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>about 500 application in all EU countries
>9 interviews 8 German speaking countries
wtf is happening in the EU? and why are Germans economies doing well?
*9 interviews 8 IN German speaking countries
Make your shitty countries better instead of comming to Europe. If there was an anonymous referendum about sending all nafris back to your shitholes 95% of Europeans would say yes.

And your fat homosexual king is the first one that should not be allowed to come to Europe because of the intentional damage he is doing sending your shitty people.
Hitler was probably right
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I wonder what they can expect
>If there was an anonymous referendum about sending all nafris back to your shitholes 95% of Europeans would say yes.

there will never be because you are ruled by them
PLEASE come to France
Germany should be made into an open air prison camp and all the nafroids and turks littering Europe should be left there
Please GO to France
it's not possible coz ur economy needs us, you just dont make babies anymore
oh GOD, how are they so good, I wish I was Algerian
I don't speak baguette
>People doesn't reproduce at a high level, therefore let's replace it with shit
Anon are ok?
at least we're not speaking germ-ack
fuck europeans gon do
>economy needs people who don't work
sorry, but that's what evolution is all about, you either spread your shit or go extinct
they will work and pay taxes after 20 years or so
a significant portion of your country pays rent to Germans by earning money by sucking cock
>And your fat homosexual king is the first one that should not be allowed to come to Europe because of the intentional damage he is doing sending your shitty people.
But enough about spain
That is my experience as well. Germany is the most responsive country and willing to sponsor visas.
I noped the fuck out of it when I say how completely ridden with brown "people" , niggers and pajeets their cities were tho.
I want to escape this shithole to get away from them, not living among them. At least here I have way better purchasing power with what I earn.
The Netherlands is also very responsive, but fuck living in an artificial flatland with no forest and getting mogged by 6'6 aryan chads. (I'm White btw)
Subhuman kufr should not reproduce anyway
Wallah we work more than europeans we also fuck their wives because they are degenerate who fuck each others instead
nafris are barely above replacement levels in their own country dude (and tunisians are already below replacement)
and the nafris in the west are below replacement level
Bro, our gypsies go to Germany
Everyone else is smart enough to pick Switzerland over your Turkish skat hole
drug-dealing is not work
I love Germany, they really will issue you a Visa if you have the skills to take the job instead of waiting few weeks/months until someone with a German visa/work permit appears, the dutch require dutch language, same for the good part of Belgium
Racist argument we do all of the hard work europe kuft are too pussy to do
>economies need nafris to steal phones and live off gibs
do the hard work in your own country then, it's obvious you don't like Europeans
i have no idea why nafris come here when they obviously hate it here, pure masochism
france steal our ressources and coup our countries. We are staying and your country will pay for its colonial crimes whether you like it or not.
This lie is repeated 500x a day but it's still a lie, Algeria is at 2.89, Morocco 2.33, Libya 2.46, Egypt 2.92, dont worry about nafri tfr worry about italy 1.25 and spain 1.19 kek

also a lie as only 12% are unemployed the other 88% are paying for french pensions and bringing in taxes

so you're admitting that your presence is a punishment to the French people?
No just like the umayyad conquerors we bring actual good food ,medicine, engineering and Islam to their shitholes. They just owe us reparations and have a debt to pay.
What so you wanna work as, train operator?
> Algeria is at 2.89
more like 2.6, 2.7 at best, definitely not that far away from being below replacement
>Morocco 2.33
that's barely above replacement you need 2.1 at least to be above replacement
and i noticed you didn't mention tunisia, conveniently that sits at 1.9
in the west nafris are all below replacement

i don't consider libyans and egyptians nafris
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Electro-Mechanical Engineering monkey ^_^
Do you actually have a degree that’s not just a signature in exchange for a goat? Iirc 2022/2023 they tried to import nafris to work as train operators but then it turned out most of those nafris don’t have any kind of degree and they just started doing welfare lol
why would you abandon your country and people just to be in this shithole you hate ?
if i was in a country i despise i would just go home

