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Evolution of Man edition

prev: >>199066397
first for cum con sex
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Is it worth going to work as a seasonal employee in Canada?

Anyways, we should re-institute the practice of Lashing and have it as a punishment for people who don't use turn signals
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once again fantasizing about a gf
Are you going to be fruit picker? because that seems like very hard work just to be a modern day slave indentured servant
You'd travel a thousand miles to pick fruit?
watching anime
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there aren't mexicans on /cum/
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watching the Rugrats in Paris movie
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Do you think my mom's fat?
I prefer Rugrats Gone Wild
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Depends on the money. If it's a lot more than what I make here surely I'd go. I make around 60k a year in this shithole, if I can get around that in 6 months or less I'm in
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>you *are* in favor of DC Statehood, right Anon?
yes, she is.
USA is a lot closer and probably pays more
Yo momma is so fat when she got on the scale it said, "I need your weight not your phone number."
If we exclude the politicians working there, it will basically be a new black state
Figlio di puttann don't call my mom fat
>there are more mexicans in the US flag than actually from Mexico
very grim, I miss the OGs like Sinaloa, Bajachan, and Cara
Guam first
That joke is older than Lou Rawls
We would need a new Republican state to balance it out unfortunately. It will never get passed otherwise.
>t. son of a fatty
everyone seig heil adolf hitler
PR could be the Republican state. Beaners love to larp as trad 1488 warriors
is it ok if I'm a jew (black)
Just divide Alaska in two or some shit
It's too damn big
Lunch is mackerel on sourdough with steamed carrots on the side
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yo moms so fat, your dad needs a forklift to take her trhough the drive-thru
My office is in a really rich area so I'm always walking past luxury automobiles. I just passed a Corvette and 2 Porsches on my way to get lunch.

What's your dream car, /cum/? I know they're a terrible investment but I still like to dream.
no you demonic nigger kike jew
Goddamn those incredible boring ass niggas talking bout what they eat every single day are so sad man.
Some people don't like mackerel and I don't blame them, but that sounds good to me
Honestly PR is such a tax shelter that I could see it going red.
ganna do it anyway
Learn to enjoy the small things in life
Hm maybe. It seems like it would be more of a swing state though.
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good morning guys
Brother, it’s only worth it if Mexico really sucks. You will be economically exploited here and your living conditions will be crappy.
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sexo con mejican cummy bummy
I do. I just don't expect compliments from strangers.
I hope you have the best day of your life today and everyday for the rest of your life :3
Yeah, man, it was fine for Amar'e Stoudamire
Are you the guy posting about moving so you can make a bit more money
at least they change it up, worse when you have some tard eating the same shit daily
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only route closed heuuuhheeuhheeeuh
Texas could probably be like 3 separate states. So could California. NYC and Long Island could be spun off from the rest of New York state.
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subaru outback. I dont care if its le lesbian mom pick, they look cool and are perfect for /out/

that or a classic tbird
bizarre thing to lie about
I know that the House exists and that it uses population in that way. Yeah maybe it should be unicameral.

It makes no sense, and you are genuinely stupid.

A person in Wyoming should not have several times the voting power of a person in California. Each American should have the same amount of voting power, no matter which state they're in.

Fuck Wyoming.
You know what baffles me, is the existence of the House of Lords and there are STILL hereditary positions there.
Kill yourself holy shit
>I'm voooting
fucking retards
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>the voting power of a person in California. Each American should have the same amount of voting power, no matter which state they're in.
people in california dont even have voting power outside of the big cities
You only think this because you live in a tiny nation with the population density of japan
There should be a balance between state and federal power
SOVLful choice, anon. Manifesting this for you.
why did i just cum, did it make me happier? no
America obviously has political dynasties and hereditary fortunes but the idea of the House of Lords is always gonna give me weird feelings. Just seems like a public-funded club for rich perverts. Though I guess you could say the same thing about the US Senate.
thanks anon
i gotta do some running around today so im gonna be busy unfortunately so i don’t think it will be the best day ever but who knows
what if a girl made you cum
thats dumb, why should random people have any say on whether two people get married or not
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there was, and then dixie had to go and ruin everything
want to go /out/ with an American yapper
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A 1979 Ford Mach 1.

