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What is it like being gay in your cunt? Do you feel accepted?
I wouldn't know
>Do you feel accepted?
Yes, I tend to avoid any pride or drag shit though
I’m selective about who I tell but I’ve never been made to feel bad about it
gays are worshipped in my country
Most Brazilians are indifferent.
This strikes fear and seething into the hearts of bisexuals
They "like guys" but not masc guys
Anon it’s AI
the only bi guy I know is a passive gymbro type
Me too. I only like twinks
I’m selective on who I tell and I avoid pride shit like the plague.
I’m gay and masc dudes do nothing for me, they’re not my type.
>I’m gay and masc dudes do nothing for me, they’re not my type.
I don't believe that.
You don’t understand attraction? Gays can be attracted to masculinity and femininity on males
Why? It’s like if a straight guy said he doesn’t like fat woman. I don’t mind sorta twunk, but I do not like masc guy at all.
It's just too strange. Fatness is one thing, but I don't understand how someone who's gay could be repulsed by guys like the one in OP's pic.
Gays also have preferences like straggots
I mean no offence when I ask these questions: Do you like being gay? Do you wish you were straight instead of gay? What are your opinions on gay culture? Is it easy or difficult to find a long term relationship as a gay man?
i'm bi and think he's attractive
How strongly are you attracted to men compared to women? Do you feel the same feelings when you look at attractive men as when you look at attractive women?
>do you like being gay
I'm indifferent to it.
>do you wish you were straight instead of gay
No. Dealing with modern women is a hellish task. They're unbearable.
>what are your opinions on gay culture?
I hate it. The state should in fact suppress most of it.
>is it easy or difficult to find a long term relationship as a gay man?
I'd say it's a bit more difficult than for straight people since the range of choice is small (2 to 3% of the population) and gays tend to be picky. But it's worth it.
>How strongly are you attracted to men compared to women?
i'm more attracted to men than women
there's an uncanny valley where tomboys, very feminine men and trannies fit in that i usually don't like.
>Do you feel the same feelings when you look at attractive men as when you look at attractive women?
pretty much, speaking only physically. i don't really have romantic attraction towards women
What body parts of men do you like?
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That's too personal.
I dont like tomboys or very feminine men, i like trannies though
All of them
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I hate pride parades because they generally make us look like freaks to normal people. Since I am bi I already deal with enough stigmas as it is. Even more controversial opinion of mine is I don't like the 'T' being attached to LGB issues since that has little to do with the others.
Horrible. Too many fat and old men here.
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Not enough cute guys :(
>Do you like being gay?
I used to hate it now I just accept it
>Do you wish you were straight instead of gay?
Indifferent, would make things easier but it is what it is
>What are your opinions on gay culture?
Depends, I think certain things like drag and pride are retarded. I think really flammer types are annoying, but I tend to like very ‘’stereotypical’’ gay guys
>Is it easy or difficult to find a long term relationship as a gay man?
It can be. I’m not the type to fuck or sleep around. I’ve only been in one relationship, but it was very rewarding and felt nice. There are a lot of guys that genuinely just want relationships
>Do you like being gay?
yeah its fine
>Do you wish you were straight instead of gay?
>What are your opinions on gay culture?
most gay people are fine but I dislike the pride stuff
>Is it easy or difficult to find a long term relationship as a gay man?
easy if you're in a big city. had a bf for 2 yrs so far and was quite easy to find
Im bisexual
Some people act weird about it but most dont care
Generally only religious freaks or coping chuds care at all, only the former has the balls to say anything about it
My family would honor kill me if they knew that I'm gay. I have to pretend to be straight by making comments about women's asses and tits: "wow she got a thicc ass", "I wouldn't mind FUCKING her" etc.
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not gay but transgirl.....
fly och lev tillsammans med mig
förutom om du är blatte
the bluff maker
You can always go to Brazil. Middle Eastern people are welcomed here
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Fuck you nigger
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That’s a chad that not only mogs but rapes you
>Do you like being gay
I usually don't think about it at all. I like that being gay allows me to avoid interacting with women whenever possible

>Do you wish you were straight
It would make life slightly easier for me, but no. I'm happy in my current relationship

>What are your opinions on gay culture?
I don't think there is a "gay culture". Pride parades and other LGBTBBQ+ events tend to attract virtue signalling leftists who treat being gay as a commodity or a value signal as well as degens who view it as a chance to be degenerate in public, so I avoid them

