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catbox edish
why so early
First for Saint Bede the Venerable
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saw a demon (real) in a night terror once.
It looked like pic related if it was drawn my Picasso.
very very scary indeed.
Perhaps not all demons are evil, but that one definitely was.
love cats. shame there's so many allergens associated with them
The Asian Fanny.
What's in the steam summer sale bag

I see SimCity3000 for $2.50
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We're all in the photo lads waheey
I can't be the only person whose seen demons
I know they're not that uncommon
Don't like people tell you that they were just "hallucinations" or "dreams" or "sleep paralysis" - you saw a real demon for real
Why's the thread so dead?
On google maps street view it appears London is plenty white and looks much cleaner than lots of European cities, chudbros did they lie to us?
is France really the best country in the world?
Where's Diego?
Where's Mousey?
Where's Mikey?
Where's The Femcel?
Where's Emmett?
Where's Ulster?
Where's Jeffery?
Where's Al?
Where's Thailad?
whites commute in from home counties for work
Haha look at him

Stupid cunt is sitting in a box
gay sex is evil and summons demons btw
think about THAT next time you want to shag a cute tranny/femboy
A woman does not want the truth; what is truth to women? From the beginning, nothing has been more alien, repugnant, and hostile to woman than the truth - her great art is the lie, her highest concern is mere appearance and beauty.
love women
the female soul is beautiful, that is why they're working so hard to corrupt it, but it isn't working.
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Is it true Scottish people don't like being called british
this is an actual question not an attempt at banter or anything
London does have many people who aren't white, but to be honest, who cares. I think a person's behaviour and character is important, not their ethnicity.
ctrl + h

find: he
replace with: bro

find: lol
replace with: [laugh emoji]

and now i become zoomer
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your character is determined, at least in part, by your ethnicity. it's all genetics. it's nature AND nurture, not just nurture.
Only Unionists do
love munching on my bf's dingleberries
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being a 24 - 26 year old elder zoomer is probably the best generational cohort to be born into desu
blessed in some real ways
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Found the Shaman village in Elden ring and feeling sad now lads. Think thats enough for tonight.

And that was after the high from dying to Commander Giaus while he was 1 shot away from death, and my skeleton summon scores the last kill so I got the kill anyway
>video games
Grow up
the beauty of elden ring never stopped taking me by surprise
been off the booze for a month but seasideMARK makes drinking seem so fun so am steaming like a rocket de lads
Agreed, but I hear London is 30%-40% white but rural UK is free of diversity in the countryside, when being a street view autist I see the opposite. Plenty of wogs in random towns even in Wales or NI but London appears majority white. Seems that immigrants are more distributed than in France or Germany
seasidemark is my personal nightmare
he is everything I don't want to be
I haven't been drunk in years
fromsoftware are resposnsible for the greatest works of art of the 21st century
fix your heart or die
There's nothing childish about slaying a dragon with a mighty battle axe
He is my hero and role model. I think he has influenced me in becoming much more easy going and relaxed.
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only browns call themselves british
London is 50% white, 30% native British
In Europe we don't really do the whole "white" thing, we prefer identifying with our ethnic group.
I am an ethnic Englishman, not really white. I am white, obviously, it's just not my identity. English is my identity. What I'm saying is that London is 50% white, but that doesn't matter what half of those white people are foreign (non-British ethnic groups).
We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.
used to finish my IT work in school within the first 10 minutes and then type in epic fail into google images and chuckle at them for the rest of the lesson
i admit it took me a bit to wean off video games on becoming an adult. i was still playing them when 18,19 and even slightly when 20. but once i got to 21 i'd broken free and truly became an adult
thank you for your answers
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now you sit on 4chan all day :)
Me? I'm a shagger
absolutely this
we really need to gatekeep native British ethnic groups btw
they've already corrupted the Welsh ethnic identity with leftist bullshit by claiming that black people can be Welsh (they can't).
what about someone who is half black and half welsh
love the way that non-whites are explicitly excluded from selecting English/Scottish as their ethnic identity on the demographics census
it must make brownoids absolutely SEETHE
simpleflips lost the weight
is anyone drinking? i'm steaming playing poker still in:
>$55 bounty
>$22 bounty
>$109 tourney
finished it last night. very good dlc
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London is apparently 54% white, but only 37% white British (the other whites are from Europe mostly).


>In Europe we don't really do the whole "white" thing
That's obviously not true, the UK Census uses "white" as an ethnic classification. And it's extremely common to hear people refer to white people as white in general conversation.

