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Imagine the smell edition
Sniffed too hard: >>199017523
Because of the flexible time in my company, I decided to work 25 minutes left today.
I need a bossman to check something I made and that has to be tomorrow so I'll stop earlier today.
Just a a beautiful light blue dragonfly. Those are definitely among the prettiest of insects.
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>The females are even scarier.
That's so hot!
Competency crisis among zoomers is real
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>Just a a
Just saw a*
Forgive me feketemacska. I forgot :(

>lol gay
No, it's not.
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it kind of is, reminds me of the argument transgenders use if anything
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The sweltering heat makes them even scarier.
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Trannies take HRT because they think having a female soul inside the body of a male is a bad thing and they should look more like a woman (even though most of the time that doesn't happen because they just start looking like hons or whatever they call that). I on the other hand embrace having a female soul inside a body more masculine than the average guy's body.
You lost this arguement. Verification not required.
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you are very boring
is this brune?
Stephanie Mandich. I believe she's a Serbian Aussie.
she has the most perfect sized mammaries
you are a transistor
now go change your state
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She's a very lovely example of the female sex.
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The thread feels death with so few replies.
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I unironically like the recent Napoleon film. I also thought the jokes about him having a tiny willy were made up but apparently they're true.
I will not redeem, saar.
Good day med, am back. How come it's already 2nd thread of the day ?
>Be me
>Playing Sandstorm
>Shooting at the enemy
>Teammate gets in the way
>Does nothing
>Enemy kills me
>Same thing happens again with the same guy at another door
Yesterday's thread survived the night.
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I had these cool-looking fish ravioli for lunch, they tasted very nice
Yesterday's thread survived the night.
I swear I didn't copy your post lol it wasn't even visible when I posted mine.
I saw a big Spanish flag on someone's house.
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med countries out of the group stage : Albania and Croatia
We are one of mind but I'm retarded and failed to quote.

>I saw a big Spanish flag on someone's house.
That guy is a fascist.
Viva Malta eiiii.
At first I thought it was my post but for some reason appeared with the Spanish flag but then I realised that there wasn't a quote and then saw my post beneath.
They look like plastic recreations.
I think is the glossiness.
Do Maltese root for Italy or England ?
It's probably my shitty chinkphone camera
>leftist alliance deputy posting a LoL montage to get votes
>it's giga cringe
>gets accused of antisemitism
This election keeps on giving
>I saw a big Spanish flag on someone's house.
That guy is based
Who did they root for in the 2021 final ?
Was it Italy vs England?
By "both" I meant that some support Italy while the others support England, so it was like that.
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Company just put a huge lgbtqiabbqpingpong+ flag on a flagpole at the entrance.
It’s twice the size of the company, Portuguese, EU and company’s home country flags.
Absolute insanity. At least everyone’s mocking it, take that HR roasties and schizo upper management.
There's a factory near when I work and they also put that stupid flag
>Napoleon wanted to taste his wife's filth
>Alexander of Macedon hated having sex
>Jesus called a woman a dog
The great men of history are disappointing.
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Southeastern Meds have always been the weakest link in our brotherly chain.
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Northern meds too, especially on penalties.
Also, there are some who support other nations - including on a global level in the World Cup - but they're a minority.
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I blame it on bad qi. Our bad luck is preternatural and defies mundane explanations.
Or you'll have some that support multiple nations, like how some will support a club from several nations or something of the sort.
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>mfw when brune says eastern europe shocked, western europe rocked

