checked by true vmro patriots?
old >>199035525
Yes plus rich diaspora grandparents from Adelaide, Australia (original name Aleksandargrad, Southern Hemisphere Macedonian Colony)
Its funny

Also bulgarians have from trimoreta to tri planets to 3 galaxies
Why would they need to colonize something they created?
You don't shit?
these two threads have been full of adjustment
girls dont poop anon !!! :))
The moon was a flourishing microplanet until ancient Bulgarians destroyed it so Macedonians need to recolonise i
Source: Macedonian Academy of Space Studies
Out of every subhuman that has ever posted on this general, I think I would feel the least amount of guilt killing Mangal

Not a single life is worth less than his
hii so where can we like, meet up??:))
Filo me chill

In my opinion if alexandrian library wasnt burned by ceazer and internal femaily fued with alexander the great

Scientist would from the ancient world made us all of that and greeks were part of the science team back in the day.

The first computer is greek
how do u know my height wtf
daddy ! daddy ! daddy ! daddy ! daddy ! <3 <3 <3
I was wondering why his existence instinctively bothered me until I found out he is Turko-Americam. He's an abomination.
you are an american
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What is balk playing
While i agree its somewhat silly to insult people you dont know especially the likes of me, whos life is worth more than the presidents life in my country, the vast amount of factual information in my possession is placing my life worth in the hundreds of billions of tons of gold at the very least if that could even be quantified
>father is turko-bulgarian
>mother is turko-bulgarian
>grandfather #1 is turko-bulgarian
>grandmother #1 is turko-bulgarian
>grandfather #2 is turko-bulgarian
>grandmother #2 is turko-bulgarian
>father was in bulgarian army
>grandfather was in bulgarian army
>great grandfather was in bulgarian army
>great great grandfather fought in the balkan wars
>great great great grandfather fought in russo-turkish wars
but ACKSHULLY I am an american because anons say so even though i live, work in, and have legal obligations to bulgaria. but i was born in america because the economy of eastern europe collapsed. blood doesn't exist, family history doesn't exist, everyone is an individual and i am an american. nevermind the fact that bulgaria is currently an occupied country, occupied by America, and the only reason I was never in the army here myself is because... NATO and America
sasho roman oy sashko
Two suns in the sunset by Pink Floyd
Kill yourself, twink
greece is a 1 hour drive from me. come do it yourself.
A sane world would have deported the homo Turk to Diyarbakir
Sharing some wholesomeness on this sad board

u cant top this
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watch your tone
Nothing from the Balkans, that's for sure.
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filthy west*ids don't deserve to know about this paileinjal singing like a bird
plovdiv is full of hot women and this turdroach decides to be a homosexual lmao
>a town being ""full"" of ""hot"" women somehow means you have a chance with any of them
women can't manhandle my 54 kilo ass
best way to go is to never wake up one morning
best way to go go is to make it messy
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Bulgaria was freed from 500 years of Turkish slavery by Russia and now Tatars spit on them

Macedonia was freed from 500 years of Turkish slavery by Serbia and we still love them for it

That's how you know we are not the same backstabbing edin narod
they always say that, but they never do come
>The Plevna Chapel is a public subscription monument to the Russian Grenadiers who died during the Siege of Plevna. It was opened on a square outside the Ilyinka Gate of the Walled City in Moscow on the 10th anniversary of the taking of Pleven (1887), in the presence of Field Marshal Nikolai Nikolayevich.[1]

>Barn church
Redundant statement

You are Türko-Americano
>You are Türko-Americano
[citation needed]
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek I just found out the Golden Dawn were jailed. Shit is hilarious.
>Upon hearing that they would receive weapons, the rebels were approached by villagers from Palanka and Kratovo, all the way to Deve Bair, the site of the Russian demarcation line. These villages had not been overtaken by the Bulgarian Exarchate.[17] 4,000 Serbs gathered on the icy fields of Palanka and Kumanovo.[17] Bulgaria was alarmed by the Kumanovo rebels, and sent their agents to turn them over to the Exarchate.[17] Exarchist clergyman Mihajlo attempted to convince the rebels to turn themselves in to Bulgarian officials, but the outraged villagers attacked him upon hearing him. He was acquitted of capital charges, but still exiled, by the rebel court in Zabel. He died shortly after in Bulgaria from the beating.[17]

