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this shit is other wordly
When european civilization was at its peak
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How do you go from that to this
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this is a living sculptor
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Weirdest thing about this bust to me is that it's in Newfoundland for some inexplicable reason
>absolute shit
Yea I see
you have to go back
your entire country is tacky, adolf
I want to FUCK that statue!
It's genuinely impressive.
looks like ropes of cum
Except not in the slightest.
quintessentially german post
she got bukkaked
So you've never seen a porn before? Or you're just legally blind?
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>makes absolute reddit post
>you have to go back
this one looks like ass
do you think god let them into heaven for crafting >>199120949
? can faith make you so skilled? so strong?
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A totally different class and type of people running a cargo cult worshipping the people that tried to destroy the former, if you want the truth.
>this one looks like ass
you mean this one >>199122326
I see that in a mansion of a rich soulless chink
that's made by a chinese woman, I know the meme
This is technically impressive but that’s all it is. It’s not beautiful. For some reason, modern artists confuse beauty for a demonstration of technical ability, being novel, or politically faggy. It’s all an exercise in ego.
go back to your disney esque tier medival larp nazi marches
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Disinganno by Francesco Queirolo. made from a single piece of marble, it took the guy 7 years of his life
>that's made by a chinese woman, I know the meme
no wonder it sucks ass
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fucking look at this
Also, they lived in a world and a culture filled with natural beauty and man made beauty while we live in a sterile corpo run amok shit world where everything is ugly or polluted. Beautiful flowers grow out of good soil. Shitty flowers grow out of shitty soil. This culture started to commit suicide c. 18th-19th century and now the soil is trash. The world is a heap.
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I forgot who it was, but I remember that it was a young man who got shitty marmor to work with, because some oldfags wanted to see him fail. Instead of failing he still managed to create this masterpiece, even with the bad material he got.
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veiled christ
thats ancient greece and the renaissance
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You just finna KNOW that she at the very least blew the sculptor
is this a thinly veiled chud thread?
no its a sculpture thread
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this one is for the trap lovers
proper lad roight there
Yes. Western art, music, and architecture was the greatest to ever exist on this planet. You’d have to be blind, deaf, and dumb to not detect its superiority to all that’s ever existed. It’s surpassed only by the ancients and only in the art of sculpture.
its almost genuinely hot
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Is this the one damaged by the egyptian muslimoloid
they see me rolling, they hatin'
Now we're talkin.
I'm guessing you guys don't like modernist sculptures.
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kinda looks like a dwarf magnus carlsen
Incomprehensible to me
the next time humanity is able to achieve these feats its going to by programmed machining
artists were trained for decades since they were kids back then. thats what happens when you value your people and culture over banks and hollywood
This one is called The Owl.
is this a thinly veiled sneed thread?
go away
>When european civilization was at its peak
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This one is called The Column of the Infinite. It's huge. The first block is taller than the average man. It's pretty trippy if you stand at the base and look up.
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This one is called Seal.
stop posting your useless gypsy art nobody wants to see this shit
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direct links because they're too big to upload


rape makes the best art, who could've known
wtf i thought ye olde folks liked thicc chicks
>noooo don't leave, the water was a little cold haha
she is a curvy lady what else do you want
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>The term rape originates from the Latin rapere (supine stem raptum), "to snatch, to grab, to carry off".
maybe it's just the angle, but the proportions look weird. her neck and head are too big for her body
wmaf is beautiful
well that is definitely a shape
it's a thing
I think the main thing is that it lacks a lot of the gesture and meatiness old, good sculptures had
All the shapes in general are more confused and less elegant, if we compare it for example with the first two images in the thread
She's still a very skilled artist of course
looks like shitty anal beads lol
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totally not the anti-christ right here
But Paul McCarthy is American
We all love art, but who here also MAKES art?
I personally love to draw paint (trad and digital)
he cute
I'd post paintings and such aswel, but seems this thread is sculptures.
>can't post half the pics because they subjects are naked and it'd get me banned
I draw concept/illustration, but it's mostly commercial stuff
i have a crappy heart so my hands shake uncontrollably but i am a great admirer of art going to various museums is the only reason why i travel
Pyw anon, woud love to see it
That is good. Art is what makes us human and unites us as people. It's a repressentation of the creativity, soul and spirit embedded in us.
Sadly there is less love for the arts nowadays. A combination of multiple factors ofcourse. But still.
well said
>they subjects are naked and it'd get me banned
not even jannies would be this retarded
how do you even make this
there is a church in napoli where idk if its the madonna but a full body sculpture with a thin veil, all in marble. anyone know what im thinking of?
das rite
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Pic related?
This one?
I believe it's called the Church of A Maronn
yep thanks alot! probably the most beautiful sculpture ever created
Art can inspire, induce awe, tell a story or more
Sometimes all 3 at the same time
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start with block of marble
work of art

