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Fire alarms edition
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which round would you reach?
assume you're back to health after each round
Just have nothing to talk to the normies about these days. Haven't watched the Euros. Haven't watched a TV series since before covid. Don't care about that missing lad. Not doing anything at the weekend. Just nothing to say to them really.
I love my Kyrgyz gf so much bros :)
Reminder to spam click advertisements
That’s your problem for being a boring twat
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on the bus
I'm heavier than all of them
fat bastid
Are you a clown?
would just stick in round one and clobber all the little shit chihuahuas me
probably make it to the wolf before l got full
80kg x 13 deadlift
i want to do more but im being very very careful not to hurt my incel back
my imaginary friend says I should get out more
What mainstream pursuits do you enjoy mate?
rolling up
Number 10 is actually a really scary dog but they're cute
>high rep deadlifts
not for me but thank you
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWJyEB7MkkY [Embed]

This is great. Ordinary people can openly talk about the bad effects of Corona vaccine and even blame the Prime Minister face to face, in front of TV camera.

In my country, the government is successful at shutting the mouths of people about the bad effects of the Covid19 vaccines, by shaming them as conspiracy theorists. The similar method was used when the nuclear reactor exploded in 2011, labeling those who worried about the effects of radiation, as something like "radio phobic crazy people".
i reckon i could take knot from anything on that list desu
l hope your Royal Family enjoyed their visit here
I reckon you don't have high rep anywhere
nice bulge
bet you're throbbing like crazy
what could this possibly mean
workout thing im following has once a week for 10 reps or as many as u can do
It's GB News mate
anyone else here ever have testicular torsion?
just got a big knob
your rep blud
Prefer not to say
Of course they did. The current Tennoh is a good guy, unusually for Japanese.
>l hope your Royal Family enjoyed their visit here
me speaking to a British celebrity visitor to Epstein island
i think this happened once to me i think. is this where your ballbag gets tangled? anyway, worked itself out but yeah extremely painful
I have sex and go to bars and clubs
my testes sometimes rotate 180 but it always fixes itself after a bit
Hearing rumours that all the DNC emails have been deleted from Wikileaks, bit sus
was gonna say 'yeah you' and twist your bollocks but then I noticed you said 'anyone else' so my post wouldn't have worked
no but now i'm fucking paranoid that it'll happen to me
Thank you very much for your warm welcome and hospitality.
>worked itself out
it doesn't work like that, you would have lost a testicle
suffered an inguinal hernia some years back, looked like i had a tumour on the ol ballsack
Kneeling on the sofa up against the windows wiggling my bum and looking out for the Amazon man
suddenly got overwhelming anxiety
Okay I'll try that thanks
never been angry enough at a game to smash my keyboard or monitor
Anxiety isn’t real lmao
imagine if you were on a camping trip and it happened haha
you'd be fucked!
sent my dark minions to haunt this british cunt bet hes shivering his timbers right now
Me too, weird that
reckon you've never had enough passion to do anything
*wistfully puffs on my cigarette*
yeh, had a testicle that was extremely sensitive for years but i did my best to ignore it
that's not torsion
shall i post my cock then?
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imagine not having minions fucking hell
maybe just cancer then
Unless you're literally dying ignore everything
greggs and san andreas speedruns kinda afternoon methinks
What do you mean by that
alright gru calm down
nobody here is wild enough to state their age as being under 18
thats terrible advice
true enough
being accosted with the reality of living amongst foreigners currently
>What of the Liberal Democrats? The logic that led us to endorse them in 2019 no longer holds... they have become more sceptical on trade and even more nimbyish on planning. The Lib Dems do not aspire to be a credible party of government; they are barely credible as liberals.
anyone else think the world seems a bit weird since covid
can feel my blood pressure rising whenever my gf talks
can feel my cock rising whenever your gf talks
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love chubby girls
>musk hired to build space ship to push ISS out of orbit at End of Life
>A contract for the work, valued at up to $843m (£668m)

