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Lord's Prayer Edition

Previous: >>199077853
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based edition
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bro half of your holy scripture is just torah
also many-worlds interpretation
Lol we finished that thread in 80 minutes because of all the arguing
The OT is more like a reference text accompanying the NT so people can get some context. None of the old covenants apply etc
Take me to back to Constantinople
no see, we use genesis and the garden of eden, but thats our OLD book, and um there's a third part of the trinity thats a bird...or something..., and uh dont worry about those greek texts, they dont count
Two /cum/ diverge in an open wood
And I
I take the one less posted by
And that has made all the difference
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All according to plan
LMAO fastest /cum/ ever
The OT is foundational for the NT. Many themes, prophecies and narratives in the NT build upon those in the OT. Jesus literally says he fulfilling OT prophesies. Are you even a practicing Christian or is it just reactionary aesthetics?
Wrong. Christ said he came not to abolish the Law and the Prophets, but to fulfill them.

Read the bible
Thank you based anon
we came fast
Crazy how /cum/ comes back to life with such vigour when we don’t have any resident schizo spammers shitting up the thread, and enough time (maybe a few weeks) has passed for everyone to realize that this is the case.
He also said, "I am making all things new."
jason here earlier in the morning albeit
>1) bring to completion, or realize (something desired, promised, or predicted)
>2) carry out (a task, duty, or role) as required, pledged, or expected
The word "fulfill" is the key here
goshcel was spamming 3 days ago
Jason is not comparable to Matthew Zazueta or mouse nonce
You're so fucking stupid. I hate you more than actual Christcucks.
>mouse nonce
he has toned down his antics recently, idk why
Or when we discuss things that are meaningful instead of whatever foot onlyfans model we're fapping to
Judaism at the time of Jesus is not the same as Judaism today
why is /brit/ so much faster than us bros...
Yes, but he's opining on politics and religion, which makes me hate him more.
Yet he observed Shabbat and the Temple Laws and kept kosher and encouraged others to do the same
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neither is christianity
ummmm we don't sacrifice animals anymore
>I hate you
>But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes
Hope you can get past it /cum/bro

Brit is the OG general that everyone posts in, it's on a level all its own. Brit has enclaves even on other boards without flags such as /r9k/ and /sp/.

There is no shame in being slower than them
that wasnt ratpedo
We started talking about religion and politics
Uhhhh....ever heard of Thanksgiving?
Cite your claims please.
>there's actually a brit general on r9k
/epl/ is not /brit/
idk why people here reply to him. We were doing a very good job not doing that for a while
How many regulars do you reckon there are? Feels like a rotating cast sometimes.
I said they have enclaves. On r9k it's called /britfeel/
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Because /brit/ is the de facto anglo general and 90% of the posts are just single sentence tweets for autists with no replies
Thanksgiving is a new tradition. Also, thanksgiving is about giving thanks for what you have. You don't have to sacrifice.
hard to keep track since gookmoot got rid of the poster counter in the corner. It was surprising to see upwards of 40 posters in regular /cum/threads
I was joking you silly goose
I think we're done with religion for now
This analogy is a bit dated at this point, but if you think back to like the 2000s or early 2010s, it’s a bit like how blacks had BET, but there was no explicitly white television; all the channels were white television, to some extent (yes, jews aren’t white, etc). All boards and threads are pretty much American by default. It’s minority groups who generally feel the need to ghettoize, in order to keep amongst themselves.
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it's mariover...
Sorry I'm retarded. Can never tell when people are joking.
The only named regulars I know of are spinster/cinnamoroll, jason and fk.
going to costco yall need anything
why does that one atheist anon here post like a tumblr homosexual in 2013? Haven't seen that style of poster in a long time
Have never heard this
I wouldn't even waste the time it takes to read this can't imagine who would actually compile such meaningless drivel
Christ is King
That's one of the signs of autism, you know