Dudes will look at this car and think "Hell yeah".
40% of human traffickers are women.
>A person in Wyoming should not have several times the voting power of a person in California.
Weird that this is controversial
>There should be a balance between state and federal power
Which the electoral college has absolutely not preserved, federal power won out COMPLETELY >100 years ago
Don't knock Wyoming till ya try it. Gorgeous state. Real cowboy country. Wide open spaces. Could never live there but everyone should visit.
so 60% are moids then huh
whether or not they should is beyond the point. It was on the ballot and people said no, only to now become the gayest state in the union
I think the thing is that the House of Lords is explicit about it. No doubt the Senate isn't a meritocracy but at least it is somewhat based on the representation of the people
Wyoming is one of the best states and I won't sit here and let some foreign filth badmouth it.
Yeah. The Senate has stuff behind the curtains going on with political intrigue, 100%, but also clearly some retards/outsiders are elected into both the House and Senate and they do not go along with aforementioned curtains and intrigue
>>There should be a balance between state and federal power
>Which the electoral college has absolutely not preserved, federal power won out COMPLETELY >100 years ago
I wasn't referring to the EC, but the bicameral legislature
We have a parliament seat in gir forest (where lions live) with one single voter. Whoever he votes for gets a seat in the parliament
Yah, but women are supposed to be weak and fragile!
>whether or not they should is beyond the point
its not, its an unconstitutional ban
Give some new yo mama jokes
The States should be allowed to be way different. Like let's try Maoism out in Massachusetts, see how that works out. Let Texas go full ancap. Dissolve all government institutions and go full anarcho-mutualist in Illinois. Let the states be laboratories of democracy again.
see this is what I mean, people have these strong political opinions but don't even know what a bicameral legislature is vs. the Electoral College lol
That's so 1980s
Did you know women also commit infanticide 8 times the amount men do?
no, prop 8 was for gay marriage in the state of california. literally why it was a proposition

the nationwide legalization was 7 years later, in 2015
yo momma is so fat and ugly and stupid and gay she has a "son" who posts on 4chan /cum/
FACT: Women kill 95% of children.
yeah and women consume the vast majority of rape and violent porn and get turned on by violence, their innocence is an act
cat is currently holding onto my big toe
Yo Mama so ugly she has to pay people to sub to her OnlyFans.
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>Let the states be laboratories of democracy again.
lets not do that
This is why women stay with abusers. They like it. They'll say they don't, but they do. The proof is in the pudding; they stay with abusers
The college forms who gets seats in the bicameral legislature, every vote being equal isn't a "strong political opinon", and the bicameral legislature has also done absolutely nothing to balance federal and state power because again, the squabble about federal and state power was settled and federal power won >100 years ago.
I've traveled quite a bit and I'm fascinated by history, but I've realized that traveling to see man-made attractions are almsot never worth it. Cities like Rome and Prague are cool, but they can't hold a candle to natural wonders like the Grand Canyon, the Amazon, and national parks imho
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post kot
Top kek
I do sort of love that.

Like it's really funny to make people who've lived their whole lives to try and get into the Federal government have to try and make it work with some idiot whose main hobby was getting thrown out of chain restaurants before they got elected.
women stay with abusers because they either don’t have the resources to leave or they are afraid of the repercussions of leaving . what you said just isn’t true
>the roman forum, vatican and palentine hill dont hold a candle to national parks
ok, stupidass
idk I find cities cooler than natural wonders. How people were able to construct it over time and the history
im shleepy
incorrect because women who DO leave abusers often end up with another abuser lel, can't be a coincidence every time innit
Red Barron French Bread
NY Cheesecake
Chocolate Milk