>PPE aprons masks and goggles left to rot and not used

Over twice as much as the musk ISS contract wasted on PPE we didn't even fucking use and must have been so ridiculously overpriced, you have to be out of your fucking mind someone should be executed for this colossal waste of tax payer money, people should be out protesting this its fucking unbelievable.
they settled my liability claim for 81k
Start taking steroids or drinking
>duuude the frickin elon musk spaceships
moose knuckle
Still got 300 views in 1 day
feels like what last little bit of meaning we had just went out the window now things just happen for no reason
not a fan of spicy food
gz bro can u send me $100 haha x
how would steroids help?
the government shouldn't even provide ppe
cunts can buy their own masks down at chemist warehouse
having a brown man deliver my lunch because im a lazy boy
provided ya mum with my ppe heheheheh
>employed woman
>not employed
>not a woman
bizarre gimmick
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Just polished off a nice paella and a bottle of cava with the Mrs and her mates x
got cashapp?
have i missed something?
did you finally reveal your youtube channel?
what if i'm dying inside?
mm yes 24 dollar lukewarm burgor
Angela Rayner: Every part of Britain will take fair share of migrants

you don't even speak spanish
bet you're sat there silent looking like a spacker the whole time
Grim how it’s the same everywhere
Wish I could muh heritage and feel like Europe is secure, the same, but it’s worse in some regards
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Hi my U.K friends Will you fuck my Jewish Girlfriend yes/no and why ?
Just a Second Ladies lemme take a pic for the mates on 4chan haha x
How close is your closest McDonald's? Genuine question
No, thank YOU for NHK World Japan. I watch that comfy channel all the time.
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Not true I speak it pretty well
doxxable info
my greatest goal in life is to die for israel
Vocaroo then you cunt
they can't even let the final few white enclaves exist in peace, can they?

they genuinely won't stop until the cotswolds are littered with mosques and white people are driven out of the country

honestly what's left for white people in a generation or 2? poland? or do we have to just start colonising antarctica or something
On average in Australia
Still hoping he just rented a hotel for his suicide and is just doing this for one last demented hurrah
Find it bizarre how nobody talks about it, reckon a decent percentage of normies have literally forgotten
dealerberg: texted
burrito: 5 mins away
ketty afternoon with a full tummy: sorted
Start to care about politics. Remember both sides of the political spectrum hate me for varying reasons. Stop caring.
idk mines pretty far
Life is a gift
l randomly start talking about covid just so it never gets memoryholed
I don’t get why they hate white people so much. Whites are tax paying pansies they’re the ideal demographic
it's not just the Muslims there's loads of Africans come over since covid and they're just as disinterested in integrating as Muslims, Nigerians are incredibly proud and protective of their country and culture despite it being a corrupt wog shithole
the world seems completely different to what it was just 10 years ago
Do you live in or near a city?
mad how covid just confirmed that 90+% of people are nothing more than worthless NPC cattle who will do whatever the government tell them to without a single thought in their heads
genuinely love it, places like the cotswolds are full of tarq cunts who enable the great replacement but dont want anything to do with them once they get here
NIMBYs about to get crushed with a lethal dose of diversity
closest mcdonalds to me is 45 minutes away
i live in a decent sized town but we dont allow chain restaurants
drivinglessontoil tomorrow, have to be awake before noon, fucks sake
we NEED more non-white people in cornwall
tempted to get more ket in desu just had an empanada so tummy is full already
where in yankland has rules like that
Think that’s why normoidals are flipping out over Indians. Indians have the potential to disrupt middle class employment and housing and they have to come face to face with mass migration for the first time
More so talking about Canada dunno the state of Britain rn
i am slowly becoming more racist
i seriously can't take these indians and other asians who can barely speak english giving business talks and long form discussions
wish I had ket and Mexican food
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pretty wild how the great replacement is a myth but also if you dont support bringing millions of migrants into your towns, schools, and homes, then you're a vile racist and should lose your job and be shunned by society
what town?
i really like looking at pictures of american towns, especially those ones with a long row of small shops. my current obsession is Windham, Vermont
how do we fix South Korea and Japan's birthrates?
Town ordinances can be pretty wild tbqh, some states give them a lot of leeway to do whatever
might watch the thing, the shitty 2011 one that nonetheless has the fittest woman on earth (mary elizabeth winstead) in it
friendberg distancing himself because the rest of us don’t care for trannies
our boy tucker put some dumb australian bitch in her place
why bother? How many Japs do you need to meet in a lifetime? As long as theres a few around who cares
making corring and phwoarring noises at this mi goreng i'm about to stuff down my scranhole
So you’re going to take in ten million Africans and Indians with labour eh?
Not him but a fun thing to use google maps for is to find old stage coach routes and the towns and taverns that lay on them
Can see some neat older stuff
Contemplating walking into the sea
watching an asian girl with a full south west england accent do asmr
It’s all so tiresome
we took in 6 million with the tories which are the anti-immigration party so we might take in 18 million under labour
funny that, i'm watching an asian girl laying down next to me
hope you can swim haha
Reading the wiki page on Nigerian corruption and it is obviously written by some poor Nigerian cursed with an IQ over 100 seeing his country ruined by parasitic scum
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here they are...
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tonight's watch
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a young bazza
>puts extremes (not even extremes)
You have to remember that he is still, at the end of the day, just a severely mentally ill human being. He is not some supernatural spamming spirit that feeds on (You)s. There is a genuinely autistic disabled loser cunt retard that spams this thread — and God only knows where else — every day, all day, replying to himself like he’s playing dollhouse on 4chan. Sometimes, I think of a particularly hurtful way to get under his skin, so I post it to watch him squirm. It has obviously been working, as the public display of his mental illness has become more frequent and extreme as time goes on. It amuses me to toy with his mind like the fragile piece of hodgepodge “art” an idiot child might proudly give you, one that you will discard as soon as they forget about it. He is a vessel waiting to be filled with hatred, a masochistic subhuman, even lower than an animal. He is a worthless piece of refuse on a highway, something you can’t help but notice, try to avoid, and curse, while also hoping it is removed immediately. Since the authorities will not deal with him, I must grind him into dust when he least expects it, then move on like a speeding car. Of course, he will pretend to not be bothered by it, then cope with one of his other dissociated characters’ inane spam. To me, it means nothing. Remember, Schizoleaf, I am always here.
asian school girls
rorke seething at the mere hint that this country did something wrong at any point in history
Might move to China.
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how can money help the search then
for fucks sake this torrent of the thing (2011) has people speaking norwegian in it and no subtitles, what fucking retard uploaded this?
it’s over
Might piss in bottles and throw orange peels in the toilet bowl It's organic waste
the whole family needs cigarettes and booze to keep them calm
he's kind of right though. virginity adds many points to attractiveness
"stealing" things isn't wrong
we can preserve artefacts better than just leaving them in their natural habitats
look at ISIS destroy all those ancient statues for example
it trickles right down to the average nigerian shitmuncher aswell, so many of them come over here and work in care jobs doing nightshifts then going onto days lazing about doing fuck all and then sending all the money back to their elderly relatives. Their whole culture is a retarded pyramid scheme.
haha I knew this one got under your skin
Mental how badly I mindraped you
leftypol struggling to explain why only white countries must atone for any wrong doings in their history
yeah things feel much more monocultural now, im not intelligent enough to describe it properly desu
Just learn Norwegian. It’s like German but easier. Takes about 3 hours I reckon
Why are you so ugly then?
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>will never have a gf like this
Why bother. Just draft me already.
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Sitting on the balcony pissed up

