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lovely asian women edition
No very nice is it
It's fucking freezing here 90% of the time
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Nice to have some airflow though ennit
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>lovely asian women
>All those things we need to do, childcare, eldercare, making sure we continue to strengthen our healthcare system, making sure that we’re able to make every single solitary person … er … eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the er … with the er Covid, excuse me, with erm, dealing with everything we have to do with … er, look … er, if … we finally beat Medicare.
I can't believe Joe Biden thinks he can stand again for another 4 years if he gives answers like that lol
I don't think he has much say in the matter
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turns out my cousin is a crackhead lads
didnt even realise people sold crack in england
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Joe Biden, wake up...
*bends over and does a rapturous fart in your face*
>B-b-but le orange man!
what does the bbc abreviaton abreviate?
Old pirates yes they rob I
Sold me down to the merchant ships
>Posting this whore
Ruse yourself with a noose
British Broadcasting Cock
Kill yourself cuckhold
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25 tomorrow
been posting on brit since I was 17
letting you all know now I've got absolutely nothing of worth to post
i'd make sweet love to her
Big fan of this webm
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About to crack open this page turner
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Kill yourself cuckhold
"he bought niggabutt token at 100k marketcap"
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Was Biden really that bad or am I in a chud bubble?
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nice mate. keep us posted on the contents
Chest day is the best day.
sociopaths and schizophrenic porn addicts posting porn and NSFW all day and pro trans shit
something's about to happen here. i can tell cause the female horse has her tail tied up
How can black men compete
i'm watching it now, he really is that bad.
Kill yourself cuckhold
new update has finally fixed flight sim
shall be having a few cheeky flights today and getting steaming
deep fried smegma
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ao ur dd ie or
Anyone else hate their mates
Such childish mongs. I’ve outgrown them.
Trump was genuinely almost as bad as Biden, and Biden at least had the excuse of having a cold.

Neither of these old cunts should be running for President but I would still vote for Biden if I were a Yank.
Why do western governments care so much about what happens in shitholes like Iran and Iraq, barely affects us at all really does it
loved my mates but I ghosted them when I was depressed lol
I'm not black
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Clicking the 4chan ad
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can’t imagine being a woman and not being turned on by this
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Geopolitics, control over the oil trade
It's even put a beheading in there, based AI
I ate her poo and drank her pee. That's what the marriage official.
somebody nearby has a peacock
I know because I can hear him in the evening
but I think he's lonely
this is how lil timmy copes, fantasising that pale tings are just as racist as him, but actually they're not and in reality she's smiling on her way to Clapton
Better than protesting for blackies desu
how does it retract that Goliath wilkins?
been to many therapists and they've never really helped me before, maybe i'll try again and this time be 100% honest with them about the deranged thoughts i have, probably land me in a padded cell for the rest of my days, but the way i'm living isn't sustainable
purple smoke started spewing out my bt home hub when i hovered over this
i like anime but vtubers are cringe
timmy bout to steal some bbc from the pale tings
all birds are so handsome
Half 9 in the morning and they’re already on bbc cuckposting. Right through to 9 at night. Sad bastards.
someone tell him that hair implant is a thing
too late now
LOL he want some of dat thug luv
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I don't think so bub.
too many jfs
It would be unbecoming. He should shave and beardmaxx though
you are deeply DEEEPLY mentally ill
saw an obese homeless negro defecating outside first time i was in america desu
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He gets off on the ridiculous posts and attention it gets him
Only option is to filter him but you can’t do that on mobile only desktop
white girl cooking make a brotha shit like crazy LOL
got 7 bottles of budweiser and 7 cans of kronenbourg in the fridge
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job centre toil later today
(Ablify) aripazolcillin
(Aripiprazole with the N (the >=O) in the beta lactase position)

And toothpaste with it on orange peels
aldi dad
A sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory
He needs methamphetamine
have a severely autistic lad in toil on some government spacker scheme
literally just gets to take breaks whenever he wants and chalks it up to overstimulation and muh ‘tism
think he’s faking it a bit desu
what’s the craic
Hasn't really improved my memory desu
>Iraqi Migrant man rapes and strangles to death 16 year old girl in front of her horrified mother as migrant boat sank off the coast of Italy.