Meal of the Gods.
>*gets bored of a play and starts stroking a dude's cock through his pants in public*
holy mother of BASED.
Unironically yes. I've visited all those places, and I still think this
Alsp calling people stupid for their opinions is a tell-tale sign of low IQ
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The coolest cars always need maintenance, which kills the fun of ownership. Maybe something like a Toyota 86 is the right compromise.
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This will be very popular for gen alpha
i miss jason
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nah, just go to coomer dot su
thats kind of insane to think about, gay marriage wasnt fully legal until 9 years ago. Because of that I can understand the whole pride movement thing
If someone was beating my ass daily I'd find a way to make leaving work. There are so many resources available, abused women's shelters, counseling, etc.

And like homeboy said, they always end up with another abuser
or so ive heard
hell yeah, SIR!
You're right, it's dumb

If political contests are decided by a popular vote then every vote has the same weight. So a rural person has the same voting power as an urban person.

States could be represented, but their influence should be proportional to their population. Each person should have the same voting power.

>Which the electoral college has absolutely not preserved
Yeah the EC gives more power to a voter in Wyoming than a voter in Texas, which I think is wrong.

Okay I apologise to Wyoming. But my point is that I think every person should have the same voting power, whether they live in a rural area, or in a city.
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I can pretend to be Jason if you want.
we got an active listener up in here
yeah and at the time people against it said it was a slippery slope. I didn't believe back in the day but they were clearly right
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>If political contests are decided by a popular vote then every vote has the same weight. So a rural person has the same voting power as an urban person.
do you really have zero comprehension of how politics work? Imagine if some african AFTV mongoloid living in London got to decide all your politics for you
>it was a slippery slope
its useless to argue for it here but i can understand people trying to make space for gay niggas because theyve been shut out for so long, if they dont make space then theyll never be given space
What does gay marriage have to do with the overabundance of gay pride shit? It wasn't illegal to be gay. There were civil unions which were essentially the same thing as gay marriage. You're Acting like gays were hunted down by the state and summarily executed before 2015.

This shit has gone too far and is just annoying now
>You're right, it's dumb
When I was really I thought kings and queens only existed in medieval history and that every country now as a democracy. Then I learned that you and many other countries still have them.
It's still weird to me DESU
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>we can't let everyone's vote be worth the same because what if that means someone who can only win when my people's votes are worth more won't win this time?
>they dont make space then theyll never be given space

What does that even mean? What's "space"? What more do you people want? Jesus fucking christ
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>Brush my teeth once every other day
>Floss maybe once a month
>Dentist tells me my teeth are perfectly healthy
You have no fucking idea how much worse the average male's hygiene can be. You are already mogging the shit out of a lot of men simply by flossing... ever, at all.
I was arguing for equal representation, baka >>199073861
incompetent dentist
nigga you can be fired here and go to jail for using the wrong pronouns. gays are the dog that caught the car
I don't like unilateral decisions being made for the entire country. If I don't like the laws in one state, I can move to another
I've never have a cavity in my life and I don't do anything out of the ordinary
Gay can't get married.
Equal representation didn't make sense in the history of the US because the US was originally a federation of independent states with a basically nonexistent federal government (recall the articles of confedration). The electoral college under the Constitution was still based under this line of thinking, that the nation should tend to the interests of each individual state and not just based on sheer population.
Not so bad today, eh wot?
Dentistd are like car mechanics. How much money they make is based on how many bodies they can get in and out of their chairs. Don't forget that
they really need to stress personal hygiene for boys in school, they just have no idea they stink and nobody tells them cause its rude
Same as doctors. That's why most specialists only talk to you for like 5min.
i took a pic of him holding it but it has my foot in it so i cant post it
its not worth arguing it here youd never get it lol
Equal representation of states < equal representation of people. Smaller states will get squelched federally but they already have state-level elections, legislators, courts, etc.