Might have a coffee to sober up and go for a swim in a bit

Mrs and her mates are talking about their exes and how mental men are
mate look at it
she's unironically flying out friends and family to help the search. family holiday on for freee
What state do you live in?
ukraine needs you my son
would be a shame if you fell off
I worked at a private hospital as a teenager and the two nigerian blokes that worked as RMAs got caught in the overnight sleeping room shagging each other haha
Pinching my foreskin closed and filling it up with piss because I can’t be arsed to have a shower
jump off directly onto your head and break your spine please x
What are you even attempting to convey, cretinous bastard.
You'd really rather have the bottom pic over the top if she were a virgin? Also, stop assuming that Asian girls are all virgins. They are all sluts too. Also ugly and fat girls are sluts. Dating down just because you think there will be more virgins is misguided.
Outside smoking. Need to make coffee
can't STAND it when films and tv have deaf characters and you have to watch them do sign language with subtitles
if you want to have diversity by showing people with disabilities then fine but don't give the character a disability that's actively annoying to watch
been so long (36 hours) since i've had sex that my virginity is restored
It is insanely grim
need need need to start working out consistently
so sick of looking like a horrible runt creature
Saying "Same company is the same medicine" is extremely dangerous and stupid. I'm not a doctor
Nice view
Nah, Russia/Ukraine war is shelling and drone cringe. Send me to Gaza or Lebanon so I can fight in based urban warfare assault rifle against assault rifle. Um, put me on the side of the IDF of course none of those illegal terrorist organizations haha.
mad how spainmong rented a smelly one bedroomed apartment in some thirdy shithole for a couple of weeks to keep up his ludicrous charade
notice how there is never any evidence that he is with any other living being in his photos
sad little man he is
It’s well written desu lol, I used it on Mousey as well this morning and it made him seethe
Gonna have a coffee as well myself I think, actually I might get some choccy ice cream lol
might lose weight so i don't have to spend as much on drugs to get as high
Mental how badly I mindraped him
He’s on holiday with his parents. A fully grown man
All of my posts are a joke
I'm still going to mix all of thr pharma companies drugs together with fluoride to see what happens but I'm not in pharma (so I can :3)
Don't do those things to hojr medications
they smell bad as it is can't even imagine the odour of Nigerian pooey gay bum sex
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there is a noticeable difference having sex with a virgin and having sex with a non-virgin
don't trust the words, trust the actions
I'll give it a shot if you want