>A boat filled with migrants headed to Italy began sinking and drowning dozens on board.

wonder what are bradders thinks to this
Joe Biden is NOT well meaning
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Get him in social housing now
bet he didn’t even know the boat was sinking and just fancied a cheeky rape
can you name 5 royal navy ships?
You aren't an old man
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he looks perfectly fine and nice the way he is
no he is not going to have a beard, that is a bad idea
so is shaving his head bald
it looks ugly and unbecoming as you said, and there certainly will not be a skinhead as the king of england
don't be so foolish
not severely autistic if he can hold a job severe autism is like Harvey price
Haha true I'm young yeah haha
Seen a lot of politics posts that belong on /pol/
Get Biden on Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training: How Old Is Your Brain? NOW.
would be better off sat at home on full PIP the lad

still, good for him to get out the house and get some fresh air in it. Also the company probably gets a nice bung from the government as part of some spacker initiative.
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pretty sure that didn't happen, just more timmy propaganda
how do you even rape someone while a ship is sinking
>government spacker scheme
wtf why have I not heard of this
Or :) whatever
just found my old covid certificate so i could fly overseas lel
Mate half his ancestors were bald with beards, it's trad
I don't even know what is a royal navy ship.
It's not your fault
need to look at Joe Biden's longterm diet and health routine so I can avoid it at all costs for the rest of my life
I do not want to be that deficient in neurological functionality and general energy by the time I'm only 81
Just wait until you hit 31 lad
mad how much pent up sexual frustration big harv must have
Mad how this all happened
dripping with british culture this post
should send round a woman to wank them all off like they do in Japan. Wonder how big big harvs first lubed up hand job coom would be.
Me? Cromwellian Calvinist Republican who shall be voting Reform
Mixing bleach, ammonia, mothballs is exothermic and could make mustard gas, also have to add one to the other specifically
And it will make chlorinated benzene
Obsessing over Yank politics has been a British pastime since 9/11 and you know it
A 90iq yank mutt tweeted something like 'coming from the country that invaded the whole world' in response to this and got 300k likes and all the skull emoji brigade in his replies
Interesting that Britain is hated by both high IQ right wingers in America and low IQ leftists
Seems a bit strange to use age as an argument in your election when the younger of the two candidates is 78 years old
Sorry, I’m still voting for Walt Disney!!!
shame you can’t reform your willy into a fanny
I wish I died from covid.
Some people still live it today
sleepy joe biden and the do-nothing democrats are finished!
Well, this is TERF Island!
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Trump doesn't have dementia
For me it's Darwinistic Atheist Industrialist Republicanism
Statues of Newton and Rhodes straddling Dover while the titan-factories of Britain's fiery belly rip open our manufacturing prowess and unleash profit, progress and pillars of smoke upon the Globe
Good post really
where are the 20 year old presidents?
Imagine just deciding one day that Complex number should be a thing and he should have something to represent the square root of -1. Absolute bizarre behaviour and just adds an unnecessary layer of complexity to mathematics for zero benefit
young white british girls consume exclusively black media
and your thoughts on the irish question?
Labourers for the pits
Reckon the Democrats should bring in Boris, he's a proven winner
WHERE is he??
Bought the missus a new hoover yesterday and she's over the moon at it. It really is that simple
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that isn't the only black thing they consume exclusively aha
lil timmy rationalising it by blaming the jews
get her a muffler next
gf hasn't done the hoovering once since we lived together
need Diego to weigh in on the debate from a devout catholic Incel perspective
I'm not Catholic
Ants are better than people
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Diego is a Christian Zionist
antnonce loves his ants
reckon katie gave him a cheeky handy to keep him at bay before he went to his group home
It does strike me as a bit odd that across thousands of threads and thousands of comments on Reddit you still cannot find a single post pointing out the fact that Biden's mind is mush.