True. It's a compromise but now that states have lost a massive amount of power and can definitely without a doubt no longer leave the Union we should really have all federal elections be run on the basis of citizen equality over state equity. It's literally just an equity argument so smaller states got a piece of the pie.
Electoral College won't be changed in the near future anyway it's not a bipartisan issue. Would require a constitutional amendment which is basically impossible
>wawah we need "space"
nigga learned queer theory 101 and thinks its advanced
it does make sense, its just been rooted in slavery since day one(technically later but STFU)

as the union grew and expanded west, the growing number of free states was outnumbering the number of slave states, and Dixie wanted equal(no they fucking didnt, they wanted more) represntation in the senate. So they created the 3/5ths compromise to start counting blacks as almost a person so they could bolster their state populations and gain more representatives in the house.

The federation of states was basically ruined by the articles like you said, but its thanks to John jay and jefferson(hamilton too iirc)where they were saying how a union of states would help militarily, economically, and federally
Getting tired of spam callers so now I auto reply with a phone function "Please text me" and when it's a spoofed phone number the phone reports an invalid number to text. Easy way to always* sniff out a spoofed number. Obviously texts can't work the same way but their stupid bullshit "this is hanna from high school omg wwrong number!!!" or "want a job? right now? over text?!?!!" is already presented and easy to toss out.

*unproven but has been working perfectly so far
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>its thanks to
the federalist papers newsletter*
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thinking about dominos for dinner
As I see it, if the legislative branch wanted to agree on something to improve America's fundamental structure they would kill the filibuster so many more laws can be passed and the minority party cannot suppress most legislative movement unless a supermajority is formed

But neither party wants to kill the filibuster. And I find that very sad.
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i just heard someone do the chicano whistle on my block
This: >>199075487

No, you are arguing for UNEQUAL REPRESENTATION. You think that a single voter in Wyoming should have A MORE POWERFUL VOTE than a single voter in Texas.

Imagine you have a team of 10 people at work, and you all have the same job, same pay, same seniority, same responsibilities. Let's say 1 person in that group is given 1 vote. And another person is given 1 vote. But the remaining 8 are all given just 1 vote to represent all of them.

Say they're voting on an issue. The two individuals vote in support of the issue, and the group of 8 individuals votes against the issue. The 8 individuals have now been outvoted 2-to-1 in terms of votes, despite the fact that there are 8 of them. This is nonsensical and it's completely unfair.

I think we should get rid of our monarchy. The king does stay out of politics in practice, so our elected parliament decides political issues. But I still think the monarchy should be dissolved because I think we should get to elect our head of state. Also the king doesn't pay inheritance tax (everybody else does, if they have a certain amount of wealth), which is unfair.

For Britain's democracy, a bigger problem than the monarchy (since it stays out of politics) is the House of Lords which you mentioned. Also I think Britain should have proportional representation which some European countries have.
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Just got an ad on pootube with adblock
that sounds good but i have to wait until my cheat day
what are you gonna get?
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all this political governmental stuff is going right over my head, I'm perhaps not as smart as I thought I was
Jewgle has been stepping up their efforts recently
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i am undecided at the moment, but it will probably be pepperoni, jalapeno, and maybe beef or sausage.
KOOKamonga, smart guy
Wow Denver is a shithole it reminds me of home
I'm pretty sure he hooks his little finger into the other guy's pocket, and pulls on the pocket
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The monarchy is cringekino and already useless, it's already a tourist attraction that bolters GB's economy so I really don't know why you would.
>elect head of state
if the head of state's powers are decided by the parliament and parliament has decided those powers should be superficial, it really doesn't matter who is head of state.