What ever happened to tumblr
imagine the slob that made this image
>uncapitalized first word of first sentence
>punctuation in first sentence
>capitalized first word of second sentence
>no punctuation on second sentence
What style is that
Yeah gimme some, what is called, that stuff, you know...we used to eat it back in the day...ummm....oh yeah, "pussy".
I used to use the Tumblr interest tag on Omegle to talk to women

But eventually it became FILLED with trannies. It was insane.
>What ever happened to tumblr
Got bought out by Yahoo, banned porn, nearly died, the entire userbase went to Twitter to destroy the world with their wokeshit
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super mario party was great. Whomstever made this is retarded
>What ever happened to tumblr
they had a corporate takeover, the new owners banned porn, all the tranny gooners stopped using it, the site mostly died, all the users left the containment zone, leaked all over the rest of the internet, and now everything is tumblr
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Revisionist retard
ive never had sex
I'm more socially stunted than autistic. Coupled with my retardation, it makes me look autistic.
Oh yeah thanks. Cuz I remember I had some niche porn Tumblr pages I would go to but they all disappeared years ago and I never found out why. Guess thats why
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Struck a nerve huh?
I actually feel him 2bh
Women are cool if I'm in love with them, but in general they're just normal people. Sex with them is work and yeah often smelly.
Atheism is de facto a religion. Its dogma is scientific reductionism. I'm convinced they hate beauty and humanity. They worship their own intellect.
She’s our lovely token foid who is usually most active late at night and posts that white fluffy creature with the big ears. She has posted pics of herself before but (probably wisely) has stopped doing so lately.
I have, but I haven't *really* had sex since it's just prostitutes and hookups
I've never felt true passion in sex, I'll need a wife for that
literally nobody here knows what you're talking about, schizo
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>smells are LE BAD
Man Such Cases
I know who spinster is, I've never heard her referred to as cinnamon or whatever that was

Post her pics
Atheists are just materialist judaizers. It’s a rhetorical trick that they call themselves nothing
Id rather fuck whores than ever get married
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he’s passivated himself with fluoride from drinking mouthwash lol
>i missed the spinny posting pics of herself arc
It’s over…
Again anon, your holy scriptures contain Torah
I meant the American btw
>passive aggressive yet tries to act like the victim
>when things seem too mean, dials it back and uses some gay slang/umm sweetie type verbiage
>aggrieved at being a member of the LGBT+++++ community, but nobody actually cares because this site is anonymoose
etc. etc.
Atheist detected
Do you think this unreleased track would've become big if it was on the Blackout album?
I get to fucking tired of people bringing up named people in this general. People posting themselves and all that cringe shit, it's so fucking gay
Modern Jews are Rabbinic Talmudists. Their own senior rabbis have said that the Torah is just a collection of fairy tales for women and children.
Man I thought this was going to be a method man and Redman song
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don't worry i compiled them
sex is extremely overrated albeit
Sex is way better than you could ever imagine
Would bend her over and pull her hair from the back
What else you got of her
You're supposed to remain a virgin until marriage christbro
So Genesis, Exodus and Deuteronomy are all just fairytales and Christians are supposed to ignore them or something? They're not foundational to Christianity, at all? That's where we're at?
Na you're just doing it wrong
Sex feels nice, but I can't stand women the rest of the time. Dates and actually listening to their drivel. Can't do it.
>reading comprehension
Id rather drive a nail through my balls than listen to a woman ramble on
jacking off honestly feels better a lot of the time. there are some girls who are really good at certain positions and it's better then but I wouldn't really miss it if I never had it again
You have to learn to be amused by women the way behaved children are amusing
You can't expect women to entertain you like a man can
But what do Jews saying this have to do with Torah being foundational and sacred Christian scripture?
that's a normie's pic someone edited
One time she told me she would when she got back but NEVER did. Traumatizing really
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>An entire generation of men prefer jacking off to interacting with modern women
Someone should make one of the nightly threads with this as op, and watch spinster never post again
I’m really not interested in writing out a bunch of paragraphs to refute your retarded ideas right now
why does everyone hate canada now what did we do
I know you're not lmfao
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didnt mean to reply to that oops
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>the autism to do this
The sun shines for Uruguay!
Just started downloading classic wow
Will be on the server deviant delight as a white human warrior as per dubs
>I compiled them
>Only posts 1
What did he mean by this