I hope they speak English over there, otherwise I'll have to learn their languages
maybe they're going to use pound coins as a sort of breadcrumb trail to lure him out of the mountains
his mum lets him have two bottles of beer with dinner and then he goes to bed while they drink sangria on the balcony
Spainnonce asking his mum if he can go swimming as an adult man
PA but I more so have New Jersey in mind as their towns seemingly can do whatever they want
nice try but i dont believe you
spainnonce going on holiday with his parents and then just sitting in the apartment posting on 4chan for the whole week
haha imagine that..
nahhhhhhhh OMDS
can't get back to the apartment too early or he'll see his dad on his knees eating out his mum (not like this brings back childhood memories haha)
many towns have that, especially in new england
i dont want to dox myself but a similar (but smaller) town in maine is bar harbor
spainnonce sitting with his parents at the hotel restaurant watching a group of friends the same age as him having fun at the next table over
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zoomers don't know shit about video games
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she needs a new palm angels t shirt for the next tv appearance
and if she gets one the whole famleh is gonna be decked out in a bit of palm cus thats what family does mate
spainnonces mum beckoning him in from the sea so she can reapply suncream to him
What is your height and weight?
>England's European Championship games may not have been exciting viewing so far, but the boss of Currys hopes the Three Lions stay in the tournament to continue a boost in sales of big TVs.
>The electricals chain said UK sales were up by more than 30% in the past month, with boss Alex Baldock adding so-called "supersize" screens - 85 inches and above - were proving popular.

85 inches
ghastly stuff
man's arrogance knows no bounds
anything north of 50 is simply absurd
still dont really know how michael jackson turned white
Embarrassed when I send a tech support issue ticket, but then realize it isn't their fault
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imagine going on holiday with your wife to take a break from your shitty existence for a week and then your 27 year old autistic son demands to come along with you
Is mr bean a sigma male?
spainnonce's mum begging him to leave the flat so she can get properly shagged
NHK makes relatively good TV programmes, although it also do dishonest deeds as is usual in the mass media.
Mental how you could just trace pictures of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone and the Xenomorph from Alien and use that as your official game cover without getting sued by anyone.
let’s be real
his father hasn’t been in the picture for a long time
do you know any contemporary black musicians who aren't rappers?
only thing coming to mind for me is seal but i don't know if he's still active
Michael Jackson laughing at something before he stubs his toe
Nice headcanon. Just because you're a freak who can't waddle to the nearest Tesco express without having a panic attack doesn't mean other people are the same.

Spaino is living his best life in España and all I'm seeing is bitter resentment and jealousy of him lmao.
Mental how you go from being "literally still a child", "you have your whole life ahead of you" at 20 to being an old fart husk of a man at 30. Ten years and you go from having all the potential in the world to having wasted your life and cursed to live as a wraith, wandering the Earth aimlessly until the day you conk out of alcohol induced liver disease at 60.
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Mumberg let me have some ice cream because I finished off me lunch like a big boy :3

Cheers la, yeah I’m lucky
I thought I was on a VPN when did the lore change?
Doxxable info la
just had liquid diarrhea
Can we all stop trying to be horrible to each other for one day
He’s switched personas to defend himself. Think we struck a nerve lads
alri cathy
Well don't hog it all
All these new games coming out and I'm just here like "bruh, I really need to replay half-life again"
spainnonce queueing up gimmick posts on his torbrowser and operagx to make it look like he's not samefagging
business idea: swastika shaped boomerangs
As opposed to solid diarrhea?
it's so easy to tell when he's rattled. He'll start humblebragging in a bit.
he's not going to shag you lad, because you've got a cock and balls
use to wank to my parents plapping
As opposed to solid diarrhoea?
Mum asked if I could be a good boy and stay on the beach for a few hours so her and my stepdad Darrell can spend some “adult time” together