I know the current crown guy is cringe, America is founded on "this crown guy is cringe" values, but just wait for him to shuffle off and keep getting free tourist money
Socrates said the "only thing he knew, was that he knew nothing". Maybe you are the smartest?
politics just makes people upset and it's kind of boring so i just avoid it
jalapeno is really good on pizza, good choice. i usually just get cheese, with just mushrooms sometimes

each person has equal voting power, thats the popular vote. All across the country. Already exists
The electoral vote is in place so states with more people like california, new york, and texas dont decide the election every single time
>replying to mousepedo
i've been inside the house of lords, smaller than I expected desu
Probably not. Lord knows we're not who we think we are.
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I'm more of a tuner man myself. But I've always really wanted an open wheel track car like an Ariel atom. Realistically a beater truck or camper van with a fold down bed and a mechanics bay I can haul my bike with
I like pepperoni, with jalapeno and bbq sauce
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a little bit of mushroom is good, but i can easily overwhelm the pizza. just for texture, not taste.
It's over (for your neighborhood)
You are brown and poor
Im sure you hear that a lot
You think that his pinkie barely snagging on his clothing, at best, is enough to yank him down and towards him in sync with the motion of his arm? While his whole hand is firmly grasping the air for some reason? NASA videos are clearly doctored. The question is why, too expensive to shoot novel footage in space? Too secretive? Weird.
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I'm a virgin, so no
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i will get the sausage.
Honestly one of the nicest things that's happened in my life.
did the laundry
washed dishes
ran the robot vacuum
watered the plants
gonna clean the catbox and take the trash out later
what am i still forgetting
niggas be like
"this mushroom too powerful"
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MY sharkies
>I make around 60k a year in this shithole
Isn't that upper middle class by Mexican standards?
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wipe down the furniture
like i said i usually just get cheese but i really like the taste and texture of shrooms im just not in the mood for it all the time
Mop the floor. Use bleach and pine sol
trans phenomenon has ruined androgynous girls for me slightly
It's disgusting and perverted. I don't like being around them
Yeah, I was a tomboy appreciator once.
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dont let anyone ruin what you like for you
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For me? 90 days of no fap/porn.
my neurons are activated by tummies
im not jason dude just because i like bocchi too doesnt mean im him
Good for you boss.
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nasa conspiracy theory videos are bait to make real conspiracy theories less believable, to grift retards with merch. you can prove a lot of concepts without going to space, yourself, so choosing to believe the world is flat or that space is fake is a choice based on wanting a community, not wanting to believe the truth.

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I'm empty inside
For me? gooning 16 hours a day
what time do you go to sleep?
do you have anything that makes you happy ? even just a little bit?
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simple a-s
I am an exhibitionist, I want you all to see my dick and balls. Will you see them?
im ridin with biden but it's over for my nigga in chief after tonight
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For me.
Yeah I hear you. This is why I'll probably never own a Porsche or something similarly awesome. Japanese cars seem to be really reliable. A new Supra or something would be pretty baller.
Dear god I hope so.
>Japanese cars seem to be really reliable
>new Supra
oh no he doesnt know....
motorcycles suck in the twisties THO
What's your favorite Wu-Tang album?

I'm a Supreme Clientele guy. Listening to Bobby Digital rn. It's a shame RZA can't rap because the production on this is really good.
im also an exhibitionist but i restrain myself from being the worst kind of attention seeker and i do quite good
Lmao there goes that dream I guess. Maybe I'll take the state-subsidy pill and get a Chinese EV.
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36 chambers obviously

There's a 13 year old ulgly fat kid who walks around using crutches and all the popular boys and girls greet him with smiles as he slowly walks around the school. Today I found out he had a surgery on his left testicle. That's probably why he's so popular and almost definitely why he pull out his dick one day in the middle of the class and started peeing while in pain.
I hope Trump wins just so he becomes the 2nd president to serve two nonconsecutive terms
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>mexican educational institutions
Yeah, me too. He's not saving this country, but he makes the people I hate most absolutely seethe. And the economy was objectively better when he was in.
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Making pasta fazool tonight, with a bella Prosecco
>Trump wins
>America crumbles

>Biden wins
>WW3 begins

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>at work
>boomer coworkers talking about Trump being a "successful business men"
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>popular mexicans
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>Either result
>America has everyone paying attention and rent free in their heads
Trump is likely to win.
>it's already a tourist attraction that bolters GB's economy so I really don't know why you would
France got rid of their monarchy and they still make lots of money from it - the Palace of Versailles is a former royal palace and the French make loads of money from it. Tourists pay for tours. We could do that in Britain with Buckingham Palace, and tourists could see the parts of the building that are currently private to the royal family.