Based Nojko's ancestors
walkhumaned, sunhumaned and sweathumaned for hours for no reason

what can I say? zoomers do dress like absolute faggots. highlight was two retards who dressed like they were early 00s nsync or something, bleached curly hair, thin short chains, baggy high waist pants, the other retard had one of those shorts that aren't actually fucking short but are about as long as pants are. think one of them had peace sign on xis bag. I want to break their spines, I hope they walk into 500 churkas who had no sex with turtle or alabai dog in days
>With the Treaty of San Stefano on 3 March 1878 and announced establishment of Greater Bulgaria, more appeals were sent to Prince Milan for the unification of Macedonia with Serbia, against the threat of Bulgaria claiming Macedonia.[19] On 10 May, an assembly was gathered, in which the representatives of the nahiya of Skopje, Tetovo, Debar, Kičevo, Prilep, Kratovo, Kočani, Štip, Veles, and Kriva Reka, among others,[20] including the rebel leaders, kmets, and clergy,[18] signed a petition addressed to Prince Milan, the Berlin Congress, and Russia, for the annexation of those territories to Serbia.[20] They asked Prince Milan "on their knees" to unite "our land and the Holy Mother Serbia, and to not replace the hard and grim Turkish (Ottoman) enslavement with the worser and darker Bulgarian one".[18]
You're a literal tranny bro who are you to judge
I would kill you IRL for saying this to me
>The movement in Poreče was organized and known under the name Brsjak Revolt (Бpcјaчкa бyнa), and was since 14 October 1880 organized by rebel leaders Ilija Delija, Rista Kostadinović, Micko Krstić and Anđelko Tanasović.[14] Viewed of as a continuation of the Kumanovo Uprising,[15] it broke out in the nahiya of Kičevo, Poreče, Bitola and Prilep.[16] The movement was active for little more than a year.[14] The rebels used the Serbian flag in battle.[2] After Rista Kostadinović was killed in action, Micko Krstić succeeded in leading his četa (rebel band).[17]

Did you know that Brsjak bvlls considered themselves as Svrbs?
sorry I have no interest in this information
You WILL read about the shit only I care about
>same weather as Attfrica

It's OVER for Кpacнoјapcк
You would get on your knees and suck my cock if you saw me IRL bro
>goes on his fav internet forum to gossip about what other people wear
uhmmm sweetie...... im pretty sure you are the bigger faggot here......
Shopi are white, brsjaks are brown
bro if you met me IRL you'd shit your panties with cum out of fear bro
Yes I am scared of people that's why I carry a piece with me everywhere I go. I'd shit my panties but you will be the one with a hole the size of a quarter in them.
> O shit, I just realized that Sashko never smiles. What's up with that?

It's called f20.0
>Golden Dawn
the flag was not enough, they ripped that off anglos as well lmao
a piece of what? is this what you call your dildo man gal
Keeeeeeeeek your (fyromian) President and Prime Minister don't even know how your country is called keeeeek
>a piece of what?
One thing I will never forgive for any anti-ottoman revolutionary group is their insistence on keeping subanthropos IQ having Muslim gypsies

This one single mistake will turn every country from the Bosporus to the North Adriatic into the average New Delhi slum in a century or so
>Thus, as of 1880, the total number of Muslims who lived in the territories ceded by the Ottoman Empire stood at 827,000 people, down from 1,388,844 Muslims counted by the pre-war Ottoman statistics, signifying a net loss of 561,844 Muslims (40.4%). While shockingly high, this figure falls short by more than 200,000 people of Dennis P. Hupchick and Justin McCarthy's estimates of some 260,000 Muslims missing/dead and 500,000 forced to emigrate and is way more off compared to the figure of more than 750,000 Muslim casualties and victims of ethnic cleansing from the Bulgarian lands alone quoted by Douglas Arthur Howard.

>The Principality of Bulgaria, Eastern Rumelia and Romania accounted for a negative net balance of 472,792 Muslims (or a net loss of 36.5%).