Yes it does!
>make fun of tumblr homosexuals in 2013
>2 Canadians get offended
My fellow Leafs, what are the /int/ernational implications of this?
I feel a shit brewing in my gut. Pacing around my bedroom and chugging water until it comes loose.
Please don't push it
I don’t spend time with women platonically (other than relatives), but I do genuinely enjoy the company of the women I’m fucking. Maybe you’re just picking bad ones, you have no charisma, or something
>im willing to spend hours dosagreeing with you but I am not willing to put THAT much effort in it because it takes nearly all of my brain power and I won't be able to whipe my ass for the rest of the day
Say "I love Torah"
I'll push against spinsters pussy from the back. Is that what you meant? Shut up white knight
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That is a composite of multiple images of spinster that he put together himself
Smelling chili powder is a laxative
Being a freak about it is a good way to ensure she never posts them again
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So I get to coom to her images AND not read her retarded woman opinions ever again? Sounds like a win win to me
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>message sent 6 days ago
It’s over, I never stood a chance
>extremely mid female with tattoos posts pics a long time ago as attention whores do
>autists can't shut up about it
I LOVE smelling my ballsweat after a hot sweaty day
>femanon enters /cum/
>nobody notices
>posts herself to get more attention
>autismos take it too far
>she gets scared off and leave
A classic /cum/ tale
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Sooner or later, I'll be free
To leave the past behind (ooh, ooh)
Sooner or later, you're gonna be
The last thing on my mind
Little by little, I'm finding out
The truth behind your eyes
Maybe if I don't show (maybe if I don't show)
I thought you might like to know
You're gonna be the last thing on my mind
/cum/ is back
I’m so happy
Meanwhile I can literally dox myself and nobody cared lol
how do i cure my social anxiety guys
Post tits
this always happens.
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>she gets scared off and leave
Exposure therapy probably

But it sucks because 1 bad experience can reverse boatload of progress
Someone teach her to throw a punch
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Job at a resturaunt
All men should enroll their daughters in a martial art
Sons too for that matter
Concerned that the anti-spinny faction is a bunch of jealous trannies :/
Shut the fuck up about these people. Nobody cares no matter how much you spam this bullshit. Take that shit to /soc/ fucking faggots
I regret posting my face to /cum/ ngl
going outside is scary though. i will die a neet
get your sons on their school's wrestling team and give your daughters pepper spray
lol my dad used to be pervy as fuck taking pictures of girls on beaches. He must thought because I was kid I didn't realize what he was doing
remember that ugly terrone sicilian guy who would do it all the time? what happened to him?
There are egiptians, ukrainians, chinese, indian, african and many more people trying to cross fro mexico all the time. I see em all the time I cross to san ysidro. I thought this was common knowledge.
/cum/ called me ugly when I posed mine, even though I'm a sex-haver!
/soc/ roasted me too
What stores can I go to to buy good sunscreen. Walmart just has cheep stuff
Walgreens maybe?
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I got all the way up to brown belt 4 stripes but I never got my black belt
I went through a period where I posted my face everywhere on this board. Nothing ever came of it
mine will comment on the latinas
Yes because a rapist is just going to sit there and let your daughter reach into her bag and aim the spray into his eyes
Honestly bro nobody cares about you and you shouldn't care about strangers either
It's not foolproof, but a girl is always going to be overpowered by a man anyways
Training in situational awareness is the most important thing
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Asian pipo eat different food than us
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I have a question for the average american english speaker and this is the best suited place to ask it
Which one of those words are you more likely to use to describe an elevated viewpoint with a beautiful scenery?
>scenic viewpoint
>observation point
>viewing point
>vista point
>scenic overlook
Kek the first time I posted mine everyone called me an ugly bastard with a shitty facial hair
Yea but if I ever want to do something in public office eventually it will come back to get me. I can just try to remove them from the archives but I doubt I’ll be able to find all of them
thinking about asian girls again
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do you guys still like KoTH?
>but a girl is always going to be overpowered by a man anyways
Then whats the point of the spray retard
Training > no training
scenic view