>if the head of state's powers are decided by the parliament and parliament has decided those powers should be superficial, it really doesn't matter who is head of state.
A few European countries have a non-royal head of state which is separate from the head of government (equivalent to our prime minister). France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Poland, etc.

E.g. you might be familiar with the last German chancellor, Angela Merkel. But there's a position of president above her. The president is a less prominent job in Germany, but I think they basically make sure that the chancellor doesn't break the rules.

Unfortunately the EC means that voters DON'T have equal voting power. The EC means that a single voter in Wyoming has more voting power than a single voter in Texas.

The 2016 election proved the problem. Even if you don't like Hillary, she had more votes. In many countries, that would have made her the winner. But the EC gives more weight to voters in rural states, which made Trump the president.
We can't lose
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>MY senile israel sheep is better than YOUR senile israel sheep
What time is the fight?
This. I honestly just want to see another Reddit meltie.
>Even if you don't like Hillary, she had more votes. In many countries, that would have made her the winner.
the united states is not a democracy(its an oligarchy). It's a democratic republic.
Federal politics is sportsball, have some fun
Yes I think he is just pulling the guy's pocket with his finger, I don't think there are wires

I don't think NASA videos are doctored. If NASA's activities were all faked, then surely Russia or China would put out lots of news stories saying that NASA was completely fake.
The electoral college exists to prevent 15-20 blue cities from dominating politics indefinitely. It's a good thing.
Why does one CyberCuck cost more than buying two kitted out F150s?
>to prevent 15-20 blue cities from dominating politics indefinitely.
unless you live in new york, California, washington, and oregon*
>voting for someone because people you dislike hate him
You shouldn't be allowed to vote if you have such a childish view of politics
9pm eastern
i think theyre reliable but they do have german engines, i was just making a joke about the japanese part
Nothing wrong with that
I hope Trump wins so I can finally stop hearing about him after his term is over
We're a two party state dingus
It's a grift aimed at rich morons
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I hope Trump loses and then dies of something related to his obesity
At least 1 Trump fan will commit suicide
No they don't. YOU suck in the twisties. The skill floor is much higher on motorcycles
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Maybe that means that red team needs to do stuff that would make a majority of people living in America vote for them
By that logic, the only people who should be allowed to vote are landowning white males.
Oh here we go
I hope Trump and Biden both have heart attacks the day before the election
I'm planning on getting a car and might get a pickup
Dumbass boss told me to look into a CyberTruck
They're gaining popularity among zoomers, hispanics, and blacks doe. literally the group they're losing are whites
The blue team just promises more gibs to the ghetto masses at the expense of hardworking people. Race to the bottom.
that would mean only white boomers get to vote, since millenials and Gen X cant afford to own their own home
The funniest possible outcome would be if Trump won and then died of like, an infected toenail before he could be inaugurated. Or like he gets hit in the head by a golf ball and dies of a brain bleed.
I just want everyone to stop fighting ><
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So again: what's the issue with winning by popular vote?

The consequences of that lead to these kinds of maps. Look at Canada right now, it's chudding the fuck out and with very good reason.
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and red team promises tax cuts and wealth to the middle class while tripling the gap between the top 1%
this would be the most kino happening ever
reagan's landslide wasn't chudding out and canada is only chudding out because they put in way too many immigrants
>So again: what's the issue with winning by popular vote?
farmland doesnt vote, so California and new york would probably decide everything(texas might turn blue)
>Stuck in the Middle with You starts playing
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same but these guys get worked up over politics and it just is what it is someone told me a long time ago to not try to police the thread
anyways im leaving i gotta do errands today bye guys
>canada is only chudding out because they put in way too many immigrants
Through blue team decisions.
Good luck with your errands cinnamon roll
It's always funny when 4chan hispanix pretend that their people aren't the most aggressively hard left radicals who've ever existed.
There's a rising tide of minority conservatism in this country. I could probably write an essay on my guesses as to why. Unfortunately I don't think they have anywhere to go.