The most you'll get is someone on 30 upvotes saying he "had an off night" or some other soft guff that skirts the issue.
Just discovered that Manchester United never won a single Brasileirão LMAO.
/brit/ conscripts getting theirs arms and legs blown off by glide bombs
the man's never drank a beer in his life

bottle isn't even open
What's the worst part of toil for you lads? Gotta be timesheets for me. Just such a bore having to work out which codes you can book your hours to and then having project managers nagging you for under booking or overbooking on your hours
coom la kill
but there is benefit

bukele is close
ever shag her up the arse?
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sucking a cicada
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the gf
Mandarins and toothpaste
35 fucking minutes I've just sat on the phone to the doctors just to never get through. Sick to bastard death of these lazy cunts pretending they're as busy now as they were during COVID like theyre office workers and using it as an excuse to dodge work, except their work is helping people not die instead of excel spreadsheets
I’m a NEET. A dosser. A waster. A bum. A loser. A layabout. And I love every single minute of it.
can't leave the house without being freshly showered me. can't just pop to the shops because i'd have to spend 30 minutes having a shower and getting ready first
The NHS is just completely on its arse. It was already fucked before Covid, now the pandemic and economic crisis just tipped it over the edge
They're planning to start rounding up and executing /brit/posters
Oh so you want to sell off the NHS to Americans and let old people die in the street, do you Rorke?
just saw a grim photo from kerry katona’s only fans with her legs spread wide and a thong going up her mangled up arsehole
maybe they just don't like you
First good thing to happen in my life
Cuz of all the pakis. Only cunts you see in a doctors office these are 90 year olds and brown women
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>The American Israel Public Affairs Committee alone spent nearly $15m on ads opposing Mr Bowman.
just had a tommy tank over minka
Piss, water, and toothpaste
And orange peels
Stop noticing things
Mad to think that this time next week we'll all be getting our first £2,500 monthly UBI stimmy cheques from daddy Kier.
So basically if you drink water you can drink your own piss mixed with toothpaste. Sounds about right
in spanish pedo means fart
shaved bald heads with beards is for gay men
that is a gay fetish and gay aesthetic
do you want a gay king?
Those are only for foreigners mate
should be only for citizens under a certain age
immigrants do most of the work while native whites chill on ubi, is this secretly based from starmer?
we roman maxxing
Why would you say that in this very particular moment?
i'd be waiting to see a doctor too, except all the british doctors have come over here and improved our health system

thank you british doctors and nurses
cooking update cooking update
I don't blame them to be fair. If I had an in demand degree or skills I'd make the move.
how old were you lads when you had your first wank?
Kek that's because you pay them stupid money. Girl I went to uni with is over there now and I think she's on 250K Australian dollaroos a year.
you ask this far too often you freak
my uncles a doctor and lived like a king over in australia for a year
Why only a year?
he died :(
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enjoy it while it lasts mark
Wasting the civil service's time with phony complaints is a criminal offence.
misso loves the satisfyer i bought her
I think they have an all round better quality of life there. Sunny, lots of space. Yeah they have Christmas in July or whatever but who cares?

I'm sorry to hear that lad.
Haha get in de lids
Sanctions de lidddds
Bailiffs at the door de lidss
he didn’t die. i don’t know why he came back to be honest. he went with his pregnant wife (my auntie) and came back to the uk
think he only had a years contract or summit. who knows.
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was he supposed to do that?
Why did they let Biden go to the debate if he had a cold, don't they know how dangerous respiratory viruses are
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It is a service for third worlders, mainly
when do you think biden was last able to get his willy hard?
Just looked up the latest, pawned the go pro for betting money
Those two phones are going next week when he gets washed out on the horses
Last time his grandchildren came to visit
Every single UK doctor that moves to Australia is a non-london decently middle class tarq called Olivia who went to the best girl's school in Sheffield or some other mid-tier city or young homosexual men who qualify with great degrees
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what should i get for dinner lads
don't think you need a degree to pick fruit

as a fully qualified doctor?