I'd say overlook too because there's a dam overlook near me and I grew up going there and saying it
I still need to watch it
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tell me about it!
>thinking about asian girls again
let me help cure you
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Do Americans typically do this?
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world's greatest anime
Scenic overlook
Viewing point or viewpoint
Either of these
All of those work except for belvedere I think that's an ice cream company
Presumably they’re a non-stinging species of bee
I'm excited for the reboot, the newer beavis and butthead episodes have been pretty good so Mike Judge still has it. Its a shame Dale's voice actor died though
if my asian gf will eat that then i know for a fact she'll have no problem tossing my salad so this doesn't really phase me
Do you genuinely think that a woman has never successfully deployed pepper spray on a man?
I was saying that women are at a disadvantage anyways, but it doesn't hurt to hedge their bets a bit.
>Training > no training
I agree that training is good, but for women it's usually as ineffective as other measures like pepper spray. At the end of the day women are largely defenseless against bigger stronger men
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love that episode, one of the few later season gems
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gone but never forgotten
I’d say scenic view or vista, as a more generic term. All of those things are used with nuance for specific scenarios, some of them more technical terms that you’d tend to see in tourist guidebooks and such, rather than something you’d hear in causal speech
Thank you frens
I saw a tranny yesterday at kohl’s and it freaked me out. It was wearing a mask and had a hippie-like haircut. Clearly looked and sounded like a man but the body and hands looked very feminine, frighteningly so, like it was a biological man
>ice cream company
kek they make vodka
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>she'll have no problem tossing my salad
Nigga... you're making us asian women enjoyers look bad...
Are you confusing Belvedere vodka with Blue Bell ice cream?
>Do you genuinely think that a woman has never successfully deployed pepper spray on a man?
No it probably happens thousands of times every day
>I agree that training is good, but for women it's usually as ineffective as other measures like pepper spray.
Retarded take. She doesn't need to win 5 consecutive rounds against him, she just needs to get away and save herself. If you think training is as long ineffective to that end as pepper spray then you are truly a brainletjak
Prediction for tonight
>Trump ignores question and goes on an unrelated schizo rant
>Biden struggles to finish a single sentence before the timer runs out
It's fucked up that he has no friends to tell him how ridiculous he looks
i like em freaky
Looking forward to when Biden senilely wanders around the stage at the end like a robot vacuum
>is as long ineffective
Ignore the word long, don't know how my autocorrect put that in there
The democrats seem to agree with you because I've seen a huge uptick in the "no actually Trump is the REAL senile one" type stuff
That's how you know tonight is gonna be bad
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faggots are shoving wieners down my throat now, I can't escape it
I would also avoid observation point that has a feeling of specificity to it
>Bob Loblaw
Trump totally has dementia though
this nigga deepthroating weiners
watch out, johnny law is now using jet skis to make sure the fish you caught is actually 6 inches or not
now for good old american barbeq-
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Can you show an example of trump botching as badly as Biden? I see people say this a lot but trump seems perfectly cognizant from what I've seen
they call me the glizzy gladiator
Just took a massive dump. Time for a nap now.
The dick your mom caught (mine) is over 6”