you're north african, not sub-saharan african.
also, you guys should pay for the razzia and slavery of black africans according to you
You should go to France instead they love Nafris there
Clearly, we are too racist or something
there aren't 8 German-speaking countries in the world, bro
I dunno how they did it, I have a degree, and official work experience certificate including my current company details which can be verified in the official state database, and barely can get some attention
I'm don't like French language
Because you destroyed and loot DZ. It is your fault if it is poor in the first place.
We have more rights to be here than you.
Razzia and slavery was done by whites, you are spouting racist memes once again.
would my american university education be recognized in the EU?
German universities only produce half as many electrical engineers a year as they are electrical engineers retiring.
1.9 is what each european country wished they had.
>our gypsies go to Germany
You mean your entire country?
My gypsy cleaning lady's entire family is in Germany. Thank you for this service
>you evil white demon destroy DZ n shiet
then rebuild it instead of betraying your people and country. It's not my fault you guys were weaker and got invaded
>Razzia and slavery done by whites
both nafris and whites did slavery, razzia was done by moors and berbers (you)
Why don’t you stay in Morocco tho? Germany is an oldtroon shithole, after tax and inflation you probably make around the same money in your own country with a younger population. You could probably get a good looking German gf tho, they Date even the ugliest muslims for some reason
Why does she look like she saw her first BBC?
No problem ;)
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you just don't know how bad this place is mate. and I cannot probably describe it since it's not something abstract or something you have a previous experience of, it would b e like explaining how sex feels to incel
Moroccans made it that way bro
Least racist "white" macaco
I've lived in third world countries before and it always starts off so cool and fun and then you have to do the SMALLEST interaction with any sort of public service (be it utilities, immigration etc) and you instantly realize why everyone wants to leave. Plus job market
One young mechanical engineer is worth 10 boomers
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>write 1 application after 4 years NEET
>excuse the 4 years in CV with "time for improvement"
>receive inventation for job interview
>day of interview
>watched too much anime the night before and forgot the appointment
Bleib in deinem Dreckslochland, du nordafrikanischer Sandneger! Wir sind voll! Ausländer raus!!!
Für was hast du dich beworben? Habe jetzt auch eine Zeit geneetet und möchte jetzt wieder arbeiten. Habe aber Angst, dass ich nur Mindestlohnjobs bekommen könnte.
it is not possible to change anything in the country for a common man

you can dislike foreigners all you want but put that make your country better aside
für mittleres Management sucht allewo. Wär 1 60.000 Brutto Job gewesen aber naja
okay but it's still below replacement level
Where are you going to work?
Fr? Good choice. Been thinking the same after I’ve seen some ads to work there as nurse/boomer careworker.
Fuck off we're full.
Go to francistan with your african brothers.
nafrimuzzies stay the fuck away from Europe
imagine being grown man and actually typing this shit
it tells way too much about your life
it was a funny hire, didn't believe it was happening 1st, speaking a bit of AR, EN, FR, DE, and Basic Spanish was a huge boost desu
nothing personal kiddo, I may invite you to my place to discuss Kant, read Berserk, and why not have SEX. let's be frens
I'm not a mudslim, I'm a non religious cunt, and I love Kantian moral system
What did they think of you talking Arabic?
Algerian numbah #1!
What did they win?
nothing really, I was just asked if I worked or have any problem working with people of different ethnicities, religions, and stuff
you were born one and you stay one.
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stop being so mean to me anon, or I'll start crying
Well done, you said it better than I could.
Are you a tranny too?
I'm your mummy's daddy you bloody Jewish cunt
Maybe stop posting tranny chainsawman character then dumbfuck
>>9 interviews 8 German speaking countries
There is no way there are 8 german speaking countries, ur making shit up
Germany Austria Switzerland Belgium Lichtenstein Luxemburg that's 9
How old are you
>I want to escape this shithole to get away from them, not living among them.
i have the exactly same feeling, also if you're middle class in Brazil you probably see less of them in daily basics than the average euro who lives in big cities.

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