Forgive me for being a basterd bloody benchod, sister.
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>tfw no cute steppe tomboy frum our brother fellow Eastern European nation: Kazakhstan
I suffer, truly
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but I'd also take a fellow Eastern European from the Highlands of Scotland
>Company just put a huge lgbtqiabbqpingpong+ flag on a flagpole at the entrance.
Just burn that rag
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good afternoon lads
>at some point today they invited me to 5 simultaneous meetings
just end my pain, please
I'm being bombarded with [A-Za-z0-9\.] themed coorporate emails this month while drowning in work because my boss is a retard trying to be loved by the higher ups
So triggered from an innocent joke about her teeth.
Just did 170 kg, twice my bw counting I weighed 84.9 kg this morning, on bench.
Very happy about it.
Sometimes it feels like a joke, doesn't it.
It was 7 days. 3 days is nothing, he wanted the good odor pussy with plenty pheromones
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it feels like I'm the joke
Well to be fair they were in a group with Italy and Spain so at least one med team had to get out
>tfw no wacky quirky ginger gf
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steppe tomboys have a short temper and will either kill you or ride you till they break your spine
it is known
Apparently gramps with the trunk of the car, as he was closing it, hit himself with it on the forehead. He has a dent on his forehead now and has been seeping blood for several hours by now. His garage neighbours even asked him if they should take him to the hospital but he said no to that offer. Just talked with him some mins ago and he just casually drops on me what happened and still despite seeing blood for hours doesn't want to go to the ER. At least I hope she listens to mom and goes to the hospital to get an x-ray. Fuck knows what's happening inside someone's skull when it has a dent on it and doesn't stop bleeding.
Why are old people like this?
Fuck that AC btw.
Stubbornness is increased drastically when someone gets old.
Dunno how old people / stubborn people don't go to the doctor when they have some serious shit going on. I get crazy anxious when I delay taking my health seriously.
I hope your gramps listens and goes to treat himself
I probably failed today's exam. Feel like breaking out in tears.
Let me know what you think of the song, if you listen to it
Tried calling his landline but he didn't pick up so that means that he thankfully listened and went to the doc.

>ride you till they break your spine
a 160cm 50 kg asian gal can't do that fr.
>"med" thread
>it's just the west med and balk
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women who've been riding every day of their lives have monster thighs capable of breaking any man's spine
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that fucking sucks
I haven't taken an exam in 5 years, but I still recall the pain...
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Got a question for the Paradoxheads of /med/ - what's CK3 like in comparison to CK2? Is it basically just the same game with a graphics upgrade? I never liked CK2, but I was thinking about giving CK3 a try.
Garlic pussy; gussy
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they're very similar
CK3 feels more "gamey" with basically everything having a set timer instead of random events and leveling up characters, cultures and dynasties like an RPG, but otherwise they have similar gameplay looks
although I'll say CK3 is definitely way easier and more forgiving, from the games I've played forming an Empire isn't that difficult at all and the AI feels a lot more passive this time around, but maybe that's just me
I only have about 40 hours in CK3
I believe there's some new features too like cadet dynasties.
>west med
>and balk
+ friends

Post more clothed muscle sire.
Not my style I'm afraid.
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you're a fan of gym rats(female) too?
>post about gym progress
>get no (You)s
Do people ignore you in your country?
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I mostly want to play it for the mods, especially the ASOIAF mod (apparently it was really good in CK2), but it's only in version 0.2 at the moment and there's no Essos.
>although I'll say CK3 is definitely way easier and more forgiving, from the games I've played forming an Empire isn't that difficult at all and the AI feels a lot more passive this time around
Sounds good for braindead rulers like me who don't know how to run a kingdom.
How comes you haven't picked it up yet? Is CK2 so good that you haven't felt the need to switch over yet?
Mainly a lack in interest.
No I do aerobics at home
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I do not understand your fancy gymspeak. Your terminology is arcane and inscrutable to the layperson.