shake your uncle's hand for me
vegemite toast
Got done last night after I went to bed
we don't need 'em anyway

we get first class medical care from Dr Obudongo from Nigeria with his degree from Abuja polytechnic
Zinger burger
One piece original
Two wings
Corn on the cob
pooooo hahahhahaha
not getting just the zinger burger box, will be getting the tender box too
Love it how your fingernails smell of garlic for days after you've cooked with the stuff
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you don't need a degree to do anything in australia (except the obvious stuff like being a doctor or lawyer)
Thinking about when Biden said the unvaccinated were facing a winter of illness and death for themselves and their families
what is the name of this film?
Donkey's sex.
immature answer
Finna done with this cracka ass bitch
love how potent my taint grease gets when I’ve been getting a sweat on in this heat
feel like shit ordered a chinese last night then vomited it all up before bed
corr gizza sniff
You made me immature, mom.
Amazing how prettier white women are to the negroes.
I have a UK driver's licence. Could I get a job in Aus driving some sort of vehicle?
That's just a picture with a beautiful and a ugly woman. Nothing to do with skin color.
yes, you'll have to mentally switch to km/h instead of that miles bullshit though
Morning de lids

Just been to the beach for a swim after my brekkie, making the most of it as it’s gonna be pissing down tomorrow :/
why do i look down on people i see working in fast food restaurants cleaning tables n that even thougu i'm a 31 year old neet on benefits
watching an angel wicky cuckold scene and she finishes the black bull by having him spaff over her wedding ring while the husband watches
ordered the kfc lads
Honestly can't tell you how dull people who care about the Channel 4 Reform racism expose actually are
If it helps, I look down on you both
Get a job, and if your job is something a teenager can and does do, get a trade
benefits is almost always better than working a dead end mininum wage job
way to my romanian barber to get a haircut and to slag off turkish barbers and blacks
Don’t reply to it.
was a fair here about moving to the northern territory for work

was tempted to go but then looking into seemed a bit rural and desolate. kinda place i’d get bum raped by a kangaroo or a feral abo
being a NEET on benefits is based
>48 quid on scran
Well Jax, that is quite a load. I haven't shot a load like that since...1984!
You are a bad person.
my barbers ukrainian and his gf was randomly sat inside the shop in her bikini the other day, sexy little thing but bizarre behaviour truth be told
My Dad is Polish and is voting Reform
>Ah yes, if we find some racist statements by Reform candidates, Rorke will never vote for them!
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australia is a great opportunity for brits as it always has been ever since the colony was founded, get in quick before the chinks and indians ruin everything
20 dollars for a zinger burger meal is a fucking atrocity
handled cat poo then had a wank without washing my hands
bell's itchy
not least because the zinger burger is dire
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You are really sensitive whenever someone talks shit about blacks and/or monkeys. Varg was right.
go to one of those places a fit woman cuts my hair and gives you a scalp massage desu
love 'em
olivia and fondle my scrotum any day of the week (at the taxpayer's expense too)
varg is a white trash loser
Anyone who actually cares or is offended by it wasn't voting for them in the first place
It's so tiresome and stupid and repetitive and just shit quality gotcha journalism
Reform could be taken apart in so many ways and yet they always push the same button everyone is bored of
>We’re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to deal with. The covid. Excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with… what if we finally beat. Medicare.
this is dead wrong
he has a younger wife and many children
You're just mad he's got like 100 white children
Me? I'm an original recipe man. Always have been, always will be.
been eating a lot of rice recently
based, quints confirm
his wife's ugly and his children aren't attending school or receive medical care
he has a retarded wife and loads of children who are going to grow up retarded and feral.
>The United States Soccer Federation condemned the online racist abuse suffered by several of its players following a 2-1 defeat by Panama at the Copa America.
reddit sawker wondering how they can blame the vile english fans for this
Just checked the archive and mousey had a random 3hr meltdown over me between 4:30 and 7:30 lol

Wonder what set him off
all women are retarded
>receive medical
awww, little slave nog worshipping cuck boy
Don’t reply to it.
Bowling park, Bradford at 1pm on Thursday (yesterday according to twitter)
You are the one calling black people ugly for no reason.
At this stage he thinks you're every other post in the thread.
Look at all the scrounging jobless pakis not working
>spic thread and yank thread
>both early
oh dear, whichever shall i choose
>checking the archive for mentions of yourself
the good one
which is mine
Yes but you are a cuck hold

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