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old memes edition
I'm having surgery today.
whoever packed this international shipment of illegal goods should be fired
had a tab open with the old thread and saw manass
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Kenyan riot police look like how people in 1989 thought soldiers would look like 2050
>No dixie mate to go fishing, hunting and shooting with and who has a gorgeous sister that becomes my gf
Fucks sake
so this is what var has been up to..
I'm finally getting my achilles tendon fixed.
cowabunga dude
based as fuck honestly

whomst is this
>getting my achilles tendon fixed
Anon, I...
There's a reason why fucking up your Achilles tendon means end of your career for professional athletes.
good thing he's only an amateur
and I'm sure that would be heartbreaking news for him if his goal was to continue an NBA career, but he's probably just trying to walk and exercise comfortably
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Hmm, only if there was a way to find out!
>the US had 3.95 million slaves in 1860
>12.6% of the population
>90% of them lived in the south
>the union was 1.9% black
dixie retards are the reason the US is 13% black
what do you have against black people
>we're the REAL racists Lincoln was going to send them back to Africa pls upvote
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The great northern migration and its consequences were disgusting
if you retards never brought them over in the first place (and bred them while they were here), it wouldn't have been a problem. the north was less than 2% black
get a life
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if you retards hadn't freed them it wouldn't have been a problem but here we are
>oh no our pvre northern cities are being overrun how could this happen to us
blacks were 40% of dixie population and growing. they were always going to get free eventually
>they were always going to get free eventually
Yeah but they didn't, did they? You yankees freed them and now they've ruined your precious cities of Baltimore, Philidelphia, and NYC.
You got exactly what you deserve, the darkies your ancestors loved so much are their descendants neighbors now.
This similar looking gear is available for soldiers too, it's just huge and annoying so nobody wears it all. When I deployed they gave me the newer IOTV, with huge shoulder guards, the big neck pieces, a back plate, a groin guard, and something I can only describe as a giant Kevlar diaper. Everyone also got the newer helmet that can fit a mandible. Everyone still just wore the base vest, maybe with the small back plate if they felt like it.
Someone post gnome sightings now
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my state is less than 2% black and my town literally has 0 black people in it, mutt
finn tier post
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then why do you seethe so hard lmao
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I would never use GNOME
GNOME? More like GNshit
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i gotchu senpai
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Yeee that's it, cheers
Why do you like possums so much
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because of /trash/
theyre so cute tho
Why do you go on /trash/
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The world is a MESS.
The world is as angry as it gets.
why did you ask that
we shouldnt know that
you've made a terrible mistake
because of the /haha/ thread
How did you find out about the haha threads
I welcome Darkness, I swim in Her
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>I swim in Her
gross lol
It is and I feel dirty (because I am)
i dont remember ive been there since it begun
So you came there for other reasons first
>been there since it begun
So you just randomly went on /trash/ one day coincidentally when /haha/ threads started?
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it's the only containment board that allows open furfaggotry
what do you think he was doing there
if yanks wouldn't have freed the niggers they would have gone haiti on your redneck asses eventually
no i remember they moved /haha/ from co to trash
but ive been on trash since forever
i think youre trying to get me to admit i browse trash. im not ashamed of that lol
I only visit /sp/ like the normafren I am
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and not outnumbering southerers 15 to 1, like the slaves in haiti did to the colonists there, the southern slaves would have lost
especially with the native americans fighting alongside the whites, which they did in the civil war and would also have done in a slave revolt seeing as they owned copious numbers of slaves themselves
the American Civil War was basically like if MAGA went to war with farmers to deport migrant workers using the federal minimum wage as justification
thank you in advance for the replies
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deeply jinnyian post
Did you get the new car battery?
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I lurk and sometimes post during international tournaments but the US userbase on there is unironically too retarded to discuss American sports in any depth beyond shitflinging, I think /sp/ links must be circulating in boomer facebook groups here or something
/sp/ is like /tv/
it's ritualized shitposting
/sp/ is a top tier board ngl
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wtf why was this in my bane folder
Virginia didn't really have towns.
I wouldn't mind Reddit migrants so much if they actually fully migrated here, instead they always stay on Reddit for serious discussions(tm) and just come here occasionally as some compartmentalized shitposting outlet

when I started posting here 18 billion years ago you would get dogpiled on by every oldfag in the thread and receive twenty ">>>/b/" replies if you brought the "4chan is for lolz" attitude from there to one of the special interest boards