>By comparison, Serbia, the only country in the region, which did indeed engage in ethnic cleansing and forced expulsion of its Muslim population, effectively reduced its Muslim population between 1877 and 1880 from 95,619 to 6,567 people (cf. Expulsion of the Albanians, 1877–1878), i.e., a net loss of 89,052 Muslims, or 93%.[108]

Svrb bvlls
i'll post it when i have the papers so v00t doesn't call DANS on me
лoл шизo кaкви ги плeщиш кaкви дoкyмeнти кaкъв дaнc кaкви пeт лeвa?
If I were the ENTJ fascist dictator of Bulgaria/Serbia/Greece/Balkans/etc... I would declare the historian Justin McCarthy and other Balkan massacre denialists as international war criminals

He literally denies the Batak massacre, the most well documented one of them all, which was literally documented by a Turk apologist
When I become the fascist dictator of Balkans, I will enforce McCarthyism in the entirety of the peninsula

This means skopians and any other yugocommie sympathizers will be purged
document of sanity + completed safety course + permission from KOS + 20 leva processing fee
when I become fascist dictator of blablakans I'll legalize gay marriage in greece
>document of sanity
yes it's a document from the clinic certifying that the individual has no illnesses

and im getting an appointment for that after my next paycheck.
When I become the fascist dictator of the Balkans I would implement strict eugenic policies against loud and low IQ maymoons.

>best Koreans will become drone targets for the white nation of Ukraine and her allies because daddy P can't recruit any more brownies from within or outside the borders of velikaya rus'

Well at least Russia doesn't have gay marriage!
Mister Mitsotakis????
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>Mister Mitsotakis????
Thank you MICKOski
Thank you MICOtakis

What a meme.
The smart people will diminish until they will eventually be overwhelmed by the low iq angry majority who won't want to hear anything about advancement. That is when humanity will stall and society collapse that is when whites will be nothing more than a fairy tale and that's when the eternal dark age begins
lol you won't do shit bitch
>he doesn't have sanity documents
You're a danger to society and more importantly yourself.
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lmao I'm sure this will save them
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not on my watch
that's probably illegal in Germany
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If he was driving a car he'd still be alive instead of being sacrificed by drug addicted chicanafrican mystery meats
so you're getting a gun licence? OK, good for you I guess
>mangay buys a .22 pistol
>at his first shot the recoil shatters his twinky wrist

Calling it
>he doesn't know
I don't like sharing info about bulgaria on balk because I feel like I'm helping man gal become less turkish
>>he doesn't know
idk what he knows but damn the Venti does keep obsessing with all things Bulgarian doesn't he?
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I've shot .308, .223, .45, 7.62, and 9mm. And yes one handed so my arm won't break for certain. Tiny women can shoot bro, it's not a big deal. What's a big deal is getting the proper experience so your holes go where you want them.
Yeah it's long overdue but I was unemployed for a couple months and didn't want to go to the clinic while unemployed because it would be a red flag, imo.
Bro the only friends in my life are Bulgarian. The only people I talk to besides family, granted it's in English- are Bulgarians.
Eт лийcт тpaй тy мeйк ит cayнд бeливъбъл...
hes circumcised, there is no un-turkifying him unless you buy him some foreskin transplant
yeah, a blind granny can even shoot these cartridges with a bipod, bro
Now do it standing
I want to commit warcrimes in macedonia
Cтapa иcтopия
what have people in Razlog done to you?
>shooting pistol calibers with a bipod
there are ways to extend foreskin
>The only people I talk to besides family, granted it's in English
opaти нa бyгapcки бe пeдaл гнaceн!
im from Bansko
Total Razlo4 deth
308/762 are pistol calibers?

>im from Bansko
yeah i'm sure you are
>tfw no sanity loicence
okay im not from Bansko but im in Bansko and i identify as a Banskalia
>im in Bansko
yeah i'm sure you are
okay come to my house and we can speak bulgarian together
half the calibers I posted are pistol calibers, and yes I can shoot "rifle calibers" while standing. anyone can. the fact that you are gate keeping something as trivial as this shows to me you are a nogunz who hasn't shot anything since their conscription.
Shut up you got exposed, noooooob
I'm not your bro, manaf
Bro even vute finds you disgusting
I had sex with a 10/10 exactly ten years ago, she's old now (30) and she looks like shit and uses old photos on her social medium
k, thanks for sharing this information
whatever you say, bro
vute doesn't like me because i don't share his homosexual ideology and the rest of you don't because you are all a bunch of literal faggots that shill for shit I spend thread after thread denouncing.
>having sex
that's the sort of thing one should wear with honor tho
imagine the walk
might need to purchase wife beater for such weather but I don't want ppl to see remains of bacne on my shoulders
>come to my house
holy christ mangal, i'd rather meet a lepper than you, you're repulsive ffs

Huge boss music just dropped
So i went talked to the psychologist and psychiatrist talked took my anti depressant
Went to a cafe [op pic related]
Worked out
Drank 2 smoothies and ate