Even Eric Clapton told an audience to "keep Britain white" in the 1970s:

then they're nothing. they're neither. they're accepted by no one and belong nowhere.
What's an interesting subject to autistically study?
yanks have infected us with their race bollocks
British history
White is a racial classification, not an ethnic classification. And the only people who select "white" on the census are foreigners. Native British people select English/Scottish/Welsh/Irish.
reddit sometimes has great posts
i tried to use the share link but it just took it back to the main thread which was full of the usual rubbish quality posts, so no good post for you

good luck mate
Going to be honest lads. White people deserve to go extinct for what we've done. The holocaust, imperialism, climate change, slavery etc. etc.
Mass immigration is justice. Might as well just accept it.
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How toxoplasmosis causes yellow fever
>no runescape or habbo
Pretty sure reincarnation is real based on the work of professor Ian Stevenson and his team of researchers from the university of Virginia. It's all but conclusive proof that something is going on there. And then you have the widespread convergent beliefs of people all over the world. Notably the Tibetans, who have spent as much time and effort into exploring the spiritual side of life as the west has the material side.

But what to do about it? Is stopping the cycle of rebirth what we're supposed to do? If so, how? Why are we even here in the first place? And why has this knowledge been replaced by Abrahamic style religion?

Are we prisoners here? Why?
listening to korn
ok what if they're half welsh and half english or scottish?
normalise pissing on women
Yeah but none of that was yours, it was ours
ah yes the arab spring is a core part of my childhood memories
>Arahamic religion is.... LE BAD
I'm begging you, stop perpetuating boomer cringe.
holy reddit
Western Esotercism.
Look into hermeticism and alchemy to start with. Very interesting stuff. Alchemy is not what you think it is. It's very cool, interesting stuff and there's a lot of truth to be found in it.
leftists HATE this
The Beatles during sex:
Here comes the cum, do do do do
will this help me get my magic levels up so i can cast ice barrage
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>White is a racial classification, not an ethnic classification
It's an ethnic classification, pic related

>Native British people select English/Scottish/Welsh/Irish
Those terms are under the white group, pic related
is this the baby shark song?
been an autistic /pol/brain freak for so many years that it's actually nauseating to me when people talk about race now
hello zoomer
I don't see a "white" ethnicity option
>Alchemy is not what you think it is. It's very cool, interesting stuff and there's a lot of truth to be found in it.
rorke casting high alchemy on a leaf

leftypol watching in complete amazement
It can be bad. If it divertts understanding away from the truth then that's not good. Not for the ones misled, anyway.
what are the native british ethnic groups
No, it's all nonsense and you study it because there are no standards of how to test it's veracity. You'd honestly do better to just study science, but that isn't epic and comic book enough for you is it?
own that fraud
unironically, yes. I don't know about ice barrage specifically but you'll definitley be able to learn some magic spells. In fact, look into it. There's plenty of real actual spell tomes and grimoires that contain actual magic spells.
English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, also Manx and Cornish but they're not important.
why were you watching icarly at the age of 15?
off to bed
got fresh sheets :3
now imagining them singing this while wanking each other off in the hotel room and chortling
(and getting hard)
you're missing the point
the point is to obtain truth.
for example, with the divine hermaphrodite it's the combination of opposites - male and female. There's truth in that. Male and female are opposite, but unified in divinity.
Now you see
Male Vs Female
Human Vs Animal
Day Vs Night
Light Vs Dark
Good Vs Evil
Left Vs Right
schizoposting is back on the menu boys
It was on in the background while I shagged the highschool gf, that and SpongeBob, she loved Nickelodeon
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thoughts on the last boss? i loved the dlc but he was so hard it felt unfair
Any of you lads ever succumbed to groupthink?
I'll wait to see what other people answer but I give my answer
No I always have a different opinion from everyone else.
No I always have a different opinion from everyone else.
*crucios you*
unnecessary post
Giant round spherical balls
Sugababes sounding like absolute shit
Might make a frenzied flame build. Never used it much but it looks fun.
look at your hands and tell me that you don't see God
you're crazy if you can't see him. imagine reality is like a picture book. God is visible in the 2.5D part of reality, you can see him all the time. Well, you can't see him directly but you can see evidence, you can see the curtain. He's behind it.
Just at least try to see it is all I'm asking
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keep getting the saturdays recommended. forgot they existed
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>she loved Nickelodeon
If God isn't real and science has all the answers then why is the universe made up of opposites?
what does science say about that? why does nothing and infinity exist simultaneously?
mental this. i saw an angel when i was looking into the mirror this morning
but nothing doesn't exist
also don't get the question
Have these cowards opened up a new front across the Lebanon boarder yet
Can barely bare to see the bad guys (Israel and US) win again
We were 15 so... technically yeah I guess
>Athlete and LGBT broadcaster Dame Kelly Holmes asks Farage, "If someone in your family grew up [LGBT] how would you respond to that?"