>She doesn't need to win 5 consecutive rounds against him, she just needs to get away and save herself
Don't know why you think I'd disagree with this. A bit of a non-sequitur.
And again, training would only save a woman a small fraction of the time. Men are far stronger and faster than women. Back when I was a new amateur mma fighter, I could wipe the floor with seasoned female pro mma fighters. If I grabbed their wrist, it would not get away from me until I decided to let go. There are physical realities that separate men from women.
To be clear, I think all people should train martial arts, but it is not a magic bullet
Mostly just the way he talks, he rambles like a mad man
Didn't he go on a tangent about electrocuting sharks recently?
The one where he reaches out to shake the hand with nobody there is hilarious
Oh boy, it's another illusion of choice between two braindwad zionist figureheads episode
I meant like can you link me to something
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It's a different kind of dementia. Biden veggies out like in your video, Trump goes on confusing tangents. Both are mentally unfit to be president.
My dream way to die? Firing squad after being detained for committing war crimes
>I thought I was doing the right thing
No, it's so easy to find clips of it yourself.
he just didnt know when to sit
Criminals are like predatory animals. When a pack of lions goes after a herd of gazelles, they tend to pick on the weakest one in the pack, as it’s the easiest. Show a bit of a spine, and they’ll usually fuck off to find another target. There are some exceptions of course, such as picking a fight with the biggest guy in the room to prove something to his friends, but the above is generally the case.
cause of all the shart in his diaper
>J-j-just believe me ok!!!
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this is the end
my only friend, the end
I feel like Biden would do a lot better on the world stage if he just accepted the L and started using a cane or wheelchair.
I don't think he's in charge of such decisions
Would you guys eat a fish that came out of the Chicago bay
he can walk fine though
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It doesn’t matter. If Biden stepped down and Kamala Harris became president, everything would be exactly the same. They don’t do anything personally.
cum con sex
nah. All that oil and shit, fuck no
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>look at the streets in leafland
>full of pajeet men
>look at the streets in pajeetland
>not a single pajeeta in sight
Do they have to keep pajeetas locked up to prevent their rape or something?
What if Justin Trudeau became POTUS
>*Shows compilation of him falling*
If you don't go to BBC the BBC comes to you
between trump and biden, who do you think could throw the most coordinated punch?
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he would be prevented by the supreme court causing a civil war (kino)
Thankfully not available in our country
Trump threw punches on WWE and they looked awful
That said, Biden is basically a corpse
This sounds crazy, but it’s real:
Jeets keep their women safe at home from street rapists, but they also kick their men out onto the streets during the day, to prevent them from raping their female family members.
just imagining what this person smells like makes me gag
prime biden was kino
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Be honest, how many people will come to your funeral?
Who's this /pol/ fag posting biden/trump crap every two minutes?
You can't go back to constantinople
you when you take your mexican proxy off
>we could've had buck posting instead of BBC posting if the south won
imagine how much more kino it would be
Still would tbqh
Even Mahatma Gandhi was a total fucking freak, doing these “celibacy tests” as a test of will, wherein he’d sleep naked next to his naked little grand-nieces, and try not to fuck them.
Maybe 30
i don't get why chuds act like biden is satan incarnate