Now i am resting and gonna take a shower

Gonna send my CV to companies so i get a job

So how was your day guys
f20.0 delusions -- incredible!
blogposting isn't talking about CULTURES now is it?
It it

It shows how my life is in balkan and people compare it to their

So that means the customs and behavior of people which is part of the culture

For example americans have starbucks

And in my op pic we drink coffee in glasses and not plastic containers
she has the greatest tits in the history of the world
mhm anything else? am I stinky too?
Crashing a massive comet to Earth would solve most of our problems.
hows the gf (male)?
how much she bench
whats her chest routine
>psychiatrist talked took my anti depressant
Took you off the prescription?
Dont have gf male nor female
i dont give a fuck about that stupid bitch, if she wasnt a worthless airhead with nice body i would have married her and pump her full of kids, now she's a bitter old roastie that hit on me once like a 1-2 months ago and i told her she's ugly and old and she's around the block so i blocked her
i will also print a message on a sticker you're ugly and old and have it delivered to where she works and bottom text saying yeah you know who you are and a pepe frog with glasses and a fax sign
For the past 2 months i am on anti depressant and anti d4 dopamine so it prevents me from fantasying

I have higher seratonin which caused me to function and getting back on track

For 8 years i was on wrong diagnosis and wrong pills
>Accidentally broke my french press

It's so fucking over
xpozed what's going on big guy?
haha, suffer
I pray God takes your kidneys next
Working out since april and i have this body

And the teeth bracers for 3 weeks now
So with the anti depressant i became godmode
nice 5 pack

So anyway afk 30mins gonna go and take a shower

Wtf happens in greece
all women should get a similar message delivered to them when they turn 30
Nah dude i aint no transgender female to male

I am a cis male
Holy fuck mangal went to Thesalloniki??
he does not have gyno thoughbeit
Just saw a nigger female

It's so over Shkupistani bros
>this guy says in Greece he's Turkish
>whole his stature is 100% Russopontian

I wanna fuck a black woman.
Just go to Shkupi zoo chimpanzee exhibit bro
t. non-Dinaric shrub
The King of Spain’s wife cheated on him. Dude is 6’6”, fit, and literally the KING OF SPAIN, and this woman cheated on him.
>Tragedy in Evia: 17-year-old who had taken his father's heavy truck, run over and killed 16-year-old
>A 17-year-old juvenile, who took his father's truck, caused the tragic accident in Evia, according to the latest information. Victim of the accident, which occurred at noon in Karystos, 16-year-old who was swept away by the truck, which had violated a STOP sign.

>The 16-year-old was driving a motorbike when he was swept away by the truck by the other student, who was attending the same school as the unfortunate teenager.

>The 17-year-old did not stop after the accident, instead he stepped on the gas and continued, leaving the other minor bleeding on the ground.

>Men from the Karystos Police Department arrested the 17-year-old driver and his father for neglect of a minor.

>A preliminary investigation is being conducted to determine whether the father had knowingly let his son drive the truck without a license or whether the 17-year-old had secretly taken the truck.

>It is noted that both the driver responsible for the run over and the victim, neither of whom had a licence.

Total GenZ death
Shkup is actually flooded outside
Like 10cm is water on the road
I hate these shrubs so fucking much.
That's what you get for having a 4th world sewage system.
Like 50% of deadly road accidents in Greece happen by pic related
We're talking about the lowest kinds of submen
he also looks like an aloof dork
Go poison your liver with the village boomers of Kriva Palanka
>driving without license is a genz thing
The whole country has shitty infrastructure. Ushkup is no exception.
Finally found it on a daytime video!

>CCCP could have prevented this!
Post a link you shrub.
Here it is, mpro
Imagine his TWP
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Stop saving these HIDEOUS pictures
btw the user below me is a tranny
bad drawing
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now imagine if the two boys had met on Grindr for hot passionate sex instead they met on the road in tragic cirCUMstances
cute pic
uncute faglord posting it
many such cases!
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I fact they are so faggy that I have to post a hot whore just to avert the sudden gayness.
she looks like a man
total mangalroach death
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That's not how a man dressed as woman looks like

But pic related is :)
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Imagine a black baby coming out of her vagina
average Proto Thema reader
mid yuppie
>nojko and mangal posting and the same time
>some woman wrote a comment saying shqiptards beg for a plate of food
>shqiptards go apeshit and spam her barely comprehensible albogreeklish comments