in accademia (with >>199125437) they have a few unfinished michelangelo sculptures, those are probably even cooler to see
this is what happens when northen europe tries to copy southern europe. bronze statues are easier though
democracy was a mistake
Civilization was a mistake
it killed cvltvre
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it looks out of place here but sure, here's some sketches I did for myself a while back
I stopped drawing basically for about 4 months now cause of muh depression though, so I'm massively out of shape drawing wise right now and have lost most of my drive to do anything.
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Nah man, looks great! I like it
Love the futuristic/high tech style
Mixed with some organic parts here and there?
Would watch/play it. Reminds me of half life and similair
Also the guy in the middle/lower reminds me of solid snake or raiden from mgs
trve and factval
Any of these sculptures would command respect and admiration even from the most foreign of foreigners, maybe even from an alien species.
Meanwhile modern culture is something so hideous that copes had to be invented like "beauty is subjective" and "you have to understand the context to appreciate it".
No human ever would say David was a bad, unimpressive work of art, but later upon discovering that Michaelangelo was famous and that David was a biblical king, then they'd change their mind and say they love it.
I get that there's some subjectivity and cultural context involved, but modern art is almost indistinguishable from children's drawing to the point that there are quizzes based on this:
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thanks, I practiced drawing mecha stuff lately since it was always a dream of mine since I was a kid.
though I usually humans/animals for work and I'm much more skilled in that regard
here's another mecha sketch, I'll stop since I don't want to flood the thread with this since it's off topic.
fuck the thread continue bro
Is this Chalepas?
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strazza. beautiful statue tough. for me seeing them made with veils it just sends my brain into overdrive i cant comperhen how the old masters did that
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many ancient greek statues were bronze, but not many have survived until modernity as they are easily melted down and the bronze reused. the romans made marble copies of many greek statues which are the only surviving examples of many of them

(pic is charioteer of delphi)
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When was the last time you saw a monument, a building or any art and it made you awe in it's magnificent beauty?

I don't.
*I don't remember
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sure, here's some more random stuff
I live in Florence so I'd say the Duomo
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In America, you rarely have beautiful monuments in cities. The few true monuments we have are natural. The Niagara Falls took my breath away when I first saw it.
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i live in visby so every time i go to work i pass the old walls. but other then that i agree
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Well, i work in the center of Athens so there's the acropolis but this school mural actually made me rethink my life.

It translates to: "Don't quit your favourite activities".
Okay so did you follow what the mural said?
To the best of my abilities.
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afaik they made them small so they wouldnt draw attention to the statue
Lol that may or may not be true, but nobody dares say it due to a risk of looking like a guy with a small penis coping.

I guess this guy made the ultimate sacrifice (or really has a small penis and is coping).
I mean if you're making a statue, I would want people to focus and like the statue in its entirety. If there was a big dick people would just call it "that big dick statue"
i am proud of my small pecker thank you very much
Just beautiful
It's very beautiful and more things should be made but at the time we were slaves with no rights.
>bust from the 1850s
>we were slaves with no rights
Historylets be like
You learn about hyperbole at a young age.
This was a cope.
A classist cope on top of that.
> otherworldly
> found on Earth
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evangelicals don't understand art
Democracy hasn’t helped but I think technology, money, and the decline of the aristocracy is more responsible to killing culture. Instead of making great sculpture now we dedicate our time to making iPhones and “content”.
You’re pretty good. Interesting style. I see Eva and MGS influences.
The National Cathedral in Washington, until they covered it in pride flags.