No I'm procrastinating but I'll have to get it done soon since I do need to buy groceries eventually
>when I started posting here 18 billion years ago you would get dogpiled on by every oldfag in the thread
people used to unironically give a shit about punctuation and capitalization before stormniggers and election tourists started shitting up the board
I distinctly remember that I used to end sentences in posts with periods
I wasn't sure if I was misremembering or not
Don't procrastinate
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dubs confirm
fuck i haven't showered and slept yet
If it's clicking instead of turning but not starting it 100% the electromotor startet brushes died
Also can you see how old the battery is? There should be a sticker on it.
wtf is this real?
based boomer gif poster
just went to a korean restaurant, lads
thoughts on the food
Food was good. I got the spicy squid noodle
I keep forgetting to order extra spicy when I go there, though.
whod you go with
That girl I've been seeing from work
was it her idea? girls here love that korean stuff
No, it was mine; she grew up in a rural area and has very little experience with food that's not typical Southern/American food
>girl I've been seeing
>from work

That's not gonna work I'm sorry
How is that cute
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It definitely is real. Don't even think to question it.
idk if it's me but chicken tastes so much more bland than pork or beef
I generally prefer chicken to pork desu
it does
fried chicken is top kino tho
It's similar to turkey in that way that it b has a very mild flavor and is very susceptible to spices and herbs infusions.
I like breaded pork sirloin
How do you cook and/or spice it?
Beat it until tender
Salt, pepper, vegeta (dried vegetable/MSG mix)
Dip in flour
Dip in egg/milk mix
Dip in breadcrumbs
Fry in oil until brown
Breddy gud 2bh
This is the best thing you can add to your food. I think you can buy it over there
Just call it a Schnitzel
>vegeta mentioned
Well schnitzel is veal meat here so yea I dunno
Wienerschnitzel is veal
Schnitzel is typically pork
Oh ok
From now on I'll call it a schnitzel
Thank you floatman
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schnitzel is just old world chicken fried steak and thus inferior
do you think finn is mlempilled
Chicken fried steak is beef, retard.
What the hell is that on the bottom
Hashbrowns (Fried shoestring potatoes)
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hash browns also come in bowls with all sorts of delicious savory stuff on top, which are arguably one of the best fucking things to eat on the planet
a new waffle house opened up nearby recently
it makes me feel good to know that georgia is still opening up new embassies
I thought it was fried shredded cheese
I imagined hashbrowns to be thicker bc the only one I saw is mcd one
it's essentially chicken fried steak but with mushroom gravy
Last time I had Waffle House I was drunk as fucking piss at like 2am in Downtown Atlanta hanging out with a homeless man
the h/-\shbro\/\/n bo\/\/ls of georgia...
it'd be better with sawmill gravy
No, that's Jaegerschnitzel
which, again, is pork
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>chicken fried steak
>no chicken
thats how it should be
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Another go at no porn no masturbation, this is fun
I see a waffle house menu
Why was the FF VI victory theme so hype?
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I nee this so much it's unreal
just stop touching your penis
simple as
is this really final fantasy 7?
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>just stop touching your penis
Why do I get the toughest battles
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uruguay pls
Pole it's ok to touch penis. It's why God made it feel good
i think pole has a masturbation problem doe
cumbrain croat
Touching penis is not bad as long as you don't do it too often but porn is bad. I need to essentially detox my brain. I actually managed to not masturbate for 2 months but I relapsed like 3 weeks ago and I'm trying again now
>2 months
Pole I'm joking
Because I need my porn addiction to go away
oh i see
i just do it so i can cum better lol
I read it may take even a year to reset your brain. I unfortunately relapsed to porn, when I need to relapse again I'll just rub one out to imagination
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The sad truth of life is that touching penor is not so good if you pee blood
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Based porn rejector
I will never understand it
How can you end up masturbating too much. It just starts hurting
>Zadar never pushed through the pain barrier
That's good.
where do ppl get those jobs where you just buy groceries for rich people
go up to your nearest rich person and ask nicely
is your family upper class
ill cook for you
We already have a cook dude
yeah hes not a minority tho
Why would anyone willingly hire minority
They were tricked.
Anyone gonna watch this abortion of a debate tonight?
theres footy at 10
you shouldn't fixate on trying not to do it but just get other things to take up your time instead
Nope. Busy autisticly researching history subjects. Don't have time.
>researching history subjects
which ones
Early formation of the Christianity, the church, pivotal writers, and in the first councils.
>traffic disrupted by a mid-off between two elderly retards who happen to be important and a soccer match between the US and a fucking canal
ngl its a tense match tho
could use a hamburger
How much was the traffic disrupted?
is it too late to take an edible
kill the ukrainians and russians and build a Gothic Arian ethnostate
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Wouldn't mind gazing upon some breasts.
because you and the rest of your ilk ruined this country
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would you allow a blasian catholic incel an honorary citizenship
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by losing the war?
i suppose so
>patriots win, loyalists all go to canada and fuck off
>no war
>confederates secede, all go to the south and fuck off