Lmao I love the Internet
this one>>199073206 is hot though
curious, this has to be related to the bulharian word "pachavra" i.e. whore.
They might come from the same root
Beta: fries
Alpha: homemade fries
Sigma: boiled potatoes
kek, turkish
yeah bulharian has exactly those meanings:
- dirty cloth/rag
- filthy whore

i'd say "pachavra" for 'whore' carries heavier load than "kurva", really interesting it actually comes from Venetian tho
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Chi Rho Nu Kappa: microwaved potatoes
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Macedonia has the best geo location in the whole world and is center of the galaxy
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for once post your crotch
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How will the burgas manlet recover from this?
if god sends me to hell i will be happy that all the good people are in heaven
пeдep гнaceн вeнтилaтopcки дaй дa гo видим чaтaлo
I want to build a house with a geothermal heat pump
list of ongoing wars and civil wars
the absolute state sub100IQmans
The former Mongol Empire is peaceful!

And what conflict is there in North Korea?
This map should include both North and South Korea because the war hasn't ended, there's only a fragile ceasefire
>conflict in Morocco but not in Western Sahara
>conflict in Paraguay
christ, what a shit map
North Korea?
it only displays places where people died last year i think
By that logic it should also include japan since they never signed a peace treaty for the kuril islands. Shit map.
>Shit map.
pretty much this, like all internet maps of things
census results tomorrow, can't wait to see how many albos they pulled out of nowhere to fluff up the numbers
This seems interesting, let's take a look
Woooooooooooaahhhhhh finally LEGIT history channel
Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Albania Btfo
>trump supports united Macedonia
It's over for us in 2025
Isn't it funny how europistan is led by a single dynasty?
Amazing to me how Greg Lansky destroyed all arguments for white supremacy.
>limited time on this earth
>open an account with a broker and learn option trading so you can have a chance at countering balkan poverty
>relentlessly argue on shitok about meme balkan history and its minuscule relevance without even getting paid

Pick wisely balkbaboon
>option trading
I earn more money from casinomaxxing
>le option trading
stick to bet500 albonig
Balkmoons wouldn't be balkmoons if they were capable of rational thought.
>option trading

Albos love 97maxxing
>Freelanceers win, the Constitutional Court partially overturns the law, they will not be discriminated against, they will be taxed the same as others in 2029
hahahahahahha, based
fuck the government and fuck paying taxes
good video
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Anyone else visiting their local winbet?
finna punt in 30 bucks tomorrow or later tonight idk
what happened with that greek's ad scheme?
Gambling is the most boring shit evar.
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mental how no decent cases for this are sold here
why don't they sell any good cases doe
gambling on drugs and alcohol is top 3 best feelings although I don't anyone to do it with anymore
Блaжeни ca бeднитe дyхoм.
Mental how African tier Greece is. Almost died on their roads with a bit of rain it turns to lakes with potholes. Kissed the ground back in Macedonia.
gayreece is a proud balkanoid country with shitty roads

The absolute state of Canada, every single person is either a Gook or a Jeet
It's the same shit in monkeydonia.
dont muscles fuck off if you stop taking them? no point in steroids
I don't believe you
It's not insulin bro
>gymbro to homosexuality pipeline described
I do all rhese but no one on balk loves me cuz im mangal
Anyone with an IQ over 150 should receive disability checks.
better than sex
Balkmoons sleeping.
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this is occurring
i've dated 3 10/10s
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this nigga white bellow the neck
this has not occurred
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tf timmy gon do?
fuck your mom and left
timmy lost
balkmoons won
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>hehe what the fuck is timmy gon do
>hehe get it? Interracial seks xeexxexexe xaxaxaxxa *rubs one to dog porn*
>Interracial seks
middle easterners are caucasians with normal testosterone
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>middle easterners are caucasians with normal testosterone
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Why does picrel >>199095249 is obsessed with black penises and trannies?
Because he is gay and secretly wants to be the receptor of a black meat rod
What's the best Balkan country?

Have been to Bosnia and Montenegro, where is worth visiting as a tourist?
These areas
the vlach subh belt
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You are jealous of the SOVL these places have
That place needs a mosque.
looks like shit
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>That place needs a mosque.
>looks like shit
dirty and desertified
I'd think it was africa
youve never been there attfrican
das fatherland...
I've been all around Epirus, dumbass bitch ass noijko
>no one posting in the mornings
Kek, y'all are NEETS. Imagine going to work and not posting on /balk/ first thing in the morning
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Learn something incels
New SKOPIAN provokatsia

>The President of North Macedonia, Gordana Siljanovska, insists on the rhetoric of provocation, since just a few days after the inauguration of the new government with the constitutional name of the country, she seems to choose again to ignore the Prespa Agreement, this time talking about... "Macedonians of the Aegean".