Washington is architecturally impressive at least. So are Chicago, New York, and a bit of Philadelphia.
You gonna get a hard time with that
Is that supposed to be senusal? I have the same ass cheeks
Yes it is a pretty statue. And?
These aren't actually true though. Far-rightists tend to be out of shape, illiterate incels. They think women owe them sex, so women avoid them. They're Very Online, and avoid the outdoors. They shit themselves over most culture since it's degenerate and hate their nations populated by sheeple. If they avoid drinking, it's because they have nobody to drink with. They definitely don't avoid porn, since nobody is fucking them.
>ancient greece
not even close you retarded plebbitor.
Industrial revolution and 20th century was western peak.
Damn bro. He was wrong when he said Greece but you said something even dumber. Anyone who actually reads a lot or gets deep into art and music can see that European culture clearly peaked c. 1500-1800. Now if you want to argue a civilization is more than culture then you might have a point but you probably didn’t mean to argue that. The Industrial Revolution was basically a disaster. It’s when European civilization started dismantling itself all for the pursuit of impressive technical feats and money.
You are clearly the only one who is chronically online because you have a fucking internet meme caricature in your head.
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cant really argue it wasnt the peak of absolute power THOUGH
no industrial revolution was the time when europeans not only created wonderful art in multiple fields:
Painting (Symbolism, realism, romantism, even neo-classical)
architecture (neo-gothic and even neo-classical which I detest.)
Literature (romantic movement, realism of french and russians)
music (again romantic fucking wagner, classical),
but also created a foundation of modern science
germ theory, thermodynamics, vaccines, non-eucledean geometry and so on and on.
they also crated steam engines, cars, telephone, etc.
20 century was completely different game, absolute titanic technological progress, people walking on moon and microchips, transistors that enabled entire technological proliferation unseen in all other centuries combined.
Even art had revolution, because during 20th century new field in art unheard since antiquity developed such as movies.
You could never make that in a million lifetimes so the best you can do is act unimpressed.
You just know all the chuds calling it shit saw the meme.
The people who know you wish they were blind and deaf to not deal with you.
Arguably, right now is the peak. Every country in the world is totally westernized. Arabs wear blue jeans and Japanese eat KFC and put their kids in classical music lessons.
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The meme of rightoids being freaks and losers with nothing going for them predates the arrival of the internet.
You'll never shake the image, since it's rooted in reality.
you have to go back to the sewer where you belong: /pol/
>chuds: it’s…everything!
>wastes superb technical ability on cynical, pretentious work of anti-beauty
I do not care, I will not remember this, I wish vague misfortune on this sculptor at the time of viewing his work and I will proceed to never think about him again.
This is your "legacy" when you succumb to modern brainworms: nothing.
>I am contrarian
few will remember because everybody are to busy to worship old masters just because is what drone school taught you like a good bourgeois
>saying nice things are nice = contrarian
I would worship that sculptor too if he hadn't tried to be a heckin subversive badass and made something as ugly as possible
as it is I won't even look up his name
>double space after period
what a tryhard
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My local city hall is somehow one of the best examples of art deco architecture in the world.
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Even the interior is cool throughout.
imma burnp this shit
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Do you like nordic statues?
back when greco-shitalians were on their peak and not a bunch of semi-levantine money laundering retards
how the fuck does one even do that
too flat
>Never colonized

People don’t appreciate skilled trades and crafts, which is sad. Everything from someone who makes suits, to statues, to perfect fruit, to carpentry, good skilled handiwork is amazing to behold.
great stuff desu, wish the modern international style took more inspiration from art deco
Or third option, you purposefully raise an uncomfortable topic and boldly and impartially talk about it, fully understanding what assumptions about you this may cause and thus signaling that for you it's not a problem because you don't care to talk about it.
It would be more impressive if it were multiple pieces of marble. Apparently none of you ever made soap chains as a kid.
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There is two kinds of culture.
>other worldly
indeed. her joy of getting creampied all over her fhead & body must have given her out of the world experience
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That's the bit I don't get. Just don't make a naked statue then.
It is really amazing but she is so ugly.
cool, it has med vibes
yes i no longer have psoriasis due to this mural
Since they had no porn back then they had to spend months making that shit for a fap
they had porn vases
Looks like Donald Trump
>The Resurrection (La Resurrezione) is a bronze and brass sculpture by Pericle Fazzini in the Paul VI Audience Hall in Rome. Intended to capture the anguish of 20th century mankind living under the threat of nuclear war, La Resurrezione depicts Jesus rising from a nuclear crater in the Garden of Gethsemane. Fazzini summarized the action of the statue as "Christ rises from this crater torn open by a nuclear bomb; an atrocious explosion, a vortex of violence and energy."
I guess you kekgelicals find equally anti-christlike the representations of Christ's Passion and crucifixion, Him moribund covered in cuts, bruises and suffering greatly to atone for the sins of everyone.
looks mesoamerican inspired but it's pretty cool
yank art-deco is definitely underrated
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>Yes it is a pretty statue. And?
Why would they cover that up
i would like to think it was some cope to preserve it (i.e cannot install lights into the original ceiling), but they probably just did it because it somehow saved them money
Newfies are tasteful
Simple as
Looks like wfaf to me
Is this Il Duce?
Got dayumm lookat dat ass
When I went to the national Museum of Catalonian art 3 weeks ago, saw some cool paintings.
>Moving goods on rivers in the UK is the pinnacle of human culture
hilarious take, but you have no idea what youre talking about. Culture died about 200 years before that, there wasnt a single school on the planet capable of harnessing genius during the industrial revolution. Ancient greece is the peak, no one non-retarded disagrees. The renaissance didnt even come close, I only included it as a distant second, its essentially a "nice try".
>Ancient greece is the peak
how? roman cities were more advanced, especially colonias which were well planned, while greek cities were more rural-ish with just a few outstanding buildings and temples.greeks failed at urbanism tbqh
>life affirming, honest expression of physical and spiritual beauty, a body in full splendour and pride
>ugly, old and wrinkly, weak and impotent, self-doubting display of meekness and timidity, aware that it is long past its prime
nigga just compare them.
Not even joking, the post-modern aversion towards physical beauty is a clear sign of societal decay.
just because of the unmatched cultural output. greatness is measured in works produced and all roman periods were anti-culture
>Rome was anti-culture
What is architecture?
Anyway ancient Greece got ruined by s*cratic "philosophy". The pre-socratics were all far wiser. A single poem by Parmenides mogs everything pl*to wrote.
And the actual peak of civilization was the middle to late bronze age but niggas aren't ready for that.
that's fucking awesome.
Genocide would unironically be justified in order to maintain the authentic continuation of pre-liberal European culture.
Please tell me the mayor's office is at the top of the building, he must feel like the king of the town.