>Farage suggests he has LGBT relatives in his family.

>"I judge them as human beings."
sorry rorke, Farage's daughter is a lesbian
what did it look like?
how did you know it was an angel?
do you know which angel it was specifically?
I've only ever saw demons. Reckon it's because I've left myself wide open to demonic attack.

the universe seems to have been designed in some fashion, it's too perfectly balanced for it to be an accident.
Perfect balance in every aspect.
same. That's why I was asking, I'm curious what kind of idiots just follow the crowd
yeah just ordered some kratom
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Any discords where I can groom little anglo kids?
i was joking but i've seen a silhouette of a woman inside my room when i was a kid but that's it
kids are sexy? huh. I've never considered that as an option before. truly eye opening to a lot of new possibilities.
Maybe there's an infinite (or huge) number of different universes, and naturally the one(s) with life are those where the different forces exist in harmony to allow life.
farage has defo shagged a femboy twink every so often
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You need to get ahead of the game, lad
got him to one hit several times but he fucked me good over 30x before i got him, used the npc summons and mimic tear, had to respec to have 99 vigor when i only 60 initially and that small bit made a difference in the end i think lol. was playing on ng+9. tough but fair imo
God is an extra-terrestrial by definition.
>is alive
>doesn't originate from earth
either way, it's hard to argue against the divinity of this shit. it's obvious there's some deeper shit going on, we just can't see behind the curtain.

ah fair enough. disappointed desu, I wanted to hear about an angel.
This "woman" you saw - did she instill fear when you looked at her or was she neutral?
I've noticed that shadow people are very neutral. I believe in Islamic tradition "shadow people" are consisted a type of demon but they're not really evil and they only have the intelligence of an animal.
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hate catsteins
It's so thoroughly, devastatingly awful
The one gender you are meant to be attracted to, are completely incapable of even beginning to think for themselves
stop saying gender it's woke
british national pride = bnp
i should be driving lorry
women have beautiful souls. they're not supposed to be cerebral. Intelligence is a masculine trait. Women are just supposed to be compassionate and caring and empathic. I want a gf who'll comfort me, not discuss quantum physics with me.
Been replaying Oblivion and my consensus is that it's shit
thanks for reading my blog
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You need to mod it.
Get Maskars Overhaul + Maskars XP mod
It makes oblivion what it should have all all along. No bullshit enemy scaling + actual reasons to do dungeons.
That weapon mod that adds dozens (or hundreds?) of new weapons is kind of a must have too, just for variety purposes.
>did she instill fear when you looked at her
i was a kid of course i was scared
are nige refers to it as 'rutting' and is a firm believer that sometimes all men have to roll around in the proverbial mud
probably was a shadow person then rather than a full on demon. You'd know if it was a demon. The fear they instill is EXTREME.
just did the dishes
How would you know
good lad
divination via random numbers on an OS that's the Third Temple of Solomon is the coolest shit ever
I sometimes break into people houses and do their housework for them
with your fingerless gloves on your dirty hobo hands
ive tried to speak about this once or twice but it still freaks me out
i was about 10 and playing gta IV, i was a luddite even then so i was using a CRT. I went into a safehouse and the loading screen came up which was just a blank screen which was fully reflective thanks to the CRT. behind me i saw this figure looming over me, it looked like my dad, but a really pale, emaciated version with massive dark, wide open eyes and a kind of dead man's expression staring right at the screen but almost staring at my face via the tv reflection. It was stood right over me but kinda hunched over bent down.
I've never felt that same fear in my life, i ran downstairs and my parents were just relaxing in the living room
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i no longer believe in this stuff anymore but a few months ago i had a nightmare about a ghost haunting me and waiting outside my door. i woke up at 2am scared to go to the toilet since it's outside my room lol
based faerie
we need to bring back belief in faerie folk. British culture just isn't the same without it. We're really lacking a part of our national soul.
im just repeating what he said to me as he was wiping down the rear seats of his Jaguar XJ
REALLY hoping i get redundancy from my job, could do with some time just neeting about
might try to get a job
fucking terrifying. I believe you and I know that fear. Definitley a demon.
There's a demon encyclopedia with illustrations. You should look through it and see if you can identify which demon it was. One of the demons I've encountered is in this book (Choronzon) and the illustration was very accurate.
You're gonna really freak the fuck out when you see the demon you described in here.