>Is it easy or difficult to find a long term relationship
That's difficult to quantify. An incel will be an incel regardless of sexuality, and hookup culture is toxic in every group of people. I think gay men tend to have better marital outcomes because both tend to be high earners
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ass garv
Kek in middle school I used to look at models on my instagram in front of my friends to throw them off my trail. I’d also deliberately spread rumors I had a crush on different girls so people would think I was straight.
That’s sad anon
Inte han men SNÄLLA kom till Allstars MMA-gym inne i stan så ska jag bokstavligen slå dig sönder och samman så att du aldrig kan breva i tråden igen. Vi kan lajvströmma det inför tråden om du vill. Jag kommer bryta vartenda ben i kroppen på dig. J/N? Jag är där måndagar, onsdagar, torsdagar och lördagar. Har bättre saker för mig på fredagar. Kom till Allstars om du vill gå några rundor mot mig. Jag kommer heema dig så hårt att du slutar vara en vidrig bögjävel. Erbjudandet kvarstår och vi kan lajvströmma det. Jag lider av nigger fatigue = negertrötthet, sett för många negers i media på sistone, man blir så less. Det finns inte ens särskilt många niggers där jag bor, det är bara via media man får dom upptryckta i fejset heeeeeela jäääävla tiden. Som sagt, inte i Minecraft utan i ringen. Snacka inte skit om du inte ens tränar MMA och inte ens vågar slåss mot mig. Jag har kört regelbundet i snart 4 år och skulle totalt stampa sönder dig
kek at the butthurt svens itt
marry a woman, jerk off to gay porn from time to time or take "buisness" trips and live the full on netflix double life experience
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får fatigue när jag tänker på att bögar finns
>Kek in middle school I used to look at models on my instagram
fuck zoomers are disgusting
I did that too. Through I heard girls whispering about my sexuality in the very last days at school.
så sant så sant skönt man växte upp innan internet
t. 31
One day my friend “hacked” into my phone and found my gay porn but thankfully he kept quiet about it. I told him it was my sister who was looking it up on my phone lmao.
din andedräkt är så frän och stark
I just replied to every faggot itt but I gave up because i really don't care, just don't touch me or any children
I will never ever understand people who store porn
We’re not priests though?
I just left the tab open on safari from fapping the night before so it was literally the first thing he saw when he opened it.
oh ok then
funny meme faggot but turns out rabbis and teachers prefer touching and raping children in vast numbers compared to the safe edgy priests
enjoy your parasites, faggot nigger
Go back to /pol/
brown hands typed this post
I hate children. I’d only touch (You) if you had a nice ass. Do you?
it’s one guy
matgeek fans be like
>Do you like being gay?
It's okay. Sometimes I wish I was asexual but I never wished I was straight
>What are your opinions on gay culture?
Don't care for it. If other gays are into It It's fine unless it's the really degenerate shit.
>Is it easy or difficult to find a long term relationship as a gay man
Very dificult and suicide tier if you live in a small town.
>They "like guys" but not masc guys
Only the /soc/ bisexuals like "guys" aka trannies with a dick or femboys. These are just failed straight guys that failed to get pussy irl
I'm really into men with bad breath.
satan ankle foamy
>Do you like being gay?
Well enough. I’m a bit depressive so sometimes I like to brood on the negative but it sure as hell beats being incel, which I almost certainly would otherwise be.
>Do you wish you were straight instead of gay?
Sometimes I can see the appeal in starting a family. But raising a kid and being shackled to one person for life seems like it’d quickly lose its appeal.
>What are your opinions on gay culture?
Shallow and pedophilic but it has some pluses I guess.
>Is it easy or difficult to find a long term relationship as a gay man?
I wouldn’t know, I’m volcel.
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i just want to smell cute boy farts..
If my bf wanted to smell my farts I’d murder him.
I just want a cute bf…
>but I tend to like very ‘’stereotypical’’ gay guys

I love them. They are probably one of the most fun human types you can be around. Flamingly gay guys are the bliss of any gathering or a party.
everyone big laughing the homoletterer
>lamingly gay guys are the bliss of any gathering or a party.
yep. every other setting they are annoying as fuck though
What a weird fucking seethe post. Did you get turned down by hot bi guys, you fucking pig?
bis are pedos
Gays whining that bis are pedos are the same as hags complaining that men don't want post-wall chicks.
how does it feel being gay and seeing all the coomer women shit men post on here?
I wish I had worked out when I was young, now it's too late.
I’m very lowkey, but my ex was very obviously gay when you looked at him. I don’t mean it in a flammer way where they speak like valley girls or have ‘’gay voice.’’ But I tend to like guys who are very comfortable with it, into fashion that kind of thing. I’m not really like that myself, but I like guys like that.
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I want to wrestle with him and I try to conquer his body and yellow monkenise him by dicka’s stabbing up machine gun mating press

I wanna destroy his white pride
All homosexuals are pedophiles who molest children into becoming degenerate scat fetishists like them
I dunno man, sounds like u want gaysex
>Plap plap plap plap
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Would you rape a brazilian twink? Asking for a friend
i could never be gay because men have the stupidest looking faces

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