This is still made nowadays, chuds. And at the same spot classic artists used to work
The main value of the art posted ITT is how old they are and their pioneering nature

bong bros is london full of these museums and sculptors?
not really. there is enough of them to cause eternal seethe from half the world, but for statues italy has 100x more
there is an egyptian obilisk 3500 years old in london... and rome has 13
hello madam show breasts please
thanks anon.anything else I should look at while in london for a few weeks?
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art repeats itself
im not a londoner, everything is overpriced as fuck there and most of what you have to pay for isn't really worth it imo but there is a lot of good free shit
get up a list of all the free museums and pick the ones you want, they're basically all the best ones as they're state owned/ public
you can get a nice view of london from greenwich park
you can go up sky garden for a nice view but it can be a pain in the arse to get a ticket in advance but you can just go there without a ticket and they'll let you in if its not too busy or after a short wait (few mins)
That rope is all marble?
everything is
>This is the best sculpture my country has to offer
Literally African tribe-tier
the black man marches on
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At least the Africans tried.
>we need to go back to religious brainwashing and serfdom because some dude made a statue
fuck off. pretty things have a psychological benefit but rightly we’ve realised wasting resources that could be used on hospitals and social programs on statues isn’t a good priority order. these medieval retards would rather spend 200 years building a cathedral than making sure people were fed, same for whatever roman or baroque slop you’re posting. you live in a comfortable and happier world because we value utility more than aesthetics. go back christcucks
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Hey retard communist, it isn't 1850 anymore.
The poors are the fattest and most overfed around. If anything they could use some starving out to slim them down.
>people are well fed and wealthy
kill yourself you morbid cunt
Drop the meme that people are starving in the streets when you do your bullshit, "we gotta give away all our money to the poors" act.
Your godless Protestantism is pathetic. Can't even be an atheist right because you're so culturally Christian. A world view locked to the 1800s, that you never even experienced.
pure schizo posting as expecting from a religious drone. we can feed people and house them because we aren’t spending billions on statues of a jew and his mother. continue crying and living in the past
My country is certainly worse sculpture wise, weve convinced ourselves that corrugated iron is somehow classy now
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I can generate better stuff in 5 seconds with AI.
If we're already feeding those people, then stop with the constant drone of how the masses are starving in the streets.
Congrats, you won. The poors are obese. Now shut up forever.
what a retarded greco faggot larp.
>>Moving goods on rivers in the UK is the pinnacle of human culture
this surface level understanding of industrial revolution is clear sign how much of a retarded faggot you are mongrel larper.
>there wasnt a single school on the planet capable of harnessing genius during the industrial revolution
what does that mean retard?
nice word salad. considering a fact that they created trains and steam engine already proves their intellectual sophistication.
imagine comparing world defining invantions to sheepfuckers doing sophistry.
>Ancient greece is the peak
it's not even top 10 civilizations moron.
>renaissance didnt even come close
they not only came close but surpassed it further.
Linear perspective was developed in renaissance. no ancient sculptor even comes close to michelangelo, no ancient painter touches raphael.
>I only included it as a distant second, its essentially a "nice try".
retardation like yours should be capital punishment like a troon you are.
another meaningless buzzword.
you can't even define what that is retarded drooler.
commie atheistcuck death was the best thing to happen in 20th century.
>>199122611 >>199125605

all from the kingdom of the 2 sicilies
I thought AI improved on human/organic stuff, but there's still a lot of nightmare scifi shit here.
we can do both. it's not a zero sum game.
Abolishing slavery was a mistake

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