If you are growing stonger, then I am pleased by it. There may come a time when we need to call upon your strength.
Feeling bad both physically and mentally. I'm heading to bed early.
>If you are growing stonger, then I am pleased by it.
>There may come a time when we need to call upon your strength.
And Andalusianon will answer!
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Got trashed again at padel, this has been a bad week, i'm a bit overdoing it probably. But next week should be a little better, then i'm on holiday
Vai da qualche parte in vacanza?
Congrats fren! I haven't been posting much today I admit. Good to know you're proogressing
not a good week for /med/frens it seems. I'm feeling shit a bit too.
Una settimana con mio fratello, ancora da decidere dove, forse marche o toscana
Un amico mi ha chiesto di andare in Indonesia con weroad, potrei unirmi ma costa tanto e non so se mi ispira come idea
Intanto tramite tinder mi sto sentendo con una brasiliana e un'argentina, le cose stanno mostrando una escalation continua e potrebbe essere che le convinca a venire in italia per le vacanze, ma stiamo coi piedi per terra
Thanks Gman.
Carino, anch'io vorrei andare in vacanza ma ci riesco forse forse a ottobre, magari in Germania
>Intanto tramite tinder mi sto sentendo con una brasiliana e un'argentina, le cose stanno mostrando una escalation continua e potrebbe essere che le convinca a venire in italia per le vacanze, ma stiamo coi piedi per terra
Hahha boh stai attento mi sa di truffa colossale
Una mia collega mi ha parlato di sta roba un paio di giorni fa, pare effettivamente interessante però sembra più per un tipo di vacanza da "zaino in spalla", cosa che non fa per me onestamente
>Hahha boh stai attento mi sa di truffa colossale
Sì infatti l'unica sarebbe farle venire qua, non andrei io là, a meno di programmarmi tutto per i fatti miei e se capita ci sia una sudamericana arrapata bene, altrimenti amen
>Carino, anch'io vorrei andare in vacanza ma ci riesco forse forse a ottobre, magari in Germania
Fai dopo la laurea? Ci starebbe
Dipende dal tipo di viaggio, alcuni sono impostati come zingarate, altri più soft, ma non so come esce la convivenza forzata con gente così
Lui non ha mai scopato in questi viaggi, è già qualche anno che va
No no, mi laureo settimana prossima in realtà
>Dipende dal tipo di viaggio, alcuni sono impostati come zingarate, altri più soft, ma non so come esce la convivenza forzata con gente così
Credo possa essere sia fantastico sia terribile
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>No no, mi laureo settimana prossima in realtà
Grande vecchio, divertiti, è un traguardo importante
>Credo possa essere sia fantastico sia terribile
Sì lo penso anche io, sono abbastanza indeciso, mah vedrò alla peggio sparo la bidonata, prenoto un airbnb sul garda, se viene una sudamericana bene, se no mi farò i cazzi miei e me la godo
Bravo, vai a chiavarti le crucche ventenni
Non mi matchano quelle stronze, solo negre, nordafricane, sudamericane
Thats great. I'm way far to reach those numbers (given the unlikely fact that I reach them), but I'm not skelly anymore after one year of gym so that's what matters.
I think my bench isn't in the reach of everyone even if they put a lot of effort into like me, I've been training for 9 years so I'm not the guy you should compare yourself to.
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>download portrait pack for RPG
>90% of the portraits are female
>most of the male ones are hunky barbarian types
I'm just going to use AI to generate something.
That's a lot of time, in my gym there are none or very few people who can lift those quantities. I've been going for years too but being inconsistent, following wrong routines and with a stop of almost 3 years in-between bc of an injury. Now is the only time I can firmly say there's been a noticeable progress.
Yes starting in the gym is hard because there's a lot of bullshit around, now is probably easier than ever because there's better information out there.
you should post your body to get (you)s
I think the final DLC came out
Yes, I'm just starting a new playthrough now. I've been stuck in the character creator for like 3 hours because I can't make up my mind.

I gave up trying to find/generate the kind of male portrait I wanted, so I just went with a female dhampir sage sorcerer instead. I already had my backstory/RP planned for a humale male necromancer (insane incel who carries around the mummified body of a girl he had a crush on in a trunk everywhere he goes, and who later becomes a lich), so now I'm going to have to come up with something new.
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I get you, I have it reinstalling at the moment and don't have the slightest clue what I'll play other than a dude and I want to romance Arue, no clue on portrait class or even alignment

also your lichcel sounds extremely in character for lich characters, cool backstory too

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