The fucked up thing is, I can't help you. I don't know what these demons are and I don't know what they want. Maybe they just feed on fear. Who knows? I feel you though. That fear is something else innit.
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there is an escape from the fear
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Only 5 more days left of Rishi Sunak


We’ve all lived as ghosts in this country for the last 18 months.
Any normal population would have rioted the moment the conservatards installed him. But in typical British fashion, we kept calm, and carried on.

Vote Labour!
any other completely jaded man in
doesn't matter who wins the election anywhere nothing will change
I've always been too afraid to invoke the name of Christ, like it just completely slips my mind to do it, so i don't know if it works. It's also why they visit you during sleep paralysis - they know you can't speak so you're an easy target.
I respect Communists that adapt to the times, not ones that regurgitate century old slogans from the Russian Revolution
lake district looks lovely
I'm the complete opposite.
I prefer old school Marxists over these new gay race communism cultural Marxists
Voting SDP (Reform aren't standing in my constituency)
Nigel Farage is the only British politician i am no embarassed by.
*scares you*
>Vote Labour!
>We’ve all lived as ghosts in this country for the last 18 months.
And what will that be? Another 48 months living as ghosts?
thanks mate, I will take a look at that book tomorrow (sleepy time soon and im too afraid to do it right now haha)
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>Voting SDP
good night, lad
I'll do a lil prayer for you so a demon doesn't attack you tonight
I'm going to bed now as well anyway, mum's picking me up at 10 and she's gonna FREAK if oversleep haha (i'm actually afraid of her)
Nice to see Paul Heaton and Norman Cook on stage together again
how does this freak have the confidence to run at all
he even had in his bio how he went to the pub
british culture must hit really different if people like that are there
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Would you /brit/? For the prestige?
Not her but there are some other peng north koreans
only if she's dominant and really mean to me
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shes all skin and bones. i wouldnt mind a gobby from jong-un tho, dat chubby brain can be lit
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I WILL move to NYC and get a heeb gf
White people but scribble writing. It just ain't right. White people write with runes, Latin and Greek scripts ONLY.
>Yes, it's me, the @SDPhq candidate for Kettering Constituency! Villager at heart, historian by hobby, pub man by night. And remember- Vote Merf! For the future!
kek fucking hell
you just know he's one of those mongs that goes to the local wetherspoons at night by himself to have a bowl of chips and stare at the few girls there
prove any of this
Okay Schlomo, yes, we'll fuck your women for you.
I would absolutely love to visit England but it seems so expensive
i just know it to be true. it all just clicks. that's that divinity for you, it's the truth so of course it's the natural conclusion.
about to have whiteboysex
No, it's just subpoetic nonsense that you throw around willy nilly. You don't actually know what you're saying.
The original practitioners of the priscia theologia had arguments, they studied seriously and actually engaged with canonical texts. You're just enamoured with pretty images and concepts.
Video game brained.
Where the posters at?
Did everyone but me go out tonight or summit
you're not gifted, you can't see it.
might buy a car
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>trying to be scientific about magic
it's one or the other, you can't try to apply scientific methods and objectivity to shit that's subjective as fuck
I don't know what God look like for you, I only know what he looks like to me.
I'm not being poetic. I'm being 100% literal.
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i lived in NYC for 2 years and i never obtained a kike gf
>Farage's daughter is a lesbian
And the current day queer movement says that lesbians who won't sleep with trannies are bigots.
They don't judge people as individual human beings but by their compliance to the latest dogma
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sorry pablo but im built different
4chan has made me hate women and anime and everything
i hope you can afFORD it haha
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saw this fella on my way home from work earlier
Rhiannon is a citizen of Prifddinas. She can be found at the entrance to Zalcano's prison, where she offers information and advice about the demon. Players can speak to her to toggle between receiving resource and experience rewards. Toggling to experience rewards still rolls the unique and pet drop tables.
In a previous world these wenches would amount to nothing more than chambermaids
but does she ring like a bell through the night?
Currently listening to Moss Icon

Thoughts on the lasses on lads shoulders at Glastonbury?
having my coffee and weetabix
being a twink i would have to be the one on the shoulders
oh my christ
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>being a twink i would have to be the one on the shoulders
serves him right for supporting non-white businesses
seems ripe for a small claims court lawsuit
is that holly
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>implying men don't do the same thing
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Yeah I’m married and I do this all the time