looking at the guys record, the only substantial things he's passed are pretty inoffensive
>+250 posts in an hour
I take full credit for /cum/'s success today
I'm not going to have a funeral

I have no family or friends so when I die whoever finds my body will call the police and they'll send the meat wagon, I'll be taken to the city morgue and unceremoniously cremated and given a number and my ashes will be filed with homeless and indigents and other people who have nobody to care.
In terms of domestic policy, the so-called “inflation reduction act” (which spurred inflation) was quite the disaster. He has also let in an insane number of illegal aliens. Not that Trump would be much better on either of these issues.
Confederate faggotry is dumb
>fuckin Lincoln dooming the white race
>who brought them here in the first place
>who was buying them?
>more Jews
>so the confederacy was created to defend the institution of slavery which was entirely held up by Jews?
>i don't get why chuds act like biden is satan incarnate
Same reason why leftoids pretended Trump was going to holocaust all non-whites if elected and are doing it again this time
At least 100
>muh civil war was fought over niggerinos
>>fuckin Lincoln dooming the white race
how is sending slaves back to africa dooming the white race? maybe inbred lardasses shouldnt have stopped him
Idk southerners are retarded like that
So why did the southern states sperg out about it then?
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Cool it with the anti-Judeo-Confederate remarks, goy
I'm glad /cum/ is home to foremost experts on theology, politics, and history so that we can set the record straight.
trumps going to win on immigration yet again
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Today, I will remind them
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I majored in history (and took as many political science classes as theyd let me before I had to declare a PS major/minor)
The one day I decide to come back to /cum/ and it’s thriving
It’s been years since we had a day like this
I get the sense that trump genuinely loves the USA, but Biden is just a career politician with an agenda
Same reason why Poilievre will win here
~15. fifteen too many. i want to be forgotten
it really has been a while since this happened. no need to thank me
rights to do what?
He beat their guy. It's really that simple.

Biden getting in revealed that basically everything people said to minimize 2016 was true; that it was a fluke, that he only won due to Hillary's unpopularity, that MAGA isn't some "silent majority" but a minority faction with no real ideology or ability to affect change.
Trump loves himself, and that's it
wrong he also loves coca cola
Trump is just a grifter that loves attention. Maybe a small part of him does care, but his entire reasoning for going into politics was to start a cable network. You're right about Biden though.
That's a shallow statement
Trump has lost more than he gained since becoming president
I have lost 25 pounds since droppping processed foods this year
"Grifter" is like "psyop" and "gaslight"
Important words that have unfortunately lost their meaning because people simply use them to describe people and things that they dislike
Trump has LOST money since becoming president. Call him stupid or incompetent or evil if you want. But he isn't a grifter
let states govern themselves without federal control as originally intended, the right to own any farming epuipment they want and the right to exit then union when they want
The pro-Israel voter sides with Trump
On some level I kinda like that Trump clearly hates being president. Like the only two days he had fun in the job were when he gave the dog a medal and when he bought hamburgers for the handsome college football boys.

Shame he just sort of sucks as a leader.
the pro-palestine voter has difficulty siding with Biden thoughbeit
>and the right to exit then union when they want
banned by the consitution
>let states govern themselves without federal control
already allowed with plessy vs ferguson. try again
It's not like it's hard to generate (You)'s but I was impressed by the alacrity
Bro he's selling fake credit cards. That is like textbook grift. He's arguably more of a grifter than he is anything else.
shit PvF was 1896

Scott vs sanford was what I meant
So why did the feds integrate schoolchildren at gunpoint?
Love that for you Anon. We've cut out snack food in my house for the past month and the results have been enlightening.
>banned by the consitution
>secession is not mentioned in the constitution
What are you referring to? I tried to Google it
>Neither the Republican presidential hopeful Trump nor any of his organizations appear to have any connection to the manufacturers, platforms, or sellers.
Probably because saying youre a first world democracy and the bastion of freedom and hope against soviet communism doesnt correlate well with segregation and church firebombings
I'm a PhD candidate in a field that's discussed here semi-frequently, and I just try to laugh off the shit that's said here
People will read some wikipedia articles and watch a few youtube videos and speak as an authority
I don't think that's the case, most people just hate him because he's a fat populist retard. He didn't even do anything crazy during his presidency, just said and did truly retarded things unrelated to politics. Also the supreme Court justices thing if you call that an action by him
Discuss here
I don't think he actually expected to win in the first place. iirc Hillary said in her congratulations call to him that he sounded terrified. You can see on his face during the first announcement pictures that he's thinking "What the fuck".
You know almost no one knows that a PhD in a given field narrows down an individual as much as it does, especially here
Oh he 100% did not plan to win.

He wanted to run so he could sell hats and shirts. That's it. Winning fucked everything up.

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