yank logic
I would like a (female) servant to bathe me in a tub and scrub my feet and back
skin is itchy
I want a curry
would you like to be my manservant
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Nope. Did you end up getting curry?
Do you regret not getting curry or do you plan to get something else?
it's past midnight nigger I ate ham and rice for dinner hours ago
I would just like a curry it wasn't a plan
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the debate was brutal
I saw a few clips but anyone could have guessed that it would go that way.
Simmer down
biden would've looked a hell of a lot more normal if he just closed his mouth holy hell why does he look fucking gobsmacked every second he isn't speaking
janny stop deleting threads that are critical of Biden please
He's just a really tired old guy. I think they are pushing him too hard. I'm not sure why they are running him a second term given his ability to give arguments.
How was the debate? Is it worth watching?
incumbents usually have a better chance of being elected
it was ok, if you're expecting 2016 or even 2020 energy you're not gonna get it
I think they should have let him retire and ran RFK Jr. He'd have debated better. It just seemed... not fair given Bidens health.
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Are there any democrats itt?
Vurgunua voted for Biden because he is not white
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Imagine voting for the cryptkeeper
And to think he wants to irl meet up with me
I'm gonna beat him up like a motherfucker
Vote for Biden is a vote for my fist denting his face
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I'm so fucking ANGRY right now
I want to beat you up finn
maybe you should beat it off, chuddy
Had the surgery and the pain medication has worn off. Fuck this hurts. I'm in a splint, and see my orthopedic surgeon in two weeks, but it'll be six weeks non-weight bearing before anything else.
So was it a full tear?
Also put some flags my boy if you want to post here
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What a great idea
How goes the coomlent
So far so good but I just started, the real cravings are not even close to coming
Nunez goal
I'm glad for you tho
At least your team will go to knockout phase
you know why we won?
pole was on the sidelines supporting
That's false information
he was retaining semen for our team
thx pole
np but one team member will have to jack me off when I need to relapse
Time to get rid of most of my hair and get that 6mm cut
can it be from the women's team
Wait that's a possibility? Yes please
yeah unless you want to get jacked off by a dude
which is kinda gay ngl
One of my gf's former classmate has been kidnapped by the cops
Do you have a special set of skills
fuck off, flaglet
still havent slept
did shower though
done toil now
should get that mail sent and then play diablo
I can identify every native New Zealand birds by call
Come back when you learn to identify every new zealander
6mm acquired, decided to get rid of the beard too coz it's so hot, I look hilarious now
Little baby boy
I once shaved and it was really sad
I looked like a child
french press broke :(
Why is there not a /cum/ thread?
there's a /spunk/ thread up right now
why are you asking here
I had one of those weird dixie dreams.
I visited my relatives in Florida and in the vicinity was an old medieval style fort. In the middle of that fort was a small meadow where the dixie meetup was. I was greeted by Patricia (the only female dixie poster). She brought me to what I can only assume was Hinds but wasn't sure. He showed me around who is who.
Nola was a spic. Bama wasn't there but he told me that he hits his gf. When I asked why he said that bama does it bc his dad did it to his mom. There was also a lot of imagined guys who dont post. And the best thing was a czech guy named Moravian Dick who posted when I wasn't here
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Love seeing congay reposting my pics <3
I'm getting my original 1611 print of the KJV in the mail today. It's pretty exciting. Also coffee.
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i do it 4 u babe
is coffee + tobacco as good as they say
coffee and tobacco is to white men what corn starch is to black women
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>original 1611 print of the KJV