Constantly remembering the mail room girl I was fucking before I got married and remembering how much better the sex was
only for #1
catberg keeps scratching at the foot of the front door for no reason
teenage leftypol watching v for vendetta and imagining himself as v
teenage rorke imagining himself as creedy
Kick it
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Mmmmm yes sir there's a snack for your belly and your soul
done this before with a mcdelivery haha x
neighbours never knocked thank god
Animals don't do things for "no reason", you're just too lazy to figure out why
The good thing about not having had that much sex is that gfstein is the best and it's not even close
i asked him why but he's not the chattiest cat
My current girl isn't the best sex I've ever had, but she's the best person so that makes up for it
evil person
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got engaged today lads

would invite youse to the wedding but don't think you could afford the airfare aha
irish blood english heart innit
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Bedsheets reek of spunk
"DJ!" they all reply in unison
Hate Jews so much it's unreal
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Well done lad, so which of these green states do you live in?
For me it is always and forever Texas
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everyfing dies in the end
aside from Vermont and Hawaii the green states are grim as shit
What's wrong with Texas
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Was she not worried about being filmed
story time
>crossing the border in the virginias makes it either legal or a felony
bizarre stuff
She's hard as nails desu, reckon she'll outlive me
Just finished my bottle of Coke with peanuts in it. Pretty mid, wouldn't recommend unless there's absolutely no other option to avoid dirtying your hands
>Whoa dude, states have different laws?!?
why would you put peanuts in your coke?
It is a century-old southern US snack
might move to Nevada
godawful """""cowboy""""" culture even though most of its adherents are Midwestern transplants, muggy hot weather year round except west TX which is deserty and kinda nice but no one lives there aside from methhead oil rig workers, insanely high property taxes, grating accents, i could go on
obviously it's just the contrast in severity is weird
Asian birds and cats tbqh
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I'm from the south and I have literally never heard of that in my life.
hey paco
make everything home made me
got my shirt on
oh you got your shirt on well done
The Southern US is absurdly comfy, especially the bits where there aren't too many blacks
and I bet you'll deny the existence of koolaid pickles too
top marks
is social media harmful or do people just need self control?
Sharks don't know that beans on toast exists
i did say i never actually ordered anything but the delivery guy said my address
it's the neighbour's fault for not double checking
You have no idea what you’re talking about

Be quiet
my poos are home made
reckon a shark would love a donner kebab
I'm crunching the numbers
mad how she's actually married to a black man and cucked him for some inmate
me chinese me play joke
i've been through 99% white parts of the deep south where the gas stations have leaded gasoline and everyone still thinks Bill Clinton is president
touch base with me later about it
Yes it's simply not possible for people to have travelled to places other than where they currently live
*Gets dragged out of Sea Life Mooloolaba gripping a half-emptied tin of spaghetti*
So you can confirm that they are indeed comfy
I think americans have the prettiest accents as long as it isn't the generic one
apparently the writer of Deliverance based it on events that happened to him irl but the hillbilly's actually helped him instead of raping him
ah yes the "generic" US accent
I've got the british accent
idk comfy is the word i would use, but they're certainly unique. they're like liminal spaces, places that shouldn't exist on paper yet still do in spite of modernity
Educated yanks and canucks tend to sound the same, similar to middle class Australians
i like this thread but sometimes just too fast. cant even have a conversation. people just spamming inane shit like morons.
i meant vaguely californian youtuber accents, but i'm not very good at explaining it. it's lovely when people have a genuinely strong accent, be it appalachian, boston, new york, southern, whatever. same applies for anywhere.
yankified australians are still very audibly australian
for me? it's the Central Midland American English dialect
There are two distinct types of southern whites.
>the hillbilly/redneck type
They're cool
>the other type
effeminate pussies with gay accents who hate racism and sexism and only vote Republican because they are slavish golems of Israel, basically they're just a different flavor of shitlib retards and they're fat cucks with no soul or personality, they probably have approximately the same testosterone level as some limp wristed commie retard from Seattle, and the same mediocre IQ too
it's better when it's fast, there's a good banterful energy about it but it hardly ever goes fast now
my cousin married a yank bird from georgia. i really love her accent
The steers and the queers, as it were
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American English is a rich tapestry of dialects
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I have a philly accent
Seaside mark irish diaspora nigger adjacent behaviour
Live in a university town and one of the funniest things I've seen was a preschool aged kid bantering his yank mum for how she pronounced "can't"
rent free
cared enough to reply
I don't follow but I also have autism and struggle with eye contact

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