Much like the attempted integration of socialist elements into the democratic party, any attempt by minority conservatives to get some control over the GOP is gonna fizzle out within a few years. They're just not the main project. The money men will not allow it.
That map is an anachronism. It was a different America then, but then again, I suspect you of being dishonest intellectually, a cynical liberal.
>hard left
bro immigrants have been trying to kick the ladder after them for DECADES
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>then again, I suspect you of being dishonest intellectually
Crackers4Biden 1000% Real
Canada generally hires migrant workers from poorer countries that have much lower income expectations than Mexico, so you might be getting a worse wage than even just staying in Mexico. There’s a reason almost no Mexicans come here to do low skill labour, and it’s mostly jeets etc.
look at the stats dumb nigga
Red should do something to make people in those cities vote for them. Is the idea of being elected based on merit over EC thresholds? Red *can* win the popular vote and there's nothing that says they cannot make cities like them either with their policies.
1980's america is exactly the same as now
>republican party probably going to sweep the elections because rubes think a movie star magically fix everything with budget cuts and *checks notes* free green cards to college graduates
>republican party probably going to sweep
I wish was born as retarded as this poster, the world in his mind is probably a magical place
>Canada generally hires migrant workers from poorer countries that have much lower income expectations than Mexico
>There’s a reason almost no Mexicans come here to do low skill labour
lol almost half of all temporary farm labourers in Canada are mexicans wdym?
the problem has always been that more people live in Lincoln nebraska then some small town like ainsworth or Hemingford. So no matter how they vote, more people in the big cities will decide the states color
he's gotta be trolling I don't even think 4chinz anons are this retarded
He probably thinks that he's part of some "silent majority" despite Trumpniggers never shutting the fuck up
yes, clearly Im a trump supporter because I called him a movie star handing out green cards for free
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me? I suffer exponentially
he's clearly against trump bruv
You all argue like women
Lmao this one is almost certainly gonna be a nail-biter. The mid-off of the century.

Also, Biden is running behind his party. There's a decent chance we just end up with 4 years of nothing happening because the Democrats run the legislature while Trump makes posts and MAGA nation does even crazier Q shit to explain why he hasn't had their enemies drawn and quartered yet.
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Politics are STUPID
I have information that will lead to the distribution of spinster feet pics
You don't even know what that means
We don't violate the privacy of other /cum/mers unless their name is Matthew Zazuetta
Idk maybe it’s a regional differences thing that I’m not aware of, but they don’t bring in Mexicans in my area
Pickups are cool. Reddit-brained morons ignore their good points.

Personally, I'm pretty down for the EV revolution but I wanna wait awhile. I'm also never getting a Tesla. It's basically driving a "kick me" sign at this point.
Some white guys in the southwest who identify as Latino on job applications so that the corrupt Latino business owners in the area don't ignore them, they voted for Trump, and now you're using that as an example for why the largest illegal immigrant community in the history of the world are actually becoming conservative.
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>nobody saying incel, porn addict, fuckboy or some other misused buzzword insult
>nobody prefacing their arguments by describing their gender, race, parental status etc.
>nobody passive agressively insulting someone so other anons do the attacks for them
not at all like women
i like how your post implies zoomers are a race
You would know, sweetie.
Are they going to talk about Hunter tonight
Im a trump supporter because hes a movie star and will hand out green cards for free
as a female black mother of two, you need to do a little better in this conversation, porn-addicted incel.
Welfare niggas who haven't worked in a decade be like:
*his own welfare gets reduced*
What'd you fuckin say?
>knew exactly what I meant
galaxy brain.jpg
There are electric pickup trucks for sale, I'm considering the F150 Lightning personally
Oh yeah those look cool.
No they don't

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