Did you order a 400 years old artefact
Like, a physical copy printed in 1611
Fine but alcohol + tobacco is better

probably just the original language from the 1611 version

ETERNAL reminder that king james was a massive unironic fag

doesnt it ruin your skin doe
i want to keep looking young
I dunno. But don't start, it's hell when you get addicted
Also hell yea ciggy in my mouth nicotine in my brain yeeeea
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for me it's the mary jane with coffee
From the description.
>This is the full 1611 text of the Authorized Version of the most beloved and most published bible in the world. Designed for private devotional use by Catholics, all 80 books of the original 1611 edition are included. The 14 books not found in many later editions of the KJV have been included in the order Catholics expect within the 46 (not 39!) books of the Old Testament. As in the 1610 Douay, The Prayer of Manasses and the two additional Books of Esdras are placed in an Appendix. Then follow, of course, the 27 books of the New Testament.

So this is a reprint of the material found in the 1611 version. Later editions would go on to remove some books that feel out of favor.
Yes tobacco is a literal poison and sucks on almost every level
No reason to start if you aren't already addicted
Don't start vaping either
How long have you been smoking?
Meant to s say "fell out of favor". My bad.
Yeah that makes more sense
Why fack, it takes at least a year to get addicted
my skin doe
Never really smoked tobacco itself regularly but I smoked weed with tobacco since I was 17 (10 years ago) which naturally hooked me on nicotin
I quit weed one year ago and smoke ciggies occasionally now
Like I'll buy a pack, smoke it in 2-3 days, and not buy any for the next couple months
Maybe I look like a turtle now but feeling the wind from the fan on my almost bare head is so nice rn
I don't understand
That's cool. I've been smoking for 10 years, pack a day. Switched to vape bc it's 80% cheaper per month
i dont want to fuck up my skin
reporting in the basedest thread of all
Oh yes I would absolutely recommend vapes for a heavy smoked
Cheaper and doesn't clog your lungs and make you cough as much

But idk why some people who were never smokers start vaping
It's still chemicals that go into your lungs and it's easier to vape everywhere all day long than it is to smoke, the best option is neither smoking not vaping

Everyone has their vices but just seems weird to me you'd get hooked on nicotin through something that was initially meant to get you rid of nicotin addiction
o patrzcie go
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>it's not our pole but another identical pole namefagging
This is all true, but I look like a fucking chimney
And you're smoking?
i dont smoke weed anymore
It's ok don't worry about it. Skin regenerates
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you just know pole dont play about that 6mm
I can't leave the house like this but it feels so comfy
Why everything that feels good is bad
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>Why everything that feels good is bad
its over
There should be parties where everyone has to dance the exact same way so that no one can feel like they're dancing badly
just good to uhh a deep house function
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remember what they took from you (GOOD synthwave)
synthwave was never good
you should go on a 30 minute walk
Can you go to Praga-Północ, Warszawa
shut up
evil finn >>199114624
My post had three repeating numbers at the end therefore I am right and you're wrong
I have a bag in my spice drawer and put in on eggs
I miss my family in south carolina but as more power gets handed to state political parties I cant risk living there again
Vaping has been around for like thirteen years now and there's still no evidence that it even does anything negative outside of muh popcorn lung around 2018 (which was actually from people modding cartridges with dodgy THC oils)
boomers/Xers need to just take the L on this one and shut up already