No idea what that means but I guess they need to like pay some taxes or something like that
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I just can't stand it, man. I almost had basically this. That was seven years ago. It's never going to happen. I'm out of time and out of life.
sometimes it can be sludgy yk?
this was like pissing out my arse
Mate put the phone down and go outside just log off go enjoy life it doesn’t have to be like this
I liked the boomerang boy in mad max 2 liked the bit where he chopped someone's fingers off
There’s some decent stuff on the horizon like Kinstrife and Wayward Realms maybe but I can’t really get into new games anymore
now he's "ironically" playing into it like he's in on the joke and isn't fuming

hi mate can you put the trip back on please
>josie faggot spamming
thought I escaped this menace
bro thinks he's in a murukami novel
Spainers on holiday and still putting in the cuck hours
Dedicated man
i experienced this and it turned me into a chronic masturbator
He’s so desperate to fit in
It is sad he has probably never had a friend in his entire life
not much worse than seeing a grown man bullied and he tries to play along like the joke isn't on him
Love eating pussy

Had a girl writhing with pleasure last night off the back of it
four fucking years of this shit just because some nobody streamer girl gave you a weird look one time
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yeah, im thinking it's scran time
Cute lamb thumbnail but weird image
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I try to just focus on what cards I have but I am constantly tempted by fantasies that are sold to me, that are presented as being just within my grasp. But they aren't. But I'll keep daydreaming anyway.
Is spainlad 190?
smelly one bedroomed shithole on the costa del shart for one week? £500
making your 4chan contemporaries believe that a woman would even give you a second glance? priceless
Gimmick aside the idea of someone going to another country and then spending the summer posting on 4chan alone all day is very sad
british flavoured?
finna go for a lie down for an hour
>eating out one night stands

Mate :/

I love going down on girls as well but would only do it in a committed relationship. You just don’t know where that minge has been
190 children molested
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>I can’t really get into new games anymore
We getting old, mang
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I don't think murdering children is any more (or less) morally repugnant than murdering adults.
spainnonce is closer to vito than phil
or maybe that soccer coach
I wish!
stop trying so hard nigga, its cringe
he thinks he's one of the boys
In hindsight I realize I’m not really a “gamer” I only play games I can really get into like Mount & Blade I was always able to achieve immersion. And part of that is that it did not have too many restrictive gameplay features that forced you to think about your character or the world around in a certain way
Might just go to sleep, mood has become noticeably lower
Why do those snags look like they're made of plastic?
spainnonce in school eating alone in the toilets at lunch time
Spainnonce asking his mum for some more euros so he can play on the pool table by himself
He's like that slightly socially awkward boy who would try to hang around with you at school but wasn't part of the core-gang. You let him follow you around like a lost puppy but never saw him outside of school.
Who said she's a one night stand?
Sorry lads

I just don’t have any mates and I am so bored on this holiday with my parents it’s driving me crazy.

I just enjoy role playing a little bit as kind of like the “idealised” version of myself and I don’t mean any harm but I guess it’s a bit annoying to you guys

Sorry for annoying you all, honestly. I will try and stop. Seriously I’m sorry.
you've got a noticeably lower cock than most women
spainnonce getting asked out by a girl and then she laughs at him when he says yes
love when my bf licks out my rear minge
Just got that impression since you called her “a girl” and not your gf or whatever

But crack on lad, nothing wrong with it if you’re together
Spainnonce running to catch up with his “friends” after they didn’t wait for him to tie his shoes
Dubs and all the /brit/ lads get to have a go at spainos bussy
spainlad absolutely dominating the thread as usual
used to hate him but you have to admit hes good at baiting you incels
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wahey! come on lad, just cheer up ffs. it's all in your mind you daft twat. here's some dogs to help you out
Cultural issue. People's main focus in life is their career and it takes precedence over everything else. No amount of incentives will help if people value (and are expected to value) career progression over being a parent. A shift in values is needed to avoid disaster.
waiting for the real new instead of this dogshit editionless "new"
Five more minutes

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