>As stated in a relevant post of the Presidency of the country on X, Siljanovská met with representatives of the "Children of refugees from Macedonia of the Aegean" and discussed with them the celebrations of the 75th anniversary of the "persecution of the Macedonians of the Aegean".

>she stressed that the "fate and tragedy of the 30,000 refugee children must not be silenced or relativized" and stressed that respect and knowledge of the past "gives much room for a friendly future as we strive for the good of all in the Balkans and Europe".

>Siljanovská also made a related post on her own "X" account where she insists on declaring herself "President of Macedonia".

Imagine if Bulgarians sign any deals with them xaaxxaaxaxaxxa circus state of fyrom is as trustworthy as a junkie
Its just to appeal to retards like the turkbeshi gypsy. If she meant what she says she would nullify the agreement but all she does is twitter. Their politics have no program or reform agenda whatsoever, they just go in the media to provoke neighbors so the 80 iq population is satisfied whilst living in a country overtook even by moldova. The oily serb sponsored pig mickovski came out the woodwork these days again provoking us for no reason whatsoever, whilst here nobody even mentions their country since years. Is literally all they do, plus sucking serb dick. Its funny and tragic at the same time.
I dread that Konstantinos Mitsotakis (father of the current PM) didn't accept Milosevic's proposition for invading and occupying their country, iirc the same proposition said you were to get 1/3rd of the country too.

That's what we get for being the "good guys". There hasn't been a single government since the "restoration of democracy" that hasn't sold us out.
I'd rather not get any part of that shitland as long as Serbs don't expand further so I'm ok with it.
The kumanovski brownie today would have been living in the land of promise (Serbistan) and he wouldn't be 24/7 obsessed with "tatars", had that plan succeeded.
case in point why the current setup is perfect: He will never live in Serfia and will keep seething and getting shorter and shorter from spite.
How safe is Romania to visit
Have you been to Ohrid?
LARPing as an ambassador of your country on anime forums is a sure sign of low IQ and chronic inceldom
No bro, one more post on 4channel and Mariupol become Ukrainian!
No, I've been to Edessa, Florina, Metsovo, Ioannina, Grevena and Kalabaka though
Mparos pass?
pic related according to the US government, it's very safe all things considered
- https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages/Romania.html
Sadly, I haven't been up there but I'd love to go someday
He is neet incel that doesnt own a car what do you think
same, there are these mountain roads around the Epirus which look might epic
These areas are severely underestimated imo, thankfully though because they'd end up like Mykonos, these mountains up there are perfect for road trips
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it really boggles my mind how cars pass each other in places like these
Romania is safer than Germany, Italy and England? What happened
>These people just seem different.
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imagine the fresh clean mountain air
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my guess is the foreigners / "migrants"
plus romanian troublemakers are also more likely to leave for the west as well
- https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13568079/Germany-judge-jails-woman-insults-gang-rapist-convicted-attack-girl.html
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westerns have lost their fucking minds
there can be said to be reasons presented, like "we need low wage workers"
personally i think it's poison / toxins
like flouride in water, mercury in fish and tooth fillings, estrogens in alcohol and sюy etc
tho who knows really
get a brain shithead, do you think Romania is some kind of a place where people get kidnapped in broad daylight?
Degreelet mindlessly seething at based master's degree recipient
either you make way in some place that looks safe (by running over the grass and hope it's not a ditch) or you're reversing
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What about town rapists?
Wow. The west has well and truly fallen
God says you're going to hell for being a homosexual
having a town rapist must be a Nazi Zealand cultural phenomenon
What about Bulgaria? What's Bulgaria like? Any cool shit to see there?
No, stay away, we're FULL!
new >>199099983
These are the pills i drink right now

Anti depressant that make me have seratonin

And anti d4 dopanine antagnonist so i dont fantasy and be depressed and lay in bed all the time
You don't want tourism bucks? I've got 25k to drop
Based shqips.
Can't wait for a war to break out in the balkans gleefully watch these niggerified albaboons get deleted
It's a lot more than 30k th0

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