>Like I'll buy a pack, smoke it in 2-3 days, and not buy any for the next couple months
this is the right way to do it

probably for the same reason people pick up cigarettes in the first place, people craving nicotine and something to punctuate their day with
and you can't really get away with being a cigarette smoker in anglo countries anymore, instantly makes you undateable to a large portion of girls, middle aged people will constantly cry about it, etc.
the real question is why people still buy nicotine gum to quit cigarettes when vapes exist, that stuff is horrible

I would go further than 80% in my case, I only have to buy nicotine liquid refills like once every three months
Why can't I get a blowjob while I'm crying?
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>boomer at a frat house party in 1983 that smells like the contents of seventy rancid ashtrays being farted out by a trucker

>boomer seeing somebody smoking a cigarette on their balcony three blocks away in 2024
*dramatic cough*
vaping CBD (because I'm a colossal fag) irritated my lungs and I could hear there was mucus in them when I coughed. never had a problem with that smoking a bong

it might be different for nicotine vapes
why do you want that
With CBD/THC vapes you do have to be careful, there are tons of shitty ones and the few cases of vaping related illnesses/deaths are usually linked to them. There's very little regulation since they're in a legal grey zone in the first place, and the companies that make them are usually startups and home businesses run by hippie morons and browns trying to become "entrepreneurs" who will gladly sell people rat piss
For straight CBD I'd recommend sticking with those oils with the droppers
I guess it's that yearning for someone to want you even if you're at your most pathetic and vulnerable
I don't vape anymore so it's not a concern. I just smoke a shitload of weed over the weekend and regret my actions in a neverending cycle now

also nicotine vape turns into turpentine and formaldehyde in your lungs CHUD, just support the Virginian economy already
herault what's the stinkiest, frenchest cheese you can think of
When I worked as a shipper last year I was accounting for like 50% of Virginia's GDP
fuck retail
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Herault did you ever use Minitel
Seems before your time but Wiki says there were still 900k subscribers when it shut down in 2012
Well I do 0.2ohms so I go 100ml/2 weeks
So it comes out about 35$ a month
damn do you all smoke
Bless you jinya, your food must taste divine
worked for two weeks as a Dollar General cashier and it's the only time in my life where I seriously considered murdering someone
Fucking medschool killed me so I started smoking to cope with stress
i kneel
How the fuck do you not know
I was so full of enthusiasm and then physiology and immunology ate the last spec of my will to live.
I' a new man now
dude weed isn't really the same thing. inb4 stoner cope, yes and I'm not apologizing

I'll smoke a cigar with whiskey every now and then with my Brother in Law
because of the difficulty or what
my state school master's made me want to claw my eyes out because every one of my classmates was a psychology or general business major and they were terminally retarded
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Why is this faggot ass general active again? You people need to stop commingling with foreigners it sets a bad precedent.
>why is this seven year old general active again
why does our existence strike fear into the hearts of yankees the world over
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I am a smoking virgin
>How the fuck do you not know
i only care about plore (pole lore)
Who cares about the age of it? You could dig a corpse up and still play dress-up with it. You better reply to me the next time to speak to me, none of that pansy post menstrual shit.
r u still a sex virgin?
are you going to smoke or have s*x first
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I won't ever smoke
as for intercourse....
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also women can't suck dick for shit, you should ask conway to do it
shut the fuck up yankazoid
I'm sorry you're on your period man, make sure to take that diva cup out of your ass it's not healthy to keep it up there.

sorry, I'm not gay
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Probably époisses
It's stinky, runny and very strong

Reblochon smells the most like feet imo, but actually tastes quite mild
Blue cheeses are extremely French and strong but don't smell much
Époisses seems like the synthesis of smell, flavor, and off-putting appearance, like a French woman

No, I was born early enough to have shit like floppy disks, computer mouses with balls, 8mo memory cards for my PlayStation 1 and MP3 that could barely fit a music album but I never personnally experienced a minitel although I remember commercials on TV giving their minitel adress

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